Special “Sequester Fester” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More Sequestration Aggravation

  • UntitledSTOP WORRYING, EVERYBODY: Obama won’t have to worry about his paycheck if the spending sequestration included in the Budget Control Act he signed into law in 2011 begins taking effect this Friday.

And when Obama’s new Secretary of State John Kerry said, “Americans have a right to be stupid,” he was undoubtedly referring to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Typical Obama Voters who’ve ensured us all of another 1,424 days during the Dark Ages of America’s Second Term.

  • REPUBLICAN REACTION: On Tuesday, GOP House Speaker John Boehner told members of the Senate to “get off their ass” and pass a bill to replace the $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts that will kick in on March 1. Wouldn’t Boehner be surprised if they actually did it? Meanwhile, Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin told FOX News if Boehner “caves” and agrees to tax revenues to avoid the sequester, he would lose his speakership, and not a moment too soon.

Monday, Rob Portman was up in Dayton at a staged press conference with members of the armed forces who would be furloughed if the President and Congress don’t reach a compromise this week. Speaking of compromise, doesn’t Portman share some of the blame for these problems after he served as a member of last year’s compromise committee that failed to reach a compromise?

  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the longer and louder the political debate in Washington, D.C. gets, it seems the less voters know. 23% of Likely U.S. Voters now think the automatic government spending cuts scheduled to take effect on Friday will cut the current level of federal spending.
  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says everyone is asking “Which Republican could possibly support RINO Governor Kasich Taylor’s Medicaid expansion?” Well one Republican who’s for it is Super lobbyist and all in all whore, Chippy Gerhardt. He’s on the payroll of Children’s Hospital and he’s making the rounds of all the legislators to urge them to favor the expansion. Which Republican legislator does he not have to visit? The best legislator money can buy Peter Stautberg, whose sister is the head of the Children’s Hospital legal department.

Stautberg has already been bought and paid for and is in favor of the expansion. Do you think our Angry Andersonians will remember Stautberg’s sellout during the next primary election?

  • image007THE TRAIN IN SPAIN LAYS MAINLY IN DISTAIN: Responding to yesterday’s report that Girly Mayor Mark Mallory was in Spain to visit the company supplying the streetcars The City has already agreed to piss away $20 million on, Republican Cincinnati City Clowncil Candidate Amy Murray said: “The decision to purchase streetcars before a trusted financial plan for the tracks has been thoroughly vetted, is an inexcusable example of the faulty governance that is costing City over-taxed payers at least- if not way more based on this past week’s bids- $125 million. Accountable leadership would pause for some modicum of fiscal responsibility, especially with the pending Duke $15 million lawsuit. Purchasing these streetcars without any idea of where the tracks are going to be or how much it will cost to put them there, literally puts the cart before the horse. Cincinnatians deserve better government decision making that will actually protect their taxpayer money and not wastefully spend it.”
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET Several attorneys say they checked Tracy Winkler’s Hamilton County Clerk of Courts web site and they couldn’t find any record of Mickey Esposito’s recent arrest for stealing all that stuff from the Sheriff’s property room. You’d think Simon Leis was still in office covering up for Mickey.
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Arnie from Alexandria’s letter in Tuesday’s Blower about “Hyphenated-Americans” reminded one of our Persons of Consequence about a phone call he’d received from a black woman asking various survey questions about the beer he drinks. When she was finished, she asked his race and he told her “European-American.” She informed him that wasn’t an option and she would just put “White” because I sounded white. He couldn’t help but laugh his ass off. He told her OK that was fair, since he knew she was black. Her exact quote was: “Well let me ax you why you think I’s black?”

Meanwhile, during the dwindling days of Black History Month, Kroger’s, on Vine Street is sponsoring a Black History Quiz with DA BUZZ’s Lincoln Beware. The Mamas must answer a question to spin the game wheel for a chance to win a $500 Kroger gift card. If they miss the questions, you have to give back the baby formula, batteries, pampers and drugs you lifted from Kroger’s shelves!

  • image010SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE: In the February 26, 1991 Edition of The Whistleblower that used to be printed and delivered all over all over town, everybody was talking about that Jerry Springer’s “Women Who Turned Me Down” list that looked almost exactly like his “Women I’d Like to Boink” List that appeared the previous week.

Meanwhile, Queen City Streetwalkers Spokesfloozy Sarah Strumpet says Springer won’t be turned down when he auditions some of the more attractive hookers on parade outside the Horseshoe Casino when it opens on March 4.

  • CONSTITUENTS’ COMPLAINTS: Staffers in Steve Chabothead’s office are complaining about getting telephone calls from people in the Second District who cannot find their new Congressman. Perhaps an announcement about the location of his new office is warranted. In a related note, “Bronze Star Brad’s” new field representative has been making the rounds to local meetings, but apparently she didn’t make much of an impression on elected officials in Clermont County, who simply reported that some plump chick came and gave us her card.

Also in Clermont County, the Lincoln-Reagan-Schmidt-Wilson dinner will take place at the Holiday Inn Eastgate on Thursday night. Party Boss Tim Rudd reports ticket sales are “slow.” Many are wondering if a wrestling match between Tim Rudd’s success stories “Mean Jean” and the Archster would pump up the dismal ticket sales.

Speaking of slow ticket sales, are plans really in the works for a protest/boycott of the Hamilton County RINO Party Lincoln day dinner featuring Governor and Medicaid expansionist John Kasich Taylor? It’s about time our local TEA Party Patriots show some independence and stop being Alex T.’s lap dogs.

  • REPUBLICANS WITH GUNS: Bluegrass Rifle Association Spokesman Billy Bob Carbine says people can’t stop laughing since Obama’s Joke VP Joe Biden said, “You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim; it’s harder to use. And in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun.”
  • IN CAMPBELL COUNTY: The Recorder has again scooped The Fishwrap and this time it is the Campbell County judge-exec’s race, or kind of. Kevin “Give ‘Em Hell” Sell announced that he was in, filed fund-raising papers, and has kept his platform of job creation, spending cuts in SD1 and TANK, consolidation analysis, and a personal promise to stop the heroin epidemic. Ken “I Change Jobs Every Two

Years” Rechtin (no really, just ask to see his resume) issued a statement about ten days later stating we was going to ask friends and family to help develop his platform and that this race does not need two years of his time (guess he is using some other kind of calendar). So now, current Judge defective Spendery issues his statement that he likes his job so he is sure he will run. You all can do the math on this one.

Meanwhile, the fringe group of Lloyd “Nutsy” Rogers and Tim “One Time Wonder” Nolan are out there touting Brandon “Little Eric Deters” Voelker as another potential candidate for this race. The Blower is predicting that the one with the dirtiest laundry and the most baggage has the most to lose in this fiasco.

The Blower has also uncovered some information that seems to indicate that Campbell Circuit Clerk Taunya Delight Nolan (yep, related to the one above) might be requesting financial personnel assistance from the state. Seems she has lost all of her staff that can do that. Over-Taxed Payers will want an answer on this one.

At the same time, new Sheriff Jeff “RINO Killer” Kidwell seems to be building his case for re-election. He has refused his car replacement and issued a media release in support of the second amendment. Oh yeah, “Beanball Jim” Bunning is backing him, so The Blower figures that will seal the deal.

Jim Daley has been appointed by Spendery as the new jailer. Yes, this is the same guy Spendery appointed to be county attorney and now this. The Blower has learned that Spendery also had this guy in mind for Sheriff until the legal department told him he couldn’t do it.

Lastly, it seems Spendery’s attempt to refrain from appointing a constable to Kidwell’s vacant spot may have been legally ruined. The Blower has learned that a potential constable candidate mustered up some legal research and found that Kentucky law requires the appointment. Let’s see if the AG gets involved with this one.

  • Mardi GrasHURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1827 a group of masked and costumed students danced through the streets of New Orleans, marking the beginning of the city’s famous Mardi Gras celebrations, but it wasn’t until many years later that bars on Mainstrasse in Covington gave women free drinks during Mardi Gras just for showing their beautiful breasts.
  • NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE choseThat was good because I got some beads.”
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: With Sequestration coming closer, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what’s the worst part about those sequestration spending cuts everybody’s warning against on March 1. “The problem, Kane explained, “is that those so-called cuts are not nearly big enough.”


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Some fiscally responsible items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally fiscally responsible subscribers.


Hannity Mocks Obama’s Melodramatic ‘Mayan Sequester Apocalypse’

image016Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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