Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER ONE STORY THIS WEEK was how bewildered Photo Spoofer Edward Cropper thought Obama’s FBI Director Robert Mueller looked when he testified before Congress and claimed not to know any of the details about his agency’s illegal targeting of Conservatives to help get Obama re-elected in 2012.
- OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was when thirty RINOs in the US Senate voted for Amnesty earlier this week, and you knew Portman and McConnell had to be among them. And did Rand Paul really tell illegal immigrants, “We will find a place for you?”
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was when none of those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters were really paying any attention as long as they keep getting their Free Stuff.
- MONDAY in our Current “Constitutional Crisis” E-dition, The Blower said it’s more than just Obama’s bogus birth certificate!”
Liberal attacks on the U.S. Constitution have become commonplace during the Age of Obama, and long ago, Republicans in Congress scheduled a vote in the House to find Obama’s Outlaw Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt.
And that was even before we just recently learned about all of Obama’s Scandals, where all of those Obama Supporting Government Employees broke every law in the book getting Obama re-elected in 2012.
Unfortunately, even if that election were held today, all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters would elect him again.
That’s why Whistleblower Constitutional Scholar Madison Jamison believes it would be altogether fitting and proper for today’s Conservative Civics Lesson to include “Your Common Sense of Rights.”
We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines….
We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are so confused by the Bill of Rights that they require a Bill of NON-Rights.”
- TUESDAY in our Special “NSA Whistleblower” E-dition, The Blower said, “He’s not hiding out in our basement!” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
When The Blower published its “Common Sense of Rights” in Monday’s e-dition, it reminded me of how much America is changing these days. —Judge Jeanine
“Common Sense” is like deodorant. People who need it the most never use it. —Tom Paine-in-the-Ass
Every day there’s another scandal for us to try to cover up at the Obama White House. —Obama Supporters in the Press
It really doesn’t matter how many scandals Obama has, so long as all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters keep getting their free stuff. —Obama’s Organizing for Action Scam
Did you ever notice that “THE+IRS=THEIRS?” — Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz
If Congress was half-way serious about preventing people from being targeted by the IRS, instead of just using the latest scandal to continue their own perks and privileges and raise money to give to their supporters to get themselves re-elected, they would just pass a “Flat Tax” or a “National Sales Tax” to raise all the revenue they’d ever need to run the country and send all those Obama-loving weasels at the IRS to the unemployment lines. —IRS Bashers
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “Obama’s Scandal-rama” E-dition, The Blower said, “Here a scandal, there a scandal!”
IT’S A SCANDALANCHE: There are so many scandals at the Obama White House these days. The failure to get to the bottom of Benghazi is a scandal. The issue of secret subpoenas of reporters is close to scandalous. The IRS targeting of conservative groups is most definitely a scandal. And most recently, the NSA’s secret data-collection efforts smell of scandal.
Only a year ago everybody was worried about security leaks “at the White House” that put American lives in danger and DemocRAT Strategist Pat Caddell even named National Security Advisor Tom Donilon as Obama’s leaker. [SEE THAT VIDEO HERE]
Now everybody’s waiting for Obama to appoint a new Scandal Czar just to keep track of all those front-page miscues. Word is he’ll supervise a team of six men with pooper-scoopers following behind Obama. Not to worry. Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard will still get to keep his job.
Larry the Cable Guy says CNN ignored a CBS News report that, according to the State Department’s Inspector General, the department stymied investigations into allegations of sexual assault by its security employees. Coincidentally, neither NBC nor ABC touched the story either. It seems nobody was interested in a story about a State Department whistleblower who accused high-ranking staff of a massive cover-up — including keeping a lid on findings that members of then-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s security detail and the Belgian ambassador solicited prostitutes. Including minors. A chief investigator for the agency’s inspector general wrote a memo outlining eight cases that were derailed by senior officials, including one instance of interference by Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Lawyer-Palooza” E-dition, The Blower said, “It’s No Wonder So Many Lawyers Read The Blower, Because We Say So Many Nice Things About Them”
ACLU SUES OBAMA ADMINISTRATION OVER NSA SURVEILLANCE: Whistleblower Legal Dream Team Chairman, Noted ACLU Mouthpiece Scott Greenwood asks, “Which civil liberties and civil rights organization is going to bat for all Americans against Obama’s surveillance state?” The ACLU lawsuit argues that the program violates the First Amendment rights of free speech and association as well as the right of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment. The complaint also charges that the dragnet program exceeds the authority that Congress provided through the Patriot Act. [READ THAT COMPLAINT HERE]
Someone else who might also need the ACLU’s representation these days is The Blower’s New Cyber-Spy Columnist Edward Snowden, who claims he’s not really hiding, and warns, “The majority of people in developed countries spend at least some time interacting with the internet, and governments are abusing that necessity in secret to extend their powers beyond what is necessary and appropriate.” Watch out for those drones, Eddie!
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says Miranda rights were established on this date in 1966. Maybe Obama and his Attorney General are just exercising theirs these days, not that all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters are really paying attention.
THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY chose Eric Holder’s “Let’s deal with reality. The reality is that we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden. He will never appear in an American courtroom.”
FRIDAY in our Official “Flag Day” E-dition, The Blower remembered those who have fought and died to protect it
Flag Day was first observed in 1877 on the 100th anniversary of the Continental Congress’ adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. In that year, Congress asked that all public buildings fly the flag on June 14. The idea quickly caught on and many people wanted to participate in waving the flag. One early supporter was B. J. Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher who wanted June 14 to be known as “Flag Birthday.”
For our cherished occasion, Our Quote for Today Committee has chosen Adrian Cronauer’s: “Our flag is not just one of many political points of view. Rather, the flag is a symbol of our national unity.”
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Flag Day as a national celebration. However, the holiday was not officially recognized until 1949 when President Harry Truman signed the National Flag Day Bill.
The Blower says it’s time to dig out your American flag and fly it high this week. Children in school today if they were getting an education year round could sing “God Bless the USA,” unless your Obama Supporting School Principal says that would be “too patriotic.”
And maybe if you’re at a ball game, you should even put down your hot dog, take off your hat, and actually sing “God Bless America” during the seventh inning stretch.
And maybe at all public meetings, we could all join in and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In case you’ve forgotten, the current words, adapted over the years from the original written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, are: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
- SATURDAY in our Special “More Mess In the Making” E-dition, The Blower asked, “What Could Possibly go Wrong during the next 1,314 days?”
INSANITY UPDATE: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama is now getting hugs from Bill Clinton for pledging U.S. “military support” to the so-called Israel-hating Syrian Rebels, who pledge their loyalty to Al-Qaeda. Obama’s snooping didn’t include mosques, so that’s why the NSA missed the Tsarnaev Brothers in Boston. The Obama economic policies guarantee a jobless recovery and the Senate’s Amnesty Bill is a custerfuck of the highest order. Thirty RINOs is the US Senate voted for Amnesty earlier this week, and you know Portman and McConnell were among them. Sarah Palin is returning to Fox News as a regular contributor. If that doesn’t drive all those Liberal Operatives on Cable TV news shows bonkers, we don’t know what will. FBI hasn’t contacted a single TEA Party Group in its criminal investigation of the IRS for illegally targeting Conservatives to help get Obama re-elected in 2012, and when Obama was introduced at the White House by third graders at an Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender Pride Month reception at the White House on Thursday, Obama declared that the nation has reached a “turning point” regarding homosexual marriage, and none of those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters are really paying any attention as long as they keep getting their Free Stuff.
No wonder Whistleblower Psychoanalyst Adler Jung says, “Once you get used to it, insanity seems like the most normal thing in the world.”
It must be, since your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $3.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower. The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.
This week we’re featuring Poor Little Mikey Brown, a portly pantload from Indian Hill, who wanted to win the Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition to please his dad, who was a real football fanatic. Poor Little Mikey dreamed of standing at mid-field during halftime, where a stadium full of fans would cheer him, and everybody else at home would see him on TV. For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department.
OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: This week as controversy over Obama’s many scandals continued to heat up, Obama created more controversy by assigning the CIA to arm and train all those Israel-hating Al-Qaeda loving rebels in Syria. So now we’re now on the same side as al-Qaeda. Coincidence? We think not. It sounds like just another DemocRAT diversion to The Blower.
The Blower also wonders how Obama could send all those Marines to Syria at a moment’s notice, but he was too busy fund-raising in Las Vegas on 9/11 before the 2012 Elections to lift a finger to save those four murdered Americans in Benghazi.
- SPEAKING OF FUND-RAISING: Obama traveled to Miami Beach on Wednesday to fund–raise for the DemocRAT Party at a private event where donations could reach as high as $32,400 per person. But everyone will pay for the president’s visit to the waterfront home of businessman Joseph W. Blount, because it costs federal over-taxed payers about $180,000 per flight hour just to take Air Force One. Locally, there’s a cost as well.
And while campaigning for DemocRAT Senate Candidate in Massachusetts, Obama blamed D.C. Gridlock on politicians who campaign too much.
- SEQUESTER JESTER: Another upcoming distraction is Obama’s junket to Africa next week, where between $60 million and $100 million worth of Federal assets including a large naval ship, 56 support vehicles, truckloads of bulletproof glass, fighter jets and hundreds of Federal personnel — being shipped to sub-Saharan Africa where Obama is taking the wife and kids on vacation.
The White House defends the Obama Family’s $100 Million Trip to Africa as a “Great Bang For Our Buck.”
Obama’s African Trip would’ve been even more expensive, but the Obamas had to scrap their planned safari because of the costs of snipers needed “to neutralize cheetahs, lions and other animals, if they became a threat.”
- ROGUES FOR OBAMA: Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz says the IRS is looking to hire a “diversity and inclusion” specialist, with a minimum salary of $123,758 a year.
Meanwhile, the State Department through its Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) is planning to spend $450,000 in over-taxed payer dollars overseas “to support programs that increase protection of transgender persons who face acute forms of violence and harassment.”
- VETERANS DISHONORED: According to the U.S. Air Force, due to the impact sequestration has on resources, Air Force Services is adjusting requirements for military funeral honors of retirees. [See that story here] That means they are cutting back the number of people the military will send to a funeral detail for a vet. No more uniformed pallbearers. When the government wants something from us they take it — our time, our lives, our money. When we are supposed to get something back from them, they do everything possible to avoid paying up. Uncle Sam should remember: A promise made is a debt unpaid. The Blower says, “Bury the vets with a full honor detail.”
Washington Week in Review
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1858, President Abraham Lincoln warned that America was becoming a “house divided.” And these days, Divider-in-Chief Obama is really doing his part.
- SENILE IN THE SENATE: John McRINO calls Lack Of Amnesty a “Very Huge Stain On The Conscience Of The United States Of America.” He also blatantly lies and claims the Gang of Ocho immigration bill doesn’t give convicted criminals Amnesty.
- DOOFUS DEMOCRATS: Congressman John Larson says it’s “Simply Not Fair” to subject Congress to Obamacare just like everyone else. In case you were wondering, the Connecticut DemocRAT voted for ObamaCare to find out what was in it. Louisiana DemocRAT Senator Mary Landrieu made an embarrassing gaffe Thursday during a debate on the Senate Floor, when she stated South Dakota borders Canada. THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says, “By a 3-to-1 margin Americans oppose the U.S. intervening in Syria”.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Lincoln’s “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
- WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says Stocks ended lower after another volatile week. Whether the Federal Reserve would soon begin to scale back its monetary easing program continued to dominate headlines, but investors appeared to pay increasing attention to monetary policy and market turmoil in Japan.
Liberalizing America
MEDIA MENDACITY: ABC, NBC, and CBS Network drop coverage of the IRS Scandal. There was only one story this week.
- DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Disingenuous DemocRAT Southwest Ohio State Reptiles and Senators (Eric Kearney, Nina Turner, Tracy Maxwell Heard, Kathleen Clyde, Connie “The Pillager,” Charleta Tavares, Heather Bishoff, Kevin Boyce, Denise Driehaus, Stevecia Reece, and “Dale for Sale” Mallory) joined Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Foxy Roxy Qualls and the League of Women Vipers in begging GOP Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted and Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters not to prosecute those poor misunderstood 39 Dishonest DemocRAT Vote Frauders who got caught trying to vote for Obama at least twice.
- UNION BLUES: If you’re looking for the “Union Label” on ObamaCare these days, you probably won’t find it.
- OUR DEVOLVING CULTURE: A man wearing an “Obama 2008” t-shirt is being sought by Virginia police after allegedly exposing himself to a female shopper inside a Walmart.
- G-UN CONTROL: Obama’s Propaganda Arm (OFA) is now kicking off yet another Anti-Gun Push with an E-mail exploiting the Newtown Tragedy.
More Politics Unusual
OBAMACARE TRAINWRECK: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to Forbes magazine, Disingenuous DemocRATS continue to try to dismiss the evidence that ObamaCare will dramatically increase the cost of insurance for people who buy it on their own. But last Thursday, the Ohio Department of Insurance announced that, based on the rates submitted by insurers to date, the average individual-market health insurance premium in 2014 will come in around $420, “representing an increase of 88 percent” relative to 2013. “We have warned of these increases,” said Lt. Governess Mary Kasich Taylor in a statement. “Consumers will have fewer choices and pay much higher premiums for their health insurance starting in 2014.”
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “According to a Gallup poll, President Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 45 percent. Luckily for Obama, he has ‘impeachment insurance.’ It’s called “Joe Biden.”
- TEA PARTY PRINCIPLES: The Tea Party Express is proud to stand for six simple principles: No more bailouts; Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government; Stop raising our taxes; Repeal Obamacare; Cease out-of-control spending, and Bring back American prosperity.
More Unresolved Issues
RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: According to their Mission Statement, the Ohio Black Republicans Association is to maximize the growth and participation of African Americans in the Republican Party and be an educational resource on economic, social and political issues affecting African Americans at all levels of government.
- ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: RINO Senator Marco Rubio says we need to legalize Illegal Immigrants “To Pay For The Border Security.” No kidding.
- GAY NEWS UPDATE: Alternative Life-Style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say Obama told the LGBT Crowd he sees a “Tidal Wave Of Gayness Sweeping The Nation” from Minnesota to Maryland, from the U.S. Senate to the NBA.”
- BABY-KILLING UPDATE: Dingbat DemocRAT Congresswoman Jackie Speier says Republican men should stay out of the Abortion Debate because “Not One Of Them Has A Vagina.”
- MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE: In the movie “Independence Day” the President asked one of the captured aliens, “What do you want from us?” The alien’s response was, “We want you to die.” That pretty well sums up the Islamic game plan.
Closer to Home
IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus held a photo op described as an “African American Listening Session” at a black church in Cleveland Friday afternoon. Imagine how one of the brothers introduced a white guy with a name like Reince Priebus.
- COURTING DISASTER: After Chris Finney got egg on his face this week because that three-judge appeals court panel (Judges Dinkelacker, Mrs. Willie Cunningham, and P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine) reversed the Mercenary COAST Attorney’s hard-fought lower court decision halting the city’s parking plan, Parking Protesters’ Attorney Curt Hartman had to file a motion for a stay of the court of appeals decision while he appeals to the Ohio Supreme Court. That stay will be heard by Judges Dinkelacker, Mrs. Willie Cunningham, and P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine, the same three judges who now have to decide whether to stay their own decision. The City, as you might expect, filed its response even before Hartman filed his sure-fire motion.
And speaking of people with egg on their faces, somebody said our Disingenuous DemocRAT Hamilton County Auditor favorite somehow wangled himself on Fox News yesterday in order to tell fellow D-RATS to quit maligning Cincinnati in the IRS scandal. Everybody knows that’s The Blower’s job.
- MAYORAL MADNESS: Loony Libertarian Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns claimed total victory Thursday evening at that totally meaningless Mayoral Candidates Forum sponsored by The Uptown Consortium, whatever the hell that is. Some of Berns’ better blasts included “John Cranley and Roxanne Qualls see the government as the solution, I see it as the problem,” “In 2008 Cincinnati City Council passed 472 Ordinances. John Cranley, who claims to be fiscally conservative, voted no only two times!,” And “Roxanne Qualls must have taken her economic training on Mars, where the Trolley Folly makes money.”
- MORE BLACK-ON-BLACK VIOLENCE: Talk about kicking a guy in the ass on his way out the door, you should see Cincinnati’s Black Police Organization (The Sentinels) vote of no confidence in 14-star Police Chief Craig, who’s Departing for Detroit in Disgrace. [Read That Here]
Now let’s check out the requirements for the new Cincinnati Police Chief on line. There is NO requirement to be certified by the state OPOTA again. Will they never learn? The Blower says they must fear requiring certification as a peace officer will limit their pool of candidates to the paler kind. Meanwhile, ALL other major cities, and most “medium/minor” cities, require their chief to be a certified police officer. What a novel thought! When one wears a police uniform he or she is actually able to provide the service implicated by the image they project. That seems much too logical for Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s extreme Liberal Rubber Stampers to comprehend.
- SILLY IN THE SUBURBS: Goofball Greg Insco is actually running for Colerain Township Trustee. This single, unmarried 30-year-old human train wreck is in the race because his part-time Kiddie Camp counselor position was eliminated this summer and he claims he has to be hired back because he’s the only one who knows how to run the audio-visual equipment. He has the unconditional love and support of all the political rejects in Colerain Township like Chatty Cathy Mohr, plus a high-ranking Republican official in the Greed Township GOP. Here’s the puff piece that Kneepad Liberal and Northworst Press reporter être Jennie Key wrote about his announcement at a township meeting. In all her verklempt frenzy over his candidacy, Key forgot to actually write a slanted article on the meeting itself.
MORE INCRIMINATING PHOTOGRAPHS: after Alex T. tried to get Disgraced DemocRAT Cincinnati Clowncilwoman Laure “Not So” Cleanlivin in trouble by leaking copies of her monthly Procurement card reports to The Fishwrap, and our former Channel 9 “Substantially True” News Slut for Obama left word on Alex’s voice mail asking why the RINO Party Boss was circulating all that crap about her, at least one Republican thinks Laure is not such a bad person, as he pats her behind, as this photograph surely demonstrates.
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Our Clermont County Snitch (probably not Commissioner Ed Humphrey, “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s Eviler Twin Sister Jennifer Black, or former Disgraced Commissioner Archie Wilson) says New Clermont County Communications Director Annette Meagher may need to start preparing for news to break involving the most recent scandal to rock Batavia.
- THE ANDERSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (including Mt. Washington, Newtown, and West Clermont) held its golf outing yesterday at Legendary Run Golf Course. Disgraced Anderson Township Trustee Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien was not in attendance this year. The rumored reason was that no one wanted O’Brien to play in their foursome. So to keep the situation from becoming a sticky mess, O’Brien apparently offered to play with himself. Chamber Director Eric Miller said that would offend the female members playing in the event. No one really knows if O’Brien stayed behind to polish his putter, but everyone was glad he ejaculated himself from the event.
In Northern Kentucky
BLUEGRASS BANISHMENTS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo remembers two years ago this week when The Blower published Award-Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception’s latest work of art and everybody in Northern Kentucky was stunned that the Bluegrass Bar Association had actually recommended disbarring Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced DemocRAT, Clinton-loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, Not-yet-Indicted Trial Attorney $tan Che$ley at their scheduled hearing at the Hyatt Regency in Lexington on Tuesday. Not only that, the bar association affirmed the trial commissioner’s recommendation that $tan return $7.6 million of the $20 million he was paid in fees from a Boondoggle County settlement for people sickened by the diet drug fen-phen. Even more remarkable was the fact that the bar association issued its ruling an hour after the arguments at the hearing concluded. Do you suppose the complex lengthy disbarment order had already been typed up and the bar association just waited the hour for the sake of appearances, and also to eat a little lunch?
Not since Pete Rose was banned from baseball has the tri-state been so humiliated. Did that mean $tan’s name would get taken off all those swimming pools in Cincinnati? At least the City never got around to naming a street after him. Would he now have to return all those Republican elected officials’ souls he’s bought and paid for? And what about Hamilton County Prosecutor “Jaywalking Joe” Deters’ part-time job at Cincinnati Legal? Who would get the big office now?
- BLUEGRASS SEX SCANDAL UPDATE: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the rest of the local news media still hasn’t really started promoting the story about NoKY’s second most infamous sex-ed teacher and ex-Bun-Gal Sarah Jones, who got more than a promise ring when she got “Facebook Engaged” to her hot boy toy lover during a trip to Florida.
Meanwhile, Lisa Wells on WLW Radio wonders if before NoKY’s second most infamous sex-ed teacher and ex-Bun-Gal Sarah Jones marries her hot boy toy lover, will Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters be giving her a shower?
- FINALLY, The CamBoozler explains why Confederate Flag Day isn’t celebrated as a national holiday: (All together now, Whistleblower Readers) Because they lost!
More Political Insight This Week
SASSY SARAH RETURNS: The Blower welcomes Sarah Palin’s return to Fox News. She ought to drive her critics crazy, especially when she slammed Obama’s military intervention in Syria, saying, “Until we have a commander in chief who knows what he is doing….let Allah sort it out!”
- GOING GALT: Barter for goods and services under-the-table.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #164, Quote Liberal Hero Karl Marx: “There is only one way to kill capitalism—by taxes, taxes, and more taxes.”
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for Father’s Day, we found this passionate poem by our old friend Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, from his latest book, “Summer Sex Scandals,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.
Hot Weather Warmup
We’ve given a day for Old Dad
With gifts to make him feel glad.
He made it all happen
When he caught mom a nappin’
And gave her a load with her tad.
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Charles Foster Kane was asked about what the future might hold for Edward Snowden, who acknowledged leaking last week’s bombshell national security documents, now that the former NSA computer technician has been officially fired by consulting giant Booz Allen Hamilton for violations of that firm’s code of ethics and firm policy. “We’ve offered to make Snowden even more famous with his own column in The Whistleblower Newswire,” Kane explained. “His future couldn’t be brighter.”
Monday we’ll be our Annual Deadbeat Dads E-dition and we’ll still be counting down the 1,313 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.
Tuesday is International Panic Day, and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will certainly be doing their part.
Wednesday is World Sauntering Day, so make sure you saunter where you go.
Thursday we’ll be celebrating Ice Cream Soda Day, and we’ll see if one of our Proud Sponsors comes through with a cool in kind donation to commemorate the occasion.
The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “When you pay your real estate taxes.”
And on Saturday, all of our Whistleblower Columnists will be getting ready to celebrate National Columnists Day on Sunday.
Sunday Comix by Dixon Diaz
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
The Star Spangled Banner—A Different Version
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.