One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Were You Really Expecting Anything Different?
WHISTLEBLOWER SENIOR NATIONAL POLITICAL AFFAIRS ANALYST Britt Humus says after listening to all that bloviating about the greatest inaugural speech in history (that Obama Supporters in the Press had declared days before it was even given), many Americans were amazed to awake this morning to find the lame couldn’t walk, the blind couldn’t see, the Federal Budget wasn’t balanced, the economy hadn’t been revived, the real estate problem hadn’t been solved, autoworkers were still losing their jobs, we’d failed to solve our gas/alternative energy problems, fires and mudslides would still plague California, hurricanes and tornadoes had not been banned, identity theft had not been stopped, global warming had not been reversed, Osama was no longer on the loose but plenty of his followers are still on the attack, Israelis and Palestinians were not living harmoniously side-by-side, corruption still existed in our government, and all of the world was not living at Peace. Worse than that, Tom and Rose were just beginning to wonder when MoveOn.Org would be reimbursing them for all that money they’d advanced for their big Inaugural Bash at the Camargo Country Club to celebrate the “historic” Coronation of His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadj, Doctor Barrack Hussein Obama Dada.
Setting Obama’s Second Term Agenda was easy for Obama Supporters at CBS: “Destroy the Republican Party!”
Meanwhile, all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters are already counting down the 1459 days until Obama’s Third Term, especially after they watched Beyoncé lip-synching the Star Spangled Banner and the President’s Marine Corps Band pretended too. Nobody noticed, probably because the listless crowd of Obamabots reeked of marijuana.
Maybe that’s because PMSNMC Obama Worshipper Chris Matthews really claimed Obama’s Second Inaugural Teleprompter Speech was just like Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Photoshop Photospoofer Edward Cropper shows us what Obama’s speech really looked like.
MORE OF OBAMA’S WASTE, FRAUD, AND ABUSE: Yesterday, U.S. Over-taxed Payers ($16.5 Trillion in Debt) were trying to figure out how much our grandchildren had to borrow from China to pay for Obama’s Historic Second Inauguration. Obama increased Debt $50,521 per household during his first term, more than the first 42 presidents combined!
According to commentary in The Inquisitr, Obama’s inauguration cost is likely to exceed a record-setting cost of $170 million dollars. Second inaugurations are typically less expensive, and Obama’s first inauguration cost $170 million, but the actual swearing-in ceremony falling on a Sunday added one extra day of celebration. Coming at a time when financial austerity measures are necessary due to the upcoming Super Cliff composed of the national debt ceiling and automatic sequester, President Obama is currently attending an extravagant, three-day inauguration ceremony that has ignited the anger of citizens tired of wasteful government spending. [READ MORE HERE]
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Fallon’s “Obama’s team is promising special perks for donors who give at least a million dollars to the inauguration. Which is cool, but you know what else can get you a lot of perks? Keeping that million dollars.”
- BOEHNER’S BUNGLERS: In case you haven’t heard, according to Grasstops, they’re willing to give Barack Obama the authority to spend another trillion dollars that we don’t have TODAY, in exchange for a phony promise from Harry Reid that he’ll relinquish his pay WHEN he doesn’t keep his word to propose a fiscally sane budget THREE MONTHS FROM NOW. Word is they plan to call a quickie-vote on their idiot PR-stunt in a matter of days. You could call your local Republican Congressman’s Office to complain, everywhere except in Ohio’s Second Congressional District, where “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s top two overpaid staffers (Chief of Staff Derek Harley and District Representative John Stanton) still haven’t figured out how to send out a press release yet announcing the local and phone number of their new district office at 7954 Beechmont Avenue, directly across from the Anderson Tea Party Headquarters.
- ALSO IN ANDERSON: Last night the Anderson Tea Party began their “Road to Restoration,” when they met at 7 PM in First Floor Community Meeting Room B at the Anderson Government Center to review the lessons learned from 2012. It’s too bad our local Republican organizations don’t even understand what those lessons were.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says 81% think Congress should take a big pay cut until the Federal Budget is balanced and a plurality thinks the president should do the same.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1968, the USS Pueblo, a Navy intelligence vessel, was captured by the North Koreans. Come to think of it, we had a DemoCRAT in the White House then, too.
- NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Obama’s “I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.”
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Biracial Bipartisans Chris Finney and SMLP Smithermouthsent us “It’s MLK Day, Charlie Bro,” just about the most racially insensitive MLK Day video ever seen.
The Blower remembers when Queen Latifah said: “I miss the ’70s where you had shows like ‘The Jefferson’s’ and ‘All In the Family’ where Black people could be Black and white people could be white. Racists could be racists, and non-racists could be non-racists, but it was talked about.”
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Recently Rubber-Stamped Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett honored MLK by sending out an e-mail with a 1967 group photo showing himself and MLK at a meeting of business leaders in Cleveland. But with all those glowing words of tribute, did the Boobster forget to mention MLK was a Republican?
- IN HAMILTON COUNTY: Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP sent out an e-mail claiming the “Hamilton County Republican Party Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” Unfortunately, the ex-DemocRAT campaign operative who actually wrote the suck-up piece missed the fact that MLK was a Republican, too.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES say “We hope everyone had a chance to view the big Virgil Lovitt Roast, fittingly hosted by one of the organizations that received the proceeds of many of Virg’s tax increases.”
LOONEY LIBERTARIANS: Jim Berns was first to file in this year’s Cincinnati Mayor’s Race when he turned in more than 1,000 signatures on his petitions at the Hamilton County Board of Elections. Amazingly, the Libertarian Party was actually able to raise the $75 filing fee. Now they need to come up with enough money to change Jim’s sign.
- MEANWHILE IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Michael Liquid Plummer and Nathan “Cornbread” Smith came up with a drinking game for the inauguration – every time Obama used a first person pronoun (Me, Myself or I), they got to down another drink. Be careful, teetotalers— you might end up dead if you tried this at home.
The CamBoozer also says former Kentucky Fourth District Congressman Goof Doofus’ new lobbying firm has signed up lot of clients. Didn’t the Goofster resign from Congress last summer because of a medical issue? The Blower wonders what “the cure” was.
- FIRST AMENDMENT UPDATE: That Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) is wondering why our Forgetful Fishwrappers are giving “Crazy Eric” all that publicity for his disgraced former Bungal cheerleader client who had sex with her student’s frivolous lawsuit trial in Covington this week against an on-line publisher in California just for wondering “Why are all high school teachers freaks in the sack?” Didn’t “Crazy Eric” also file another frivolous SLAPP lawsuit against Skaggie Maggie, Wedgie Washburn, Jim Hannah, and Terry DeMio at The Fishwrap?
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if there were any good local stories about Typical Obama Supporters attending Obama’s totally meaningless yet abundantly expensive Second Presidential Inauguration.
Kane remembered Obama’s First Historic Presidential Inauguration, when his next door neighbor, a Dumbed-Down DemocRAT who had run unsuccessfully for county office on two separate occasions before the Obama era (when even the most unqualified or incompetent local DemocRAT would be swept into office), took the entire week off so he could drive to Washington to experience the wonderfulness of Obama’s Coronation, but the closest he could get to the Capitol Mall where they used to sell slaves, was two towns away in Maryland, where he got to watch the festivities on a crappy 19-inch analog TV in a run-down smoke-filled bar. Now you know we call them “Dumbed-Down DemocRATS.” The Incredibly Shrinking Fishwrap should’ve told that story in its keepsake edition.
e-mail your executive orders today.
Some half-cocked items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally half-cocked subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Obama Inaugural Rewind: Rhetoric vs Reality
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.