One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Pothead Politics
GIGANTIC TRAFFIC JAM PREDICTED: Loony Libertarian Jim Berns, frontrunner in the race for Mayor of Cincinnati, continues his most outrageous mayoral campaign in Cincinnati history by handing out FREE Marijuana plants Wednesday afternoon (June 5) between 5-5:30pm (or until the free weed runs out). Look for the crowd waiting at the intersection of Martin Luther King Drive and Clifton Avenue. Mike Cooper and Joel Anderson enthusiastically support Berns’ plan to legalize Marijuana. Who says black guys can’t read?
OBAMA’S SCANDAL UPDATE: Obama Supporters at the Liberal New York Times reported Eric Holding-on’s Justice Department formally told House Republicans that Obama’s Outlaw Attorney General’s testimony before a Congressional Committee last month was “Accurate and Consistent” with the facts. Did anyone expect a different outcome when he said that he’d leave no stone unturned and “investigate” his transgressions? asks, “Does that sound like a man who needs to be talked into RESIGNING? No, Holder sounds like a man who needs to be IMPEACHED and then INDICTED.” So why is Congress still waiting. It’s time for them to get busy.
And Obama’s IRS Scandal took a new turn Tuesday morning, as members of the House Ways and Means Committee heard testimony from leaders of TEA Party and Conservative organizations which were targeted by the agency. The hearing was only the fifth Congressional hearing on Obama’s IRS Scandal, and the agency has still failed to identify the particular individuals responsible for initiating the targeting of TEA Party and Conservative groups. Disingenuous DemocRATS are blaming Conservatives for bringing illegal IRS scrutiny upon themselves, and on late night TV, Jay Leno said, “Obama says he is renewing his efforts to close Guantanamo Bay. How about closing the IRS? Why don’t we do that? How about shipping the IRS to Guantanamo Bay?”
Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Monday Obama’s approval was the lowest it’s been in the past year. Not to worry, even with all of Obama’s Scandals, if the election were held today, all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters would elect him again.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was shot. And on this date in 2004, Ronald Reagan died. Which event do you think you’ll see eulogized on your TV news tonight?
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the Franklin County Board of Elections voted yesterday to refer 90 people for possible prosecution after elections workers said they each cast at least two ballots for Obama in the 2012 presidential election. And you thought only a couple of Rogue Voters in Hamilton County did things like that.
State Rep-tile John Becker beat the unions at their own game by taking away their primary argument against right-to-work. After the unions cried about “freeloaders” and how they are “required” to represent all employees, John Becker out-foxed them by writing amendments to “help” the unions. The “Becker amendments” to HB 151, HB 152, and HJR 5, imposes a flat-out ban on labor unions representing non-union employees. This will further reduce the unions’ power and control to intimidate and threaten employers. You can read about it in the May issue of The Becker Report.
And thanks to John Becker and State Rep tile for $ale Peter $tautberg, kindergarteners in the Forest Gump and West Clermont school districts will be forced to receive training in “gateway” sexual education. Wrapping a condom on a banana and using a dental mask for oral sex are on the agenda. No wonder Conservatives can’t stop perversion into our schools.
KEEPING A LOW PROFILE: Now that her Islamist dictatorship overlords in Turkey are facing massive civil unrest and disobedience, where is the Turkish Coalition of America’s $500,000 apologist “Mean Jean” Schmidt, who was kicked out of Congress by the voters?
- RULES OF THE GAME: Lobbyist Chippy Gerhardt’s FREE lunch Friday for Elected Officials is called an “All Invited Event.” That’s when the host calls legislators (the ones they really want to attend) and to check their schedules in advance, but only sends out invitations to everybody else a day before the event so they can call it an “All Invited Event,” for which the elected officials don’t have to pay or report.
A lot of other places like the Cincinnati Opera, Reds, Casino, Realtors, Homebuilders, P&G, and Riverbend do the same thing. That’s how Freeloading elected officials get to brag about going to all those places on Facebook and NEVER actually have to report them.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Whistleblower Readers have always known Northern Kentucky’s been way ahead of Cincinnati. You’ll no doubt recall 23 Years Ago This Week (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town). Edition #53, featured J.R. Hatfield’s story in which our Legendary Bureau Chief reported about the Covington Business Council’s demonstration of a bus dressed up to look like a streetcar, complete with an over-the-hill Dixieland band hanging on for dear life on the rear deck. The business group was trying to drum up support for a trolley shuttle between Covington and downtown.
- INTOLERANT NEIGHBOR REPORT: What partner at one of Cincinnati larger law firms who works in the Health & Life Sciences group, has had the Hamilton County Sheriff Deputies visiting the family residence for the second time in a year? Could this partner have a spouse who is being intolerant and spiteful to the other neighbors?
Last year the partner’s spouse got into a personal battle with another neighbor about a remodeling project the neighbor, who is a contractor, performed for them several years prior. Seems a problem occurred that was out of warranty and the contractor neighbor felt it was not due to faulty work and refused to fix it. So what did this spouse of the law firm partner do instead of taking that contractor neighbor to court? The law firm partner’s spouse is believed to have created email addresses that appeared to come from the contractor neighbor and his elementary school-age son and blasted out pro-Obama e-mails to the neighborhood using those faked e-mail addresses.
The law firm partner’s spouse was a big Obama supporter and most of the neighborhood including the contractor neighbor are Republicans and were Romney supporters. When neighbors started sending complaints to the contractor neighbor about these pro-Obama emails, the contractor neighbor did some investigation. The contractor neighbor noticed that the emails the law firm partner’s spouse sent to him about the remodeling project had the exact same IP address as the emails with the faked email addresses promoting Obama. So the contractor neighbor called the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office to report it. This was the first time a deputy had to have a talk with the spouse of the law firm partner.
- FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Recently retired FCPS teachers celebrated with an expensive luncheon at the Omni Netherland. To add salt to the wounds of already having to listen to a bunch of people talk about nothing, parking was $18, and after paying nearly $25,000 in union dues over the last 30 years, retirees were presented with a embossed set of recycled car tire coasters set that were “Made in China.” Way to go CFT “President” SellYourSoul…that’s the good old American spirit!
- IN A RELATED ITEM: At tonight’s meeting of the Anderson Township Republican Club (including Newtown and Mt. Washington) when COAST Attorney Chris Finney discusses how much money greedy lawyers make by suing corrupt school districts like the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools, will somebody finally ask why Finney never seems to pursue the same corruption at the Forrest Gump School District, only a block away from his office?
- SUMMER INTERNS: 412 applications for Whistleblower’s Internship Program were submitted by last Friday’s deadline for the summer term which runs June 3 through August 23. Three lucky aspiring college students were chosen— one male, one female, and one we’re not quite sure about.
FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked about Disingenuous DemocRAT Congressman Jim McDermott’s blaming Conservative Groups for bringing IRS scrutiny upon themselves.
“No wonder the audience cheered after Paul Ryan called out McDermott,” Kane said. “The Blower remembers when “Bagdad Jim” was ordered to pay then House Minority Leader John Boehner more than $1 million in legal fees in a decade-long dispute over an illegally taped telephone cal involving Boehner and other GOP leaders.
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
e-mail your outlaw orders today
Some pot-blowing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally pot-blowing subscribers.
Congressman Jim Bridenstine Questions Obama’s Leadership
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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