Sunday, June 2, 2013
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER ONE JOURNALISM STORY THIS WEEK was when News organizations were invited to attend off-the-record private meetings with Obama’s Outlaw Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the Obama White House’s various efforts to monitor, intimidate, and harass journalists.
- OUR NUMBER TWO JOURNALISM STORY THIS WEEK was when some Obama Supporters in the Press like CNN, NBC, CBS, the Huffington Post, the New York Times and McClatchy Newspapers joined The Whistleblower-Newswire and said they would not attend the meetings if they are not on the record.
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE JOURALISM STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama’s Outlaw Attorney General Eric Holder claimed the Obama Administration supported Freedom of the Press.
- MONDAY in our Official “Memorial Day” E-dition, The Blower said, “Obama lays wreath at Tomb of the Unknown IRS Agent!”:
On Memorial Day, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus reports former Vice President Dick Cheney admits our mission is not yet accomplished, Teddy Kennedy is now a “good DemocRAT,” and today when we honor our fallen heroes, we still have that video of John McCain singing our old Beach Boy favorite (“Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran”), as well as and this photograph of a very Disrespectful DemocRAT during the singing of the National Anthem.
Maybe that explains Obama’s plans to disarm America that we didn’t hear all that much about during when the Obama Supporters in the Press purposely forgot to vet their candidate during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Meanwhile, former President George W. Bush is hosting a 100-kilometer mountain bike ride this weekend at his Central Texas ranch for troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the third year Bush has hosted the Warrior 100K. And how many times have you seen pictures like this— the president of the United States dancing with a Wounded Warrior?
Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says as Americans this Memorial Day weekend remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, many adults nationwide will be remembering someone they knew personally. A sizable number also personally know someone who is currently serving in Afghanistan. 45% have a close friend or relative who died serving our country.
- TUESDAY in our Special “Post-Memorial Day Stress” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Are legal holidays the only times you’re allowed to buy a mattress?” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says only 49% of the people they interviewed think Memorial Day is one of nation’s most important holidays, the same as last year.—Patriotic Americans
This Memorial Day, at least Obama found time for his campaign photo op during the traditional Memorial Day event at Arlington National Cemetery and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. —WWII Medal of Honor Winners
We have the names and bios of every American killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Click on our name to see them all. —The Military Times
Two former Navy Seals from San Diego left to die in the Benghazi terror attacks were honored in a special ceremony in San Diego on Monday. —Mount Soledad Veterans Association
Veterans in crisis and their families and friends should call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 to receive qualified, caring help. —Department of Veterans Affairs Responders
What’s the big deal? Dead soldiers are only “Political Props.” —Obama Supporters in the Press
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “More Memorializing” E-dition, The Blower said, “Because One Day Each Year Just Isn’t Enough!”
Desecrating Memorials: During the Memorial Day Weekend, every politician in American kept busy sending out Memorial Day e-mails. Amazingly, some of them even appeared to be patriotic, not even asking for contributions. Liberals were busy last weekend mocking Memorial Day. The worst example we saw was that really sick TV ad brought to you by National Geographic.
Cynical Sid even asked us if we knew John Wayne was a draft dodger. As James Thurber said, “You could look it up.”
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Clint Eastwood’s “We Americans are so tired of being thought of as dumb asses by the rest of the world that we went to the polls this November and removed all doubt.”
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Real Memorial Day” E-dition, The Blower said, “Any other Memorial Day E-dition you might see would surely be a fake!”
Down in the catacombs, AJ the Archivist reminded Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane that The Blower missed a great opportunity yesterday to remind all our Persons of Consequence about our humble beginnings, when it was the 23rd Anniversary of The Whistleblower’s very first edition. Our single printed page (Edition #1 on May 29, 1990) looked something like this:
- FRIDAY in our Special “If All Politics is Local” E-dition, The Blower said, “That explains why we’re really in so much trouble!”
Today it’s the Top Ten Reasons Foxy Roxy Qualls should be the next mayor of Cincinnati:
10. Used over-taxed payers’ money to pay for a losing lawsuit against firearms manufacturers 9. Cost over-taxpayers an additional $400,000 for the Mayoral Primary, 8. Supports Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s Trolley Folly boondoggle 7. Voted for leasing the parking meters for 30 years in an attempt to cover up the mismanagement of the city’s budget 6. Repeatedly and excessively supports “emergency” ordinances to try to keep citizens from challenging those ordinances by referendum 5. Didn’t protect your interests when the EPA lawsuit caused your sewer rates to go up 4. Thinks confiscating your tax money and transferring it to her DemocRAT supporters is OK 3. Voted to let only union companies bid city work, depriving many minority and women owned business an opportunity to even bid on the projects 2. Lusts in her heart to raise the Cincinnati Income Tax, especially on Soreheads in Suburbs who can’t vote
And the number one reason Foxy Roxy Qualls should not be Cincinnati’s next Mayor is…All those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Free-Stuff Grabbing Obama Supporters in Cincinnati think she’s doing a wonderful job.
- SATURDAY in our Special “D-Word Update” E-dition, The Blower said, “It’s no wonder all the other letters are jealous!”
Recently in our “Devolving Democracy” Edition, we said it was just like “Dumbing Down.” Often we’ve told you Obama’s Third Term Re-Election Plan is to “Divide, Distract, and Deceive.” Maybe that’s why whenever The Blower uses the word “DemocRAT,” it’s usually preceded by another “D-Word,” for alliteration (a literary effect achieved by consecutive words that begin with the same consonant, in case all you SCPS graduates were absent that day).
And today, with the $400,000 2013 Cincinnati Mayoral Primary Elections on September 10 only 101 days away, here are a few other D-words that come to mind when the Official Voice of the Conservative Agenda thinks about Obama and the DemocRATS. Look them up in your Funken Wagnalls if you don’t know what they mean:
Dishonest, dildo, dalliance, dastardly, dazed, debacle, debased, debauchery, decadent, defective, defensive, deficient, defect, deflect, deflower, deformed, defraud, degenerate, degrade, deign, delete, deleterious, derelict, delinquent, demagogue, demean, demented, demerit, demolish, demonic, demoralize, demote, demount, denounce, depend, deplete, deplorable, depose, depraved, depressing, deprive, derail, deride, derogatory, descent, desecrate, desert, desecrate, desensitize, desire, desperate, despicable, deteriorate, detest, detract, devalue, devastate, deviate, devoid, devour, diabolic, diaphragm, diatribe, dictate, diddle, digress, dilatory, dim, diminish, dimwitted, dire, dirty, dis, disappointment, disapproval, disarray, disaster, disbar, disbelieve, disclaim, disclose, discombobulate, discomfort, discommend, discompose, disconnect, disconsolate, discord, discourage, discourteous, discrepancy, discreditable, disease, disenchant, disestablish, dysfunction, disgrace, disgruntle, disguise, disgust, dishonest, disillusion, disingenuous, disloyal, dismal, dismay, disorderly, disorganized, disparity, displace, dispute, disquiet, disrepair, disrespect, disrepute, disrobe, disrupt, dissatisfactory, disseminate, dissent, disservice, dissident, distain, distasteful, distress, distort, disturbed, disunite, dither, divert, divisive, document, dodge, doleful, DNA, donation, double-dealing, double-crossing, double-faced, doubt, douche, downcast, downfall, downgrade, downhill, dredge, dreg, dress, dribble, drool, dumb-ass, duplicity, duress, and, of course, dickhead.
Obviously, this isn’t a complete list. If you think of any we’ve missed, please let us know.
It must be, since your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $3.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower. The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.
This week we’re featuring Poor Little Mikey Brown, a portly pantload from Indian Hill, who wanted to win the Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition to please his dad, who was a real football fanatic. Poor Little Mikey dreamed of standing at mid-field during halftime, where a stadium full of fans would cheer him, and everybody else at home would see him on TV. For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department.
OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: While Obama is saying no Special Prosecutor is needed to investigate his IRS Scandals, less than half of Americans now view Obama as “Honest and Trustworthy.” That means more than half must still be getting their “free stuff.”
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Obama’s “I constantly strive to remain worthy of the public trust,” ” he actually said with a straight face.
- SENILE IN THE SENATE: John McRINO is now calling for arming those peace loving Syrian rebels with heavy weapons.
- ANOTHER COINCIDENCE: The Daily Caller reports IRS Former Internal Revenue Service commissioner Douglas H. Shulman, a frequent White House guest during the period when the IRS was targeting conservative nonprofits, is married to the senior program advisor for Public Campaign, an “organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics.”
- BENGHAZI BETRAYAL: The U.S. gave instructions to list Ambassador Stevens as “John Doe” at the hospital in Benghazi.
- A LEGION OF ROGUES: A couple of Bad Apples in Cincinnati? 88 IRS Agents have so far been named as participating in Targeting.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1886 President Grover Cleveland became the first president to be married in a small ceremony at the White House, and it probably cost over-taxed payers about $12 for that extravaganza. Meanwhile, the number of government owned limousines only increased by 73% during the first two years of the Obama administration. And they say the Obama Recovery has been feeble, and they’re not even talking about the price of gasoline which has more than doubled or the every month the number of food stamp recipients and number of Americans on so-called disability sets new records.
- OBAMANOMICS 101: Americans have recovered only 45% of their wealth lost during Obama’s Recession.
- WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says today you might want to skip comparing the value of your portfolio with where it stood at this time last weekend.
MILITARY DISCOURTESY: A lot of people are still complaining about Obama not saluting that US Marine last week when Obama was getting on the presidential helicopter. Obama’s White House SpokesDweeb Jay Carboard says Obama actually did salute the Marine. It was the Muslim Salute.
- IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says Capitol Hill aides spent Memorial Day weekend scanning a gazillion pages of documents related to Obama’s IRS scandal so their bosses could be prepared for multiple simultaneous investigations in June. Next week when Congressmen return, at least four different investigations will be underway. Also, the House Judiciary Committee is also investigating whether Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his May 15 testimony on the Justice Department’s (DOJ) surveillance of reporters, and just think, a “Special Prosecutor” would put all those people out of work.
- WHISTLEBLOWER INFORMANT AWARD: Besides intimidating TEA Party Members, Low Level Rogue Agents at Obama’s IRS Office in Cincinnati actually pay money to people who blow the whistle on their friends and neighbors who fail to pay the tax that they owe. If the IRS uses information provided by the whistleblower, it can award the whistleblower up to 30 percent of the additional tax, penalty and other amounts it collects.
Meanwhile, This Could Explain A Few Things
Liberalizing America
MEDIA MENDACITY: NewsBusters reports former President George W. Bush has kept a low profile in his years after office, preferring to focus on personal reflection and veterans’ causes since leaving the presidency in 2009. But that didn’t keep a left-wing panel on MSNBC from using Bush’s recent bike ride with wounded veterans to blast his presidency.
- DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Obama Poll Worker Melowese Richardson was convicted Monday of illegal voting and could go to prison for up to six years for it. The Blower says Judge Ruehlman should give the serial vote frauderer a year in the slammer for every time she voted against him.
- UNION BLUES: Just when you think there’s no justice in this world, the Dissociated Press says Unions that praised all that “free stuff” from ObamaCare are now claiming it’s “too expensive.”
More Politics Unusual
OBAMACARE TRAINWRECK: HHS is already rationing enrollment In Obamacare’s Pre-Existing Condition Plan. Sounds like a lot of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters will be getting exactly the coverage they deserve. Meanwhile John Gilligan’s Ditzy DemocRAT Daughter HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tells Class Of 2013: “Good News, Obamacare Offers You Free Birth Control And Sterilization!” Obamacare will be triggering Health Insurance Cancellation Notices as early as this Fall, and now GOP Senators want answers on Sebelius’ ObamaCare Fundraising.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “It is not looking good for Obama. Today, his teleprompter took the fifth. In fact, the White House has changed their slogan from, ‘Yes, we can’ to ‘No, I can’t remember.’ “
- TEA PARTY PRINCIPLES: TEA Party groups across the nation are suing the IRS for targeting them to help Obama get re-elected in 2012. “True the Vote” filed a Lawsuit against Lois Lerner personally, serving her at her house. The first local class action lawsuit against the IRS we’ve seen was filed by David Langdon. We’re not sure if David was first in the nation, but according to Courthouse News Service, we’re he sure didn’t waste much time.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says, “Health care and housing are hotter topics for many Americans these days than the growing controversies surrounding the Obama administration.
- SCANDALOUS SOLICITING: Newsmax says just as the Obama administration continues to reel from three major scandals, Republicans are zeroing in on yet one more — this one involving Obamacare as it nears implementation. GOP legislators are targeting Ditzy DemocRAT Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the solicitations she made to some of the nation’s top insurance companies and other groups for donations to Enroll America, the nonprofit group charged with selling ObamaCare to the public.
More Unresolved Issues
RACIAL HEALING: writer Mike Freeman wants the Washington Redskins to change their team name, and thinks any American Indian who doesn’t feel the same way is a new “Uncle Tom.”
- ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A majority of voters believe immigrants in the U.S. illegally should have a shot at gaining citizenship, according to a new poll, but don’t believe Congress will be able to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Opposition is going to escalate dramatically once Gang of Eight’s Amnesty Bill hits the floor.”
- GAY NEWS UPDATE: Alternative Life-Style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say any organization where they wear ascots, knickers, epaulets, ornamental badges, and knee socks should have allowed gay members, a long time ago. Who do you think designed those Boy Scout outfits? Certainly not some straight guy.
- OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT: A Washington Times columnist says even if the Senate does not convict the Obama, an impeachment trial would hurt Obama’s ability to advance his far left-wing agenda, just as it did to Bill Clinton.
- BABY-KILLING UPDATE: Planned Parenthood is outraged that Republicans don’t want to fund abortions for Illegal Immigrants.
- MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE: Obama’s Department of Justice says forget the First Amendment, Criticizing Muslims on Social Media may violate their civil right. The Whistleblower Legal Dream Team can hardly wait.
Closer to Home
TEA PARTY PROTESTS: Ever since attending last week’s “National Town Hall” on the IRS scandal hosted by the Southwest Cincinnati Tea Party last week, GOP Senator Rob “Fighting for Financial Records” Portman and Congressman Steve Chabothead have been all over the IRS. Meanwhile in Northern Kentucky, Republicans were sucking up to TEA Party members at Saturday’s Lincoln Day Dinner.
- MORE THE FISHWRAP MISSED: Cincinnati’s Girly Mayor Mallory really sent out a press release promoting Obama’s phony-baloney plans for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. If that’s not a big news story, we don’t know what is.
- PENURIOUS POLITICIANS: We always knew Brewster Rhoads was a cheapskate. For his 33rd anniversary he took his lovely wife to Eli’s were the pulled pork sandwiches run $5. How romantic?
- CHEATER ALERT: Tuesday morning, Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters announced indictments of the first five really “stupid cheaters,” who were caught by the Horseshoe Casino cameras. Adulterers and adulteresses breathed sighs of relief when they learned their cheating was not being watched.
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says there could be some real wheeling and dealing going on these days between lawyers for the Evil Espositos and the prosecutor’s office. What’s Mickey going to promise— to stay out of the Casino?
- ALSO AT THE COURTHOUSE: Hamilton County Commissioners Chris Monzel and Greg Hartmann signed a letter urging the joint Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Council (OKI) to pull the $4 million they committed three years ago to Cincinnati’s streetcar. Back then, the project was planned to stretch six miles to UC at a much lower cost per mile. It’s now ending at Findlay Market, dealing with significant cost overruns, and is already many years behind. Monzel, Hartmann, and most Hamilton County residents feel this money can be better spent on projects more useful to the region and which are definitely moving forward.
- WEATHER RETORT: Temperatures seem warmer this spring, and do-gooders are already asking you to donate a fan, a brand new window air conditioner, or provide a monetary donation now through August to help local families in need with proper cooling and ventilation this summer. Our Compassionate Conservative remembers a few years ago when those Blue Chip Young Republicans were selling T-Shirts that said “What Happened to the Goddam Fans We Gave You Last Year.”
No wonder The Blower always reminds subscribers donating fans or air-conditioners during the summer heat wave to write on it with a big black permanent marker: “THIS IS A FREE FAN – A GIFT TO THE POOR- NOT FOR Re-SALE!”
THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Loony Libertarian Jim Berns, who’s running the most outrageous mayoral campaign in Cincinnati history, says legalizing marijuana has become an amazingly popular issue. Loony was not planning on making Re-Legalizing Marijuana a centerpiece of his campaign, but every time he mentions it, people really like it. Tuesday while waving at traffic at the intersection of North Bend Road and Colerain Avenue in Mount Airy, potheads even stopped and asked to have their pictures taken with him and his sign. Wait till next week when he starts giving away free marijuana plants.
- IN ANDERSON: Good Government types in Anderson say they could’ve gotten rid of Whacky Jackie O’Brien’s Illegitimate Son Kevin if masturbating in a Wellborn woman’s car had been a felony, instead of only a misdemeanor. Maybe the sheriff should’ve called it “Carjacking.”
- BECKER’S BETRAYAL: We knew it was only a matter of time before State Rep-tile sold out to the unions. Despite detailing the sordid past of the far left socialists in previous Becker Report rants, Becker met with union bosses and asked them what he could do to placate them. They told him what to do and amendments were drafted to keep the unions happy. Now we would expect kowtowing by DemocRATS to union demands. But we are shocked that one who claims to be a right to work Conservative would stoop so low.
- $TAUTBERG’S SELLOUT: Meanwhile, Angry Andy at the Anderson TEA Party says this Spring, Ohio voters were able to get the Medicaid Expansion out of the Ohio Budget, but Big-Government RINOS just keep putting it back in. That’s why TEA Party Patriots say you should let $tate Rep-tile for $ale Peter $tautberg know of your intent to vote in the primary of 2014, and that if he votes for Obamacare expansion in any way, your vote will go to his opponent next year, even if it’s “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman. Email Peter Stautberg
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says with Ohio’s deals to help lure 528 jobs to Wilmington, there were seven tables at the Southern State Community College job fair. Six belonged to companies pledging to create jobs there, and the seventh was for Governor Kasich-Taylor’s JobsOhio.
Also, Scandal Plagued Matt Borges was sworn in as Chairman of the Ohio RINO Party by retiring Chairman Boob Bennett at Ohio Party Headquarters in Columbus on Friday. Now that Matt’s been sworn in, he can be sworn at.
- INTOLERANT NEIGHBOR REPORT: What partner at one of Cincinnati larger law firms who works in the Health & Life Sciences group, has had the Hamilton County Sheriff Deputies visiting their residence for the second time in a year? Could this partner have a spouse who is being intolerant and spiteful to the other neighbors?
In Northern Kentucky
TOMORROW IS CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY IN KENTUCKY, but the reason it’s not celebrated as a National Holiday is because the South lost.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Members of the Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) say the Kentucky Bar Association just suspended Crazy Eric’s law license for the second time in two years, and local media outlets seem eager to report that Crazy is promising to appeal it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. Lisa wonders how such an unappealing person can be appealing so often.
Meanwhile, Jack Greiner “Going Deters” on us? The Fishwrap’s First Amendment Attorney actually appeared on a TV12 panel show to discuss The Fishwrappers’ legal problems with Ditzy DemocRAT Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter?
- THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders glorious e-newsletter maybe on cyber news stands now, but The Robster forgot to send us the information for our weekly promo. Perhaps he was still too busy laughing at Crazy Eric’s most recent suspension.
- G-UNCONTROL: Bluegrass Rifle Association Spokesman Billy Bob Carbine says DemocRATS’ efforts to strengthen gun control laws may not have had the political impact they’d hoped for: Voters are becoming more likely to trust Republicans on the issue.
More Political Insight This Week
FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz wonders why The Fishwrap never reported according to IRS Form 990, the President/CEO of the Cincinnati USA Convention & Visitors Bureau, Dan Lincoln, had a total compensation (base pay, bonuses, retirement, etc.) of $324,553 in 2011. This organization is funded by Hamilton County Hotel Tax money and a little bit of membership dues, but is essentially all tax money. In 2008, Dan Lincoln’s comp was a mere $243,357. Nice pay raise!
- GOING GALT: Forget status symbols and keeping-up-with-the-Jones’. Maybe you can afford that nice new car, but you’ll pay A TON of taxes on it. Find a lesser vehicle that makes you happy that feeds the beast less, perhaps one bartered from within the family.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy No. 258 – Tell a joke:
Q. What’s the difference between ObamaCare and a car battery? A. The car battery has a positive side.
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for the sweltering summer, we found this passionate poem by our old friend Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, from his latest book, “Summer Sex Scandals,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.
“Summer Sensuality” Oh, the weather’s getting warmer The nights are hot and sultry. That’s when the minds of men Turn lightly to adultery.
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane reminded Political Insiders that June 1 was the 16th anniversary of the Hamilton County Stadium tax, and Friday’s door prize for the anti-taxers in the audience was a “Bob Bungalhaus” Punching Bag. “Is there anything as permanent as a temporary tax?” Kane asked.
Monday we’ll be celebrating Confederate Memorial Day and we’ll still be counting down the 1,327 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.
Tuesday when everybody else is celebrating National Hug Your Cat Day, our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will be talking about some Cougars and Pussies too.
Wednesday is National Gardening Exercise Day, so you should all get out there and exercise with your tomato plants.
Thursday we’ll be remembering D-Day in case our non-combatants at The Fishwrap forget.
The first line of Friday’s limerick is: “On June 6 We celebrate D-Day,” which happened the day before.
And on Saturday, June 8 we’ll be remembering the Bluing of Hamilton County that happened on that date.
Sunday Comix
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
A Walk for the President
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.