Special “Ebola Czar” E-dition

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Another Great Obama Choice— The Mind Boggles!

  • image005On Tuesday, when The Blower reported GOP Senile Senator John McRINO’s call for an “Ebola Czar,” Photo-Shop Editorial Spoofer Edward Cropper showed us McRINO’s choice. But on Friday, Obama announced Ron Klain would be his “Ebola Response Coordinator,” not exactly his “Czar.” Now all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, will really be impressed. But you should see this guy’s resume. Klain’s previous claim to fame was helping Obama prepare for presidential debates, is not particularly encouraging, either. But things could be worse. He could’ve put Cincinnati City Clowncil in charge.
  • ANOTHER ITEM IN THE CINCINNATI MESS (You Only Read About in The Blower): Soooooo, here’s the latest saga from the hallowed halls of the FOP from our FOP snitch!

In 2011, our very own FOP Queen City Lodge #69, led by the very honest and trustworthy police officer Kathy Harrell shown here with equally honest and trustworthy image008bid for the 61st FOP national convention to be held in Cincinnati.  (Kathy is shown here with Diana Frey (left), a former friend who is now serving more than four years in federal prison for stealing $750,000 from the Cincinnati Organized and Dedicated Employees union.) The effort was quite successful and the national conference was conducted in Cincinnati in August of 2013.  The conference drew thousands of police officers and their families from around the nation to the Greater Cincinnati region and had an economic impact estimated in the millions of dollars.  Now that’s something we all know draws a real interest from the very dishonest and untrustworthy president of our very own FOP Lodge #69 president, Kathy Harrell, $$$$$MONEY$$$$$!  Especially, money that belongs to someone else; like union money, if she can get her hands on it!

Our FOP snitch tells us the FOP national conference was expected to generate about $150,000 in revenue for the local FOP lodge #69, via registration fees and other money making efforts however, no money was realized by the lodge.  In fact, our snitch says the union realized substantial debt as a result of the conference.  About $50,000 in debt!  Some of the smarter lodge members even took the time to pull their heads out of the president’s ass long enough to ask the question, “Where’s the money?” 

With no answer available from the very dishonest and untrustworthy FOP president and police officer Kathy Harrell, the union board did the smart thing and demanded an independent audit of the proceedings.  Well, the results are in from the independent auditor and guess what?  Yep, you’ve guessed it correctly!  The union realized absolutely none of that expected $150,000 in revenue BUT, the local lodge did incur more than $50,000 in unexplained debt from the effort!  Hmmmm, that sounds like more than a $200,000 swing in the lodge’s revenue expectations and a whole bunch of union money has disappeared. What a SHOCKER!

No worry though!  Our very dishonest and untrustworthy FOP Lodge president and Cincinnati police officer, Kathy Harrell, took immediate action to cover her tracks and removed police sergeant Bill Halusek from his position as the lodge’s, 9th district “trustee” because he was one of the people in charge of bringing the conference to Cincinnati.  Now that’s some real effort at a remedy and really avoids true accountability for the person in charge of the local union lodge – the VERY HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY police officer and lodge president, Kathy Harrell.

I guess CODE should be happy because Kathy Harrell only got about $12,000 of their union money.  Interesting point here, Harrell was ordered by the court to pay back $25,000 plus the CODE union’s attorney fees as a result of a lawsuit to recover stolen union money from Kathy Harrell. I wonder how the VERY HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY police officer and lodge president Kathy Harrell will ever be able to satisfy that debt.  Our union snitch isn’t too worried about that concern though because the local union still has that lying thief serving as their president and serving our city as a police officer. 

By the way, the local FOP lodge has set its eyes on drawing the Ohio state FOP conference to Cincinnati in the near future.  Our snitch says the union’s thieving president Harrell really supports that effort and will do everything in her power to make it “profitable.”  But, for who, our snitch has been asking?  Everybody knows it’s always easier and much more fun to spend other people’s money! 

How do you spell corruption? H-A-R-R-E-L-L?

Or a much simpler spelling, F-O-P.

  •  image010SOMETIMES YOU CAN SEE SOME INTERESTING THINGS ON FACEBOOK: Take this recent exchange between Ultra-Liberal and Failed (Multiple Times) DemocRAT Judicial Candidate and Trial Lawyer Bruce Whitman and Feckless Fishwrapper KimBall Perry, for example:

Bruce Whitman· After sleeping on the Hunter verdict [I have concluded]:
1. The jury has spoken. From here forward, it is clear that a judge may not intercede in the administrative discipline of an employee, even if a family member. To do so is a criminal act, a felony.
2. The post verdict statements of Judge Nadel and Republican Party head Alex Triantafilou that Hunter was guilty of nepotism, incompetence, abusing her power, and of being a “bad Judge,” are troublesome because as one who has practiced there as a lawyer for many years, there may be other public officials at the Courthouse just as guilty of these or similar things formerly tolerated but now considered to be unethical or criminal.
3. We must now insist going forward that the Prosecutor, Kimball Perry and the Enquirer, Court Administrators and the Public Defender, and others working at the Courthouse being paid public dollars, give equal attention and dedication to exposing and pursuing justice against other public officials (including judges at all levels) who abuse their power, engage in nepotism, intercede in employment matters, delay rendering opinions, abuse county time and money to advance themselves and their political allies, backdate documents or other document maneuvers to make themselves look good, collect full time pay while working part time, and other practices that could be considered unethical or criminal.
4. In 8 of the 9 counts of the indictment, the jury could not reach a verdict. These include primarily the way Hunter used county credit cards and backdated entries. The defense position was that such practices are widespread and the policies vague, and produced evidence of this. It is time for the State or Justice Department to appoint an independent prosecutor to review these issues at the Courthouse and other similar issues like nepotism and other abuses of power. This prosecutor should have subpoena power, the power to give immunity, and open access to court records. Lets take this opportunity to open up the Courthouse for public inspection and bring any other wrongdoers to justice.

Kimball PerryJournalist Bruce, I’m always watching. I surely don’t remember you calling or emailing me to tell me about the vast corruption you see at the courthouse. I recall no other judges being INDICTED for charges like Hunter was. I recall no other judge being SUED — especially by so man,y vaired entites — like Hunter was. I recall no other judge facing a criminal trial like Hunter did. I’m quite tired of “let’s blame everyone else” defense. One person is responsible for all of this, the same person who could have made a huge difference in that court by asking for help, collaborating and following the law instead of kicking others out of a public elevator so she can ride it alone, berating employees who were trying to do their job and BREAKING THE LAW. I’ve written about several other judges and officials. Did you see my stories about Judges Ghiz and West (both Republicans), about then-Prosecutor Mike Allen (Republican), about then-Public Defender Sheila Kyle-Reno, about other lawyers who have experienced issues that have resulted in them being part of the justice system problem (criminals) instead of the solution? Please get your facts straight before you pass judgment on others.

Bruce Whitman Ok, fair enough. You do a job and most times, well. But, as the fishermen say, “it’s easy to catch a minnow with a net.” Also, not my job to investigate or inform you or anyone else. I’m not a special prosecutor on the taxpayers bill or Courthouse …See More

Kimball PerryJournalist Speak all you want. Accuse all you want. I wrote facts. You spew opinions. You know what opinions [are] like, right? We all have one.

  • image011TRIAL-WATCHING TROUBLEMAKER TINO DELGATO says if Tracie’s TOTAL “package” i.e. her first lawsuit to get a recount and her salary while on suspension are taken into account she takes a lead over Mahogany Liz. They both finish behind the Folly Trolley however for waste of taxpayers’ money. Go Figure!!!
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says since Tracie Hunter is now a convicted felon and will no longer sit on the bench, the appeals on two lawsuits against her for stuff she did on the bench that are sitting in front of the Ohio Supreme Court should be going away.  It looks like the opportunities for Firooz Namei and James “The Rock” Bogen to “further the Prosecutor’s objectives” and help the Hamilton County Commisioners piss away even more over-taxed payers’ dollars, are dwindling away. The Blower remembers when our Disgraced DemocRAT Ex-Judge said those attorneys which Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” forced her to accept were “ineffective.”    We also hear The Rock is devastated that he couldn’t get her registered as a sex offender while he was representing her.
  • IN CLERMONT COUNTY: At Wednesday’s Clermont County Central Committee meeting, state-reptile John Becker talked about erecting signs all over the district. Did he really say that he needs more erections in Love-land, now that Dildo World moved its headquarters to Downtown Cincinnati?
  • image012ANOTHER BECKER’S BITCHING: Wednesday, The Blower reported our Cincinnati TEA Party Princess Ann Becker had been kicked out of Ohio GOP Governor Kasich Taylor’s campaign rally in West Chester Township for looking evil and disruptive on Monday night. Thursday, our Blower Babe’s “Guest Column” telling the entire story appeared in The Fishwrap, at the same time it appeared on her own blog. Coincidence? We think not. Our Sarcastic Sage wonders if Ann’s guest column explaining the incident was actually written before it even happened. Perish the thought.
  • MADD MOTHERS say so what if the sheriff who enforces DUI laws has a liquor tasting event as a fund raiser?  We bet there weren’t any patrol cars waiting around the corner.  They were probably too busy staking out the watering holes of some Republican politicians in the townships.
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE: Social conservatives are targeting pro-gay marriage Republicans, not only in 2014 but also in 2016. This means you, President Portman!  
  • image014REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES applaud recent college grad Micah Kamrass for accepting a large campaign from the King of Sleaze Jerry Springer.  They hope Kamrass can contribute as much to Ohio’s future as Springer has to America’s.

They hope Kamrass can contribute as much to Ohio’s future as Springer has to America’s.

Kamrass is the Desperate Democrats’ Great White Hope for the party to remain relevant in the suburbs. The Feckless Fishwrappers won’t tolerate anyone supported by COAST and would rather support someone with backing from the likes of Jerry Springer, and another disgraced former attorney, $tan Che$ley along with the Rev Al Sharpton, who’s just plain disgraceful. How else could Skaggie Maggie’s All-Vagina Idiotorial Board justify its endorsement of such an untested unqualified candidate?  Here’s the Money Quote in Wednesday’s Whacky Endorsement: “We endorse Kamrass with more than the usual amount of enthusiasm. Not since P.G. Sittenfeld have we seen such a young candidate with as much poise and political intelligence.” No kidding, The Vagina really did write that, but P.G. refused to admit he begged her to say it.

IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders Ohio RINO Party members were not particularly amused with “John Kasich’s Ohio Heartbeat Bill” video published in Thursday’s Blower. Blower Babe Lovely Lori Viars says in case you want to know who’s responsible for all that Kasich bashing, at the end of the cartoon video, there’s a screen listing the 18 groups who sponsored it.  

  •  VIRAL AND VIVACIOUS: Just when you thought that now famous viral video of our Vivacious Vicky Zwissler could climb no higher, the Colbert Report said Yes to the Ad and aired it again. Colbert featured the ad this week and even came up with his own spin on it but Blower subscribers say it’s just not the same without Vivacious Vicky taking off those glasses and shaking her finger.

  •  image016IN ANDERSON: Amazingly, only one Person of Consequence cancelled her subscription yesterday after The Blower published Channel 9 Helicopter Reporter Dan Carroll’s photo of that vile-and-disgusting picture of a large penis for the third time that Turpin student we’ll call Mohammed got himself arrested for painting on the Anderson football field before last weekend’s big annual Anderson-Turpin football game. Maybe Rosemary was also offended by that equally vile-and-disgusting full-frontal nude photograph in Friday’s e-dition of Well-Known Penis Painter Mapplethorpe Tadwell, made famous in Cincinnati when Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center and its director, Dennis Barrie were found not guilty of pandering obscenity after Mapplethorpe’s “Perfect Penis” exhibit was shown in Cincinnati in 1990. But let’s face it, all those high and mighty Turpin High School and Nude Photographs have always sort of gone together. Doesn’t anybody remember Playboy Playmate/ Turpin Trollop Stephanie Heinrich?
  • image018LITTERING THE LANDSCAPE: And when is an illegally placed Forrest Gump School District tax hike yard sign in the public right of way not an illegally placed Forrest Gump School District tax hike yard sign in the public right away? Answer: When it says “Transformation,” whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. How deceptive is that, for the 75% of residents who pay taxes but don’t have kids in the schools. Those folks are smart enough to figure out their tax hikes will only be $144 for each $100K valuation of their houses.
  • image020LOONY LIBERTARIAN JIM BERNS was walking in Clifton today near University Hospital and noticed the Crappy Bicycle Rental Station.  So he took a picture and sent it to Cincinnati City Clown-cil, asking for Mel McVay, a senior city planner with the city of Cincinnati’s Department of Transportation & Engineering, to tell him how much money has come in since the bike rental stations have been installed and how many riders there have been. So far, Berns reports the answer to both questions is zero.
  • image021ABSENTEE BALLOT UPDATE: The latest information from the Hamilton County Board of Elections shows that not very many DemocRAT Vote Frauders have stood in line so far to vote early and often in the 2014 Elections, so to find something for all of her extra employees to do during the next 17 days, the BOE’s Sherry Poland asked if The Blower could publish its Top Ten Reasons to Vote Early in the 2014 Elections.
  1. No standing in long lines.
  2. No smelly old people at your polling place.
  3. If you die before the election, they’ll still count your vote
  4. You can support the US Post Office by using a 49-cent stamp to mail in your absentee ballot.
  5. No more TEA Party Patriots knocking on your door
  6. Chance to Google some last-minute information on candidates you never heard of
  7. You can ignore all those lying political commercials on TV.
  8. No more political junk mail.
  9. No more Robocalls.

          …and the Number one reason to vote early in the 2014Elections is…you can’t vote twice until you vote the first time.

  •  image022IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the latest of 17 e-mails from Alison Wondergams Grimes U.S. Senate Campaign was really worth waiting for. Claiming the momentum just keeps going, the campaign couldn’t wait to ask for another $5 donation while announcing that on the heels of an electrifying rally with Hillary on Wednesday, Disgraced Former Pants Dropper in Chief Bill Clinton would be once again joining Alison on the campaign trail.

Slick Willie Blow Job Jokes begin in five…four…three…two…one…

  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane was reminding the group of political insiders not to forget today was Sweetest Day. Hurley the Historian said everybody should’ve remembered, because it’s always celebrated on the third Saturday in October. image023Our Quote for Today Committee said we should’ve remembered Ogden Nash’s “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.” Boss’ Day, on the other hand, is a non-religious holiday celebrated on October 16. Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis asked would it be great if Sweetest Day and Boss’ Day fell on the same day, especially if your boss is gay? Our Good Friend Bobby Leach wanted to give that special someone a “Pearl Necklace,” if you know what we mean. [CHECK IT OUT HERE] And Kane said whatever you do, don’t remind them about that time Edgar Watson Howe said, “A woman is as old as she looks before breakfast.” And then the fight started.    


 image026Obama’s Inappropriately Named White House Spinner Josh “Earnest,” who explained to the White House Press Corpse, “We didn’t want an Ebola expert to serve as Obama’s Ebola Response Coordinator, because that would make too much sense.”  Ron Klain, who helped coach Obama for his presidential debates, has zero medical or health care experience. No wonder Republican Maryland Congressman Andy Harris slammed the decision on Twitter. “Worst Ebola epidemic in world history and Pres. Obama puts a government bureaucrat with no healthcare experience in charge. Is he serious?” Harris tweeted.


e-mail your romantic notions today.


Some really romantic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally really romantic subscribers.

More Romantic Sweetest Day E-Cards




image032(Sent in by Truth Revolt on Oct 17, 2014): A deadly epidemic is on the loose in America. It’s not an Ebola epidemic. It’s an epidemic of fear. In this must-see FIREWALL, Bill Whittle tells us not only that we should be optimistic, but WHY we should be optimistic, as well as what was done right, what was done wrong, and what needs to be done in the future.

image030Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

 This week’s report from The Patronage has been delayed, because Commissioners Pilfer, Filch, and Swindle are again breaking the Sunshine Law and are engaged in another illegal meeting where county business is being discussed.  Meanwhile, we bring you this Encore Presentation from The Whistleblower Archives.

 “Illegal Briefs” by James Jay Schifrin

image031Scandal reared its ugly head in Patronage County last week. Remember when Genius Maddchild was bludgeoned to death last year when he treid to dislodge Commissioner Swindle’s sticky fingers from the public coffers?

Well, Maddchild now claims that someone in his own organization may have sent Swindle his briefs the night before the Great Debate.

Swindle, as you may recall, upstaged Maddchild with innuendos about his underwear during the televise event. Maddchild broke down, became a blithering idiot, and wet himself in front of the live studio office. The rest is history.

“How else could Swindle have known about my Fruit of the Looms?” Maddchild sobbed at a recent press conference.

Swindle issued his standard denial of responsibility. But he did offer to cooperate fully with any reporter promising to say something nice about him.

Investigations uncovered the fact that Swindle’s illegitimate son had driven a county car to Maddchild;s office on the night in question.

“My son has his faults,” Swindle admitted,” But even he should have known the difference between a briefing book and a pair of jockey shorts with obscenities embroidered all over them.

When asked if he thought a mole could have been responsible, Maddchild said, “You might be right. My back yard’s full of them.”

image030This op-ed column first appeared in the feisty Mt. Washington Press personally edited by eminently renowned publisher Dennis Nichols on July 20, 1983.

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