Special “Junket to J-Burg” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 

Like a Teenager on a High School Senior Trip

          image005According to the Daily Caller, Obama’s 10-minute speech at Nelson Mandela’s memorial will cost U.S. Over-Taxed Payers at least $500,000 per minute. That’s not counting any cakes and coffee he and his inner circle consume aboard Air Force One during the 18,000-mile round trip to Johannesburg, via Dakar, in Senegal. The 28-hour two-way flight will cost $5 million because the four-engine Boeing 747 costs roughly $180,000 an hour to operate, according to a May 2012 report by the Congressional Research Service. Obama used his speech to attack Republicans and compared the former terrorist to Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln. The Blower says in spite of the fact Obama claimed Mandela had been his “inspiration,” our Prevaricating President mentioned him only two times In both of his books, while mentioning Apartheid only once. Obama even got a chance to bow to Cuban Dictator Raul Castro, so the trip wasn’t entirely wasted, since Classless Obama got to take a “selfie” at the Mandela funeral with David Cameron and Denmark’s Prime Minister. Oh, the Narcissism!

Obama brought his family of aides and advisors down to South Africa for Nelson Mandela’s mass-media send-off. “For us it’s the President and the First Lady, the Attorney General [Eric Holder], Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett,” Ben Rhodes, the White House’ deputy national security advisor for strategic communications, told reporters during an impromptu press conference on Air Force One. Obama’s eagerness to bring his inner circle to the memorial for the dead Terrorist South African leader stands in contrast to the snub he sent to the United Kingdom a couple of years ago. In April 2011, Obama only sent a few former diplomats to mark the death of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who had revived the U.K. economy with free-market policies and also solidified the U.S.-U.K. alliance.


image008Meanwhile on Tuesday, White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard again told the White House Press Corpse to ignore Obama’s next government shutdown in only 34 more days and tell all those gullible sheeple just to buy another Obama Christmas ornament to decorate their crappy Christmas trees and show their true devotion to the Messiah. Today’s “Barack and Michelle” Ornament only costs $9.99, plus God-only-knows-how-much for shipping-and-handling, with proceeds benefitting Obama’s 2016 Third-Term Re-election Campaign.

 image009Closer to home, Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP was e-mailing his eulogy for the Mandela-zation of Good DemocRAT former Representative William Mallory, Sr. Local DemocRATS can never say enough nice things about “Old BlueFace,” without whose efforts Hamilton County might still be a Republican stronghold.

Also on Tuesday, an urgent cancellation e-mail for Tuesday’s Early Bird Breakfast carried an October 12, 2013 date.   

  • image011FROM THE WHISTLEBLOWER ARCHIVES: Edition #29 of the Original Whistleblower, published 23 years ago on December 11, 1990 (back in the really low tech days when The Blower used to be printed and delivered all over town), that week’s “Really Big Story” featured then-Mayor David S. Mann’s “Vision for Cincinnati.” Let’s all check out how his eyesight is holding up these days.
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 2000, Al Gore actually conceded the presidential election following weeks of legal battles over the recounting of votes in Florida, and in 1985 Ted “The Unabomber” Kaczynski killed his first victim. Let’s see which of those events out Kneepad Liberals in the Press recall today.
  • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Al Gore’s “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating Global Warming.”
  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says everybody was waiting to see when Ed FitzGerald would rethink his selection for Lieutenant Governor and drop Deadbeat DemocRAT Lt. Governor Candidate Eric Kearney from the ticket. Even The Fishwrap was begging Kearney to drop out, but somebody needs to explain why Deadbeat DemocRAT State Senators can still be endorsed in the first place.
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says disgruntled fired assistant public defender Susannah Meyer joined Deranged DemocRAT Juvenile Court Judge Traci Hunter’s press conference on da Buzz on Monday to talk about how the Public Defender’s Office violates the rights of juveniles.  Wouldn’t it be funny if listeners already knew why Ms. Meyer was fired after Ray Faller took over that office?

And when one goes to transfer a title at the Hamilton County Clerk’s office, you are given a nice little envelope that is printed “Greg Hartmann Clerk of Courts Hamilton County.” Hartmann has Not been clerk for well over eight years, but they still have this waste of over-taxed payers’ money to pass out at the window.  Beyond that, Hartmann was not even the last Clerk of Courts, he was before the last Clerk of Courts. Some over-taxed payers would be happy that instead of throwing away the envelopes, they are using them. And that is noticeable and deserves thanks. BUT the issue comes up, who so badly calculated the need for envelopes that they ordered so many that these are still left? We can only hope they got a hell of a discount.

  • TROUBLEMAKING TATTLER TINO DELGATO says it was interesting that the three Clown-cil members upset with the new Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley’s first week in office are the ONLY three members who got snubbed on committee chairmanships and happened to be incumbents from the Trolley Folly Administration.  These were council members who hid the outcome of the City’s lawsuit against Duke from the public; therefore hiding the real cost of the project. Go Figure!!!
  • image013ALSO AT CINCINNATI CITY HALL: After The Fishwrap rhapsodized on the wonderfulness of Willie Carden, Jr. for the new Cincinnati city mangler, suggestible new mayor John Cranley scrambled to name Carden to the post.  Shortly thereafter, Cranley just as quickly withdrew Carden’s name.  What dirt was found out about Carden?  Was it because of his over-bleached expensive mouthful of teeth? You can be sure The Blower will be reporting about this latest City scandal.

And by the way, Cincinnati’s new Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell is making Disgraced Former 14-Star Affirmative Action Cincinnati Police Chief James Craig, who cut and ran when some of those Detroit brothers tried to hijack his police car, look like the most heroic police chief in history. One of these days they’re going to put Blackwell’s face on a milk carton.

Meanwhile, Salt Lake City put down four new transit lines this year. The two-mile Sugar House track cost $55 million. The two mile Trolley Folly was estimated to cost an under-estimated $128 million.  Do you think they need to bring in those folks from Utah to see where Cincinnati went wrong?

Kwanzaa Klaus says, “Please tell the yoofs there be only 15 more shoplifting days till Kwanzaa.”

And now that “One Percent for Liberty” Organization has nominated a Draft Dodger like Bill Cunningham to be one of our 238 nominees for this year’s “2013 Defender Of Liberty Award,” to be presented at the COAST Christmas Party, that cockamamie committee actually nominated P.G. Sittenfeld for 2013 “Flip-Flopper Of The Year.” In True Disingenuous DemocRAT fashion, P.G. said, “I’m going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that streetcar, …”

image014Speaking of Perverse Politicians, Republicans for Higher Taxes condemn the latest homophobic attack against Cincinnati Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback.  Yeah, that’s what it was.

  • FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: The Cincinnati Federation of Teachers office manager “CALL ME PRESIDENT” Julie SellYourSoul, was pleasantly surprised that only 39 (out of over 2,200) teachers appeared in solidarity at Monday’s bored of edjumacashun meeting.  Her constant squawking of “Reclaiming the Promise” only has CPS teachers scratching their heads as to when she will follow through with her promises made to teachers years ago.  As she constantly begs teachers to wear red shirts, the only red teachers see is increased union dues in order to support the building representative appreciation day catered by Allyn’s. Too bad the teachers cannot “reclaim their union dues!”
  • image016THE WHISTLEBLOWER REPERTORY GROUP has a new member in its latest video showing the Whistleblower Elves in Congress when Santa isn’t watching. Can you guess his identity?

In a related story, The Adams County Travel and Visitors Bureau, located in East Jesus, is still getting complaints because Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Office failed to give people directions for those Amazing Amish Christmas Tree Lights located near suburban Seamen, no matter how you’re supposed to spell it.

image018Now for those of you planning to join Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane and Outcast Attorney Chris Finney at Mean Jean” Schmidt’s Christmas Party at the Schmidt Run Estates at 771 Wards Corner Road, where the disgraced former U.S. Congresswoman plans to announce her return to politics, let’s all sing the fifth verse of “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s Twelve Days of Christmas,” sent in by Lt. Colonel Danny Bubp-kis, about whom “Mean Jean” lied on the floor of Congress and wound up as a laughingstock on “Saturday Night Live.” It goes something like this: 

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, “Mean Jean” gave to me,
Five Libelous Liars,
Four Screeching Tires,
Three Borgman Cartoons,
Two Red Dresses,
And One Crapper, from Rob Portman’s Legacy.

It’s really beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, isn’t it, Portman?

  • Now here’s an update on that problem plagued Company Christmas Party you’ve been reading about in The Blower.

image020FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All our Freaking Employees
DATE: December 11
RE: The Freaking Holiday Party
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director

I have no freaking idea what this damn announcement is all about. What the hell do I care? I KNOW what I’m going to get. You change your address now and you are dead! No more changes of address will be allowed in my office. Try to come in and change your address, I will have you hung from the ceiling in the warehouse!

Vegetarians? I’ve had it with you people! We’re going to keep this party at Luigi’s Open Pit Barbecue whether you like it or not, so you can sit quietly at the table furthest from the “grill of death,” as you so quaintly put it, and you’ll get your freaking salad bar, including hydroponic tomatoes. But you know, they have feelings, too. Tomatoes scream when you slice them. I’ve heard them scream. I’m hearing them scream right now! 

I hope you all have a rotten holiday! Drive drunk and die, you miserable bastards!

Patty, The Bitch from HELL!

  • image022IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo reports Ludlow City Administrator “Blackjack Brian” Richmond (whose picture is STILL not on the City’s Web Page, or his name for that matter) says he spent all weekend putting up Christmas lights on his house, but The Blower thinks Bashful Brian should’ve asked for a little help.

Brian, who used to work for our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders, says he can hardly wait for The Robster’s Seventh Annual Christmas Party at Forum in Covington on December 19, especially since The Whistleblower NoKY Legal Dream Team and the Cabal to Destroy “Crazy Eric Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) events are being combined.

One thing the Cabal has always wondered about is how “Crazy Eric” always manages to surface at press events so soon after tragedies occur. Wouldn’t it be newsworthy if The Blower actually had some definitive proof about how he unethically solicits clients?

image037Tuesday, our Caballeros were surprised not to see that Crazy Eric had already insinuated himself into the case of that Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy teacher whose a full-frontal nude photo had been spread online. Fishwrap Attorney Jack Greiner at Graydon Head says slutty teachers shouldn’t take full frontal nude photos of themselves, and if they do, they should always keep those pictures to themselves. In a related item, there’s still no official word from Graydon Head why Rick “The BatBoy” Robinson mysteriously disappeared from that prestigious law firm.

  • ALSO IN KENTUCKY, The Fishwrap had this big story about how all those members on CVG board were big givers to Kenton County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus’s campaign. Well, Duh! What would’ve been big news would be if all weren’t.

Former Frequent Flyer who packed his own lunch responded to that story about the board that oversees the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport spending more than $102,000 on food and alcohol served after monthly meetings during the past five years. What ever happened to eating Air Line Food? Those leftovers are free. Sounds like a good follow on job for Mark Mallory. Go Figure!!!

image023And did you see where that that Kentucky doctor took out newspaper ad space to blame ObamaCare for forcing him to close his practice. The Fishwrap ought to include that the next time they do a big puff piece about Governor Steve telling everybody how wonderful ObamaCare was going to be for everybody in the Commonwealth.

  • image025SOREHEADS IN THE SUBURBS: Maybe Springfield Township wouldn’t have financial difficulties if their maintenance people weren’t taking such long lunches so far away from the township. Are township employees allowed to take township owned vehicles all the way over to Northern Kentucky to have lunch at Charlie’s Crab Shack? Such a waste of time, fuel and township resources, and not to mention, they are not even eating at a restaurant located in the township!  (Spotted during the lunch hour on December 4, 2013)
  • image027FINALLY, Horny in Hebron says he never misses is the Annual World Orgasm for Peace Day Orgy at the Fort Mitchell County Club, co-sponsored by Uptight Bitches in Ft. Mitchell and the Northern Kentucky Cougars’ Association. That godless pagan event is on December 21, just in time for Druids to celebrate the Winter Solstice.  




e-mail your engraved invitations today.


Some party crashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally party crashing subscribers


Say Merry Christmas

image033Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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