Friday, January 25, 2013
Liberal Press Ignores Hillary’s Hideous Histrionics
A BIG HAND FOR A LITTLE LADY: Obama supporters in the Press couldn’t stop gushing uncontrollably over Hillary’s stellar performance testifying before Congress, even after she went bonkers and shouted “What difference does it make why four Americans were killed in Benghazi?”
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says 79% expect a woman president in the next 25 years. With all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Voters out there, we can’t imagine it would take that long. How old will Hillary be in 2038, anyway?
- WOMEN IN THE MILITARY: Whistleblower War Correspondent Ollie Hackworth wonders if sending women to fight on the front lines is now party of Obama’s “Broad Agenda” for America’s Fighting Forces.
- QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: Phyllis Schlafly’s “Much of the demand for women in combat comes from female officers who are eager for medals and promotions.”
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Kimmel’s “More than a million people gathered in our nation’s capital yesterday, and tens of millions more watched from home to celebrate the first lady’s new haircut.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1961, John F. Kennedy held the first live televised presidential news conference, and presidents of both parties have been lying to us on TV ever since.
- CLOWNS IN CONGRESS: Following the passage of the House GOP’s “No Budget, No Pay” bill on Wednesday, Senate DemocRATS, including Majority Leader Harry Reid, promised they’d actually draft a budget for the first time in four years. No Kidding!
IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders saysLiberals are all atwitter these days, even after Ohio State Board of Education President Debe Terhar said she was not comparing Obama to Adolf Hitler when she posted a photograph of the Nazi leader on her Facebook page with a message critical of the administration’s new gun-control efforts. Maybe that’s why Debe’s Facebook page has been “deactivated,” so we can’t show you exactly which picture of Hitler she used, but we hope it looked something like this.
Meanwhile at the Ohio Republican Party, Executive Director Matt Borges says those with Selective Memory Loss will probably choose to forget when Ohio’s Disingenuous DemocRAT U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown compared Republican Governor John Kasich’s policies to Hitler and Stalin, prompting Politico to run a headline saying “Sherrod Brown compares Republicans to Hitler.”
- CONFLICT IN CLERMONT: While Ted Stevenot and all the other lame brains in the Clermont County Tea Party have their head up their butts promoting something called FrackNation, loyal Whistleblower reader Armstrong Rhemus of Newtonsville seems to be the only one questioning the fraudulent new State Rep-tile from Clermont County and his perpetual fraud perpetrated upon the voters. The new State Rep tile is bragging once again. This time it’s about attending a Veterans Caucus meeting in Columbus. Armstrong quickly called attention to the fact that John Becker is not a veteran and never served in the armed forces or any forces for that matter. Whistleblower readers will remember that Armstrong spilled the beans on Becker’s lobbyist-paid-for-retreat at Cherry Valley Lodge. We are sure glad someone in Clermont County is paying attention.
- MORE CONFLICT IN CLERMONT: And how outraged are Clermont Tea Party Patriots about Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup these days?
First, it was the location of his new District Office in Anderson, instead of Clermont County, as they had been led to expect.
Second was his vote to increase the Debt Ceiling with not a dime’s worth of spending cuts, especially after all those times he blasted Portman’s Protégé “Mean Jean” Schmidt for doing the same damn thing.
So far, Tea Partiers in Ohio’s First Congressional District aren’t calling Steve Chabothead to account for giving Obama the authority to borrow and spend another trillion dollars that we don’t have TODAY, in exchange for a phony promise from Harry Reid that he’ll relinquish his pay WHEN he doesn’t keep his word to propose a fiscally sane budget THREE MONTHS FROM NOW. In Northern Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says it’s a good thing Congressman Goof Doofus quit to become a lobbyist, because he’d sure as hell have gone along with Boehner’s Buffoonery, unlike his Conservative replacement Thomas Massie in the Red State of Kentucky.
COLERAIN CRASHERS: The Rumpke-backed RINOs are taking advantage of the deadly car accident on their highways and while everyone is praising the first responders for DOING THEIR JOBS, the trustees will seek to use that to their advantage to rip off over-taxed payers. You have to love the early-morning meeting that people with real jobs won’t be able to attend. You also have to love the gall of a special election in May so that they can keep this levy quiet and turn out their key supporters, the Colerain Township Business Association, Rumpke, and the lazy government bureaucrats they employ in Colerain. Rumpke needs the over-taxed payer-funded police and fire departments to expand so as to protect themselves from the dangers their business creates. What the trustees want to do is raise taxes “for the police” so that the general fund can be used for more “Republican” patronage hires and to give raises to the administrator who makes sure that the people who actually care about their jobs get fired and the rude, incompetent and lazy get rewarded with raises. This is no different than Obama’s and the Disingenuous DemocRATS’ attempts to take from the productive and give to the lazy in return for the votes of the lazy. That these rip-off artists claim to be Republican just adds insult to the injury.
- COLERAIN’S BARELY LEGAL POLICE LEVY UPDATE: There’s nothing like a last-minute barely-legal surprise early meeting to make sure the opposition isn’t heard and a May levy that they hope no one pays attention to. This was sent out exactly 24 hours and 3 minutes before the meeting start. State law requires 24-hour notice.
The Colerain Township Board of Trustees has scheduled a Special Meeting to be held at the Colerain Township Government Complex, 4200 Springdale Road, on Friday, January 25, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. for the purpose of considering the necessity for levying a tax exceeding ten-mill limitation for a police levy.
LOONY LIBERTARIANS: Last night an emergency fund-raiser was held to come up with the $2.15 needed to buy red paint to update Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns’ only “Running for Congress” sign.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo saysthat Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) is wondering why we’re not all seeing gavel-to-gavel coverage of “Crazy Eric” Deters’ publicity stunt in Covington this week, where he’s trying to extort millions of dollars for his disgraced former Bungal cheerleader client who had sex with her student, from an on-line publisher in California who only asked in print what everybody always wanted to know: “Why are all high school teachers freaks in the sack?”
We can understand why The Fishwrap wouldn’t want to give “Crazy Eric” all that free publicity, since he filed one of his frivolous SLAPP lawsuits against Skaggie Maggie, Wedgie Washburn, Jim Hannah, and Terry DeMio. But you’d think Channel 19 would be hiring legal experts like Disgraced Former Hamilton County Prosecutor Mike Allen to blog all the erotic passages from the courthouse while the jury was deliberating how little to award Eric’s over-sexed client.
AMUSED IN ANDERSON: Note this picture at recent Anderson grand opening. Seen in the background is completely disgraced Masturbating Anderson Trustee Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien in the back row. Hopefully he does not have things well at hand standing next to that “well born” woman, because judge Fanon Rucker would decide that since it cannot be seen, it is not in public and O’Brien would get “off” again—in more ways than one.
- ALSO IN FULL VIEW: The Cincinnati Public Library announced they will begin passing out security shields to the smelly homeless people who occupy the library internet area to view porn all day in plain view of all the patrons.
- FINALLY, AFTER LAST NIGHT’S SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about this week’s CBS News report that Obama’s goal was to destroy House Republicans before the 2014 Elections. “What was your first clue?” Kane asked. “Even John Boehner has figured out Obama wants to ‘Annihilate’ the Republican Party.”
Stories We’reWorking On
GALLUP: Obama’s Fourth Year in Office Most Polarized In History
- Harry Reid saves the filibuster
- Kerry promises to implement Obama’s “Vision of the World”
- Dems’ weapons ban includes pea shooters
- New York Times declares Republicans are “Racist”
- Liberals call for end to mid-term elections
- Obama says “The best is yet to come.”
Whistleblower Web Poll
This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Web Poll respondents said Obama was failing after his first four years in office:
(A) Weak on Foreign Policy: 2%
(B) Domestic Initiatives Going Nowhere: 1%
(C) Economy’s in the Crapper: 3%
(D) Not Enough Speeches on TV: 94%
Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!
More Presidential Perspective
This week, everybody who says Obama Supporters in the Press will be celebrating Obama’s Second Inauguration for the next 1,457 days until Obama’s Third Term, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is noted Presidential Historian Dorian Grady, who wonders if Lincoln would really appreciate all those farfetched Obama comparisons.
Dorian wins a copy of Obama’s just-released book, “My Successes at the White House,” an opportunity to inspect all that trash hauled away from the Washington Mall to search for anything “historic,” and his own personal Obameter to keep track of Obama’s unfulfilled campaign promises.
His winning entry is:
Here’s what to expect from Obama’s next term,
On his principles he has always stood firm.
Your taxes he’ll raise
It’s not just a phase
He’ll be bad for the country long-term.
And from the Anderson Laureate (who says, “If I live through the next 1457 days, it’ll be a miracle.”)
Here’s what to expect from Obama’s next term
(As if the first one didn’t make us all squirm).
He’ll do that “executive” thing
And have himself declared “king”
He’s as cocky as Kevin O’Brien’s sperm.
He’ll issue his bold proclamations
Giving himself powers beyond expectations
I don’t want to be mean
But he acts like Amin
And he’ll multiply our world’s tribulations.
The nation’s attention he caught
(Although he never did squat)
He’s as phony as any
Not worth a copper penny
Look what the Leftists have wrought.
He will smirk with his chin in the air
Because he really doesn’t care
Who he offends
When he pretends.
Our country don’t have a prayer.
He’ll say “Let me be clear”
And invite cops out for a beer
He thinks he’s a saint,
But we know he ain’t
He’s actually our very worst fear.
When the Founding Fathers broke free from the Brits
And fought for our freedom with muskets
They could never foresee
A narcissist like he
Would one day give us all fits.
Obama appears to have won
And what’s done will have to be done
But I hope he repents
And develops some sense
Having him in the White House is no fun.
I don’t consider myself a hater
But that guy is really a dictator
His face makes me vomit
I hope he gets hit by a comet
I’d rather be ruled by Darth Vader.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“At our Groundhog Day party this year”
e-mail us your favorite Fahrenheit today.
Some frigid items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally frigid subscribers.
Hillary Under Obama
Link of the Day
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.