Monday, January 21, 2013
King Wouldn’t Want A Day Off
With the hypocrisy of our Disingenuous DemocRATS’ unanimous forgiveness of equally Disingenuous DemocRAT US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s racist comments about Obama’s being a “light-skinned African who won’t scare white people” and doesn’t talk in “negro dialect unless he wants to” still ringing in our ears, we can only imagine what Dingy Harry might say today on the day of Obama’s Totally Meaningless Second Historic Inauguration because both Obama and Biden were actually sworn in during separate ceremonies the day before.
Because contrary to Mendacious Media Mythology, Obama’s “historic” first election did not usher in a post-racial America. Instead, speaking openly about race is still forbidden. Just ask Harry Reid, who had dared to use the term “Negro,” although the National Council of Negro Women and United Negro College Fund still exist.
- We remember a four years ago, on the day before the “historic” Coronation of the man WLW Hate Radio’s Racist in Residence Bill Cunningham dared to call Barack “Hussein” Obama, every racial racketeer was once again exploiting the memory of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Liberals were once again posthumously ignoring the wishes of the widow of the slain civil rights leader, because she believed in honoring her husband’s legacy the way he would if he were still alive today— by WORKING.
We also recall that time Coretta Scott King told USA Today the theme of that year’s holiday observance was “Remember! Celebrate! Act! A day on, not a day off.” The first lady of the civil rights movement said she hoped people would remember her husband and celebrate his legacy.
That means people should be going to work today and kids ought to be in school. Mrs. King said we shouldn’t honor her husband by not working, because the true meaning of his life was his work.
- The Blower has always agreed: “We never honor people by taking days off, when it’s the exact opposite of how most of them lived.”
- Unfortunately, nobody is suggesting the best way to honor the great man’s work would be by going to work. For such a suggestion, you’d surely be condemned, not commended. We can just hear those left-wing bloggers now calling us racists for daring to comment on how people of all races are exploiting the memory of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. today.
Imagine what would happen if a school district actually tried to follow King’s example. Suppose a school superintendent decided to keep the doors open on Martin Luther King Day, saying he (or she) believed students in a dumbed-down public school system simply couldn’t afford to lose another day from their studies. Butler County Racial Racketeer Gary Hines would once again have his picture on the front page of The Fishwrap for sure.
You’d see picketers and protestors, Cincinnati NAALCP President SMLP Chris Smithermouth would send out another press release, and there’d be a howling from the Kneepad Liberals in the Press claiming that keeping schools open today showed a lack of respect and sensitivity for what the holiday means to all those poor Black folks, which unfortunately, for too many, means just merely another day off with pay. And with the endless media hype, and all those Obasms in the Press for how hard our Obamessiah is still trying to save all those poor Black people in around the world, the whole thing has gotten so out-of-hand, you might say it’s the complete Kwanzaa-fication of Martin Luther King Day.
- Two years ago, a decision by two Georgia counties to use the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday to make up a snow day infuriated racial racketeers, who said the districts are insulting the civil rights icon in his home state.
And how mad were all those racial racketeers, when the Republic Governor of Maine told the NAALCP to “kiss his butt?”
“They are a special interest. End of story,” said Paul LePage, “and I’m not going to be held hostage by special interests. And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they’d like about it.”
- Also on that Black Friday, former black Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele lost his job— not because he was black, but because he was awful.
The Blower says we truly wanted to honor the slain civil rights leader, we’d do exactly what he did when he got up on the morning of April 4, 1968, and was assassinated while organizing municipal garbage workers in Memphis. People would go to work and we’d send the kids to school. It’s what Martin Luther King would have wanted.
In Cincinnati, it’s even more ridiculous. Are we still witch-hunting to see if a white policeman actually used the “N-Word” in 1998 and carping about a former white county prosecutor calling a radical Black city clown-cilman a “smart mouth little punk?” We remember when Black boycotters used King’s name to protest outside Martin Luther King Day breakfasts where Black folks inside were busy exploiting Martin Luther King’s legacy for their own purposes, while Bush-bashing white liberals were extolling the virtues of affirmative action.
Some boycotters vowed to use “any means necessary” to stop that breakfast. They even solicited money for bail, in case any of their supporters got arrested. No doubt TV newsrooms were advised of their intentions.
- Remember a coalition of racial racketeering groups claiming to seek the reduction of Black-on-Black violence asking owners of grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and night clubs not to sell alcohol on Martin Luther King Day?
Amazingly, the Liberal news media has always treated such silly symbolism-over-substance seriously, instead of recognizing that it’s just one more way for insincere people to get more publicity when they know there’ll be no real impact. If any of these folks were even remotely following King’s plea to judge people by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin, none of this nonsense would be necessary.
Even more ridiculous was Cincinnati’s bogus racial racketeering agreement resulting from a racial profiling lawsuit the city caved in on. Do we still have that so-called monitor overseeing the City’s police-community relations? Actually, he was the second monitor. The first one, chosen by Liberal federal judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley (whose husband bought her a lifetime appointment from Bill Clinton), quit after his exorbitant billing was questioned. It’s already cost millions in legal fees, nobody actually believes racial harmony will ever actually be achieved, and although the new racial monitor had said he’d stay within his $1 million-a-year-budget for the five-year term of the agreement, your great-grandchildren will no doubt still be paying for it.
And wouldn’t you know, that same Clintonista Judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley (who often brings her mangy mutts to Federal Court) believes she’s a legislator, making new law and creating chaos in the courts with her ruling to steal a Juvenile Court Judicial election for Disgruntled DemocRAT Tracie Hunter.
- Sunday in Cincinnati, the website and voice mail at the Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center once again said the place would offer free admission on Martin Luther King Day, thanks to a generous gift extorted from guilty white guys at PNC.
The Fishwrap still wants our White Guilt Museum to be taken over by the Government. But the way our White Guilt Museum has been financed so far, most people thought it already had.
Last year, we heard The Freedom Center might have to close due to their failed business model and lack of interest from the public. They believe they will realize $2.5 million/yr of revenues while spending $4 million/year, and to stay open must find a way to plug that gap. Due to this shortfall, Republicans for Higher Taxes was calling for a Freedom Center Tax Increase. You will pay one way or another.
- And down at the Cincinnati’s City Hall Circus last year, everybody was wondering when the Extreme Liberal City Clown-cil would be reacting to our Feckless Fishwrappers’ Sunday “Too Vital to Fail” sob story. Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception issued a similar warning.
- Results of a 2013 online survey showed that after reading all that Fishwrappery, only about 13% would be inclined to visit the White Guilt Museum, and only 12.5% thought over-taxed payers’ money should be used to keep the doors open.
- We remember four years ago, when Sunday’s Fishwrap said white guilt-ridden, Volvo-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking liberals could attend the Martin Luther King Legacy Awards for a mere $30. And we remember the White Guilt Center had to be open that Tuesday, or else, because where would all those thousands of people watch Obama’s “historic” coronation?
Hurley the Historian says it’s been nearly 45 years since Martin Luther King was assassinated, and shamefully, too many people have exploited his passing by playing the race card every day since. We can only imagine who’ll be doing it today! So instead of blogging all that vacuous hogwash about the wonderfulness of Obama, maybe today would be a good day for those clueless folks at our “All Blue” Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters to attempt to educate Black voters hereabouts and let them know the truth about Martin Luther King, Jr. — the little known fact that MLK was really a Republican.
According to Newsmax, Atlanta talk radio host Herman Cain (the Pizza magnate who ran for president as a Republican last year) says African-American voters are finally getting the facts about the Republican Party and beginning to turn away from their traditional pattern of voting for DemocRATS. The black former CEO said talk radio has been key to this transformation and that is why Liberals are seeking to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine. Maybe in Atlanta, but that’s certainly not the case here on Da Buzz.
- So as the nation prepares to honor civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Americans show little confidence in the state of race relations in the country today and into the future. In January 2009, the month the nation inaugurated its first African-American president, 70% of voters said relations between blacks and whites were getting better. By October of that year, in the face of increasing opposition to President Obama’s policies, just 36% said the same. Last year, a plurality of Americans also didn’t believe that celebrating King’s birthday as a national holiday helped improve racial tolerance in the country. And all those Obama Supporters in the Press accusing anybody of being a racist for daring to disagree with Obama during the past four years hasn’t helped a whole lot either.
e-mail your egregious examples today
Some legacy larceny items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally legacy larcenous subscribers.
Link of the Day
MLK Was a Republican
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.