Special “Veterans Day Reflections” E-dition

Thursday, November 13, 2014   

Turkey Contest Update

  • image005At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why Ohio Senator Rob “Fighting for Fagellas” Portman had suddenly been included as a “favorite” in The Blower’s 2014 Whistleblower Turkey of the Year Contest (sponsored by Dummy’s Restaurant). The deadline for nominations is next Friday. Possibly it’s because USA Today reported the National Organization for Marriage said Monday it will oppose the Ohio Republican if he runs for re-election or seeks the presidency, since Portman became the first prominent GOP senator in 2013 to declare his support for gay marriage, when he said he had a change of heart because his son came out as gay.
  • In a related story, CitizenLink Reports Ohio’s Legislature, other state officeholders and its congressional representation just turned strongly more conservative. That means more support for issues such as life, marriage and religious freedom. Stuart Shepard got the inside scoop of how that change was brought about. You’ll want to hear his enlightening conversation with Charles Tassell, vice president of government and public policy at Citizens for Community Values Action. [SEE IT HERE]
  • IN COLUMBUS, Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski would like to dispute Wednesday’s “vote” for Speaker of the Ohio House. The announcement cames after the Ohio Republican Party controlled House Majority announce that Cliff Rosenberger had been “elected” in a secret ballot “vote” by the 65 Republican House Members who will be serving for the next two years, including those who were just elected a week ago.

Zawistowski explained the reason for the challenge, “While it may be convenient for the Ohio Republican House Caucus to try to call what happened a “vote,” the fact is what happened was nothing more than a “straw poll” and is in no way legally binding on anyone.

  • image008GAY NEWS UPDATE: Meanwhile, Cincinnati Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback (who’s been called a bit of a “Gobbler” from time to time) wants everybody to see the City’s Domestic Partner Registry Information Page. At least it’s not that vile-and-disgusting Bathroom Access Bill being floated in Cleveland! If that political perversion passes anybody will be able to use any bathroom for any reason. If you see a women you like going into a public bathroom, just follow her in!  Even if she’s is a little girl. Now let’s see what happens when men even accidently enter women’s restrooms.
  • image010TURKEY NOMINEE PG SITTEN-SPIN was on WLW Hate Radio Draft Dodger-in-Residence Willie Cunningham’s show and whining about the 2/3 of the city residents who didn’t vote. How unfair it was that they now don’t have a voice. Sounds like he’s running for another office and not city clowncil, since he already registered domain names including sittenfeldforgovernor.com,sittenfeldforsenate.com, pgforsenate.com, sittenfeldforamerica.com, sittenfeldforohio.com, and pgforohio.com. Coincidence? We think not!

Is PG cluelss? Our Compassionate Conservative was at a gathering in Hyde Park, and PG came to the door with his father and mingled with the crowd. PG asked people how they knew the host and then he was asked how he knew the host and hostess. The clueless PG and his father were at the wrong house. The house he was invited to was a few doors up the street, but PG still asked for donations for his latest campaigns before he left.

  • image012POST-TRIAL JURY TAMPERING UPDATE: The third Black juror in Convicted Ditzy DemocRAT Juvie Judge Traci Hunter’s criminal trial now wants to recant her guilty verdict. Kimberly Whitehead swore on a stack of Bibles (in an affidavit notarized by Judge Traci’s attorney Clyde Bennett II) that she was pressured by the White forewoman. Judge Nick Nadel says, “Tune in to my hearing at 10 AM this morning being Livestreamed at cincinnati.com.”
  • image012IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says every House and Senate in the South is now controlled by the GOP except one—guess which? HINT: It isn’t a “Senate” and it meets in Frankfort.  

Also the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting says our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders’  tactic of using quasi-official stationery — complete with the seal of Kentucky — to send former grand jurors an endorsement of his assistant in a circuit court judge’s race didn’t pan out. Sanders’ assistant, James Redwine, received only 41% of the vote for the vacant 1st Division Circuit Court judgeship in Kentucky’s third most-populous county. Donning the robe will be Kathleen Lape, a private practitioner who had scored the highest in a September poll of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association. She drew 59% of the vote. [READ MORE HERE]  

Let the firings begin: Last Thursday, Kenton County Judge Executive-elect Kris Knochelman fired two long time county officials who had combined experience of over forty years. The Directors of public works and of fleet management departments were both fired because of “Reorganization.” Knochelmann said it was not because the two were supporters of current Judge Steve Arlinghaus, but Knochelmann also said a lot of things during his campaign against Arlinghaus during the primary election, so what can you believe?  (Before you have Knochelmann’s company, Schneller Heating and Air, come in to your home you might want to consider how truthful and honest he really is.)

  • image014TODAY’S “LIBERALS SAY THE STUPIDEST THINGS” AWARD goes to ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber, for admitting “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass. I wish … we could make it all transparent. But I’d rather have this law than not.” Unfortunately, what Gruber grumbled was totally true.

Do you remember when the Obama Administration and Deceitful DemocRATS were bragging about buffoon as an honest broker and a disinterested academic? You probably don’t, but then you also probably didn’t know he Professor Gruber got $400,000 from the Obama Admistration for “services rendered” and attended piles of meetings at the White House, including at least one by Obama himself in the Oval Office. We bet you didn’t know that either.

Ohio First District Congressman Steve Chabothead says, “We all suspected that the Obama Administration was lying to the American people when they pushed the so-called Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) through Congress.  Now we know that suspicion was true. [READ MORE HERE]

image009If you’re trying to catch up with Revered Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen these days, he spoke Monday at Regent University with Seal Team 6 Member Robert O’Neill who killed Bin Laden.  He arrived at CVG Tuesday evening and thumbed his way home. Wednesday he showed up at the Southern State University board meeting in Washington Court House. Today he’ll be off to Dallas to speak at a conference of state legislators, along with 2016 GOP Presidential hopefuls Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Then it’s off to Rome to meet with the Pope with Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese next Tuesday at the Vatican. For a guy who’s not running for anything, McEwen sure does a lot of traveling.

  • image015HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington. Obama can hardly wait until the next government shutdown so he can close it down again. Hurley also says even Obama Supporters will be stunned if Obama refuses to attend the 151st Anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address next Wednesday. After all, it was more important for Obama to bow to the Chinese leader wearing his latest Chinese pajamas in Beijing, even if he had to miss laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Veterans Day here in the U.S. of A. 
  • OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose “Freedom is never free” by an unknown author.
  • image030YESTERDAY, LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHERS liked David Letterman’s “Today is Veterans Day. Thank you to all our men and women who have served the United States armed forces. In honor of Veterans Day we are marching out a few jokes that have already served” and Craig Ferguson’s “It’s Veterans Day, when we honor everyone who served in all of the campaigns. We honor them with dignity and respect and of course mattress sales and tire discounts.”
  • SPEAKING OF PATRIOTIC: Veterans at last year’s Veterans Day Dinner at the Anderson Center were so gratified reading all those hand-written thank-you notes from those cute little area elementary school children, organizers wanted to see if some of the high school honor students at Anderson and Turpin could show how much they’ve learned during their years of education in the Forrst Gump School System.

 image024A Turpin Sophomore wrote: “Thank you for your service to our countrie. I always think of you when I look at the flag. Have a great day. Happy veteran’s day.” —Sincerely, Melissa; An Anderson Junior wrote: “Thank you for serving our country. We are thankfull for your service. Thanks for being brave. Happy Veterans Day. —Your Friend, Zack”; And our Turpin Valedictorian wrote” Thank you for your service to this country. Your service let me and my firneds go for to school. I have freedom because of you. You made a commitment to let people be free and be able to vote. I thank you for your service. —Sincerely, Grace.” 94-year-old A.J. Hammond, the oldest veteran in attendance, says, “Grace will go far. She really knows how to suck up.”

image023image019Note: the reason all of these hand-written letters were printed is because cursive is no longer taught in the Forrest Gump School District, where dumbed-down voters just approved that humongous $103 million Tax Hike Scam (that will really cost $170 million on top of the thousands of dollars in school taxes property owners are already paying), thanks in part to Anderson Township Trustee Josh Gerth, who was seen shilling for tax-and-spenders in this video, and Anderson TEA Party Guy Andy Pappas whose name was included in that full-page ad of Tax Scam Supporters. Both Gerth and Pappas have been nominated by Real Republicans for the 2014 Whistleblower Turkey of the Year Contest (sponsored by Dummy’s Restaurant).

  • image017FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about his personal patriotic message on Veterans Day.

No, it wasn’t just by driving the bus on the First Annual Veterans Day Grub Crawl, where Anderson Veterans could visit every one of the 48 area restaurants offering Free Food for Veterans, but our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher tried to send a patriotic message to the hate-America crowd by hanging a large American flag above his driveway.

Others Kane wanted to send a message to included rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, half-wits, dim-wits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, horn-swagglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank-robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists.

image023REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.

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image020Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our November fund-raising drive by the Dummy’s Restaurant, home of the “Breakfast of Losers.”


image022e-mail your noxious nominees today.

Some really turkey neck items today’s Blower were sent in by our equally really turkey neck subscribers.

Whistleblower Video of the Day

Sneakin’ In To The USA

Published on Sep 19, 2014 Rusty Humphries says It’s Time for The USA to Get Involved. It’s Time To Take Back America.

image023Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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