Daily Archives: April 12, 2015

Special “Tax Procrastination” E-dition

Header April 12-Tax Procrastination

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Three Quick Fixes

         image005Disingenuous DemocRATS and Obama-and-Hillary Supporters in the Press may still be blaming President Bush for everything that’s ever gone wrong in America since the Battle of Bunker Hill, but Wednesday will still be your dreaded TAX DAY and The Blower will now once again offer our three common-sense suggestions to fix the  entire tax-and-spending mess that America has become:

image006No withholding. No phony refunds. If folks had to write really big checks on TAX DAY, they’d actually know how much they’re paying.

image006Until we have a simple flat tax without all that paperwork, over-paid Congressmen should be forced to fill out every one of their constituents’ tax forms for free.

image006Hold EVERY election on TAX DAY!

         image009We wonder if “Bronze Star Brad” Wenschmidt or any of those Latter-Day Anti-Taxers you heard speaking three years ago at the Cincinnati TEA Party’s big Tax Day Rally on Fountain Square could ever come up with something as simple as this. If they did, what a wonderful world it would be.

You can read more earth-shattering news coming up in The Whistleblower’s Monday “The Tax Man Cometh” E-dition.
