Saturday, January 26, 2013
But The Constitution Keeps Getting In The Way
RACIST JUDGES: Friday a Federal Appeals Court overturned Obama’s controversial recess appointments from last year, ruling he abused his powers and acted when the Senate was not actually in a recess. Not to worry, Obama could always disband all those racist judges by Executive Order.
This ruling could also affect the short-term recess appointment of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which was made the same day, the Cleveland Pain Dealer reports.
- WALL STREET TWEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says stocks are closing in on an all time high 9when the Dow hit 14,164.on October 9, 2007), and these days investors appear to be just as clueless about the economy as all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Voters out there.
- IN CONGRESS: Boehner’s Buffoons are still celebrating passage of their so-called “No Budget, No Pay” Act that requires the Senate to pass a budget or have their pay withheld. That ought to really worry all those millionaires in Congress.
- AT THE RNC WINTER CONFERENCE IN CHARLOTTE: Continuing the 2012 Electoral Debacles, Peince Priebus has been re-elected Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Nobody else would take the job.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “Yesterday House Speaker John Boehner said that Obama’s focus is to ‘annihilate’ the Republican Party. Do the Republicans look like they need help from Obama?”
THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says 68% support a five-year lobbying ban for members of Congress after they lose their seats or resign. Do you think Former Congressman-Turned Lobbyist Goof Doofus would go along with that?
- IN COLUMBUS: Ohio Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Ohio RINOs are accusing Ohio DemocRATS of falling short of Obama’s Goals, only a few days after his ghost-written Inaugural Address (“We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate”) with their organized outrage over a link on Debe Terhar’s Facebook page that was removed and for which she immediately apologized.
Yesterday, The Blower reminded everybody about that time when Ohio’s Disingenuous DemocRAT U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown compared Republican Governor John Kasich’s policies to Hitler and Stalin on the Senate floor, prompting Politico to run a headline saying “Sherrod Brown compares Republicans to Hitler.” Curiously, there was no call for an apology from Ohio D-RATS when DemocRAT State Rep-tile Bob Hagan responded to an African American on Facebook as “Buckwheat.”
This time DemocRATs orchestrated their outrage over Debe Tehar’s Facebook post and voila, 65,000 people e-mailed the Governor and the State Board of Education, while Republican “leadership” post Facebook updates about their cats, tweet about the 2015 all-star game, and have no idea, nor do they have any interest in, how in the world they could get just 65 people to e-mail the Governor about anything. There aren’t two political parties in the United States anymore. There is one political party and one social network masquerading as a political organization to benefit “the right people with the right pedigree.”
And you can see all of these people you’d ever want to see we at this morning’s NorthEast Hamilton County RINO Circus’ Annual Pancake Breakfast, where Blue Ash, Sharonville, and SycaMoron Township RINOs get to pretend to be real conservatives by over-spending ($20-per-person) for the chance to eat crappy pancakes (if they don’t run out) in the same room as Rand Paul.
The Blower bets that woman with six felonies in Ohio who’s been active in Hamilton County RINO Party politics for several years will be there, and that guy who prosecuted her will be there too.
Also in attendance will be Mary Anne Crusty, who’s been seeking the VP position of the Ohio RINO Party ever since Lincoln was a precinct captain. She tried without success 20 years ago and now she’s throwing her hat in the ring again. The first vote (January 2013) did not support her candidacy but she has another chance when the Central Committee meets again in March. Like Debe Tehar, Ms. Crusty is one of Charles Foster Kane’s Faux Facebook Friends, so she knows she can count on us for her support.
Finally, our Suburban Sorehead says “What a joke these Republicans are! This is the same damn e-mail Ashtray sent out last week, with the same lame events and ideas. What the hell do these people do all day?”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1788, a fleet of 11 British ships delivered the first convicts to Australia, and Obama wonders why the Aussies aren’t begging to accept a few of our poor misunderstood GITMO inmates he plans to turn loose.
Last year on this date, Hurley says The Blower showed you what happened at Obama’s State of Dis-Union Address when Ohio’s Second District Congresswoman really outdid herself embarrassing her constituents. Wherever does Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception get the inspiration for his political portraitures?
- THE LOCAL TAX BATTLE IS NOW ON: The Cincinnati Zoo, which wants more money from overtaxed payers or they’ll kill all the elephants, just announced FREE zoo admission to inner city yoofs in order to buy votes and get headlines. These yoofs are from the local area are typically the same ones that are caught throwing bricks at the school buses full of rich kids from the suburbs that are being transported to the zoo for a field trip. “Taxkiller Tom” Brinkman says while it is nice the zoo is giving non taxpayers a freebie, when are they going to give the over-taxed payers a break?”
Taxkiller would be glad to know that after four months and only two postings in The Blower, those Obama signs are finally down on Beechmont Circle. Maybe those decided people were going to start dumping horse poop in their yard!
- OUR COLERAIN CRUSADER says it only took five or six hours to clean up the wreckage from Monday’s 86-car pileup on I-275. The State Patrol is hoping to clear out the lawyers in five or six days.
- OUR CLERMONT CRONY says the new good ol’ boy, “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup got caught with his fly down when he voted FOR raising the debt limit. Wenstrup billed himself as the Tea Party candidate, collecting endorsements from groups like Liberty Alliance Cincinnati and the Ohio Liberty Council every time he railed against “Mean Jean” Schmidt for doing the same damn thing.
AN ABSOLUTELY ASTONISHED ANDERSONIAN writes “Is it just me, or does Greg Delev’s idio-torial in today’s Forest Hills Urinal read like the ravings of a lunatic? That is the most disjointed, unorganized piece of drivel I have read in a long time. He obviously has a problem with complete sentences and punctuation.”
Dear “Absolutely Astonished,” Every time Greg decides to do something really stupid (like run for public office), his enablers at the Forest Hills Urinal run a guest column for him as a kickoff present. Maybe this means Greg and his client Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien will be running for Township Trustees as a team.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says that Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) was not surprised when the jury couldn’t go along with “Crazy Eric’s” efforts to extort millions of dollars for his disgraced former Bungal cheerleader client was convicted who had sex with her student.
At his latest hourly press conference, Crazy Eric explained that his disgraced client may have been dragged through the mud further in her efforts to extort $11 million from an on-line publisher in California who only asked in print what everybody always wanted to know: “if all high school teachers were freaks in the sack,” but the case was worth millions of dollars to him personally.
- BLUEGRASS RIFLE ASSOCIATION SPOKESMAN BILLY BOY CARBINE says firearms that are openly displayed can now be carried into facilities that are owned by municipalities like libraries, parks, zoos, and city halls, but not schools, jails, or prisons. The CamBoozler says dueling between public officials is also forbidden. That’s the law we’d like to see repealed.
Billy Bob also reports a new poll says 65% of firearm owners would defy Government Attempts to confiscate guns. The Blower is still waiting to hear if tri-state sheriffs would enforce Obama’s unconstitutional gun grab.
- FINALLY, AT LAST NIGHT’S FOCUS GROUP MEETING, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Friday’s mistrial in Sarah Jones’ efforts to extort millions of dollars because an online publisher had besmirched her already ruined reputation.
Now that The Dirty Jury has deadlocked on The Dirty Cheerleader case against, Kane explained, The Blower wonders when the mainstream media will start reporting on all the juicy details about Sarah Jones sordid sex life that came out in trial?! For instance: Did Sarah really sleep with former Bungals ginger kicker Shayne Graham?! Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken Camboo hears Sarah may have said fornicating with players was against Bun-gal cheerleader policy which obviously means much more to Sarah than the Commonwealth’s Revised Statutes forbidding teachers from sleeping with their underage students! And did Sarah tell jurors whether she’s ever actually contracted a sexually transmitted disease?! The Blower just can’t wait to get its hands on those trial transcripts so the world will know if Sarah actually admitted to having hepatitis! And who’s Harmony? Maybe she knows who really sent those dirty posts about Sarah to TheDirty in the first place. But most of all, The Blower’s Bluegrass subscribers are just dying to know how many times sultry Sarah’s sworn testimony has changed under oath. Any courthouse gadfly can tell you that just might be grounds for a perjury indictment! Hmmm… does anyone know a prosecutor in Kenton County?! Where’s Our Good Friend when we need one?!
- MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE “I’m not saying she’s a slut but whenever she eats a banana in public, she puts one hand behind her head.”
e-mail your inspired initiatives to
Some Resurging Republican items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Resurging Republican subscribers.
Link of the Day
Somebody picked the wrong girl
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.