Special “Superintendent Suspense” E-dition

Header-April 25 Superintendent Suspense

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Suspense is Simply Unbelievable

image004All Saturday morning, everybody’s been sexting and texting The Blower, trying to find out the latest information about Superintendent’s Scandal while they’re watching the Countdown Clock at the lower right hand corner of the Whistleblower web page continue to click off the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until 7 PM on Monday.

That’s when Board Members at the Forrest Gump School District (Forest Heis, M.D.; Randy Smith; Jim Frooman; Julie Bissinger; and Tony Hemmelgarn) will finally emerge from executive hiding to attempt to cover their asses for hiring Scandal-plagued Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson in the first place, as well as last year’s illegal campaign for the Humongous $103 million Forrest Gump School District Tax Hike that will really cost dumbed-down voters $170 million.

Local news outlets are looking for on-the-record comments for corroboration, and School Board Members are counting on people to be afraid to comment, while keeping their own mouths shut.

image007Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen has the latest Poll Results about who thinks “Smiling Dallas” should be fired:

 image005Township Trustees: 3 “Yes,” 0 “No.”

image005Forest Gump Teachers:  31 yes, all the rest refused to answer for fear of losing their jobs if Jackson doesn’t get fired if they did answer yes like they want to. 

image005School District Administrators:  25 yes, 2 no, the rest just looking to get out of the Jackson hell hole ASAP. 

image005School Board:  Results unavailable until hell freezes over. 

image005Over-Taxpayers:  Can we just have our money back? 

image005Voters:  Can we just have our votes back?

image005Obviously, “Smiling Dallas” Jackson (no relation to Anderson Trustee “In Russ We Trust” Jackson), should never have been hired in the first place and all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, should never have passed last year’s last year’s Tax Hike Scam.  

But even after all those Whistleblowers, dozens of newscasts and newspaper articles, hundreds of texts, tweets, e-mails, The Blower is still wondering what it’ll take to make these Gumpsters show some Gumption and stop putting the community through all of this madness.

