Special “Local Legal Update” E-dition

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Local Legal Innovations

image007Whistleblower Legal Dream Team Chairman Scott Greenwood and former Cincinnati Police Chief Tom Strike-her have formed a new consulting firm (GREENWOOD & STREICHER, LLC), which will be providing collaborative policing and accountability solutions to the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, just so new Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil can deliver that Operational and Performance Audit he promised during the campaign. The audit will review the performance of the sheriff’s office to see what it has been doing right, what its overall operations look like, and where there is room for improvement. The firm will provide strategic advice, implementation support, and technical assistance, but no legal advice or legal services, which is a good thing says the Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee of the Ohio State Bar Association, since Tom’s not a lawyer.

“Tom and I are committed to working with the professionals at Sheriff Neil’s office at all levels so they have a 21st century law enforcement agency that is effective in providing law enforcement and corrections services and is responsive to the community that it serves,” Greenwood explained.

image009Strike-her added,Our firm will be a non-traditional merger of professions, thoughts and ideas being a reflection of the well-rounded, strategic perspective that will be incorporated into our services,” whatever the hell that means. Are you sure this guy is not a lawyer?

In Other Local Legal News, Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced-DemocRAT Clinton-loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, (Then) Not-yet-Disbarred Trial Attorney $tan Che$ley called his old Friend Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane at The Blower to ask him to change his Official Whistleblower Nickname on Thursday, after the Kentucky Bar Association announced it was disbarring his thieving ass for stealing a mere $20 million from all those drug-sickened wretches he was supposed to be representing.



 More News Later…