Special “It’s Mayday in America!” Edition

Header-May 1(Mayday)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Black May Day in America, Everybody!

image004 - CopyHurley the Historian says May 1 is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the celebrations.

image007 - CopyIt’s also International Workers’ Day, known as Labour Day in some places. It’s a celebration of laborers and the working classes promoted by the international labor movement, anarchists, socialists, and communists. Wasn’t Communism the leading ideological cause of death in the 20th Century, killing 94 million people?

May Day in the Soviet Union (and surely in Putin’s coming world) was celebrated with massive rallies on Red Square during the days of the Soviet Union as a commemoration of labor.

image008Red posters glorifying the working man were carried aloft past members of the Soviet Politburo, the unelected leaders of the state, who stood atop  the mausoleum housing the body of the Russian revolutionary and the first Soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin.  Huge parades showing the Soviet Union’s military might were a centerpiece. Of course, on May 1, 1986 under Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev’s direct order the May Day parade in Kyiv took place despite Chornobyl’s radiation filling the air.  As the children marched past the reviewing stands they found them nearly empty – the party bosses had fled.  Don’t believe Gorbachev’s reinvented history.

image010In Obama’s Racially Divided America, May Day 2015 is just another 24-hour period for Kneepad Liberals in the Press to promote their Bogus Black Revolution, like Thursday’s media-orchestrated “protest” at the Hamilton County Courthouse organized by #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap to stand in solidarity with all those thugs setting Baltimore ablaze, since Liberals declare those Poor Misunderstood Black Yoofs should be allowed to loot and burn because their made-up rage is a legitimate response.

Curiously, there was no mention of by local Kneepad Liberals of the most recent Black-on-Black Murder in the Killing Fields of Over-the-Rhine, that took place at 14th and Vine Streets, just this past week.

         More Unbiased News later
