Special “Snitches and Bitches” E-dition

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

More Local Political News

  • image005 - CopyWHISTLEBLOWER 2014 FALL INTERNS JOSIE, ZACK, BRYAN, AND MITCHELL say 23 years ago, when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town, Issue # 74 published on October 29, 1991 included the Top Ten Reasons to stay home on Election Day. See how the more things change, the more they change the same. To See that entire Edition, CLICK HERE.
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1929 the Stock Market crashed, and Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes reminds readers in case they haven’t figured it out, the Obama Recession won’t be over till it’s over.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Ronald Reagan’s, “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
  • TODAY’S “LIBERALS SAY THE STUPIDEST THINGS” AWARD goes to Obama’s Doofus Vice President Joe Biden, who fueled 2016 Speculation when he said, “Put Me In, Coach, I’m Ready To Play.”
  • OUR ASTUTE POLITICAL ANALYST says City Manager Black and Mayor Cranley want to divvy up the City’s $18 Million surplus. Isn’t it funny how the mayor wants to stop funding programs that help people pay their heat, but his wife’s new program was announced last Friday and Surprise, surprise, a program called Cradle Cincinnati is budgeted to receive $250,000 out of the city surplus!
  • OUR COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE says Little Lord Mayor Cranley wants to help the poor by lowering the poverty rate. He is taking funds from “Keep Cincinnati Beautiful” and “People Helping Cooperatively” to fund “Hand’s Up” by $1.4 million.

 image009 - CopyKeep Cincinnati Beautiful is losing $185,000, which is all the funding for its “green and clean” program in which workers paint boarded-up houses and take care of vacant lots. It will be shit-canned. Our Compassionate Conservative says take those poor “who want to work” and have pay them to clean the vacant lots their neighbor’s litter with trash, tires, used needles and condoms. $185,000 @ $10-per- hour for 40 hours a week 462 poor people could work for a week. $400 could be blown in a few hours at the casino. Why spend it on food when there are food stamps and free breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and food for the week-end from the schools. The Blower remembers when a corpse was found in a “Keep Cincinnati Beautiful” banner.

People Working Cooperatively, which does home repairs to help low-income elderly and veterans stay in their homes, is set to lose $150,000 – 8% of its block grant money. That means 300 people could have to go without heat or hot water this winter, the agency says.

The $150,000 that is used to help pay to repair homes of the veterans and low income folks would pay 375 people $10-per-hour for 40 hours that they could blow on fast food, the casino, and lottery tickets. No way would they spend it on fixing their homes or coats for their kids.

Groundwork Cincinnati/Mill Creek, a small nonprofit dedicated to cleaning up the Mill Creek, is losing all its block grant money – $78,000. It needs the money as leverage for a larger grant that is paying for an under-construction bike path that serves low-income neighborhoods like Lower Price Hill, Millvale, and South Cumminsville. Why provide bike trails, along the Mill Creek, when the poor would have to steal bikes to use it. Would it be disingenuous to think the poor would feel left-out when they see others riding bikes? And what about giving the $1.4 Million back to the over-taxed payers? Our Sarcastic Sage says maybe Over-taxed Payers would like the city to be beautiful with bike trails they can enjoy on their week-ends off from working to support all those dead beats.

And speaking of charities, one would think that money donated to the Ursulines of Cincinnati would be used for the Ursuline schools and care of their nuns. The DePaul Cristo Rey High School received a donation between $10,000- $19,999 from The Usulines of Cincinnati. Charity starts at home. In December, when The Ursulines send out their envelopes looking for a donation, how many people will pitch them, because as they seem to have enough to give away.

The Indigent Hospital Care Levy doesn’t say whether it covers Illegal Immigrants and other Ebola carriers from outside Hamilton County. When Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS passed ObamaCare so we could find out what was in it, everyone was to be insured! Free medical services for the poor.  Why are we paying for Indigent Care on a levy and also for ObamaCare?  This is being over taxed double time!

  • image011 - CopyDEMOCRAT GAINS IN HAMILTON COUNTY: While DemocRATS across America fear epic losses of seats up and down the ballot their local brethren are salivating over the prospect of gaining seats in Hamilton County.  Demo-Labor Party Chairman Tim Burka is said to become a national hero by picking up at least one judgeship and a state board of education seat, in addition to keeping the 28th House District– yet again.

Deep down, Tim knows he owes it all to the laziness and incompetence of the team at Club 700 that his good friend Alex Triantafilou has assembled. If it weren’t for the mediocre lawyer, the former NYC DemocRAT operative, the Junior Leaguer-wannabe fund-raisier, and the office manager who “conveniently” leaves key events off the Chairman’s calendar to make other people look bad, then Tim would be suffering epic defeats along with his DemocRAT brothers across the US of A.

  • image012 - CopyWHISTLEBLOWER FREEBIE GOURMET MARTIN UPCHUCK says John Robert Cavel plans on opening a casual restaurant in The Edgecliff. Freebie says he’d go if John Robert promises to wash his hair and wear a hair net! 
  • FREE CHOW FOR VETERANS: Draft Dodger Bill Cunningham says Freeloaders Pretending to be Veterans can pig out on City Barbeque at the Anderson Center at 5 PM on Veterans Day. Seating is limited, so call 688-8421 to reserve your spot.   
  • image014 - CopyWENSTRUP’S WORLD: If all this time you thought Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s opponent wasn’t doing anything during his campaign season except putting his campaign signs illegally in the public rights-of-way, he did at least ask “What If All The Things Brad Voted For Actually Happened?”

Fred Kundrata, “Bronze Star Brad’s” opponent in the 2012 GOP Primary, might be the most clueless candidate in recent memory. He actually thinks this time the voters of the First District are just begging to vote for a “Pro life Catholic DemocRAT” because we all know what happened last time they made that mistake!

  • EMPOWER U is offering members an opportunity to visit with a member of The Fishwrap’s Idiotorial Board to find out how to get publicity for their organizations. Why would The Feckless Fishwrap send somebody to speak at Empower U, anyway? It probably didn’t hurt when the Empower U guy put his name on a guest column talking about all that wonderfulness of the Union Terminal during the campaign.
  • DISGRUNTLED DEMOCRATS are still complaining about how The Fishwrap endorses better qualified Republicans, but at least Discarded DemocRATS get to submit a guest column as a lovely parting gift from their campaign.

Callers to da Buzz said the Dems need to dump Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka because he doesn’t endorse candidates who can win!

  • image015 - CopyNOW WHO YOU GONNA CALL? Yesterday, when Judge Leslie Isaiah Gaines (shown here with two lesser lights in the Firmament of Jurisprudence) became a Good DemocRAT after God revoked his license, Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters issued the following statement: “Les was a great lawyer, a great judge and a wonderful friend.  He had the most incredible presence in the courtroom that I have ever seen.  I will miss him very much.  God bless him.” But do you think The Old Jaywalker would eulogize Clyde Bennett in the same way these days? And our own Linda Libel says, for Christ’s sake, now that Leslie Isaiah Gaines is a-mouldering in his grave, who am I going to call, when I need him.”
  • FORREST GUMP SCHOOLS OCTOBER SURPRISE # 792: Angry Andersonians didn’t see a “traditional disclaimer” showing who had actually paid for that blatant 12-page four-color advertisement for Issue 4 they received in their mailboxes six days before the Election. What they did see was “A publication from the Forest Hills School District serving Anderson Township and the Village of Newtown.” Could it be that the costly advertisement for more funding from the over-taxed payers was actually paid for by those same over-taxed payers? COAST’s Avaricious Attorney Chris Finney never seems to be around when you really need him, does he?

image016 - CopyMonday, Avaricious was celebrating Judge Michael Barrett’s ruling that bars the Ohio Elections Commission from enforcing the state’s false claims statute on Tweets, even if those 140-character messages include false political information. That law would ban political lies in campaigns, along with lies in Letters to Editors by School Officials by “Smiling Dallas” Jackson, Superintendent of the Forrest Gump School District, who called out Blower Babe Elizabeth Baker Spokesperson for “A Better Way for Forest Hills” for daring to stand in the way of his insatiable appetite for more of your over-taxed payers money. Imagine his surprise when Elizabeth showed up at Monday night’s School Board Meeting to refute him.

  • image017 - CopyOUR SOREHEAD IN THE SUBURBS says voters so often think elections are meaningless. People, to get elected, say one thing and quickly do another. Look at the people who run for office.  It’s the same people over and over. David Pepper, Mike Dewhine, Charlie Luken. Same names, different elected offices. What crappy choices we have. Sorehead said to his wife after voting a few years ago as they walked out of the church where they vote at, “That was like eating a turd.”

image019 - CopyWith that said, voters focus on the candidates, when in reality it’s the issues that are important.  Issues directly affect a person’s wallet and wealth.  I’d guess the voters rarely give much thought to the endless tax issues that come up for a vote, but they sure know what career politician they want to elect to another office in the November popularity contests.  

Take the tax for the stadiums, for example.  Charge a user fee on each ticket sold.  How many people at the Bungals’ game on Sunday were from Hamilton County?  20% maybe?  Why is it people from Warren, Clermont, or Kenton counties get to use the stadiums for free when someone who owns property in Hamilton County gets to pay for the stadia and then gets to pay again when they buy tickets. Those stadiums draw people regionally and over state lines.

The same reasoning can be used for the museum tax issue.  Charge a user fee on tickets if you want to keep the building from leaking.  Just like every other city’s train station, the building was obsolete a few years after it opened.  It’s only a matter of time before the Slave Museum starts leaking and we’ll be guilted into fixing that too!

Or how about the renewal levies that “won’t raise taxes.”  True.  But, if they’re defeated it would lower taxes. 

This Forrest Gump School Board’s $103 million Tax Hike Scam that will really cost those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, $170 million on top of the thousands of dollars in school taxes property owners are already paying is a freaking joke.

Now here’s a picture of the TEA Party endorsed candidate’s front yard.  He has since taken down all these signs, but the sign supporting the school tax hike scam is still up. He may be a great Republican for the party, but, he’s a RINO for the over-taxed payers of Anderson.

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  • image022 - CopyVETERINARIAN DOCTOR JOHN PIEHOWICZ says, “Please add me to your e-mail list. When I was campaigning for Anderson Township Trustee last year, you left me relatively alone and now I know why. I am more Conservative (even though I am a DemocRAT) than Josh Gerth or Andy Pappas. I guess that where I grew up their were two types of DemocRATS- Conservative and Moderates. All you have to do is see my anti-levy signs placed (provided courtesy of Scott Doyle) to realize that, even though I am married to a public school teacher, I will not blindly support any school levy nor tax increase. I wonder if Gerth’s support for the levy is a response to Anne Zimmerman’s support for his campaign. Remember her daughter was a school board member.  Plus, one must wonder why taxpayers spent tens of thousands of dollars on landscaping in front of Zimmerman’s building on Five Mile and allowed her big sign when no-one else is allowed a sign like that. Pay-to-play is alive and well in Anderson. Maybe Gerth is more of a DemocRAT than I am.” Veterinarian

image024The Forrest Gump School District isn’t the only local school district where voters object to Property Tax Hike Scams. Folks in Winton Woods are also Voting “NO.”

  • IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo’s snitches have been on special assignment covering the craziness over in Campbell County.  There have been several debates and most of them by the IBANK group.  We really can’t determine what in the hell this group does, but it seems to be a business group run by some not-so business people. They may even have Steve “I’m not really 5′, am I?” Megerle as their lawyer.  Sources close to this group say they were doing debates to promote their TEA Party candidate Charlie Coach (the size of a roach) Coleman.  This gets funny because now you have a candidate who is running with “Nutsy” from Massie’s office. Here’s the scoop- in the debate last week, ole coach stated he did not have a plan for heroin and seemed to get off center when challenged by others on stage, including his opponent.  Because it was IBANK, our sources say he was not asked why he promised jail employees $500,000 in benefits or why he sued the jail and how much that frivolous law suit has cost over-taxed payers.  Debate attendees we heard asking if he was sure he was a Republican.  They then asked the same about Painter when he said there should be a county wage set to keep people off drugs.  There’s a real drug czar for ya, huh?  We see a trend here and will follow these guys for more funny stuff. Meanwhile, it was reported that Brian “Mr. Excitement” Painter sent his last mailer that shows his boobies. Maybe we should just change his nickname to “Nipples.”

image026 - CopyThere was a big article on MSN.com recently about police agencies receiving military items for free. In Kenton County, word is Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl received weapons and Hummers that he had to return because he is not a “law enforcement agency.” Terry says, “If keeping criminals in jail isn’t an important part of ‘Law Enforcement,’ I don’t know what is.

It seems that Northern Kentucky Police and Fire Officials have expressed concern over the Kenton County Dispatch Center. Reportedly: Officers are not getting notified of calls in a timely manner and are getting complaints when they get on the scene. They are also not being notified if there have been prior trouble calls to where they are being dispatched. Also, officer concerns have been sent to all of the members of the Kenton County Fiscally Irresponsible Court, but to no avail.

Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says following two deadly incidents in Canada that appear terrorist related, U.S. voters feel more strongly that radical Islamic terrorism is a threat to this country but also acknowledge overwhelmingly that not all so-called “lone wolf” attacks can be prevented. The Blower is still waiting to hear some comment from The Council on American-Islamic Board Chairwoman who lives in Erlanger.

image027 - CopyBluegrass State Senator Chris McDaniel’s name appears in the Kentucky that October 22 Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting’s  expose about “A Powerful Nursing Home Owner and a Push For Medical Review Panels in Kentucky.” The thrust of the story was that instead of dealing with incompetent nursing homes that are killing or hurting people, Republican senators are jumping into bed with them — one cash-dispensing one in particular — and making victims or their survivors go through an extra hoop to be compensated. Haven’t there been some nursing homes in NoKy. where people were badly neglected and had to be moved out? McDaniel won a four-year state Senate term in 2012 and won’t be up for re-election until 2016. BUT, he was recently named running mate for James Comer’s bid for governor in 2015. Comer and Hal Heiner will meet in the Republican primary next spring.

image029And did you see where that “handyman” wants Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders to pay after the handyman’s photo accidentally appeared in the Robster’s Award Winning Weekly Electronic Newsletter The Blower has been promoting for years? Now it seems the Dissociated Press can’t even plagiarize The Fishwrap’s inaccurate article correctly, so the lies and distorted versions of the truth have become even more incorrect and misleading. Even if this lawsuit doesn’t get tossed thanks to his attorney’s own screw ups, the guy’s claiming lost wages from a job he’s yet to prove he ever had in the first place. 

  • image031OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKE WATCHER liked David Letterman’s “Halloween is Friday. I love Halloween. You open the door, and there are strangers in masks. Good idea.”

Except Friday night in Fort Mitchell at Miss Vicki Annual Halloween Party, where The Blower is sponsoring a “Most Offensive Halloween Costume Contest” again this year. Word is neither Crazy Deters nor the infamous Nichole Howl has been invited. That’s really a shame, because according to Whistleblower’s Halloween Video put together from those guys at “Not the Fishwrap,” they already have their costumes. [SEE THAT VIDEO HERE]

  • image032FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher about the most important things we’ve learned from this year’s elections. “We can’t stress too often,” Kane explained, that Voters need to find out how much those Humongous Tax Hike Scams are really costing them. “Say what you will about our Double-Dipping DemocRAT Hamilton County Auditor (and we will), but before anybody votes for or against a tax increase, he should always check out the Auditor’s Web Site Here (http://www.hamiltoncountyauditor.org/), image034Click on the “Property Search” box on the left near the top, Click on “Owner” or “Street Address” to find your property, Click on “Levy Info” and you’ll see how much This Tax Increase will cost you EACH YEAR for the next 32.5 years. Then go to your Summary Page and Click on “Taxes Paid” to see the amount of School Taxes YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING, SUCKERS!”

         image042Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “Smiling Dallas” Jackson, who still claims not to be related to Anderson Trustee President, “In Russ We Trust” Jackson.




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image041Sent in by the Crypt keeper down in the basement at the Whistleblower Archives.

image042Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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