Annual “Union Daze” E-dition

Monday, September 2, 2013

Top Ten List

Today it’s the top ten blessings brought to you by organized labor:

image044 10. A three-day Union Day weekend featuring Obama‘s Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez, trying to explain why union members should still support ObamaCare, along with Obama’s latest jobs strategy to put more people out of work along with more pro-union regulations.
9. Schools that just can’t suck enough
8. Advances in reconstructive kneecap surgery
7. Lying ads to smear Republicans
6. Union labels
5. Part-time workers trying to make SUV payments on $55-a- week strike pay
4. Aiding Devious DemocRATS with more election fraud again in 2012
3. Coffee breaks
2. Crooked Union Bosses
…And the number one blessing brought to you by organized labor is: plenty of volunteers to write hate mail letters and tear down Conservative candidates’ yard signs.

Union Day Message

By Gomper Samuels, Deceased Former Union Leader

image007As you enjoy your paid holiday today, please try to remember one thing: it would never have been possible without the sacrifice and dedication of union leaders throughout history to make life better for average hard-working people– to end child labor, set minimum wage standards, bring safety to the workplace, a 40-hour work week, and get as many Disingenuous DemocRATS elected to political office as possible.

And if some dishonest public employee union leaders in Cincinnati just happen to be lining their own pockets, you really shouldn’t say anything about it, because, believe me, we know who you are, and we know where you live.

Union Day Message

          image009Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1944, Navy aviator George H.W. Bush and his squadron were hit by Japanese anti-aircraft guns and Bush was forced to bail out of his plane over the ocean, where he was picked up by a U.S. submarine. Do you think any of our Kneepad Liberals in the Press will forget to mention that? Not that any of our Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters would know or care anything about things like that.          

Please thank your public school teacher for making sure your children don’t learn such things, since their union is spending all that money warning everybody about Republicans disastrous plan to promote school choice and home-schooling, Support voluntary student-initiated prayer in school, and for there to be a limited role of federal government in education.          

A document the National Education Association filed with the U.S. Department of Labor in 2011 indicates that the teachers union donated $100,000 to Media Matters For America nearly three years ago, describing it as a payment for “public relations costs” to ensure that NEA’s agenda made its way in the media.” Media Matters is the George Soros-funded liberal “charitable organization” dedicated to targeting mythical right-wing media bias.            

Which is why our Quote for Today Committee chose FDR’s: “The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service.” A second choice was AFL-CIO-President George Meany’s “It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.” Today, however AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says the only way to revive the economy would be for the government to raise everybody’s taxes, borrow more money from China, and piss it all away on projects that would benefit unions.  

Coney Island Relaxes Rules for Labor Day Picnic    

          image011Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka says to celebrate the unofficial end of another Jobless Summer during the Obama Administration (where union members have not yet adjusted to the new reality where GOP lawmakers are doing everything possible to curb their collective bargaining rights), Coney Island says it’s OK for everyone (except dumbed-down RINOs or TEA Party Members foolish enough to wander by) to put up as many signs as they want along the drive or anywhere else in the park.

No special tickets are required, but parking at Coney is usually an arm, and admission will cost you a leg.

Free Obama Phones while they last.

Endorsed DemocRAT candidates will also be permitted to hand out self-adhesive stickers (to be placed on light poles, garbage cans, bathroom fixtures, and other structures).

Don’t worry about cleaning up afterwards. Coney Island has many sub-minimum-wage illegal immigrant workers to that kind of work.

Boehner Bashing, Class Warfare, and TEA Party name-calling will begin at 2:30 PM, but you don’t really have to get there early this year, since there will be no added security requirements for a presidential or vice presidential visit slowing admission to the picnic grounds. And it’s doubtful any mention will be made of John Kasich Taylor’s “Proclamation in Honor of Labor Day,” since most people think Ohio’s Republican Governor is probably still using one of Gayvenor Strickland’s Labor Day Proclamation.

Can you imagine how long the lines to get in would be if somebody there was actually offering full-time, well-paying jobs?

image012With only eight more days till Cincinnati’s meaningless $400,000 Mayoral Primary Election, where the choice for Cincinnati’s next mayor will be between Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extreme Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls.  

Despite Obama’s “historic” re-election, we still have more Americans unemployed, under-employed, or just not interested in being employed these days. Prices of gasoline are in the tri-state on Labor Day are averaging about $3.64 per-gallon. That’s more than twice what they were when Obama was first elected. Fewer Americans each year are saying Labor Day is the nation’s most important holiday, and pollsters say the country disapproves of labor unions even more than last year.

One of the greatest things about our country is that we’re a resilient, hard-working people, and on this Labor Day weekend, we should remember these values and the things that have made our country the greatest in the world. Do you think any of our Obama Supporters in the Press will mention the irony that on this Labor Day so many people don’t have jobs? 

How Will These Ordinary Americans Celebrate Union Day?

  • image013Mama Maruska, Retired Homemaker: Cooking for my ungrateful family like I do on every holiday.
  •  image014Porky Dorkman, Student: Getting ready to skip school tomorrow.


  • image017Marlene Mandible, Totally Unemployable: Paying for three seats on my airline flight.
  • image019Earl Pitts, Part-time Taxidermist: Hopin’ my kids don’t get their fingers blowed off with all those illegal fireworks I bought at the truck stop.


  • image021Linda Libel, Gossip Columnist:Trying to pick up on the latest hearsay about Ditzy DemocRAT Judge Tracie Hunter. 


  • image023Suzie Soccermom, TEA Partier: Avoiding being raped, murdered, or run over by police in downtown Cincinnati.


  • image024Leroy Williams, Street Corner Pharmacist: Selling crack to teenagers in Over-the-Rhine.


  •  image026Norma Rashid, Former TV5 Anchorwoman: Sitting home alone waiting for Charlie to call.


  • image027Jack Mehoff, Used Solar Panel Salesman: Eatin’ lots of brats and metts at the union picnic even though I still haven’t paid my dues.


  •  image029Emily Frump, Retired City Employee: Worrying about what’s going to happen to my pension.


  • image030CH Snitch, 1000 Main Street: Trying to find poll workers for that $400,000 Meaningless Cincinnati Mayoral Primary Election in only eight more days.


  • image032Sid Schlock, Slumlord: planning on how to raise the rent on illegal aliens.


  • image034Ken CamBoo, Northern Kentucky Journalist: Wondering why there are so few unions in the Bluegrass State.


  • image035TEA Party Tim: Circulating Right-to-work petitions.


  • image037Reverum Calhoun, Minister: Boycottin’ the Union Day Picnic at Coney Island.


  • image039Seedy Diehl, Northern Kentucky: Getting another day off with pay.


  • image040Rashid Jones, Escort Service Provider: Tellin’ his main lady “This ain’t no holiday for you, bitch! Get out on the street and bring me my money.”


Whistleblower Weekend Web Poll

image041This weekend, here’s how Whistleblower Web Poll respondents said people would be spending the Union Day weekend:

(A) Honoring American workers: 2%
(B) Sitting in traffic: 2%
(C) Looking for full-time jobs: 2%
(D) Getting another day off with pay: 94%

Labor’s Lament

This weekend, everybody who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the meaning of national holidays as long as he gets the day off, e-mailed entries to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

image043The winner is Edward Norton, a smelly sewer worker from Price Hill, who’s a member in good standing of Sewer Workers Local #389. Ed wins an autographed picture of former AFL-CIO Union Boss Rad Danford, a lifetime supply of deodorant, fake union labels to patch the holes in those crappy Made-in-China clothes he buys at Wal-Mart, and his choice of which arm gets broken if he complains about his dues being spent to promote tax-and-spend DemocRATS. His winning entry is:

How most people will spend Union Day,
For kids, it’s a day they can play;
But if you’re self-employed,
You might be annoyed,
When other assholes get the day off with pay.


e-mail your requests for additional accident insurance today.


Some anti-union items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally anti-union subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.

Whistleblower Link of the Day

Thanks, Union Bosses!

image040Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here
