Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Whistleblower Week in Review

  • OUR NUMBER ONE OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT STORY THIS WEEK is that nobody in Congress has officially moved to impeach Obama, but Sarah Palin and several conservative commentators have at least raised the idea publicly.


  • OUR NUMBER TWO OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT STORY THIS WEEK was when the DemocRAT National Committee began emailing a fundraising message titled “IMPEACHMENT UPDATES.” The Blower has only received three updates on Saturday (so far).


  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT STORY THIS WEEK image010was when The White House actually claimed to be worried about Obama’s Impeachment and some people said Obama was begging to be impeached. Republican Texas Congressman Steve Stockman even said, “He wants us to impeach him now, before the midterm election because his senior advisors believe that is the only chance the DemocRAT Party has to avoid a major electoral defeat. Evidently Obama believes impeachment could motivate the D-RATS to come out and vote.”

The Blower says putting the nation through the ordeal of impeachment would be drastic. But the framers of the Constitution designed impeachment to stop precisely what Obama has been doing for years: grabbing more power than the Constitution allows. So how many years has The Blower been talking about impeaching Obama anyway?

  • MONDAY in our Special “Focusing Like a Lazer” E-dition, The Blower asked, “So where are all the jobs?”

What Ordinary Americans Think About America’s Future

image011Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction. That’s the lowest finding since the beginning of December, and we now have only a little more than 15 weeks before the vital 2014 Mid-Term Elections. And during the remaining 913 Days of Dishonesty for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached, just thing how must lower the nation’s optimism might be. 

That’s why The Whistleblower rounded up some of our usual suspects. We found them still praying for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants at a candle-light vigil around the Peace Pole in Anderson Township Sunday morning. We just had to find out how many of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, were still on the wrong track under the Obama Administration.


  •  TUESDAY in our Official “Watching and Dithering”  E-dition, The Blower said, “Can you believe only 40% are still not sure Obama’s an American Citizen?” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

 Saturday, I really slammed Obama for sitting on the sidelines, “watching and dithering,” as five of the world’s worst crises are at play.Judge Jeanine Pirro

“The American people ought to be proud in terms of what this president has done in terms of peaceful diplomatic engagement.” —Obama’s Clueless Secretary of State John Kerry

Please don’t mention that even though Bill and I were dead broke in 2001 when we left the White House, I was on the over-taxed payers’ dime first as a New York Senator and followed that as Obama’s Secretary of State, and since I left that job a year ago I’ve eared $12 Million. —Hillary

What difference does that make? I’ve earned more than $100 Million since I left the White House. —Bill Clinton


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Urban League” E-dition,The Blower said, “It’s Just Another Wholly Owned DemocRAT Subsidiary!”

image014Belligerent Black Blogger Nate Livingston says race-baiters will all be watching to see if Joe Biden and Al Sharpton play the race card at the National Urban League Conference in Cincinnati on Thursday.

And do you think anybody will mention that Dayton Daily News report about how Ohio’s welfare rolls continue plunging toward historic lows, stemming in part from the failure of some program applicants and benefit recipients to comply with work-activity requirements.

At the same time, if our Good Friend Frank Weikel were still doing his “Talk of the Town” Column (that used to be published six-days-per week in The Enquirer before it became The Morning Fishwrap), his take on last week’s Judge Mallory incident would probably be: “DARTS TO THE DEPUTY FOR NOT ARRESTING THE JUDGE FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT…”     


  • THURSDAY, in our Special “Heat Alert” E-dition,The Blower advised, “Just don’t stand too close to a politician!

image015The National Urban League Conference is in Cincinnati to talk about jobs in U.S. cities this week, and think of the hot air all those politicians are bringing with them. Obama’s Doofus Vice President Joe Biden, Kentucky DemocRAT Steve Beshear and Republican Senator Rand Paul are among the headliners. Need we say more? Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus and DemocRAT Party counterpart Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida will be spinning and grinning. And PMSNBC Commentator Al Sharpton will provide the Race-Baiting.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ronald Reagan’s “Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.”

image017That means 8,000 more Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, will be in town this week. Do you think all of them will be lining up for Soul Food at Liz Rogers’ Mahogany Restaurant? How far behind is Liz on her rent and payments to the City these days anyway? 

Urban League president Marc Morial claims the National Urban League is bi-partisan. No kidding. They’re not really a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DemocRAT Party. Just like the NAALCP, which held its 2008 bi-partisan convention in Cincinnati.


  • FRIDAY, in our “Just Another Guest Column E-dition, The Blower explained, “But It’s Still the Same Old BS!”

Now Let’s Meet Today’s Guest Editor:

image018Why, it’s none other than Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livini, who said, “I have four words to say about the decision of the UN human rights council – ‘SEE IF I CARE!” Whistleblower Language Expert Berlitz Tadwell translates the rest of Tzipi’s message: “We will keep on making decisions for the safety of Israeli citizens according to our moral compass, the IDF will fight the terror and keep on doing the most to avoid harming innocents, and you [written plural] will keep on encouraging the terror – because that is exactly what your decision is doing.”

Tzipi Livni served as a lieutenant in the elite Mossad unit of the Israel Defense Forces responsible for Operation Wrath of God (also known as Bayonet) in the 1980s. [She resigned from the IDF in August 1983 to marry and finish her law studies, and our Quote for Today Committee chose Ms. Livini’s: “The Palestinians will have to commit to dismantle the terror organizations, collect illegal arms and carry out security reforms, … Israel will keep the major settlement blocks, and Jerusalem will remain unified.”

That’s why The Blower was honored to choose the Feisty Israeli Justice Minister to be this week’s guest editor and choose three Middle East Updates plus some Gaza-Israel One Liners for today’s E-dition from our Current Cadre of Conservative Columnists and Contributors.


  • SATURDAY in our Special “More Marvelous Muckraking”” E-dition, The Blower said, “Here’s how it all began!” 

image019At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane said he is never surprised when Political Insiders ask about The Blower’s latest exclusive report, but Kane was surprised, however, when one of our more recent Political Insiders in attendance asked about the first time our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher “Blew the Whistle” on a really deserving public official.

image020Hurley the Historian was ready with a full report, because every day since November 4, 1992, The Whistleblower Newswire has been turning over rocks and shining the light of truth underneath so you could see the vermin squirming.

image021Unlike today, Kane used to get a lot of well-deservedcoverage in the local press for his Marvelous Muckraking. Our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher was even asked to present the Annual Whistleblower Professional Journalism Awards to members of the Queen City Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists at that group’s August 15, 1991 meeting.

But that actually wasn’t the beginning. A decade before that, when Ronald Reagan was running for president, Kane did media advance work for The Gipper during the early primaries. Later on that year, Kane exposed then-GOP Hamilton County Commissioner Norman Murdock for operating an illegal Republican group out of the courthouse.

image023Nearly thirty-four years ago, a picture of the check from Stormin’ Norman’s “Committee to Elect Republicans” bearing the Hamilton County Courthouse address of “1000 Main Street” on the front-page of the Sunday paper on August 10, 1980, and legendary political reporter Bob Weston’s award-winning expose (“Republican Group Alleged to Work from County Office”) was just the beginning.


The Libtard Show With Dixon Diaz


The Feck Starts Here

  • image026OUR FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: sent us an unsigned e-mail last week asking The Blower to join their Advisory Reader Panel because…wait for it… “Our opinion matters.” No kidding. That’s what it said. This week, The Fishwrap’s Mark Curnutte gave Obama’s Doofus Vice President Joe Biden a blow job in print along with his picture on the front page of Friday’s print edition for telling all those lies about the wonderfulness of Obama’s Economy to Dumbed-Down Black DemocRATS at the National Urban League Conference in Cincinnati. Of course, Curnutte failed to report that when Biden told all those Obama-loving DemocRATS who were there to hear about finding jobs for Black people during the Age of Obama when Black Unemployment is twice as high as it is for whites, that Biden was looking to the future and retirement and wishing he had a Republican son – to help pay for his retirement home.”

Curnette also forgot to mention that sorry sight: Police cars, with flashing lights, on the Lunken trail and police riding bikes in anticipation of Biden’s arrival. Michelle Obama would not approve of average Americans being sent home from their evening bike/dog walk/ and jogging on the trails around Lunken just because the shinny toothed goofy VP needed some security.

  • image028COLUMBUS CORRUPTION: With the Ohio State Legislature in recess until “after the general election,” shouldn’t all Ohioans ask their representatives and senators why there is no session in September and October, like there has been since the legislature went “full time?” If it is full time and they take off five months, is there any pay cut? And what exactly are they planning to sneak past the citizenry in a Lame Duck session? How many bad bills do they have teed up? Too bad this would never be covered in the Feckless Fishwrap!

Overheard in Anderson, Defeated State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg commented that he was glad there is a lame duck session scheduled because he has a lot of votes to make to pay back donations from some very unhappy supporters! Meanwhile back in the ‘hood, Stevecia Reece is still stinging after being “snubbed,” by the Urban League and The Fishwrap!

  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Will Rogers’ “Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for!”
  • image029ALSO IN OHIO: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says if an Ohio State Core Class teaching Christians are dumber than atheists? An online quiz from the school’s Psychology 1100 class, provided to Campus Reform via tip, asked students to pick which scenario they found most likely given that “Theo has an IQ of 100 and Aine has an IQ of 125.” The correct answer? “Aine is an atheist, while Theo is a Christian.”

Meanwhile, Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski says a coalition of powerful conservative leaders, led by the TEA Party Patriots Citizens Fund, is demanding that Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus censure RNC committeeman Henry Barbour for his role in racially incendiary appeals to DemocRAT voters that voting for Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) was a means of helping stop the TEA Party. Didn’t Portman’s PAC support that too?

  • image031DEATH PENALTY UPDATE: Our Compassionate Conservative says since they’re having so much trouble carrying out the death penalty in Ohio and Arizona, why don’t they just hire Michael Jackson’s doctor to do the job. He seems to be quite successful, and he’s out of jail now and available.
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE: By next week this time, Iditorial writers throughout the 6th District (which includes Ohio an Kentucky) will be raving about how the 6th district should uphold Judge Tim “Wackjob” Black’s judicial re-legislation of marriage. There will be protests and events with as much lewd activity as any Gay Day Parade. Meanwhile, those wacky folks over at Citizens for Community Values are encouraging folks to call Four Days of Prayer for Marriage (August 3-6) on a “higher power” in the privacy of their churches: something about the First amendment and Rights being alien…must be an immigration thing!
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1953, an armistice was signed, bringing the Korean War to an end, and Defeatist DemocRATS in Congress began demanding an immediate withdrawal of all American troops from the Korean peninsula. How’d that ever work out anyway? (Figures released by the US Department of Defense show that over 28,500 US soldiers are currently stationed in South Korea.)
  • image033THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says some of America’s attention has shifted overseas in recent days, but major problems persist on the home front. 67% of voters now think the United States is a more divided nation than it was four years ago, and Republicans are the most eager to do something about it at the ballot box.
  • WARNER BUSINESS CLASS CUSTOMERS were advised in July that starting next month, customers will be ripped off for $7.50 per phone line for a “Federal Subscriber Line Charge,” and Regulatory Recovery Fees will increase by 1.11% of customers’ applicable phone charges. The Federal Subscriber Line charge is supposedly an FCC regulated fee allowing local phone providers to recover some of the cost of local network facilities used to serve their customers. Is this just for Warner Business Class Customers, or will everybody have to pay it?


  • image035OUR CITY HALL SNITCH says Clowncil-gay Chris Squealback nearly went apoplectic when he heard Mayor Cranley wouldn’t throw open the city to child immigrants, like San Francisco! Will he really bring in a motion in at the next Clowncil Meeting? We’re sure his motives for bringing in a whole group of unattended nubile minors to town is really idealistic.

image036Isn’t it ironic that Guatemalans and Hondurans are paying coyotes $3,000 to $5,000 apiece to jump the border and the average Americans savings account is only $3,800.00? Maybe border jumping is a better investment than Proctor and Gamble.

But Ohio has already received 360 illegal immigrant children (Indiana got 245 and Kentucky got 237) and on Thursday, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio announced it applied for a Health and Human Services grant that would allow 50-100 immigrant children to come to Cincinnati.

  • CONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN predicts 50-100 illegal immigrant children will probably invade Cincinnati, And yet another swarm of Federal agents has been out finding “sponsors” — parents, relatives, or family friends — for these illegals? Hey! I’ve got oceanfront property right here on Observatory Avenue for sale. Bring someone from the City who can sign off on your Over-taxed Payer loan.
  • DEADBEAT DEMOCRATS: And did you see that piece in Friday’s Fishwrap about people who are defaulting on their Cincinnati city loans, in addition to “Ms. Braids” of Mahogany restaurant. The Fishwrap quotes Jeff McIlravy, the city’s interim director of economic development, who bloviated about why the city hasn’t done anything about these scofflaws.

On July 6, The Blower, said: Word is when McIlravy does manage to roll out of bed, he shows up a couple of days a week at 11:00 am and leaves his post for the day at 1:00 pm. McIlravy’s the guy who recently gave GE the best corporate deal ever, insuring the city will get nothing whatsoever from the deal. He let GE write the terms. He couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed, you see.

  • image037THE CINCINNATI STENCH: Besides another obvious liberal “save the earth” scheme gone bad, look how much $$$ the over-taxed payers will be on the hook for. Not to mention that the city STILL has a director of environmental quality with a stated mission of reducing the city’s carbon footprint……. Meanwhile the lawlessness continues unabated in Avondale/Bondhill/OvertheRhine.

As the smell from compost piles will get worse before it gets better. [See that TV 5 Story Here]  

  • mr snitchCH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says nothing the Hamilton County GOP does, other than their efforts to elect Republican candidates, is lamer than the Annual East Side West Side Challenge. This is nothing but a money grab to pay outlandish salaries for Alex and his staff. It’s outlandish because if they were paid on merit they would have to pay the party to be there. Recently the Annual West Side Challenge invitation arrived. It lists a few folks not too embarrassed to be called TRUE WESTSIDERS, all 12 of them. Curious one is Commissioner Chris Monzel. What high school did Monzel attend? Moeller. Curious also is Jodie Leis George. Where does she live? Well presumably in Symmes township, since she is a Township trustee there. Symmes is actually further east than Moeller High School. It only gets sadder so we will not go on. But if you do go and Alex thanks you for being there, he means it, since you are paying for his salary to turn Hamilton County bluer every day.

Speaking of the West Side, which West Side officials bailed on the mandatory fundraiser by Rep. Teher and his lovely CommonCore supporting wife Debe? And how many pounds has Ohio Auditor Yost lost since starting this campaign?

  • REDS’ NO-MENTUM: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy Furball says all week (before Johnny Cueto threw seven shutout innings on Saturday, while Brayan Pena’s RBI and Aroldis Chapman’s four-out save helped halt a 7-game skid 1-0, Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather kept asking what the Reds’ longest losing streak was. FurBall says, “Seven games didn’t even come close. The Reds lost 19 games in a row, 100 years ago in 1914. Hurley the Historian says he also does sports.
  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES is celebrating its seventh year. Together, with the Hamilton County RINO Party, that group has built its movement from a tiny blog that nobody read at first into the most powerful force in Hamilton County politics. RFHT’s allies are in elected offices throughout the county, and every year they find new taxes to jack up. Its impact has been enormous and they’re only getting stronger.
  • IN ANDERSON: The Anderson Township Republican Club is still trying to find volunteers to staff its booth at Anderson Daze this weekend. The event is open between 5-10 PM on Sunday night, and volunteers are needed between 5-10 PM, plus a clean-up detail after 10 PM.

image039Corbly Clough says everybody was planning to watch PMSNBC’s is an hour-long special about the Marcus Fiesel tragedy this Saturday and the Anderson park District staff and commissioners were working overtime to think of a way to exploit that poor little kid’s death one more time. This was perfectly timed with the Anderson Daze festival and The Blower was expecting the park district booth to have many reasons why you should give even more money in memory of the poor little kid.

Perhaps the Anderson Park District could take lessons from Alex T. “Mall Cop” GOP, who has already begun to exploit his role in the Marcus Feisel case with bragging over how he confiscated the equivalent of someone’s “lunch money” to pay for the massive search and rescue effort. Predictably, Alex T. remains silent over the massive sales tax increase being foisted upon us by Republican County Commissioner Greg Hartmann for all of his rich money bag contributors. Once again, AlexT shows us what true leadership is; NOT.

Meanwhile, the Forrest Gump Board of Education has voted to jack up your taxes with a bond issue and permanent improvement tax levy on the November ballot. Superintendent Dallas Jackson said this would only cost the owner of a $100,000 home an ADDITIONAL $173.25 a year. How many of those $100,000 homes do they have in Anderson anyway?

  • image041IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says next weekend the Fancy Farm Picnic where all those Bluegrass Politicians get together every year to attack each other. U.S. Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell will be conducting the Republican’s War on Women against his Ditzy DemocRAT Opponent, Alison Wondergams Grimes. But The Blower will be there to cover “Honest” Gil Fulbrightwho’s launching his U.S. Senate campaign at the annual Fancy Farm Picnic even though he won’t actually appear on the ballot — and even though he’s not even a real person.

The CamBoozler also wonders how many INCHES is it from Downtown Cincinnati to the airport. The Mallory Trolley Folly is costing between $6,500 and $7,000 an inch, so to know the construction cost of light rail to the airport we need to know the appropriate multiplier. The Blower’s guessing free airport taxi service, to and from, 24/7/365, would be cheaper than building an airport light rail line.


image042Once again, it’s “Collection Time,” and this weekend your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $3.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower. The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.

This week we’re featuring Alan Falfa who used to turn over all the money he made to his mother to deposit in his college fund, but she would always steal his money and spend it on cheap booze. But that was before he became a Whistleblower Neighborhood News Boy. For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department.

  • image044LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #217 says ask them to guess who said this: “The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now. The purpose of cutting taxes now is… to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.” Ronald Reagan? One of the Bushes? F. A. Hayek? Arthur Laffer? No, it was JFK.
  • image046OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked Seth Meyers’ “Today, Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Egypt and had to pass through a metal detector before he could meet with officials. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows he’s made of wood.
  • NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Summer is well under way and we have image047another timely poem from Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves.

Summer Sports
Summer is the time for sports
So search for a lovely doll
Who is yearning for some action
And willing to play ball.

This includes all DemocRATS, RINO Republicans, some TEA Partiers, quite a few Independents, disgruntled postal workers, senior citizens demanding free prescriptions, those who believe bigger government is the answer to all their problems, everybody who said “what Bill Clinton did was indefensible, but he shouldn’t be removed from office,” and those who think pork-barrel spending is OK as long as their district gets the money.

image055It probably doesn’t include all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice.

Next weekend, our Free Grain Party sponsoring an “Absolutely FREE” Garage Sale at the Zion Lutheran Church in Anderson.

  • FINALLY AT FRIDAY’S MEETING OF CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about Obama claiming all of his scandals were “Phony.” “The Lord must love Obama’s Scandals,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained, “because he made so damn many of them.”


  • image057Monday (July 28) we’ll be featuring our “What Obama Scandals” E-dition, while we’re continuing to count down the 907 Days of Dishonesty for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.
  • Tuesday (July 29) is “we’ll be checking to see if any Republicans in Congress have called for Obama’s impeachment, and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will try to explain the reason why not.
  • Wednesday, (July 30) is “National Cheesecake Day,” and even though we couldn’t find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day, congressional records or a presidential proclamation, claim it’s an official day so your wife has to bake one for you.
  • Thursday (July 31) is the anniversary of former President Andrew Johnson’s death, any by the way, he and Bill Clinton were also impeached.
  • The first line of Friday’s (Aug 1) limerick is: “Here’s who to thank when you succeed.”
  • And Saturday (Aug 2) we’ll be giving the political goings-on at Fancy Farm in Kentucky all the attention they truly deserve:

image065Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Lying Joe Biden. (Courtesy of Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception (Not an Illegal Immigrant).



e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Whistleblower Video of the Day

Judge Jeanine to Pope Francis & President Obama: Where Are You?

image064(Sent in by Fox News, because Judge Jeanine Pirro beseeches Pope Francis to help stop persecution and murder of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere. Noting his call to America to help migrant children, she asks where the Pope and President Obama stand on the murder of Christians and the destruction of holy Christian sites. Why are they not using their bully pulpits and considerable wealth and power to help?)

image065Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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