—Special “DC Navy Yard Massacre” E-dition —

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013   

Another Horrible Crime Is Instantly Politicized

  • image004Monday, when Aaron Alexis, a Black Buddhist 9/11 Rescuer Obama Supporting U.S. Navy Veteran with a “Secret Clearance” went off his meds, picked up a gun, and killed 12 other people at the Naval Yard in DC, everybody could hardly wait to use the tragedy to promote his own agenda, as another horrible event was swiftly politicized, and predictably seized by gun-control extremists as a political opportunity. The suspect’s family said had he had “Anger Management” issues. Do you think?
  • Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard used the D.C. Naval Yard shooting to push For “Gun Control,” along with the usual suspects, including the editor of the Leftist Rag The Nation, CNN’s Faux “Conservative” David Frum, PMSNBC’s Chris Matthews, and Over-the-Hill Hollywood Celebrity Henry “the Fonz” Winkler. Liberals complain no AR-15 was used, but the best part was when that CNN Anchor couldn’t remember the last time there was a shooting at a U.S. Military Facility.
  • Perhaps Obama’s Supporters in the Press should’ve done a better job covering the trial of Murdering Muslim Ft. Hood Jihadist Nidal Hasan. He just got sentenced to death for his little “workplace violence incident” at Ft. Hood, Texas.


  • image009And how’s this for a coincidence: Monday’s shooting rampage massacre at an American military base in Washington, D.C., by a serviceman from the Dallas-Ft. Worth area of Texas, has resulted in the deaths of thirteen people, and that shooting rampage massacre four years ago at a military base in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area of Texas, by a serviceman from the Washington, D.C. area, also resulted in the deaths of thirteen people. Maybe people with “Triskaidekaphobia” have something to worry about, after all.
  • Of course, Obama made a big speech attacking Republicans over the economy to mark the occasion. GOP House Speaker John Boehner said, “It’s a shame that the president could not manage to rise above partisanship today. But the White House never considered cancelling the speech, because it was “Entirely Appropriate” for Obama to deliver a sharp partisan attack right after a Deadly D.C. Naval Yard Mass Shooting. Everybody was waiting for Obama to say if he had another son, he would look just like Alexis.
  • image007No wonder a Russian official was gloating over the Naval Yard Shooting, mocking it as another clear example of “American Exceptionalism.”
  • The DC Mayor blamed the “Sequester,” since the background of Sailor Boy Alex was so haphazardly done. In Congress, Disingenuous DemocRAT Steve Cohen Tweeted a cartoon blaming the NRA for the D.C. Naval Yard Massacre. House Dem Eleanor Holmes Norton uses the D.C. Naval Yard shooting to make her usual case for Gun Control. Still, Disgraceful DemocRAT Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday gun control legislation didn’t have the votes to be approved by the Senate and he has no plans to bring a gun control bill to the floor at this time, but in the meantime, that wussie DemocRAT closed up the Senate in case there might be some other mentally disturbed people walking around Capitol Hill— we could only be so lucky.
  • The Blower wonders if the DC Navy Yard Massacre by a Navy Veteran with mental problems came up Tuesday at Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Congressional Field Hearing on Mental Health Care for Veterans at the Anderson Center. Do you think “Bronze Star’s” staffers remembered to call the TV stations?
  • But let’s face it: These demented murderers are not stupid. That is why they go to “gun free zones” like schools and US military installations since Billery’s decision to deny soldiers access to loaded weapons while on base. A competent Conservative President would have reversed such an absurd Clinton rule. Maybe after Obummer, we can run and elect one.
  • That’s why The Blower calls it just another diversion for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters. Only 1,220 more days, Folks! 2016 can’t come soon enough for the rest of us.

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1793, the US Capitol cornerstone was laid, and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have been spending over-taxed payers’ money like drunken sailors ever since.
  • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Ronald Reagan’s: “We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors because the sailors are spending their own money.”
  • image012IN ANDERSON: Tonight is that long awaited so-called “forum” for Anderson Township Trustee Candidates live on Anderson Community Cable TV sponsored by the League of Women Vipers, who also supplied the irrelevant questions for the candidates, and Angry Andersonians are wondering if Disgraced Masturbating Anderson Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien is stupid enough to show up, and will Scott Doyle and John Piehowicz sign the Whistleblower Pledge Not To Masturbate in Your Car like Endorsed Republican Candidates Andy Pappas and Josh Gerth have already done. And whatever you do, Ladies, you should be sure NOT to give Kevin a ride home unless your car has the old style Fingerhut plastic seat covers.
  • WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says most voters agree a federal government shutdown would be bad for the economy, but they’re willing to risk one until DemocRATS and Republicans in Congress agree on ways to cut the budget, including cuts in funding for the new national health care law.

Now’s here’s the latest poll from The Onion: Poll: “Majority Of Americans Approve Of Sending Congress To Syria.”

  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says The Columbus Dispatch rated the top tier of the “most archconservative” Republicans in Ohio’s House. Was anybody surprised Ohio District 27 $tate Rep-Tile for $ale Peter $tautberg did not make the list?
  • image014IN CINCINNATI: DemocRAT Clown-cilman P.G. Sittenfeld and Ohio State Rep-tile Denise Driehaus want Republican Governor Kasich-Taylor to reconsider tax breaks for Dildo World. We’re not sure about P.G., but our Slut for Obama says Patty Brisben’s products are the best she’s ever used.

When the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber gave Amy Murray its top score on its Cincinnati City Council Candidate Scorecard, didn’t they remember she’s a Republican?

Did 150 people actually pay money to see Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extremely Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls sling mud at each other at Tuesday’s Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Business Forum?

And here’s some good news for Cincinnati’s New Police Chief Jeffery Blackwell. He doesn’t have to take that test Disgraced Former Fourteen-Star Police Chief James Craig refused to take. He’s already certified in the state of Ohio however, had he not been, the City made it optional for the new chief to decide whether he wanted to be a certified officer. It’s easier to lower your standards that way.

This just in: Queen Noble has a special request. After hearing that her name was not on ALL the ballots, especially at the Evanston Recreation Center, the vanquished mayoral candidate would like all The Blower Readers who voted in that meaningless $400,000 Cincinnati Mayoral Primary on September 10 to send her an e-mail if they didn’t see her name on their ballots too. [SEND IT HERE]

And when Loony Libertarian Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns files his campaign finance today, how much money will it show all those All Talk Libertarians donated to the best candidate they’ll ever see in their lifetimes?

  • image016GAY NEWS UPDATE: Whistleblower Alternative Lifestyle Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say Jack Horkheimer Wannabe Dean Regas from the Cincinnati Observatory couldn’t stop giggling after hearing Gay Star Treker George Takei say “Oh Myyyyyyyyy” during their WVXU radio interview. So what did those two girls do next— give each other pedicures? 
  • SPORTS OUT OF SORTS: One Bearcat Booster is kind of surprised at this: The way they are saying how the UC Bearcats are doing so well, selling the place out and need to expand Nippert Stadium. And here they are selling tickets on GROUPON. At deep discounts. What’s going on here?

And Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather says after Monday night’s win against the worst team in Major League baseball, Dusty’s Little Red Machine was only 2.5 games out of first place, with only 11 more games to play, and Trish the Dish still can’t figure out what The Reds Tragic Number is.

  • image017WHISTLEBLOWER INTERNS Rachel, Bradley, Ashley, and Hunter say 22 years ago, when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town, Issue # 69 published on September 17, 1991 featured the 1991 Whistleblower Best and Worst Awards.
  • BACK TO BASICS: The Cincinnati TEA Party reports the Warren County Liberty Alliance met Monday to launch a new group that adheres strictly to the three basic principles of the truly Conservative movement:  LIMITED GOVERNMENT, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, and FREE MARKETS.

Here’s what they plan to do: Harness the overwhelming power of conservative Warren County voters Focus on local governments first to have direct impact Refuse to promote compromised versions of our message through politicians Not take on dozens of initiatives at once Focus on effective strategies to win on issues and citizen initiatives Have meetings that provide understandable education on issues

  • IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY:  Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says everybody is talking about how Dead Dog DemocRAT Nathan “Cornbread” Smith is asking The Blower not to ridicule his silly fundraiser for Alison Wondergams Grimes at his house in Fort Mitchell on Friday the way we made fun of his ill-fated fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in 2008.

And that Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Out to Destroy “Crazy Eric Deters” including Lovely Lisa Wells (The Attorney Who Replaced “Crazy Eric” on WLW Hate Radio) wonders if you saw The Fishwrap’s photo gallery of “Ben-Gals Through the Years.” Wouldn’t it be funny if several pictures of “Crazy Eric’s” favorite client, disgraced former Ben-Gal Sarah Jones, were also included?”

  • image019FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the way all those politicians were trying to use the DC Naval Yard Massacre to promote their own agendas. “Especially, Hamilton County’s Dusty DemocRAT Auditor who couldn’t wait to Twitter his comments,” Kane pointed out. “Once again, I bet Alex T., Mall Cop GOP is really glad he let him run unopposed all those times.”

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Some astute analytical items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally astute analytical subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.


CNN: National Collector’s Mint Coin exploiting tragedy of 9/11?

image022Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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