One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
What Obama Scandals?
Here’s a little item you might see being forwarded to you on the internet one of these days. We figured we better run it before we get another 312 copies passed along to us from the Persons of Consequence who subscribe to The Blower.
“Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?”
“You mean the Mexican gun running?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the State Dept. lying about Benghazi?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the voter fraud?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the president demoralizing and breaking down the military?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the Boston Bombing?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the president wanting to kill Americans with drones in our own country without the benefit of the law?”
“No, the other one.”
“You mean the president arming the Muslim Brotherhood?”
“No, the other one.”
“The IRS targeting conservatives?”
“No, the other one.”
“The DOJ spying on the press?”
“No, the other one.”
“Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
“No, the other one.”
“The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?”
“No, the other one.”
“The president’s ordering the release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons and falsely blaming the sequester?”
“No, the other one.”
“The president’s threat to impose gun control by Executive Order in order to bypass Congress?”
“No, the other one.”
“The president’s repeated violation of the law requiring him to submit a budget no later than the first Monday in February?”
“No, the other one.”
“The president’s unconstitutional recess appointments in an attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advise-and-consent role?”
“No, the other one.”
“The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
“No, the other one.”
“HHS employees being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?”
“No, the other one.”
“Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
“No, the other one.”
“I give up! … Oh wait, I think I got it! You mean those 65 million Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Low-Information Obama Supporters who stuck us again with the most corrupt administration in American history?“
SEQUESTER JESTERS: Dick Morris says we should all tell Obama we can’t afford his family vacations, now that those Moochers in the White House plan to spend up to $100 million of your over-taxed payers’ money on their trip to Africa later this month at a time when federal employees are on furlough working four day weeks due to Obama’s Sequester. To send Obama an e-mail, CLICK HERE.
- DOING THE WAVE: Local TEA Party Patriots are inviting all concerned American citizens to attend a sign waving protest at each of the offices of “both” our local Congressmen on Wednesday at noon, to show our support for further action on the abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service and attacks on our civil liberties.
Cincinnati TEA Party President Ann Becker waving her heart out at Speaker John Bohener’s West Chester Office at 7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road Suite B and Anderson TEA Party Sue-zilla Hardenbergh will be doing the wave at “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s office, across the street from Anderson TEA party headquarters at 7954 Beechmont Avenue. We’re not sure what concerned American citizens in Steve Chabothead’s district are supposed to do, since he’s apparently not one of “both” of our local Congressmen. Maybe they should just stand in front of their houses and wave their signs at the cars.
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Cincinnati native Chris Schrimpf will be the new communications director at the Ohio RINO Party. The Dispatch headlined the announcement “Schrimpf Bait.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1953, Communist spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for passing U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets. Today Obama and his Outlaw Attorney General Eric Holder would like to order a drone strike on The Blower’s New Cyber-Spy Columnist Edward Snowden, if they could ever locate him.
THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Snowden’s “The public needs to know the kinds of things a government does in its name, or the ‘consent of the governed’ is meaningless.”
- OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked David Letterman’s “Edward Snowden is the guy who leaked all of the NSA secrets. He had a 98-minute press conference today and yet they can’t find the guy. This is the biggest manhunt since Martha Stewart started online dating.”
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says his latest survey shows only 70% of Americans opposing Obama’s arming those so-called rebels in Syria. It’s hard to imagine anybody would oppose getting involved in a war where both sides are committed to the total destruction of Israel and America with Bashar Assad, Hezbollah, and Iran on one side and al-Qaeda on the other.
A similar 70% believe the IRS decision to target Conservatives was made in DC, and nearly half believe Obama’s IRS Scandal leads directly to the White House.
Another new poll shows Americans’ confidence in the news industry reaching a low not seen since 2007. Gallup finds that trust in both newspapers and TV news has fallen to 23%. Whistleblower readers would probably say that figure is too high.
What do you call a guide dog for a Muslim Woman? A “Barka!”
- MAYORAL MADNESS: Looney Libertarian Candidate Jim Berns says so far he hasn’t heard a Tweet from Alex T., Mall Cop GOP ever since he sent the Hamilton County RINO Party Boss that letter asking for the Party’s endorsement, since Alex T. couldn’t find a Republican stupid enough to run.
And when Berns joined SMLP Smithermouth’s tour of the $42 million Riverfront Transit Center (wherever the hell that is) on Tuesday afternoon, did either of them suggest it would be a good place for Girly Mayor Mallory to park all those trolleys that nobody’s ever going to use anyway?
BLUEGRASS BLASTS: For more than 22 years, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo has been the main source of Northern Kentucky News hereabouts. Do you remember the June 18, 1991 Edition (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town)? That’s when our The CamBoozler had the scoop on these items.
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says now that Mickey Esposito, his wife Allison, and her son Adam have pled guilty to stealing drugs and jewelry from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, everybody’s wondering if they’ll have family accommodations in the slammer when Wild and Crazy Hamilton County Judge Steve Martin sentences them in July.
CH Snitch also wants everybody to know our Disingenuous DemocRAT County Auditor is reminding Hamilton County Over-taxed Payers their drive-by property taxes are due by midnight on Thursday.
- CONFUSION IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Could it be that there is more than one scandal about to break in Batavia these days?
- GETTING READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says, “I know many of you (like me) are looking forward to football season. So here’s a little recap of last year: Alabama beat Arkansas and they fired the coach. Alabama beat Tennessee and they fired the coach. Alabama beat Auburn and they fired the coach. Then Alabama beat Notre Dame and the Pope resigned. Damn, I wish the White House had a team.”
MILLION DOLLAR WEDDING: Desperate DemocRAT David A. Pepper is wondering if getting married will really help his campaign for Ohio Attorney General. So far, the media response has been underwhelming ever since Friday festivities at Ault Park in Cincinnati and Saturday’s ceremony at the secluded Murphin Ridge Inn in Adams County, a well-known Amish pleasure palace in West Union, Ohio. [SEE MORE HERE]
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Our Clermont County Snitch (probably not Archie Wilson) says New Clermont County Communications Director Annette Meagher may need to start preparing for news to break involving the most recent scandal to rock Batavia.
- MORE FEEL GOOD CRAP: Now that Beyond Civility’s Robert Rack has been featured in The Morning Fishwrap, the group has declared its efforts to cure all the ills of society a rousing success—not as much as League of Women Vipers, but offering the opportunity to see partisan politicians pretending to just get along has been an invaluable learning experience for the local community, if not for the entire planet.
- FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors about his former wife in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked about those daily e-mails they receive from the Fishwrappers at “Politics Extra” listing all of that day’s top stories.
“It’s quite handy,” Kane explained. “Especially if you want to see some of the items you may have missed in The Blower a week ago.”
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
e-mail your classified information today.
Some leaked items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally leaked subscribers.
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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