One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Happy Property Tax Day, Everybody!
Payment for your Hamilton County Property Taxes has to be post-marked by midnight tonight, and tax preparers all over Hamilton County will be busy all day Thursday helping over-taxed property owners complete their complicated tax forms. And it’s no wonder, since some people’s property taxes are included with their mortgage payments, and they never actually see how much they’re paying for those fools in schools and all those other taxes that are included. That’s why The Blower always says “Everybody should have to write a really big check on Property Tax Day,” and “They should hold elections for those officials on the same day people have to pay for all those taxes.”
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Gerald Barzan’s, “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.”
First, there are school taxes. Could you ever believe you ever approved paying that much for all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Low-Information Obama Supporters walking around these days? The next big chunk of your cash goes to the City, Village, or Township where you live. Then come all your other taxes for such things as a Joint Vocational School (wherever the hell that is), County General Fund, Public Library, Family Service/Treatment, Health and Hospital Care for the Indigent, Mental Health Levy, Development Disabilities, Park District, Crime Information Center, Children Services, Senior Services, Cincinnati Zoo so they don’t kill all the elephants, and the Museum Center.
It’s a shame we don’t have an effective local “Anti-Tax” Organization to talk about such things, and our good friend Bunky Tadwell (the Bard of Cleves) says, “The worst part about your property taxes is that they never seem to go down, and never does anybody else I know.”
Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering says if you forgot to use one of those new 46-cent postage stamps when you mailed in your “Jacked-Up Taxes and your payment was returned due to insufficient postage, our Disingenuous DemocRAT Double-Dipping DemocRAT Obama-loving County Auditor will still publish your name in The Fishwrap, along with all those other deadbeats, and then charge you humongous fine for being a little late, too.”
More Obamanations
BOMBING IN BERLIN: According to the Atlantic Wire, Obama returned to Berlin on Wednesday, almost five years to the day from when he delivered his famous “Victory Column” speech that cemented his reputation as an international rockstar. Unbelievably, his reception this time was a lot different. An estimated 200,000 people turned out in July 2008 to see then Candidate Obama deliver an address in front of one of Germany’s most notable landmarks, but with his reputation is shambles from all his scandals and economic incompetence, instead of opening up Obama’s “Ich Bin Ein Schwarze” speech to the whole city, the Disgraced DemocRAT spoke in front of only about 5,000-6,000 spectators, all of them “invited guests.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1979, Jimmy Carter installed a solar energy system at the White House, and thereby assured our country’s energy independence for all time. Do any of our overtaxed payers remember Obama’s “Solyndra Scandal?”
- RETURN OF THE TEA PARTY: Our DC Newbreaker reports Breibart says on Wednesday, at two rallies bracketing the Capitol, TEA Party and Conservative activists took center-stage on two issues dominating the national political dialogue. GOP Congressmen Steve King, Louie Gohmert, and other members of the TEA Party Caucus hosted a nearly day-long dialogue and discussion on immigration reform. On the other side of the Capitol, TEA Party grass roots organizations held a rally to “Audit the IRS,” in response to the agency’s efforts to intimidate Conservative organizations.
Local TEA Party Patriots also invited all concerned American citizens to attend a “Sign Waving Protest” local Congressional Offices at noon on Wednesday, to show our support for further action on the abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service and attacks on our civil liberties. Anderson TEA Party Leader Sue-zilla Hardenbergh led the wave at “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s office across the street from Anderson TEA party headquarters, and Cincinnati TEA Party President Ann Becker, who organized the protest at Speaker John Bohener’s West Chester Office, says she wishes she had a cool Whistleblower Nickname like “Sue-zilla.” And Congresman Steve Chabothead was back in his office blogging about gun violence.
CAMERAS ON COPS: Tuesday Night, both ABC WORLD NEWS with Diane Sawyer AND Nightline featured AXON flex on-officer cameras news reports. Our good friends ACLU Attorney Scott Greenwood and Former Cincinnati Police Chief Tom Streicher have been busy influencing the debate across America on the subject of putting a video camera on every cop for some time. [READ MORE HERE]
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says now that Mickey Esposito, his wife Allison, and her son Adam have pled guilty to stealing drugs and jewelry from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, everybody’s wondering how long the sentences will be when Wild and Crazy Hamilton County Judge Steve Martin sentences them in July.
MORE CINCINNATI BOONDOGGLES: Tuesday, the local news media totally ignored SMLP Smithermouth’s COAST-promoted tour of the $42 million Riverfront Transit Center (wherever the hell that is) where Grumpy Old Tom Luken complained about the cost of the massive, cavernous, gold-plated boondoggle planned by the same engineers at Parsons Brinckerhoff who are soaking the City for Streetcar planning. Both Luken and Loony Libertarian Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns said the tour was a great place to pick up older black women.
Meanwhile during the dead of night at City Hall, City Mangler Dough Boy Honey sent out a Tweet saying “Fuck Chris Finney, Fuck the Voters, and possibly Fuck the Majority on Clown-cil too. I just signed that parking lease agreement, because there’s no way the Ohio Supreme Court will agree to hear the case and allow a planned voter referendum in November to proceed.”
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: claim that Clowncilwoman Pamula Thomas will support a blank check for the Cincinnati Streetcar because she has been told she must blindly obey Mayor Mallory and Roxanne Qualls. However, we have noticed that Pamula has asked more critical questions in a few weeks than her husband did in seven years as a Clowncilman. If Pam wants to be seen as someone who thinks for herself, now would be a good time to show it. [READ MORE HERE]
IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel says many people in Clermont County are talking about this apartment building owned by Clermont County Commissioner “Buffalo Dave” Uible who was ushered into office by the Clermont County Tea Party as a bow tie wearing, squeaky clean candidate after all of the trouble brought by Archie Wilson, the Tea Party’s last savior in Clermont County. Uible owns this apartment building that is also listed as the current residence of Clermont County Communications Director Annette Meagher. What many do not know is that Buffalo Dave moved Meagher to live in his apartment building shortly after he cast a vote to hire her as the County’s new Communications Director to replace Kathy Lehr. “Buffalo Dave” told friends he moved her to New Richmond was so she could live and work in Clermont County. Our Clermont snitch advises us that some are calling for the Ohio Ethics Commission to investigate the matter to review whether a conflict of interest exists over her current arrangement with Uible. Of course, other Clermont County voters are asking why Uible felt the need not only to give Meagher a job, but also to provide her with a place to live.
Meanwhile, what’s up with Clermont County Sheriff Tim Rodenberg these days, anyway? Have you seen some of those pictures of himself Sheriff Tim has been posting on Facebook lately, along with whatever else he’s had for dinner that night?
- TWENTY THREE YEARS AGO THIS WEEK: Continuing The Blower’s 23rd Anniversary of The Whistleblower, Edition # 4, which came out on June 18, 1990 was the second week published on a single legal size page, but the first week actually to include an illustration. It looked something like this:
HOWARD WILKINSON POLITICS: Unnamed captors have released this picture of award-winning Enquirer Political reporter HOWARD WILKINSON so family and friends will know that he is still alive and well. His astute political insight has now not been seen for five weeks. No word yet on possible ransom demands.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says according to Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, a whole bunch on new laws approved during the Kentucky General Assembly’s 2013 regular session will be going into effect on June 25. That means if Scott Wartman at the Kentucky Fishwrap wanted a to do a big story about it, all he would only have to do is to copy the June 17 Kentucky Legislative Press Release and paste it into his news blog, then tell everybody how hard he worked compiling all that information.
FINALLY AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane released results of this week’s Whistleblower Web Poll, which reported when the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said summer officially arrives in Greater Cincinnati:
(A) June 20, when Hamilton County Property Taxes are due on the longest day of the year: 2%
(B) On the date the Reds are mathematically eliminated: 1%
(C) When the day the life squad gets its first call about a guy with his penis caught in the intake valve at the YMCA swimming pool: 1%
(D) When Channel 19 reminds you to set your clocks ahead: 96%
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s Whistleblower is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our June fund-raising drive by Bankruptcy Attorney Robert A. Goering, for helping him get a little publicity for that part-time job he has at the Hamilton County Courthouse.
e-mail your political protest photos today.
Some protesting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally protesting subscribers.
Whistleblower Link of the Day
“Berlin Wall” Speech – President Reagan’s Address at the Brandenburg Gate (June 12, 1987)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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