Thursday, September 4
Think How Much Things Had Changed Since September, 2013
OBAMA WARRIOR PRESIDENT had not yet let loose the Dogs of War against Syria’s Brutal Dictator President Bashar Assad last September, because Obama was still trying to get Congress to help him save face after he had boxed himself in. Republican House Speaker John Boehner had again knuckled under to Obama, saying, “I’m going to support the president’s call for action, and I believe my colleagues should support the president’s call for action,” following a meeting of congressional leaders with the president at the White House.
- Deranged DemocRAT House Minority Leader Nutty Nancy Pelosi, who claimed she consulted her five-year-old grandson about whether to support attacking Syria, said, “Obama will bomb Syria even if Congress votes against it.
- Senile GOP Senator John McRINO defended arming the Syrian Rebels, guaranteeing those Al Qaeda Terrorists were “Moderates.”
- Black House DemocRAT Eleanor Holmes Norton said, “Dems will vote for Obama’s Syria Resolution out of Loyalty to Obama.” But Charlie Rangel said, “Obama’s call for war against Syria was an embarrassment.”
- And Doofus DemocRAT National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz said the U.S. would be bolstered with support from “dozens” of international allies if the United States makes military strikes against Syria, although she couldn’t name a single country.
- In the Tri-state, constituents were urging their local Congressmen to “Just Vote No,” because, as Pat Buchanan said, “An unapproved strike on Syria would be an “Impeachable Act.”
- The latest Pew Poll said Americans were opposed to attacking Syria by a massive 48% to 29% margin. In the Drudge Poll, only 82% were against this military madness.
- And the United States may not have been quite ready to go to war in the Middle East, but our Friends in Israel fired an upgraded Sparrow missile in the Mediterranean to test its anti-missile system, just to show how ready they were.
- And just to assure that his military was fully behind his latest adventure, our Warrior President decided all by himself to cut the scheduled military pay increase for this year in half, which worked out to only shorting our soldiers and sailors a mere $28,000 each for serving their country.
- DEBRA FROM ANDERSON said Obama’s so-called “limited action, shot across the bow” threat against Syria reminded her of Bluto’s and Otter’s memorable call to action in “Animal House”: “This situation absolutely requires a truly stupid and futile gesture on somebody’s part. And we’re just the guys to do it!”
REVERED FORMER CONGRESSMAN BOB MCEWEN said if he were still in Congress, here’s the speech he would’ve made last year:
The purpose of the United States military is to defend the security and freedom of the American people.
The reason the young patriots of our nation volunteer to put their lives on hold, put on the uniform of the United States and take up arms is to protect AMERICA from harm.
Muslims killing Muslims is not a new phenomenon. The success of the radical jihadist Muslim Brotherhood is, however, a new dynamic. Their hatred for civilization is three-tiered. Hatred for the “Great Satan” the United States of America; hatred for the “Little Satan,” the State of Israel; then hatred for any government that does not spend every waking moment trying to destroy the US and Israel.
Obama’s first speech abroad gathered the Muslim Brotherhood from across the world to his lecture in Cairo.[WATCH IT HERE] He pointedly snubbed his host the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, who had come to power as a result of the Muslim Brotherhood assassinating his predecessor and wounding Mubarak in an attempted coup. Mubarak refused to break relations with either the US or Israel and was ever thereafter a constant target of the Brotherhood.
After welcoming these vicious killers as legitimate actors, by his invitation to participate in his Cairo University visit, Barack Hussein Obama gave them the legitimacy and blessing of the United States. When their first revolution, since their formation in 1926, was successful in Tunisia, Obama and Clinton showered them with praise.
When their murderous rampages were unable to dislodge Khadafy in Benghazi and Libya, they (Obama and Clinton) sent in the United States Air Force to lift them to success.
When the Brotherhood sought to destroy Mubarak and Egypt, Hussein Obama was on the side of the Brotherhood. Immediately upon taking power in Cairo the Brotherhood announced its abrogation of the peace treaty with Israel and vowed its destruction. Obama immediately delivered an additional 240 of our very finest tanks, the Abrams M-1 and additional squadrons of the finest jet fighters in the world the F-18s. For these goodies the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi held off breaking relations with the US. After destroying churches and civil order for a year, the people of Egypt are seeking to restore order by restoring the government Barry and Hillary were so eager to upend.
Now, the Brotherhood is on a rampage in Syria. The death and destruction that the Brotherhood (and its allies, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc.) have wreaked upon Christians and Jews in the countries they now occupy has caused the over two million Christians in Syria to plead with John McCain, John Boehner, Nancy Pelozi and Harry Reed and their idiotic ilk in Congress to please not use the patriotic forces of the United States to further the evil cause of Iranian jihad by installing another America/Israel hating government in Damascus.
No doubt, his Limpness Mr. Boehner will do the bidding of Hussein Obama on this; just as he has blocked investigations of the treason in Benghazi, the treason of the IRS abusing TEA Party organizations, or any other embarrassment of the Obama regime.
After all, anyone who thinks the definition of a competent Congressman is “Mean Jean” Schmidt, has to have ambition way out ahead of patriotism.
Things Have Really Changed Since Last Year, Haven’t They?
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 476, Boorish Barbarians celebrated the Fall of Rome, but Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, said “It was all Bush’s fault” when he was deposed by Odoacer, depicted here with a Barbarian moustache, who proclaimed himself King of Italy.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Dr. Benjamin Carson’s: “The Roman Empire was very, very much like us. They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were. And after all of those things converged together, they just went right down the tubes very quickly.” Doctor Carson is a Black Republican many people wish had been elected president instead of Obama, and who by the way still has his medical license, unlike either Obama, or for that matter, his DemocRAT predecessor Clinton, all three of whom have managed to have their law licenses taken away.
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were discussing Obama’s New World Disorder, and asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if the old, pre-Obama postwar order could be rebuilt. In Tuesday’s National Review On-line, Victor Davis Hanson explained “it would require budgetary discipline, a visionary president, experienced national-security advisers, skillful diplomats, and a public that is informed and cares.”
“And there’s no chance in hell you will ever see any of that during the 868 Days of Dishonesty and Division for America remaining in the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached,” added Kane whose political views have often been characterized as “a little to the right of Attila the Hun.”
Guess whose landlord just told her, “Get The Fuck Outta Here!
Over-Taxed Troublemaker Tino Delgato says, “Gee where are Mayor Mallory and City manager Milt Dohoney when you really need them? This is classic Peter Principle in action. This business was doomed from the get go, It was under water financially, lacked quality management and did not have a product that had wide appeal for its location. Kind of like the Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center nearby. Go Figure!!!
And we’re sick of hearing all the crummy excuses of deadbeat Banks restaurant owner Liz Rogers about her not paying her bills because of other people picking on poor her.
Deadbeat Liz’s restaurant, Mahogany, was closed this past week for non-payment of Ohio state taxes due. Now her landlord NIC Riverbanks manager Jeffrey R. Anderson Co. has told her to leave the Banks, citing violations of her lease. Additionally, Liz didn’t pay her August rent. She is once again behind in her rent to the tune of $8,159.
Days ago, Liz’s lawyer called news sources, proclaiming her restaurant reopened on August 30 after the state had closed it, but surprise, surprise, that wasn’t true.
This latest move by her landlord will surely set off a new round of whining and blaming by Lizzie. Let’s see, she’s already blamed a phantom employee with embezzling $80,000, blamed last winter’s weather, and blamed city councilman Chris Smitherman for her woes. What entity will she blame now? Santa Claus?
Will The Fishwrap’s Sharon Coolidge now write another series of fawning boo-hoo articles praising Liz? Sharon, how about reporting the truth? Among other things, there was no embezzler, Sharon. How about getting that right?
Liz Rogers has a long history of not paying her bills before she even opened Mahogany in Cincinnati. Why should anyone be surprised? We weren’t. The city of Cincinnati gave her a million dollars and she hasn’t made the loan payments on the $300,000 loan part from the city since last November, 2013! The city doesn’t seem to care.
We have said all along Rogers would keep up her non-paying whining ways. We were right.
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our September fund-raising drive from Sergeant Slaughter’s Army Surplus Store in Florence Kentucky, featuring gas masks from Israel, the only nation in the world where every child must have his own gas mask.
e-mail your clear, unambiguous message today.
Some barbaric items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally barbaric subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.
Last Year’s Whistleblower Video of the Day
Obama Starts the Fire
Many Americans today feel a sense of dismay and horror as we see our country in a downward spiral; economically, morally, and politically. President Obama’s indifferent attitude and the continuous list of scandals and bad policy are leading the country to ruin. As an artist I am reminded of the old saying “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.” History believes that Nero himself may have set the great fire that burned a part of Rome during his leadership. Afterwards, he blamed it on the Christians who suffered great persecution under his rule. I see great similarities to what we are experiencing today. Obama fiddled, while the people witnessed the demise of America. Jon McNaughton
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.