Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Blower’s Week in Review

  • UntitledOUR NUMBER ONE STORY THIS WEEK was when Whistleblower War Correspondent Ollie Hackworth reported North Korea’s Kim Jung Un said “Nuclear War Is Unavoidable,” and the first target will be Japan, and everybody remembered when Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry voted to defund America’s “Star Wars” Missile Defense System. North Korean missiles appear ready to launch as the birthday of North Korea’s founding leader approaches. North Korea intimated that it might do something drastic on, or anytime after, April 10—last week it warned foreign embassies in Pyongyang to clear their people out by that date. April 15 marks the birthday of North Korea’s late founding leader Kim Il Sung. Last year, on what would have been his 100th birthday, North Korea unsuccessfully launched a rocket.
  • OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was when someone sent us chilling pictures of the indoctrination of children in North Korea at a Hitler Youth-Like Event, which reminded everybody of all those videos showing American school children singing “Hail Obama.”
  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was when well-known American traitor Jane Fonda told veterans boycotting her movie “The Butler” to “get a life,” just because of the aid and comfort she gave to the North Koreans many years ago.

  • image008MONDAY in our Special “The Tax Man Cometh” E-dition, The Blower asked if you remembered when America was founded to avoid taxation and offered three quick fixes:

Disingenuous DemocRATS and Obama Supporters in the Press may still be blaming President Bush for everything that’s ever gone wrong in the country since the Battle of Bunker Hill, but tomorrow will still be your dreaded TAX DAY and The Blower once again offers these three common-sense suggestions to fix our whole tax-and-spending mess:

No withholding. No phony refunds. If folks had to write really big checks on TAX DAY, they’d actually know how much they’re paying.

image010Until we have a simple flat tax without all that paperwork, over-paid Congressmen should be forced to fill out every one of their constituents’ tax forms for free.

Hold EVERY election on TAX DAY!

  • Then we wondered if “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup or any of those Latter-Day Anti-Taxers you heard speaking last year at the Cincinnati Tea Party’s big Tax Day Rally on Fountain Square could ever come up with something as simple as this. If they did, what a wonderful world it would be.


  • image012TUESDAY in our Special “Death or Taxes” E-dition, The Blower reported some people are still trying to make up their minds and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

Next Monday is your dreaded TAX DAY on April 15, and you’ll have until midnight to make sure your check is in the mail. But April 15 is not the “Ides of April.” According to the Roman calendar, the “Ides of April” is today on April 13, since many of our readers feel like Julius Caesar on the “Ides of March,” because we keep stabbing over-taxed payers in the back every time we confiscate all that money from their weekly paychecks. —Incompetents in Congress

Tax Freedom Day will arrive on April 18 this year (the 108th day of 2011) when Americans have earned enough money to pay this year’s tax obligations at the federal, state and local levels. —The Tax Foundation

That’s why we chose FDR’s “Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.” —Your Quote for Today Committee

Most people don’t have to keep their tax records for more than three years, but if we suspect you’re a tax cheat, we’ll make you produce every document from the day you were born. —Your Friends at the IRS

Please don’t forget to pay your taxes next Monday. 21 million illegal immigrants (undocumented future DemocRATS) are depending on you. Moises, Julio, Alfredo, and Jose


  • image014WEDNESDAY in our Special “Tax Freedom Day Update” E-dition, The Blower said The Iron Lady always was a “Good Republican!”

REMEMBERING MRS. THATCHER: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is dead, but don’t worry, because Twitter during the Age of Obama is a cesspit of outrage, gloating, and idiots who never knew who she was how important she was to America during the Reagan Era.


  • image016THURSDAY, in our Special “Obama’s Budget” E-dition, The Blower said, “We can predict the vote today” because no Obama Budget has ever gotten a single vote.

Obama finally delivered his so-called Budget that was due in February and just like The Blower predicted, it was dead on arrival, like most of the other stupid suggestions we’ve been hearing from the White House since he was reelected. So what’s not to like about Obama’s $3.77 Trillion spending plan? It has tax hikes, it’s 2,000 pages long, has lots of new debt for your great grandchildren, and of course it doesn’t balance.

Daily Events calls Obama’s new budget a mixture of accounting tricks, dubious projections, “cuts” that amount to spending a bit less than he really wanted to, and of course plenty of tax hikes. Every bad tax-raising idea from the past few years is included. Obama’s 2014 budget is a Wayback Machine to the early days of the “fiscal cliff” drama – he’s making the same demands that were rejected back then.

No wonder Jon Stewart reported how Obama’s budget proposal has brought Republicans and DemocRATS together in shared dislike. We have 1,380 more days of this, folks, thanks to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span voters who voted for Obama last November. [SEE THAT VIDEO HERE]


  • image018FRIDAY in our Special “Free at Last” E-dition, The Blower said, “And we seem to be the only one who’s noticed!”

In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said Tax Freedom Day had finally arrived in Ohio, and everywhere you look, everybody’s ignoring it.

Republican Governor Kasich Taylor forgot to read a proclamation, acknowledging that this is the date our friends at the Tax Foundation say the average Ohio over-taxed payer has worked long enough to pay all of his federal, state, and local taxes for the year (Tax Freedom Day for the entire country is April 18, so that make us a little better off than the rest of the country, and worse off than our over-taxed payers in Kentucky, where Tax Freedom Day was a week ago. All Over-Taxed Payers will spend an average of 29% of their incomes on federal, state, and local taxes in 2013. That’s more than the average family spends on food, clothing, and housing.)

Ohio Republican Senator Rob “Fighting for Fiscal Responsibility” Portman forgot to mention Tax Freedom Day too. He’s too busy sitting around waiting for reporters to call and ask if he still considers himself a Real Republican after he announced he’d abandoned his conservative principles to support same-sex marriage.


  • SATURDAY in our Special “Obama’s Deficit Reduction Plan” E-dition, The Blower said, “Could it possibly include more taxes?”

Capital Punishment? It’s called “Taxes!”

image020Monday is our dreaded Tax Day and this weekend our local Tea Partiers are ignoring the occasion by NOT having a big feel good rally on Fountain Square to demand a Balanced Budget Amendment. Meanwhile, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says a lot of Americans still haven’t filed their taxes, but luckily, this year you have until Monday night at midnight to make sure your check is in the mail. Our Quote for Today Committee chose Ronald Reagan’sThe taxpayer – that’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.” But Hurley the Historian says please don’t make any comparisons between Obama and Lincoln tomorrow, since Lincoln was shot on April 14 in 1865.

Hurley also says on this date in 1997, 21-year-old Tiger Woods won the prestigious Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia by a record 12 strokes, and our Quote for Today Committee also chose Will Rogers’ “The Income Tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf.”

Let’s face it, the United States is now being run by a cabal of erstwhile community organizers hell-bent on achieving their vision of “social justice” through income redistribution by, as the old 60s radical saying goes, any means necessary.


Seediest Kids of All

Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.



e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.

More Politics Unusual

  • image024PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE: Over at Fox TV News, Neil Cavuto said Obama’s 2012 Tax Return looked a lot like the ones from Mitt Romney that Obama couldn’t stop criticizing during last year’s campaign. “Remember what a big deal ‘fatcat Mitt’ supposedly dodging the tax man was then, and ask yourself why the president paying not much more isn’t remotely a big deal now,” said Cavuto. Meanwhile, this year, Obama’s Joke VP Joe Biden and his wife Jill increased their charitable donations from 1.5 % of their income to 1.87 %. At the same time, the Benevolent Bidens took in $26,400 in 2012 by renting a cottage on the property of their Delaware home to the Secret Service.
  • MORE WHITE HOUSE HYPOCRISY: According to the White House Dossier, this week’s special White House “celebration” of Memphis soul music marked the tenth time the Obama’s have been treated to an exclusive East Room “command performance” of American music featuring major stars, past and present. That event was officially part of the “sequester-free zone” at the White House. As you may have heard, the daily White House tours did not make the cut.
  • WHAT SEQUESTER? Obama flew Newtown families on Air Force One to D.C. to serve as props for his latest Anti-Gun Speech. We The OverTaxed Payers will only have to borrow another $180,000 per hour to cover that Air Force One trip.

At the same time, the highly anticipated New York trial of Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law could be delayed because his court-appointed lawyers have been hit by US budget cuts. Is America a great country or what?

  • GHOSTS OF WATERGATE: GOP Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell’s reelection campaign asked the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office on Tuesday to investigate how a magazine obtained a recording of a February strategy session? No wonder the McConnell campaign accused “the Left” of using “Nixonian tactics” and bugging the campaign’s headquarters.
  • NOT EVEN A THIRD-RATE BURGLARY: According to the Daily Caller, one of the two Progress Kentucky co-founders involved in the alleged illegal wiretapping of Senator Bitch McConnell’s was charged in November of last year for illegally trespassing. Activist Curtis Morrison was charged with third degree criminal trespassing on November 25th in Jefferson County, Ky., and the bail was set at $50.00. His pretrial conference is set for May 13, 2013. Morrison has long been involved in Kentucky left-wing politics. He was a part of the Occupy Louisville movement from the beginning and ran for the Kentucky State Senate in District 35.

 Meanwhile, Eric Brown, the man who stole Obama’s beloved teleprompter has been sentenced to a 7-year prison term. He’s lucky he didn’t get life.

  • DUMBED-DOWN DEMOCRATS: Tuesday, Did California Liberal Senator Dianne Feinstein really say, “All vets are mentally ill and government should prevent them from owning firearms?” When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, California is Number One.
  • MEDIA MENDACITY: Even Liberal political analyst Kirsten Powers took the establishment press to task for its failure to give more than cursory attention to the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who “faces 43 criminal counts, including eight counts of murder in the death of one patient, and seven newborn infants.”
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s North Korean officials reportedly are planning a cyber attack on the U.S. in an effort to bring our economy to a halt. Nice try guys. You’re five years too late.”
  • UNION BLUES: After spending hundreds of millions of dollars to re-elect Obama, the AFL-CIO is attacks Obama over his Budget as “Bad Policy.”
  • TEA PARTY PRINCIPLES: Ohio Statehouse politicians may get another chance next week to advance Obamacare in Ohio. One possibility is DemocRATS’ proposing an amendment to the budget that includes Medicaid expansion. If this happens, only 11 Republicans would be needed to reintroduce the measure. At least one legislator complains of not receiving enough calls from those who oppose the issue. Could that be $tate Rep-tile for $ale Peter $tautberg?
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the ongoing debates in Washington, D.C. over gun control and illegal immigration highlight an uncomfortable reality for the Political Class: A lot of Americans just don’t trust their government.
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN reminds us not to make any comparisons between Obama and Lincoln today, since the competent president was shot on this date in 1865.
  • SHAMELESS SOLICITING: Connecticut’s Disingenuous DemocRAT Senator Richard Blumenthal used the “Massacre Of 20 Beautiful Children” In Newtown to beg for $5 campaign donations.

Obama’s Economy

  • image025OBAMANOMICS 101: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama had another tough week in a second term filled with bad news and blunders — and he’s only 10 weeks in. While the White House suddenly decided to drop its budget Friday in an effort to control the news, there was no covering up the disastrous jobless numbers: 90 million Americans out of the workforce, the highest level since 1979; another 663,000 joining the ranks of the long-term unemployed; a measly 88,000 jobs “created.” Meanwhile, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says only 13% expect reduced spending under that new Obama Budget.
  • WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes had no complaints with the Stock Market again this week, but how long can these gains possibly last?
  • ROMNEYDAMUS WAS RIGHT: White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer accused House Republicans this of wanting a “Romney economic plan.” We certainly hope so.

More Unresolved Issues

  • G-UNCONTROL: Clermont County Tea Party Patriot John “No Left Turns in Goshen” Joseph wonders if you happened to catch Obama’s weekly radio address on Saturday. He reached a new low in exploiting a bad situation to bolster his agenda, namely the disarmament of American citizens. He’s softening us up with baby steps at first, starting with even more ineffective gun control laws. (Hyperbole, you say? Ask the now defenseless folks in Europe and Australia.)

Obama relinquished the microphone to the understandably distraught mother a slain Sandy Hook student. Of course everyone has sympathy for this woman. But ask yourselves: What gun law, existing or proposed, would have stopped this tragedy from happening? Only one, as I see it: teachers properly trained in conceal-carry. Her son could well be alive today had this been the case that tragic morning in Newtown, Connecticut.

The deranged killer stole the weapons from his mother, then killed her. He broke several more laws in committing his crimes. Virtually all murderers do, regardless of the weapon(s) used. What makes anyone think these criminals will obey laws—new or old? Only the dreamers do. Dreaming is fine, but it’s waking up to reality and making the hard decisions that’s tough. That calls for true leadership—something sorely lacking in government today.

Locally, Friday’s “massive” rally to support Obama’s unconstitutional gun grab consisted of exactly 20 people. At least 1/3 of those were panhandlers trying to coax change out of the stingy do-gooder liberals in attendance. Judge $usan’s dogs taking a crap on the sidewalk downtown could have attracted a larger, more intelligent crowd.

  • ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A group of private citizens have documented using motion-detector cameras illegal immigrants crossing the border into the United States. The group, Secure Border Intelligence, also has recorded audio conversations between Border Patrol pilots and agents on the ground which they say document the how porous the border is with Mexico.
  • RACIAL HEALING: PMSNBC’S Chris Matthews is comparing Pro-Gun Senators to “Jim Crow” Racists. Isn’t that exactly what you’d expect?
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE: Republican leaders ignored Ohio Senator Rob “Fighting for Gay Sex” Portman and unanimously approved a resolution on Friday urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Proposition 8, the measure under court review that forbids same-sex marriage in California. Meanwhile, a UN panel declares Jesus was homosexual, and The Blower can hardly wait to hear Phil Burr-ass’ reaction.
  • EDJUMACATION: So-Called Anti-Taxers at COAST can’t stop complaining about illegal campaigning at the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools, but are they covering up for the same illegal campaigning in the school district where that organization is located? And with only 24 more days until the Forest Gump School District’s stealth tax hike election on May 7,apologists at the Forest Hills Urinal are certainly keeping all the reasons not to vote for it a big secret.

Buckeye Blues

  • image027CROOKS IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says one guy who knows a lot about taxes is Ohio RINO Party Executive Director Matt Borges, who’s in line to become state party chairman on April 26, since Laura Bischoff at the Dayton Daily News is reporting Matt owes a paltry $493,624 in federal taxes and $98,397 in state taxes, according to public documents filed in Franklin County. The Blower is surprised Tea Party Guy Tom Zawistowski who’s supposedly running against Borges has declined to attack on Borges’ tax bill. [READ MORE HERE]
  • SODOMY RITES UPDATE: Registration is now open for 2013 Homosexual Lobbying Day at the Statehouse Atrium in Columbus on May 8.
  • KASICHCARE ON CRUTCHES: Tea Party Patriots were cautiously optimistic this week when they heard rumors that statehouse leadership was planning to remove the $13 billion KasichCare expansion from the governor’s proposed biennial budget. The Blower wants to see the actual proposals, since everybody knows that fight will not end until the final budget is passed in June.
  • DEMOCRAT CANNON FODDER: Cuyahoga County’s Ed Fitzgerald is the Ohio DemocRAT Party’s likely gubernatorial candidate hoping his mentions in The Fishwrap will be enough to carry him to victory in 2014. Good luck, Ed!
  • VOTER FRAUD IN OHIO: Those 45 additional cases of DemocRAT Voter Fraud who used local U.S. post office boxes when registering to vote in the November 2012 election were brought to the Board of Elections by Joseph Janus, Jr. of Sycamore Township, who many times has been called “The biggest pain in the ass the Board has ever known” by Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka.


‘Round Town

  • image028REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES applaud the hiring of John Deatrick to be the new Trolley Folly project executive director for a mere $188,000 over-taxed payer dollars per year. RFHT believes his primary job duty will be supervising the existing streetcar project manager, who himself spends his days with his thumb up his ass.
  • LEGAL UPDATES: Our snitch in the Cincinnati Solicitor’s office still can’t believe the amount of that legal bill Dinsmore sent the Cincinnati City Solicitor’s office for having George Vincent and Hamilton County Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP among that armada of 11 attorneys to do battle with protesters’ attorney Curt Hartman in Judge Winkler’s Courtroom.
  • THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Word going around is the City doesn’t have the money to pay the police officers their accrued time, vacation, comp time and unemployment benefits if they lay them off. If they go ahead with the layoffs, the City must also now pay back the federal grant they used to hire the police officers years ago.
  • ANOTHER EVOLVEMENT OF CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES: Is Conservative Hamilton County Commissioner Chris Monzel really endorsing and supporting pro-abortion City Clowncil candidate Melissa Wegman? We thought Chris Monzel was pro life?
  • LEGAL DE-BRIEFS: Yeah, the dead “vice-president and managing attorney” at $tan Che$ley’s office really was a zinger. Did he just “forget” she had died to keep a patina of respectability? $tan should buy a waterfront mansion in Palm Beach and hook up with all the money-chasing bimbos who have never heard of his woes. Life would be good, and he wouldn’t even have to worry about picking up after Judge Susan’s crappy dogs.
  • TAX FREEDOM DAY FOLLOW-UP: Was “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup the only U.S. Congressman in the tri-state to figure out April 12 was “Tax Freedom Day in Ohio?” Bronze Star’s e-mail soliciting a non-deductible $12 donation on April 12 was oh so timely.
  • PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE: Is the Anderson Township Republican Club (including Newtown and Mt. Washington) really featuring Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP at its May meeting? Real Republicans say it’s truly amazing that six months after he lead all blue Hamilton County to its worst defeat in history, Alex T has the unmitigated gall to show up in one of the few remaining Red bastions within that county and tell everyone what a GREAT job he’s doing.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose the Bible’s Book of Matthew for: “And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

Bluegrass Bulletins

  • image030IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the Nuts in Campbell County led by Nutsy Rogers, Nolan, Coleman, Hermes and their little Eric Deters Voelker have won the library tax decision. Little Deters Voelker wasted no time filing suits in other counties while they all are salivating over possible library closures. Most folks want the taxes to be done right, but this group of Tea Party individuals have once again, gone too far in what might as well be book burning. The Blower has again scooped The Fishwrap with uncovering the quiet move by Congressman Massie to hire Nutsy Rogers as his Director of Military Affairs. This could prove to be costly to Massie, given Nutsy’s antics and work to close libraries. All we can say is WTF?

image033Elsewhere in sex-scandal-plagued Northern Kentucky University, bimbos got together to compare Scott Eaton stories. One former NKU Femme Fatal said she didn’t work with that particular Lecher but she did hear he had a twelve-inch tongue.

More Political Insight Today

  • image034FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says The Fishwrap is now seeking a reporter for its Columbus office with at least four years’ experience that includes significant enterprise work, demonstrated ability to break news through sourcing and enterprise, and demonstrated skill in understanding and writing clearly about complex issues. Only diverse candidates need apply.
  • GOING GALT: What would de Tocqueville make of our current fix? “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years…”
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #105 says you should invite all your Liberal friends to protest at a Tax Day Rally on Fountain Square, but that’s only if our Anti-Taxers remember to have a rally on Tax Day this year.
  • image034NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL (OUR ODIOUS OCTEGENARIAN), THE BARD OF CLEVES, whose latest Springtime Selection, “Up Your Equinox,” is available at better bookstores everywhere, except of course in Cleves:

The price of gas has gone sky high.
It’s the highest this year by far.
But leave it to that Obama guy
He’ll put a windmill on your car.

  • image037FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how this year on the Reds telecasts they’ve found a way to commercialize everything could possibly happen during a baseball game? Every time a Reds pitcher strikes somebody out, they put a big Kroger “K” on the screen (“K” is the baseball symbol for strikeout). Every time a runner winds up on second base, some insurance company gets to mention “doubling your money.” Most appropriately, whenever a player loses the game with a bonehead play, they run a commercial for Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters.

Monday we’ll be celebrating “Tax Day,” although and we’ll still be counting down the 1,376 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.

Tuesday will be our “Tax Scofflaw Update” E-dition and “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will probably feature some of the the most creative excuses you’ve ever seen.

Wednesday we’ll be stirring up trouble during the middle of the week, you can be sure of that.

Thursday the entire country will be celebrating Tax Freedom Day.

And the first line of Friday’s limerick is: “Do the Rich really want to pay more?”


e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Links of the Day

Liberals on Gun Control


Women and Gun Shopping

image044Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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