Friday, June 21, 2013
Happy Summer Solstice, Everybody!
Today is the First Day of Summer and a religious holiday for modern Pagans. Dave the Druid says it’s no coincidence our festivities coincide with the longest day of the year.
In Hamilton County, your Disingenuous DemocRAT County Auditor says last night was the deadline to pay your jacked-up Hamilton County property taxes, proving what Gerald Barzan’s always said: “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.”
Wednesday night, our Late Night TV Jokewatcher liked Craig Ferguson’s “President Obama is in Berlin, Germany. It was 97 degrees in Berlin today. I haven’t seen Obama sweat like that since, well, yesterday. And the day before that. All this week, in fact.”
This year, Hamilton County Treasurer even had some new ways for you to avoid licking and sticking a 46-cent stamp on an envelope or standing in those long lines at the Treasurer’s Office with some new easy ways to pay. You could’ve paid online. Or you could’ve paid by phone at 877-764-3524. You could’ve even paid by credit card (for a mere 2.5% added fee) or electronic check (for an extra $1.50)
All those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Low-Information Obama Supporters probably paid on their Free Obama phones (that cost over-taxed payers more than $2 Billion last year), that’s if they weren’t selling their Free Phones for cash or drugs. Now let’s check out James O’Keefe’s latest Investigation, where people did just that.
ABOLISHING THE IRS: Wednesday, local TEA Party Patriots invited all concerned American citizens to attend “Sign Waving Protests” at their local Congressional Offices to show support for further action on the abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service and attacks on our civil liberties.
Anderson TEA Party Leader Sue-zilla Hardenbergh led the wave at “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s office across the street from Anderson TEA party headquarters, and Cincinnati TEA Party President Ann Becker, organized the protest at Speaker John Bohener’s West Chester Office.
If you couldn’t recognize a face in the crowd in the above photo, perhaps Sue-Zilla should’ve used a camera just like Obama uses in his killer drones that can identify a face in the middle of a multitude. [TAKE IT FOR A TEST DRIVE HERE]
Place the cursor in the multitude of people and left double click a couple of times. It will continue to show the people much closer, when you double left click again or click more if needed. Who says Big Brother isn’t watching?
The Blower used that lens at Wednesday’s IRS TEA Party Protest in Anderson and got this close up of a guy hiding out in his dry cleaner store across the street.
Sue-zilla says thousands of folks waved signs on Beechmont Avenue near Wenstrup’s District Office. There were also about 60 citizens at John Boehner’s office in West Chester. And many Ohioans went to DC for the events on the US Capitol lawn. TEA Partiers hand delivered a letter to Representative Wenstrup asking that the House let no Amnesty Bill advance out of the U.S. House of Representatives at this time.
The Gang of Ocho’s Senate Bill S. 744 includes serious flaws and will weaken current laws. Among the problems in this bill are provisions for immediate legalization of immigrants who unlawfully entered our country, however the bill does not have the prerequisite of securing the border, it rewards criminal activity, and undermines law enforcement. What could possibly be wrong with that?
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Matt Borges is applauding Governor Kasich-Taylor and Legislature for their continued focus of providing Ohio families tax relief in the state budget. If anybody’s in favor of people not paying so much in taxes, our new Ohio RINO Party Boss is.
CRIMINALS ON CLOWN-CIL: Can anybody identify the person who illegally parked his car in Westwood? Don’t Cincinnati City Clown-cil Members have to obey the law just like everybody else? Whatever you do, don’t tell the guys at COAST. They’re still totally pissed at Clown-cil’s “Most Despicable Parking Plotter,” whose treachery they claim got us into the parking plot fiasco in the first place.
And somebody sent us a copy of that City Clown-cil Motion # 200800316 supporting development of the Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s Trolley Folly. Wouldn’t it be funny if that historic document had been signed by BOTH Foxy Roxy Qualls and “The Beav?” No wonder our Loony Libertarian Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns says neither one of them deserves to be elected.
- SOREHEADS IN THE SUBURBS: Kathy Grote, former Green Township Trustee candidate and wife of Steve “Buns” Grote noted the recent passing of former Mayor and Board of Elections member “Clean Gene Ruehlman” as just another day. She recalls that Clean Gene had encouraged her husband to persevere back in 1992, as the Republicans endorsed another candidate for the First District Congressional seat then held by Charlie “My-Boy” Luken in 1992.
This was after the so-called Mensa minds at Republican headquarters gave bad advice regarding the candidates’ petitions which were ultimately rejected by the Governor of the State of Ohio who was called upon to break the tie vote at the local board. Clean Gene was both Republican Party Chairman and one of four members of the HC Board of Elections.
“Both my husband and I have outlived all of those pathetic phonies with the notable exception of Grumpy Old Tom Luken and Boob Taft whose times will come sooner rather than later,” Kathy ranted. “May Ralph Kohnen, Gene Ruehlman, and Robert Driehaus ALL get what they deserve in the afterlife.”
Talk about the wrath of a woman scorned, just because deceased Board member Robert Driehaus threatened her with imprisonment for supporting her husband in this tawdry episode.
The Whistleblower can only wonder what punishment or imprisonment Robert Driehaus might suggest for all those DemocRAT voters who were caught voting multiple times in the last presidential election cycle.
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1788, the US Constitution was ratified and Liberals have been trying to destroy it ever since.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Lincoln’s: “Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.”
- TOXIC IN CLERMONT: When the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency issued a recreational public health advisory at East Fork Lake on June 13 because a blue-green algae bloom caused toxin levels at the park’s campground beach to rise to more than four times the acceptable level, John McManus, administrator at Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District said Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen better stop gallivanting all over the world making speeches and get his ass back to the Bob McEwen Water Treatment Plant in Clermont County until the crisis has passed.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says today may be the Summer Solstice, but Orgasm Donors in Northern Kentucky always party hearty on the Winter Solstice. It’s not because it’s the shortest day of the year, because it’s also “World Orgasms for Peace” Day. Didn’t Mae West once say: “An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away?”
How many Druids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: None. They don’t screw in light bulbs, they screw in stone circles.
Meanwhile, WLW Radio’s Lovely Lady Lawyer Lisa Wells says she’s heard from divorce attorneys all over Northern Kentucky about The Blower’s survey of to see which bedroom community on the South Shore was the “top cheating neighborhood,” and The Blower will soon publish a full report.
- FINALLY AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about all those reports that say Obama’s approval ratings are plummeting these days. “I just checked with Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes this morning,” Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained, and he said the value of your portfolio is doing the same damn thing.”
Stories We’re Working On
$70 million in bonuses to IRS for a job well done
- Holder: Probe of FOXNEWS reporter “appropriate”
- GPS leads woman onto railroad tracks, minivan destroyed
- Pharmacist dons white coat, gives free “breast exam” in store
- McDonalds robbed at drive-thru window
- Burglar breaks into home, finds dead body hanging
- Dusty says: “What bullpen problems?”
Whistleblower Web Poll
This week, here’s what the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said will be the best part of this weekend’s Paddlefest Festivities:
(A) Making Cincinnati the Paddling Capital of America: 2%
(B) Paddling your kayak down the 8.2 miles to Yeatman’s Cove: 1%
(C) Walking your kayak the 8.2 miles back to Coney Island where you parked your car: 1%
(D) Watching Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis paddle each other’s bottoms at the Gay Paddlefest at Sawyer Point: 96%
Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!
Taxed to the Max
This week, everybody who can’t understand how his real estate values can be plummeting during the Obama Recession at the same time his property taxes are being jacked up, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is noted anti-taxer Norquist Tadwell, who says, “I wouldn’t mind paying these jacked-up taxes, if only they were educating the kids with the money.”
Norquist wins an autographed photo of the County Auditor with Egg All Over His Face, an Official Whistleblower Jacked-up Property Values Complaint Form, free tickets to a seminar to learn how to successfully challenge the Auditor’s phony baloney value for his property, a “No More Drive-By Appraisals” sign for his yard, and tips from Bill “The Ethnic Cleanser” Seitz on how he got his old pal the Disingenuous DemocRAT Hamilton County Auditor (who was permitted to run unopposed by the RINOs at 700 Walnut Street) to give him an historic tax reduction. His winning entry is:
When you pay your real estate taxes,
Don’t ask where your money goes if you want factses,
Just watch for Castellini and Mike Brown,
First in line at the Courthouse downtown
Making huge profits off of our backses.
And from the Anderson Laureate (who says, “I don’t feel like paying my real estate taxes this year”)
When you pay your real estate taxes
Can you see how the auditor relaxes?
He don’t have to work,
The greedy old jerk,
He just robs us, and them’s what the facts is.
And if he feels like hiking them higher
You might start looking for a home buyer
You can beg him for cuts
But he’s got you by the nuts
And your situation is nothing but dire.
If your taxes go up more and more
Eventually you’re gonna end up poor
If you have no more money
It really won’t be funny
When you get a foreclosure notice on your door.
But that won’t bother ol’ Dusty a bit
If you’re broke, he won’t give a shit.
He’ll just sit back and grin
And raise taxes again
And I don’t think that he’ll ever quit.
So maybe the answer is to rent
And let your landlord lament
You won’t own a house
And you’ll be poor as a church mouse
You might end up under a bridge in a tent.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Obama says it’s now good to be gay”
e-mail your summery judgments today.
Some solstice celebrating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally celebrating subscribers.
Whistleblower Link of the Day
The Most Arrogant Man in the World
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.