Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers
- When The Blower published its “Common Sense of Rights” in Monday’s e-dition, it reminded me of how much America is changing these days. —Judge Jeanine
- “Common Sense” is like deodorant. People who need it the most never use it. —Tom Paine-in-the-Ass
- Every day there’s another scandal for us to try to cover up at the Obama White House. —Obama Supporters in the Press
- It really doesn’t matter how many scandals Obama has, so long as all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters keep getting their free stuff. —Obama’s Organizing for Action Scam
- Did you ever notice that “THE+IRS=THEIRS?” — Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz
If Congress was half-way serious about preventing people from being targeted by the IRS, instead of just using the latest scandal to continue their own perks and privileges and raise money to give to their supporters to get themselves re-elected, they would just pass a “Flat Tax” or a “National Sales Tax” to raise all the revenue they’d ever need to run the country and send all those Obama-loving weasels at the IRS to the unemployment lines. —IRS Bashers
- The whistleblower who leaked information about our National Security Agency’s secret phone and internet surveillance programs went public on Sunday. —Embarrassed Obama Administration Officials
- What bullpen problems? —Cincinnati Reds Manager Dusty Baker
- For the sake of security, could you please change my Whistleblower Subscription to an unlisted e-mail account? —Edward Snowden
- We used to want a president who listened to all Americans. Now we have one. —Jay Leno
- Despite Obama’s assurance, 68% think it’s likely the Government is listening to their conversations. —Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen
- I’m sure Obama personally checks my Facebook page every day to see the latest of the 4,822 pictures of my dog. —Marsie Hall Newbold
- The worst part about getting sentenced to 30 days in a Florida jail for head butting my ex-wife was when they wouldn’t let me use my Twitter account. —Chad Johnson
- We just revamped Our Ohio RINO Party website, for whatever the hell that’s worth. —Ohio RINO Party Boss Matt Borges
- Just because John Cranley takes all that money from Republicans doesn’t mean he’s no longer a DemocRAT. —Howard Wilkinson, Politically Speaking at WVXU FM
Monday evening when Foxy Roxy Qualls was dishing out baloney inside at her Moerlein Brewery fundraiser, I was handing out Oscar Meyer baloney and American cheese sandwiches to the poor people outside. —Loony Libertarian Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns
- Did you see where Foxy Roxy begged me not to prosecute those 39 Dishonest DemocRAT Vote Frauders who got caught trying to vote for Obama at least twice? —Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters
- Just because Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP tried to get me in trouble by giving The Fishwrap copies of my monthly Procurement card reports, it doesn’t mean all Republicans believe I was spending over-taxed payers’ money. —Laure “Not So” Cleanlivin’
- If June is supposed to be Gay Pride month, why do local gays and lesbians have to wait until June 29 to hold a big parade? —Chris Squealback
- And my critics keep saying my support for gay marriage was a “career ender.” —Ohio GOP Senator Rob “Fighting for Fagellas” Portman
- Why shouldn’t we only endorse Disingenuous DemocRATS for Cincinnati City Clown-cil after they voted to give billions of dollars of work to union companies and prohibit all non-union companies from even bidding on the work? —The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Only four of our six clowncilmen have been forced to resign because of the outrage over our illegal traffic cameras. —Elmwood Place Clown-cil
- Staring Monday all my new motorcycle deputies were busy giving out traffic tickets. —Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil
- There’s a big new scandal brewing in Batavia these days. —Your Clermont County Crusader
- We hope The Blower gives our new organization as much good publicity as it gives those lame-ass losers at the Anderson GOP. —The Symmes Township Republican Club
- It’s amazing how few people are interested in the story about NoKY’s second most infamous sex-ed teacher and ex-Bun-Gal Sarah Jones, who got more than a promise ring when she got “Facebook Engaged” to her hot boy toy lover during a trip to Florida. —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
Was the trip approved by her probation officer? —That Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters
- I heard the couple is registered at K-Mart. —Lisa Wells on WLW Radio
- Of course I get to give the bride away. —Crazy Eric
- We hope this time Sarah’s marriage lasts longer than the last time. —The Guys at thedirty.com
- On this date in 1979, John Wayne died. —Hurley the Historian
- That’s why we chose The Duke’s “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway,” but the one we like best was “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.” —Our Quote for Today Committee
- Now here’s Hurley’s Histo-rama Trivia Question for today: Which local TV personality appeared in the October 10, 1964 episode of TV’s “Gunsmoke,” playing the part of a courtroom bailiff?—John Quichwarmer
- If you get an erection that lasts for more than four hours, you should visit this web page. —Bobby Leach
- You can’t fool us. D-Day was when all of us TV stations begin broadcasting only in “Digital.” —Channel 19 News Bimbo Trish the Dish
- When I quit WXIX-TV to embark on the most ambitious independent journalism project in history and make the Truth in Media project a reality, how about if I just report on all the scandals I heard about the people at Channel 19? —Ben Swann
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer —
Sometimes The Blower ridicules Rogue IRS Agents in Cincinnati to show that targeting law-abiding citizens will not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t a Liberal Retard.
This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially Rogues for Obama in 2012.
e-mail your news leaks today.
Some leaked items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally leaking subscribers
Whistleblower Link of the Day
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things”
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here