Special “Politically Correct Persecution” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

More Liberal Hypocrisy

image005 - CopyIndiana Bureau Chief Hoosier Daddy says last week, Republican Governor Mike Pence signed a Homophobic Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law that protects people who live their daily lives according to their faith against government discrimination. Tuesday, Arkansas legislators, ignoring the deafening cry from Sodomy Rites supporters, finished approving their own Homophobic Religious Freedom Restoration Act but Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson did a real “Portman” and is now refusing to sign because his “progressive” son signed the petition asking me to veto the bill.” Did anybody at Tuesday night’s Anderson TEA Party Patriots meeting wonder why Ohio doesn’t have a Homophobic Religious Freedom Restoration Act? Where is Pro-Life/ Pro-Gun/ Limited Government/ Lower Taxes State Rep-tile John Becker when we really need him?

Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski spoke out Tuesday against the hypocrisy of the left with its unwarranted and ill-informed attacks on Indiana and Religious Freedom.  Zawistowski said “The media knows, and the facts prove, that the largest group being discriminated against in America today are Christians and Jews.  Not Muslims, not blacks, not gays – Christians and Jews. They are being unfairly stereotyped as haters and bigots and the source of discrimination in America. They are being forced out of our schools, our government and our universities by anti-American extremists on the left. It is Muslims who discriminate against women and gays, it is blacks who’s hate for white police officers are being stoked by fabricated untruths about Ferguson and other cases, it is gays who want to force their life style on Christians and take away their First Amendment right to Religious Freedom. We applaud the Indiana Legislature and Governor for defending Religious Freedom because it is under attack.”

image009image007 - CopyTHE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says despite concerns that such laws could lead to discrimination against gays and lesbians, voters also continue to strongly defend the right of a Christian photographer to turn down a same-sex wedding, and many also believe the media portray religious freedom laws unfairly.

And in a stunning betrayal of voters and the GOP platform, Ohio RINO Senator Rob “Fighting for Same-Sex Global Warming” Portman continued his attack on marriage, family, and state’s rights by joining ten other RINOs in the U.S. Senate, voting that the federal government should trump state laws on marriage and force states to bow to the Left’s definition. Citizens for Community Morals President Phil Burr-Ass said, “That was the last straw for Portman. It was A Straw too far!”

And CCV’s Charlie Hassle was on Scott Sloan’s WLW Hate Radio Program Tuesday discussing Religious Freedom and the absolute ridiculousness of “dudes” like Chris Squealbach who claim gays are being discriminated against in the 19 other states and by the federal government because of the RFRA bill like Indiana passed as Cincinnati celebrated a “Transgender Freakout Day of Visibility.” Our City Hall Snitch says at the Plum Street Playpen, the Liberal Lunatics have clearly taken over the asylum.

Meanwhile, Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin wonders what would be better for Cincinnati’s citizens and over-taxed payers than having a private corporation, “whose primary legal duty is to maximize profit for its shareholders,” running the Stupid Streetcar. Stu says, “It’s called CUT OUR DAMN LOSSES!”

image009image008 - Copy24 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town) Edition #44, which came out on April 1, 1991, was our First Annual Sincere Apology Issue.

image010 - CopyOur Top Ten List was the things for which we felt we had to apologize.

In “Real Editorials by the Publisher,” Charles Foster Kane swore his apologies on a stack of Bibles. 

Insider that edition we featured “Great Apologies in History.”

Our “Other Apologies” ran more than five pages of small type. 

And in Northern Kentucky, we had to apologize to young Eric Deters, and that was even before we started calling him “Crazy.”


image009LIZ ROGERS USES THE OLD “REPO MAN STOLE MY MONEY” DEFENSE: Deadbeat Liz Rogers, whose latest charge was impersonating a police officer, had a scheduled criminal court appearance on Tuesday in Butler County. Of course, you know Liz would be saying everything was all the fault of the unfortunate tow truck driver who tried to tow her repo-eligible Mercedes at the United Dairy Farmers in West Chester.  You know nothing is ever Deadbeat Liz’s fault.  Maybe she combined her lies and claimed the Repo Man was also the person who embezzled $80,000 from her now-closed Mahogany restaurant?  Or blame it on the weather? Was either Cincinnati city manager mope Harry Black or Diminutive DemocRAT mayor John Cranley, who love to throw over-taxed payers’ money at Liz, on hand Tuesday to show their immoral support?

image009AND ANGRY ANDERSONIANS WERE ALSO WONDERING what Monday’s Secret Meeting of the Forrest Gump School Board to consider the purchase of property for public purposes was all about? Or was it just another meeting in violation of the Sunshine Law?

image009image012 - CopyRACIAL HEALING UPDATE: The Fishwrap successfully promoted “Obama’s Once You Go Black You’ll Never Go Back” Interracial Dating after Jarred Evans was found not guilty of an assault charge on Monday. The Black UC Quarterback had punched out a white guy after Jarred and his White girlfriend were walking along a Clifton street as bars were closing and heard some racist remarks from a group of drunks. Evans remains suspended from the football team pending review from the UC administration.

image009IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Tuesday night, Our Late Night TV Jokewatcher really like Conan O’Brien’s “A Kentucky woman has been arrested for giving a 1-year-old child beer and rum. She broke the Kentucky rule — never mix beer and liquor.”

image009YESTERDAY, WE FINALLY HEARD ABOUT “Tax Freedom Day 2015,” the date Americans must work to pay the nation’s tax burden, would not finally arrive until April 24 in 2015, including federal, state, and local individual income taxes (43 days), Payroll taxes (26 days), sales and excise taxes (15 days), corporate income taxes (12 days), and property taxes (11 days). The remaining seven days are spent paying estate and inheritance taxes, customs duties, and other taxes.

Tax Freedom Day 2015 is three days later than last year, and The Blower wonders how many days were required just to pay for Obama’s travel to golf outings and DemocRAT fund-raisers.

image009image014 - CopyFINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about yesterday’s Judeo-Christian update on the celebration of tomorrow’s Passover Seder on Good Friday. “It will be a Progressive Seder,” Kane explained, “The first part will be conducted in by my next door neighbor Archbishop Dennis Schnurr at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, and when sundown arrives at exactly 8:04 PM, I’ll personally conduct the Seder across Plum Street at Isaac M. Wise Temple.”  Kane was reportedly a part-time Rabbinic scholar in that story ages ago by Fritz Wenzel (when the president of Wenzel Strategies was but a mere political columnist for the Toledo Blade)

image055Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “Liberal Fascists.”

image031 Another Proud Sponsor and Avid Fan

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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our April fund-raising drive by our gay-owned Chris’ Squealbakery, which despite Cincinnati’s anti-discrimination laws, refuses to make vile-and-disgusting “Traditional Wedding Cakes” with a man and a woman fornicating on top.



e-mail your politically correct outrages tonight. 


Some Ridiculous PC Items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Ridiculous PC subscribers.


Whistleblower Video of the Day
Liberals Explain Gay Marriage

image019(Sent in by Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Charles Tassell [674 Friends, 96 Mutual Friends], who says he’s not a homophobe, but he is willing to learn.)

image021 Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.


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