Special “Obama to the Rescue” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 

Here He Comes to Save the Day

          image004With his own legacy on the line, his approval ratings at an all-time low, and his party’s political fortunes at stake, yesterday Obama launched yet another new campaign to counter setbacks of the disastrous Healthcare.gov launch — while trying to head off potential voter backlash for Doomed DemocRATS next November. And of course, The Blower will be right there with him, every misstep of the way.

One problem the Obama administration might have is the fact that it hasn’t always been truthful with the American people, a top Republican senator charged Monday. “I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level,” Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said bluntly as he tied the administration’s flawed explanations about the deadly incident at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya to its faulty promises about the new healthcare reform law.

Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says Wall Street Investors didn’t seem impressed. The Dow was only down nearly triple digits on Tuesday.

According to Reuters, Obama’s uncle was scheduled to appear in a liberal Boston court on Tuesday to appeal his deportation orders from 1992. He wants the court to let him stay like they did Obama’s aunt and sister who were also here illegally, just like Obama.

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1991, Muslim terrorists released American journalist Terry Anderson who’d been held as a hostage for six-and-a-half years in Lebanon. These days, Obama would probably be inviting the terrorists to the holiday tree lighting at the White House.  Saturday is the 72nd Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, and this year Hurley plans to do something nice for an Oriental person, and if that person says “Sank You,” he better not be talking about our ships.

image007Meanwhile, White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard told the White House Press Corpse to ignore ObamaCare today so he could too, and then remind everybody to buy another Obama Christmas ornament to decorate their crappy Christmas Trees, unlike the 54 lavishly ornate Christmas trees at the White House. Today’s “I Built This” Ornament only costs $9.99, plus God-only-knows-how-much for shipping-and-handling from The Obama 2016 Third-Term Re-election Campaign.

  • WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, and a few more Americans have started – and finished – their holiday shopping.  48% have started Holiday Gift Shopping, 14% are finished. 
  • OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked Conan O’Brien’s “Nevada, where prostitution is legal — true story — prostitutes are signing up for ObamaCare. Which explains why the most popular pick-up line in Nevada is, ‘Let me help you with your co-pay.’ “
  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to the Cleveland Pain Dealer, DemocRATS working to unseat Republican Governor Kasich-Taylor are now admitting FitzGerald’s choice of a running mate backfired. The Blower bets FitzGerald’s sorry he wrote this in his November 20 e-mail announcing the Kearney pick: “Historians and pundits always say that the first real decision a governor makes is the one of running mate.” Somebody should’ve checked The Blower’s archives. We’ve been writing about Kearney’s financial problems for years. The Fishwrap only started last week. 

CINCINNATI POLICE UNION PREZ POCKETS MONEY; CLAIMS SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM: Infamous Diana Frey, who embezzled $760,000 from her Cincinnati Organized and Dedicated Employees union (CODE) in 2009 allegedly directly gave long-time Fraternal Order of Police Queen City Lodge #69 (FOP) president Kathy Harrell $12,000 dollars in the form of a cashier’s check directly from the CODE bank account for Harrell’s personal use. 

image009In fact, Harrell accompanied Frey to the bank to withdraw cash from the CODE account, took the cash in the form of a cashier’s check in hand and Harrell now says she didn’t know the money came from CODE’s bank account.  We don’t know many union leaders who get legal donations in the form of a $12,000 cashier’s check from a city worker inside of a bank lobby from another and unrelated union’s bank account.

If you believe Kathy Harrell, president of the FOP, on this one, I’ve got a bridge to sell to you.

And who is Kathy Harrell’s lawyer?  The same guy who in 2004 lost his job for having sex in his office with an employee when he was the Hamilton County Prosecutor, the upstanding (wink, wink) Mike Allen, 56.  What a great pair.

Mike Allen says Kathy Harrell asked Frey for a loan to pay Harrell’s personal repair bills for some of Harrell’s real estate investments.  The CODE union is seeking $36,000 in damages and repayment from Kathy Harrell.

Diana Frey is serving 51 months in federal prison.  Kathy Harrell is still president of those who serve and protect us and not yet in prison.

  • AND WOULDN’T IT BE FUNNY IF yesterday was Election Day for officers of the FOP? “Kathy Harrell for president!”  There’s nothing like having a bonafide thief running your agency, especially when the membership is limited to police officers only.
  • image011ALSO LAST YEAR AT THIS TIME The Blower was also reporting on Willie Carden, Jr., Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley’s choice for City Mangler whom The Fishwrap still claims “has respect of … everyone in the city” for making the Cincinnati Parks run on time.  

Last year we reported that for the previous four years, Willie had received an annual $20,000 “salary enhancement” from the private Parks Foundation on top of his lavish yearly $138,170 city wage, and people were wondering what other “perks” Carden was pulling down to fatten his bank account.

image013And who was the director of the private Parks Foundation?  Why, Willie Carden, Jr. himself.  What a coincidence!

And Monday, Manly Cranley should’ve allowed only people who voted in the November Election to speak at the Trolley Folly Festival.

Likewise, The Fishwrap should’ve only printed whiny letters from people who actually cast their ballots.

  • image015ALSO IN THE ARCHIVES: 23 years ago today in The Whistleblower’s December 4, 1990 Edition, Charles Foster Kane was named the new Publisher of The Whistleblower.
  • THE TRADITION CONTINUES: The Blower will now begin publishing this year’s version of “Mean Jean Schmidt’s Twelve Days of Christmas,” sent in by the Ghost of “Clean Gene” Ruehlmann, who says, “Hamilton County would still be ‘Red’ if I were still alive.” The first verse goes something like this:

On the First Day of Christmas, “Mean Jean” gave to me:
One Old Crapper, from Rob Portman’s Legacy.

Let’s all learn the words so we can sing them at “Mean Jean’s” upcoming Annual Holiday Party later this month, since “Mean Jean” is now apologizing to Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane and all of the Political Insiders at the Conservative Agenda who didn’t get an invitation to her Christmas Party this year, where she’ll be kicking off her return to politics.

And now that COAST’s Litigious Lawyer’s been kicked out of his law practice in Anderson and was exiled to Clermont County, Mean Jean’s sending our Family Friendly Fascist an invitation, too.

And did that cockamamie group calling itself “One Percent for Liberty” really announce Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Brand New Mayor as its 137th nominee for this year’s “2013 Defender of Liberty Award” to be given out at the COAST Christmas Party? Who’s next—Charlie Manson?

  • OTHER HOLIDAY UPDATES: Also in Ohio’s Second Congressional District, you might like to drive out to Adams County Saturday night to see Ohio’s Second District Congressman-elect “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup turn on those Amazing Amish Christmas Tree Lights.

Don’t worry if you see a disturbing fat black man, posing as Santa downtown on Fountain Square around Christmas time. It’s only Kwanzaa Klaus, telling women “Yo bitch, you want Kwanza Klaus to be good to you?

At tomorrow night’s Anderson High School’s Class of ‘56 Survivors Dinner at Red Lobster, will somebody be there selling shares in a “tontine,” where the shares increasing in value as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income?

image016The Whistleblower Repertory Group has a new member in their latest video showing the Whistleblower Elves trimming our tree for Christmas.  Can you guess his identity?

Dave the Druid says, “You don’t have to be Druish to celebrate the Winter Solstice on December 21.”

Uptight Bitches in Ft. Mitchell ask,And when they are celebrating World Orgasm for Peace Day in 2013, can we still have our Fake Orgasms?”  

  • image030FINALLY, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says everybody who thinks he’s really somebody important in Northern Kentucky will be at that big Graydon Head Holiday Party at the Fort Mitchell Country Club on the Eighth Night of Hanukkah tonight, with early-bird specials starting at 3 PM this afternoon. Will The Blower be there? You bet! As the publication of record for all the political scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in Northern Kentucky, our readers know to expect nothing less.

This year, because Rick “The BatBoy” Robinson is no longer with that prestigious law firm, everybody’s wondering if Graydon Head will still be making Jews feel welcome, since it was Rick who had personally ensured the GH holiday party had been “Jewish Friendly” since 2003 when he ordered the Fort Mitchell County Club to add “latkes” to the menu. 

image018Word is Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Kevin “Mad Mick” Murphy has been given the honor after he got all that publicity for winning that $100 million judgment from Grant Thornton. 

Meanwhile, one prominent NoKY elected official whose name you would know says “Tell everybody I said hello, since nobody bothered to invite me. I’ll be totally content to be on Miss Vicki’s Annual New Year’s Eve Party invitation list again this year. That ticket is much more difficult to get.  Besides, I’d hate to get caught between Clueless Marc Wilson, Scott “Pass the Scampi” Kimmich, and Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane at Graydon Head’s Traditional all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet.


image025Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially shrimp scarfers.


e-mail your decapod crustaceans today.


Some party-crashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally party-crashing subscribers.   



 image025Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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