Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What a Difference a Year Makes

               Think of how much things have changed since the second Wednesday in June, 2013. It was our Special “Obama’s Scandal-rama” E-dition, and The Blower said, “Here a scandal, there a scandal, everywhere a scandal-scandal.”

  • image005IT WAS A SCANDALANCHE: There were so many scandals at the Obama White House those days. The failure to get to the bottom of Benghazi was a scandal. The issue of secret subpoenas of reporters was close to scandalous. The IRS targeting of conservative groups was most definitely a scandal. And more recently, the NSA’s secret data-collection efforts smelled of scandal.

Two years ago, everybody was worried about security leaks “at the White House” that put American lives in danger and DemocRAT Strategist Pat Caddell even named National Security Advisor Tom Donilon as Obama’s leaker. [SEE THAT VIDEO HERE]

Last year, everybody was waiting for Obama to appoint a new Scandal Czar just to keep track of all those front-page miscues. Word was he’d supervise a team of six men with pooper-scoopers following behind Obama. Not to worry, everybody said Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard would still get to keep his job.

Larry the Cable Guy said CNN ignored a CBS News report that, according to the State Department’s Inspector General, the department stymied investigations into allegations of sexual assault by its security employees. Coincidentally, neither NBC nor ABC touched that story either. It seems nobody was interested in a story about a State Department whistleblower who accused high-ranking staff of a massive cover-up — including keeping a lid on findings that members of then-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s security detail and the Belgian ambassador solicited prostitutes—including minors! A chief investigator for the agency’s inspector general wrote a memo outlining eight cases that were derailed by senior officials, including one instance of interference by Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.

  • image007OBAMA’S PLAYBOOK: Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” were really up (7,005%) in the wake of NSA security leaks on the Amazon “Movers and Shakers List” those days. It looked like Winston Smith had another note on his desk for a news story to fix.
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “When I was growing up, we were afraid of Big Brother watching us. Now with Obama, we actually HAVE a brother watching us.” And Jimmy Fallon said, “President Obama was visiting a middle school yesterday, and while he was there he said that every school in the U.S. should have high-speed Internet. Then it got awkward when one kid said, “Why, so you can read our emails faster?”
  • BEST BARTENDER JOKE EVER:  A lawyer, an Illegal Alien, a Pathological Liar, a Muslim, a Communist, and a Black Guy walk into a bar, and the bartender says, “What’ll it be, President Obama?”
  • IRONIC UPDATE: Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch in Cincinnati Ferrell Katz said the Internal Revenue Service, under a congressional microscope for conference spending and improper scrutiny of small-government groups, had fired fewer workers for misconduct this year than at any time since 2002.
  • image008THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen said 56% of Likely U.S. Voters then consider the federal government a threat to individual rights rather than a protector of those rights. That was ONLY up 10 points from 46% in December. Obama had nothing to worry about, however, not so long as all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, kept getting their free stuff.
  • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Baltimore Sun journalist H.L. Menken’s “As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright moron.”

Curiously, last year looked a lot like this year. Only the names of the Obama’s scandals have been changed to protect Libtards with short-attention spans.


This Year Around Here

  • image015HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says John Wayne died on this date in 1979.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose The Duke’s “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway,” but the one we like best was “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”
  • DISGRUNTLES DEMOCRATS keep complaining about the way Hamilton County Demo Labor Party Boss Tim Burka is running the Party. Today they want to know why are ALL of the candidates for County and U.S. offices virtually unknown? A corollary question – Why did our First Congressional District candidate (Fred Kundrata) run as a REPUBLICAN in 2012?!? Since he ran as a Republican, why didn’t we endorse the DemocRAT who ran against him before the primary?
  • IN ANDERSON: How many kids are having PB&J’s for dinner ’cause mama spent the grocery dollars at the racino? Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Center in Anderson Township reaped $5.7 million in gambling revenue during May, its first month of operation. Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas says that may sound like a lot, especially since it includes doesn’t include the valet parking.
  • image016IF HE HOLLERS, LET HIM GO: Belligerent Black Blogger Nate “Rhymes With Hate” Livingston says the Cincinnati Elections Commission (whatever the hell that is) will actually be holding a hearing on June 23 on The Natester’s complaint against Chris Finney’s Strange Bedfellow SMLP Smithermouth’s campaign violations.  Livingston alleges that Smithermouth violated the city’s campaign contribution laws which prohibits candidates from accepting more than $1,100 from any individual.  Smithermouth accepted $2,200 from his brother, ALBERT SMITHERMOUTH, and $2,200 from Albert’s wife, LIZA SMITHERMOUTH. He also accepted an additional $500 from Brewster Pumping, LLC — a company owned and controlled by Liza and Albert Smithermouth.

Smithermouth told the Commission he returned the excess contributions to Albert and Liza Smithermouth. Livingston notes, the money was only returned MONTHS AFTER THE ELECTION WAS OVER. If the Commission finds Chris Smithermouth guilty, he must pay a fine of three times the excess contribution, or $6,600. Nate said, “They asked me if I’d voluntarily withdraw the complaint and let Chris Smithermouth go. I said ‘No. No. No! He can’t get away with breaking the law. The only way I’ll voluntarily withdraw my complaint is if he voluntarily agrees to pay the $6,600 fine.’ This is about ACCOUNTABILITY and GOOD GOVERNMENT. I intend to be present at the hearing to enforce the city’s charter.”

  • image017THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE may not be choosing Cincinnati for its 2016 National Convention, but they’re still inviting local Republicans with more money than brains to attend an meaningless event welcoming the 2016 Presidential Ticket of Jeb “Fighting for Amnesty” Bush and Rob “Fighting for Same Sex Marriage” Portman at the Queen City Club next Monday. Just wait till you see the prices! 
  • ONLY ELEVEN MORE DAYS: Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering asked us to remind our readers that Friday, June 20 is the last day to pay their Second Half 2013 Hamilton County Property Taxes (jacked up by our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor) and any taxes paid after that date will accrue a penalty and/or interest; and failure to receive a tax bill will not avoid such penalty and/or interest.If only our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor had an opponent this year, what a great time it would be to start campaigning.  
  • MUSIC HALLMORE FREE STUFF: The Cincinnati Symphony really should’ve “SOLD” tickets to LumenoCity at Washington Park, instead of giving the July 3 night event tickets away on Ticketmaster Monday morning. The web site was bombarded at 8 am and every “if it’s FREE it’s for ME” ticket was GONE within minutes, unscrupulous people were trying to resell their free tickets on eBay instantly afterwards. If they’d charged their usual price, those tickets would still be for sale! It was so popular last summer when it was a two day event and 35,000 people showed up in Washington Park. They were amazed at the turnout last year. Do you think they were worried after Scared Suburbanites were attacked by marauding gangs of black yoofs searching for white victims in Downtown Cincinnati after the Distaste of Cincinnati? For sure, we’ll be getting to the bottom of all this when our Nine Fine Clowns compete for face time on TV in an upcoming hearing, to show how much they care?
  • image019SAME TIME LAST YEAR IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo said the rest of the local news media still hadn’t really started promoting the story about NoKY’s second most infamous sex-ed teacher and ex-Bun-Gal Sarah Jones, who got more than a promise ring when she got “Facebook Engaged” to her hot boy toy lover during a trip to Florida.

Meanwhile, Lisa Wells on WLW Radio wondered if before NoKY’s second most infamous sex-ed teacher and ex-Bun-Gal Sarah Jones married her hot boy toy lover, would Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters be giving her a shower?

  • image012THIS YEAR IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY, Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl says Joseph Hall still hasn’t voluntarily returned to the Kenton County Detention Center since he walked away from a work detail on May 28, but Tuesday night, several male members only of the Literary Club thought they saw him at former Cincinnati ComPost Publisher’s Bill Burleigh’s dinner party at his Rabbit Hash estate.

Speaking of fine dining, this year in Northern Kentucky, everybody’s talking about the Packhouse Meats restaurant in Newport, which has completely abolished tipping. Downtown Cincinnati restaurants saw the effects of a no-tipping policy back when they NAALCP Convention brought 8,000 non-tippers to town in 2008.

  • image020ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY, some people might not know how long The CamBoozler has been ferreting out the news.  You’ll no doubt recall 23 Years Ago This Week (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town). Edition #54 (published June 11, 1991) featured CamBoo’s coverage of the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, the Campbell County Airport Board, and a little police brutality in Fort Wright, just for fun. [SEE EDITION #54 HERE]


  • FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kanewas asked about The Blower’s plans last year at this time to hire Edward Snowden as our Cyber-Spy Columnist. “We’ve offered to make Snowden even more famous with his own column in The Whistleblower Newswire,” Kane explained. “His future couldn’t have been brighter. The only problem was, the cost of drone-attack insurance was astronomical.”

image029Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Literary Club member Buckwheat Blackwell, who was AWOL from Tuesday Night’s Meeting.



e-mail your impeachable offenses today


Some Obama-bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers.


Bill O’Reilly Blasts Obama Admin: “Morons” for Saying Bergdahl Served With Honor

 image028(Sent in by Republican House Speaker John Boehner, who says, “There is not any doubt in my mind, there are going to be costs – of lost lives – associated with what came out of this.”)

image029Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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