Special “New National Crisis” E-dition

Wednesday, August 14, 2013   

Another Outrage Added

 image004Just when you thought Lunatic Liberals couldn’t find anything new to act outraged about, they find something new to pretend to be angry about. Monday, all those Liberal Operatives you see on TV were livid. Obama Administration Paid Liars were irate. Dervish DemocRAT Pundits Spinning to the Left were out of control. Dishonest DemocRAT Public Officials were totally enraged. Progressive Reporters were aghast. Campaign Weasels and Party Hacks were furious. Left Wing Political Strategists and Consultants were over the top, and the usual Roster of Race-Baiters were playing the Race Card, just to get their names in the news.          

Obviously, the incident was no big deal, not with all the real problems facing the nation or that long list of Obama’s “Not So Phony” scandals that keeps growing these days. But our Legions of Liberals were certainly trying to make it seem that way, after a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair showed up wearing an Obama mask during the bull riding event and the crowd went wild if it wanted to see Obama “run down by a bull.”          

Disingenuous DemocRAT Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill and Congressman William Lacy Clay showed their own “Ugly Faces of Intolerance” when they stampeded to the nearest microphones to condemn that rodeo clown with statements like this: “I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair. Our fair is supposed to showcase the best of Missouri, instead, it showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance to the world.”          

image006Liberal Bloggers in Their Mother’s Basements were in high dudgeon indeed, because as everybody knows, those same Liberals never had anything but the most respectful things to say about former President George Bush 41 when he was in office, except perhaps that time in 1994 when Douglas A. Campbell, a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer chronicled a Rodeo Clown Wearing a Bush Mask when no outrage ensued. Then there were only about a million other pictures you saw of protesters wearing Bush and Cheney masks when Dubya was in office.          

Let’s face it: only Obama masks are “intolerant,” “hateful,” and “disrespectful,” because they sell the Liberals’ Racist America Agenda.          

Thankfully, a long national nightmare has been averted, because the Missouri State Fair imposed a “lifetime ban” on the Rodeo Clown Who Wore Obama Mask and the President of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association has resigned. But Rodeo Clowns Who Wear Obama Masks will now be added to the Items of Effrontery on the Liberal Agenda along with Amnesty for Future DemocRATS, ObamaScare, Abortion, Sodomy Rites, G-uncontrol, and Let’s Not Hurt the Feelings of All Those Murdering Muslims Who Want to Destroy America.          

On the other hand, Obama’s good friend Oprah Winfrey has been occupying much of the news about being “racially profiled” by a store clerk in Switzerland. Tuesday, Obama’s Good Friend Oprah Winfrey apologized profusely for lying about the incident. Now The Blower all would be right with the world if the Missouri State Fair would only let that clown back in the rodeo.          

image008In Northern Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Letter-Writing Liberals are Livid about the less than worshipful comments about Barack the Messiah made by Vonda Pickens and her Northern Kentucky TEA Party rabble rousers during last week’s nation-wide “Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment” movement, where protestors in Northern Kentucky manned overpasses over I-471 in Fort Thomas, and I-71/75 in Fort Wright and Florence, during the morning and afternoon rush hours, imploring motorists to show support by honking their horns.          

PC Fanatics at The Fishwrap appear only too eager to publish those Liberal complaints, since as we all know, It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made America great, it’s our “Diversity.”

  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the “lifetime banishment” of that Rodeo Clown who dared to show up at the Missouri State Fair wearing an Obama mask during the bull riding event. “How can they tell if he shows up again?” Kane asked. “Maybe he’ll be wearing a different mask.”

 Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Mike Tyson’s “Sometimes I put on a ski mask and dress in old clothes, go out on the streets and beg for quarters.”  

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Some Liberal Outrage items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Liberal Outraged subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.


Manufactured Rodeo Clown Media Outrage

image015Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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