Special “ObamaCare Implementation” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

And We’ve Only Been Tell You The Same Thing For Three Freaking Years!

  • A lot of people were surprised when CBS ran a report Wednesday morning calling the ObamaCare Implementation “Nothing Short of Disastrous,” especially when Obama Supporters in the Press have spent the past three years covering up for ObamaCare and helping Obama get re-elected in 2012. Maybe they should’ve asked Obama about his Legacy Legislation during Monday’s 66-minute news conference when 12 different reporters couldn’t muster a single question about the catastrophe that is Healthcare.gov or the spectacle of National Park Rangers locking senior-citizen tourists out of war memorials and/or inside their hotels.
  • 1000 POINTS OF SPITE The Obama Regime continues to use “Punitive Shutdowns” to punish Vets, closes Regional Veterans Affairs Offices, and delays benefits. “All public access to VBA regional offices and facilities will be suspended … due to a lack of funds,” Veterans Affairs Department spokeswoman Victoria Dillon said in a statement provided to The Blower.

Other Points of Spite Shutdowns include closing Vermont campgrounds during peak foliage season and blaming it on Obama’s Government Shutdown, issuing citations for entering the Grand Canyon during Obama’s Government Shutdown and no building of sand castles on the beach during Obama’s Government Shutdown.

Hours after he called GOP House Speaker John Boehner on the phone to say that he’s REFUSING to negotiate, Obama arrogantly strode to the microphone at a press conference and told the American people that he is, in fact, willing to negotiate, BUT ONLY AFTER the American people declare complete and unconditional surrender to his radical left-wing agenda and his plans to implement ObamaCare in spite of the will of the American people.

  • MEANWHILE, OBAMA’S ORGANIZING FOR PROPAGANDA GROUP is running a lying new attack ad blaming TEA Party Patriots for shutting down the World War II Memorial, but why is anybody surprised?

Locally, Obama’s Gestapo will be telling TEA Partiers “Enough already — stop trying to block ObamaCare, and end the shutdown today” at a massive  ObamaCare Day of Action Event at 5 PM in Cincinnati today.

Meanwhile, The Daily Caller reports part-time government employees working for Cook County, Illinois (Obama’s home county) may soon lose their employer-funded health insurance and instead have to move onto ObamaCare’s healthcare exchanges, once again directly contradicting Obama’s promise that Americans who like their health plans could keep them. Now that’s really something to celebrate!

  • OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Kimmel’s “Today is the eighth day of the government shutdown with no end in sight. A small group of Republicans are refusing to allow the vote. President Obama called to reiterate that there will be no budge in budget.”
  • CONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN says The Fishwrap’s policy of consistently and continually printing letters from brain dead collectivists is demonstrated again today by the appearance of “Health care plan requires everyone in,” by Mason’s Stanley Smith. Smith writes, in part, “Some funding of ObamaCare will be carried by the federal government, but most of the cost will come from taxpayers.”  Does Smith have any idea where the federal government gets money?
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew became the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. Many WhistleBlower readers are wishing Joe Biden would be the second.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Joe Biden’s “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”
  • image007THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): The Cincinnati Police Department is now embroiled in another scandal, after one of the force’s most visible officers was indicted Monday for sexting with a minor and setting up an unauthorized police substation. Darrell Beavers, 44, has been accused of receiving nude photos of a 17-year-old girl he was mentoring, as well as turning an apartment into a police sub-station without permission of the CPD. Obviously, there is much more to the story than you’ll ever find out in The Fishwrap.

Disgraced Former 14-Star Affirmative Action Cincinnati Police Chief James Craig destroyed both the command and immediate supervisory authority within the police department.  Members of the agency have expressed that Craig so wanted to satisfy the union that he literally permitted the officers to contact him directly to complain about the decisions of their supervisors and/or commanding officers, if the officers disagreed with or disliked those decisions.  In such cases, Craig would berate the supervisors/command officers, overrule their decisions, and permit the officers to “have it their way” thus, rendering the supervisory staff completely ineffective.  This occurred so often that both supervisors and command staff personnel in the agency assumed the attitude that officers could do whatever they wanted to do and all began to ignore department rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.  In other words, the inmates were running the asylum and many have opined that rampant corruption would soon be rearing its ugly head in the Cincinnati Police Department.  Remember that Craig often said that the agency had previously been managed with “threats and intimidation” therefore, he intended to treat the employees in a more civilized manner.

Actually, his more civilized manner was more a dictate for hands off and keep the unions happy.  I fear this is only the tip of the iceberg and that more egregious behavior is yet to come.  That fear has been echoed throughout the police department.

Thanks, Jimmy Craig and good luck in Detroit!  Maybe our newest, clueless friend will be more effective. The Blower doubts it though, as he has been consulting with Craig exclusively despite the fact that there are three generations of retired command officers alive, well, and still living in the Greater Cincinnati region.  The Blower senses another buffoon from the outside is “in charge” of the CPD!

  • image009PAC MAN’S PICKUP LINES: How does Bungals Cornerback Adam “Pac-Man” Jones ever find a skank to go home with him at a bar when he forces women to attack him with a bottle by cursing at them and criticizing their bodies? At “Pac Man’s” trial, Assistant Cincinnati Prosecutor Christopher Ryan quoted what the female witnesses said Jones said to them: “Fuck you, bitch. You ugly bitch. You disgusting bitch. You fat bitch. You sloppy bitch.” The Blower can only wonder the reaction if “Pac Man” ever tried to get in Queen Noble’s pants. Oh, the Profanity!

The Whistleblower suspects that “PAC Man’s” fancy-dancy white-shoe la-di-da mouthpiece Ralph Kohnen will have lots of new pickup lines to share with his Taft law partners and fellow Cincinnati Country Club Members this weekend.

  • image011REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES covered Monday’s Hamilton County Board of Elections hearing regarding the vote fraud allegations against Foxy Roxy Qualls’ supporter Randy Simes and are curious to understand why four lawyers representing four different parties were necessary in this matter.  With so many lawyers trying to gum up the process, is it any wonder the actual hearing got delayed until next Monday?
  • WHISTLEBLOWER INTERNS Rachel, Bradley, Ashley, and Hunter noticed The Fishwrap’s “Politics Extra” report about Extreme Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls’ mentioning Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley’s COAST endorsement during the DemocRAT Duo’s Debate Tuesday Night. But didn’t our Forgetful Fishwrappers also report COAST had previously endorsed Loony Libertarian Berns when he was still in the race?   
  • THIS JUST IN: Jim Berns just figured out that whenever fiscal conservatives vote for any government program, he’s voting to give more jobs to DemocRATS. If only our Loony Libertarian had remembered something like that while he was still in the campaign.
  • image013THIS WEEK’S UNITED APPALL PERSON is diner waitress Emily Frump, who stops in several times a day at the Carolyn Washburn Drop-Inn Center for Extremely Unattractive Nymphomaniacs, another one of the seemingly endless United Appall Agencies serving some of the area’s more unfortunate citizens. Emily hopes the United Appall meets its fund-raising goal next week so she can continue to meet lonely men and satisfy their insatiable sexual cravings. “I just want to be loved,” says Emily. “Is there anything wrong with that?”
  • BYOP: Tonight is the Hamilton County RINO Party’s Big Pig Roast at Harvest Home Park in Cheviot, but it doesn’t say much for Republican Women you might meet there, if you’re supposed to bring your own pig.

  • FRIDAY NIGHT IN ANDERSON, the invitation for that Campaign Rally Party for Endorsed Republican Township Trustee Candidates Andy Pappas and Josh Gerth at Joe & Lorraine Mayernik’s mansion overlooking the Ohio River says the event is “open to anyone and everyone.” Just wait till “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman finds out it is “open to anyone and everyone as long as you’re willing to pay $50 to get in.” 

One of The Blower’s long-time critics says when he heard that the Republicans had endorsed a candidate named “Girth” for Anderson Trustee, he wondered if Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane was “big” this season and on the ticket. The answers to that questions are “Yes” and No.”

Meanwhile, let’s all watch Republican Endorsed Township Trustee Candidate Andy Pappas’ latest video ad ushering in a new chapter in Anderson Leadership. It’s even better than Andy’s first, second, and third videos.  

  • FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH: Some Republicans are wondering why GOP headquarters located at 30 West Main Street in Historic Downtown Lebanon Ohio, right behind Rob Portman’s famous Golden Lamb, is still locked up with an election just 26 days away? This building is owned by The Lebanon House, Inc, whatever in the hell that is, but they’re charging $800 rent a month for that old building built in 1880, which only has a valuation of $68,000 dollars. Nice income for such a low valued property. Can anyone call Lovely Lori Viars at 513-932-6089 and ask her why? Or better yet, could someone forward this to Rob “Fighting for Foreclosures” Portman. Maybe he can he can get this building open again, as long as somebody is paying rent.
  • image014IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders if everybody saw that NBC TV News Report implying the entire South Shore would be going bankrupt since Servers at Skyline would not be getting their usual tips from all those Obama Supporting IRS Agents in Covington who were on paid vacation during Obama’s Phony Government Shutdown. 

And did Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce president Steve Stevens really warn that, during the shutdown, “sooner or later, somebody has to blink?” Some people will say anything for a little face time on TV.

Blower readers realize just how biased NBC reporting can be, especially those who recall when David Gregory brought that NBC News crew to Charles Foster Kane’s house to interview our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher about the Whistleblower’s expose of Ed Maruska’s threats to kill all the elephants at the Cincinnati Zoo if over-taxed payers didn’t pass his tax levy.

Finally, Whistleblower Radio-TV Critic John Quichewarmer says watching the Kenton County Fiscal Court meeting is like watching a repeat a Mayberry city council meeting. Obviously Arlinghaus is Andy, long on substance but short on looks. Draud reminds us of the half-witted mayor. Knochelman is definitely Howard Sprague (Mr. know it all ). But Kriemborg takes the cake…..he is a Barney Fife, if there ever was one. Talking, but never having a clue. They should turn that little dog and pony show every two weeks into a comic reality show. How do you fit all those egos in to one little courtroom? You sure can tell it is political season. Wake up, Barney……quit nodding off at the meetings! The camera catches that.

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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our October fund-raising drive from Carolyn Washburn Drop-Inn Center for Extremely Unattractive Nymphomaniacs.


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Some political gag-writing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally gag-writing subscribers. 

Whistleblower Link of the Day

The United States Debt Limit Explained – (CR) Heritage Foundation

image020Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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