Special “Fools in Schools” E-dition

Header-April 24 Fools in Schools

Friday, April 24, 2015

It May Be Arbor Day in Anderson, Everybody…

image004…and everybody will be expecting to see members of the Park Board hanging in the trees at Johnson Hills Park Saturday morning after that greedy group got caught trying to run a tax levy scam asking over-taxed payers to cough-up $25 Million to purchase and renovate property costing less than $9 Million, but over at The Blower, The Countdown Clock at the lower right hand corner of the web page was clicking off the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until 7 PM on Monday, when Board Members at the Forrest Gump School District (Forest Heis, M.D.; Randy Smith; Jim Frooman; Julie Bissinger; and Tony Hemmelgarn) will emerge from executive hiding to attempt to cover their asses for hiring Scandal-plagued Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson in the first place, as well as last year’s illegal campaign for the Humongous $103 million Forrest Gump School District Tax Hike that will really cost dumbed-down voters $170 million.

image007On Monday’s “Turnabout” episode of Magnum P.I., 45244, Magnum finds his client, the school board president, has been protecting for months the superintendent the president hired Magnum to investigate. Hilarity ensues when the president offers the excuse that “Spring Break got in the way.” Magnum asks “And January, and February, and March?” The president answers, “and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and all those other days.”

Tom Selleck comments in TV Guide this week: “The writers are doing an awesome job with this story line. Ratings are through the roof.” Meanwhile, the network has announced a spinoff starring the superintendent and board character Jim Fubar. The series will be called “The Oddest Couple.”


Another Suburban Sorehead contacted The Blower with the following question:

image010“How about running some news about the mis-represented Northwest School District levy? Their road signs don’t say anything about this being a school district bond issue. This is what the signs say. “NORTHWEST BUILDING THE COMMUNITY VOTE YES MAY 5TH” As a resident of Colerain Township, I’m offended by this deception. I remember Darryl Parks telling everybody, ‘if you vote for a school levy, you’re stupid.’ ”

The Blower did some exhaustive investigating and learned the Northwest Local School District, which includes Colerain Township, does indeed have a bond levy on the May 5 ballot. The Blower is sure that a bond levy is the primary means by which school districts try to raise funds to construct buildings when requesting a “Yes” vote from the over-taxed payers. Even a graduate of the Failed Cincinnati Publik Skools can understand that. Since The Blower doesn’t endorse, we leave it up to the intelligence of our readership to cast its votes accordingly.

Meanwhile, with the May primary less than two weeks away, endorsement season has started at Republicans for Higher Taxes. They urge you to vote against the Northwest School District levy because it is a reduction in the tax rate. By voting yes, you are consenting to their management philosophy of doing more with less. They believe the only way to fix this problem is to vote down the levy then demand that the School Board provide the higher taxes that the residents deserve.


Finally, Imagine Having To Look At This Every Time You Walk the Hallway at Cincinnati State


Actually, it is located just outside the Financial Aid office (how appropriate).
Instead of putting a picture of Santa Claus outside the Financial Aid office, Odell decided on the next best thing. This shrine has been in place next to the lobby at Cincinnati State since Obama’s first election. We’re looking for a follow-up display on just what Obama has accomplished in his near seven years in office. That display could be reduced to the size of a matchbox.

More Fools in Schools News Later
