Sunday, January 13, 2013
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER STORY THIS WEEK was how millions of paychecks were a little lighter this week, thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their overpaid representative lawmakers in Washington seem unwilling to tackle.
- OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was when employees all over America had their hours reduced to 28 hours a week because their employers can’t afford to pay their employees’ health care under the new ObamaCare rules.
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was when The Blower said “We Told You So,” because all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters didn’t have the slightest idea of who or what they were voting for and they are now getting exactly what they deserve (along with the rest of us).
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose H. L. Mencken’s “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
MONDAY in our Special “Significant Birthdays” E-dition, The Blower said, “Inside every senior citizen is a young person wondering what the hell happened:
Hurley the Historian said today’s celebrity birthdays included three American icons: Millard Fillmore, 13th president of these United States; Paul Revere, the New England Patriot who rode through every Middlesex village and farm to warn that the British were coming; and of course, Our Very Own Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, Charles Foster Kane (shown here in this inspiring illustration by Kane’s Faux Facebook Friend Bob Hellebush in New Harbor, Maine).
Millard Fillmore’s birthday was once again ignored by the entire nation. Children at the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools didn’t have “The Ride of Paul Revere” read to them, and although Charles Foster Kane did have a 33-cent postage stamp issued in his honor a few years ago, his birthday has not yet been declared an official national holiday, where slackers get paid to stay home.
Retired Cleveland Pain Dealer news hawk turned Bellwether blogger Bill Sloat once said his former employer’s publication was also born on January 7. Imagine: two of the nation’s greatest journalistic voices were begat on the same date. What a hideous cosmic joke!
Sometimes banks and government offices are closed to observe Kane’s birthday and there is no mail delivery, but that’s only when January 7 falls on Saturday or Sunday.
TUESDAY in our Special “Elvis’ Birthday” E-dition,The Blower said, “Elvis wondered if it’s really worth coming back from the dead for this!” and “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
We’re shocked and angry that our paychecks are smaller this year. —Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters Getting Exactly What They Deserve
Isn’t it ironic that Obama’s become our best salesman? —Gun Dealers of America
I actually reintroduced a bill in Congress on Friday to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which would allow Obama to become President for Life.—Dysfunctional NY DemocRAT Jose Serrano
While DemocRATS are now calling for another Trillion Dollar Tax Hike, would anybody ever believe me if I claimed I was ruling out higher taxes? —Obama’s Bitch McConnell
How come people think we lost that vote making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent. —Republicans in Congress
I need this job like a hole in the head. —Republican House Speaker John Boehner
WEDNESDAY in our Special “Kevin O’Brien Case” E-dition,The Blower said “Prosecutors were caught with their pants down too!” when Kevin won the case handily!
ANGRY ANDERSONIANS were really outraged when Masturbating Trustee Kevin O’Brien got off on a technicality for trying to get off in front of a Wellborn woman last May. Judge Fanon Rucker, the same judge who gave O’Brien a pass on his bond amount when he was first elected, said the evidence didn’t stand up in court when “Jaywalking Joe” Deters’ assistant prosecutors, who were also caught with their pants down, failed to make the charges stick. “The Mad Masturbator slipped right through our fingers this time,” the Jaywalker sadly admitted.
Now everybody’s wondering if the Hyde Park Flasher will use the same defense.
- THURSDAY, in our Special “We Tried to Tell Them” E-dition, The Blower said, “But they still didn’t listen.”
ISN’T IT IRONIC: Our DC Newsbreaker reported Omaha’s Wendy’s franchise will be cutting hours for 100 employees due to the new DemocRAT Obamacare health plan. Photoshop Spoofer Edward Cropper shows us the new Wendy’s Logo.
All non-management positions will have their hours reduced to 28-a-week. Cuts are coming because Obamacare requires employers to offer health insurance to employees working 32-38 hours a week. Under the current law they are not considered full time and small business owners can’t afford to stay in operation and pay for everyone’s health insurance.
That means all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Voting Employees are now getting exactly what they voted for.
- FRIDAY in our Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition, The Blower said, “What a Difference a Year Made”:
NO WONDER ALL THOSE ROMNEY SUPPORTERS ANONYMOUS ARE STILL SO DEPRESSED: Think of how much things have changed since last year when Noted New Hampshire Political Reporter Manchester Tadwell reported that state’s First-in-the-Nation Primary was finally over, and the results were just as The Blower predicted: Mitt Romney’s Super PAC had beaten the Super PACs of Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich by a wide margin.
And then it would be on to South Carolina, where The Blower would be covering the January 21 South Carolina Primary, and from the capital city of Columbia, Legendary Political Reporter Gamecock Tadwell would be bringing us all the news.
And Republicans were really happy looking forward with hope and optimism because the GOP had all those great presidential candidates. Any one of them could’ve beaten Obama. We heard that every day. The Blower was even counting down the days until the election. The count last January 11 was a mere “299” days. Now we’re looking forward to another “1470 Days of a Divided America During Obama’s Second Term.”
If only somebody had figured on all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters who are now getting exactly what they voted for. Some people today even call them “Low Information Voters” because of how stupid they are.
- SATURDAY in our Special “Egregious Euphemisms” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Will Kevin now be known as the “Pee Wee Weenie Whacker?”
At last night’s meeting of the Whistleblower Legal Dream Team, barristers couldn’t stop talking about how Masturbating Anderson Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien “got off” on a technicality for trying to “get off” in front of a Wellborn woman last May.
Some people thought there might have been Judicial Bias, since Black DemocRAT Judge Fanon Rucker is the same GOP-hating jurist who gave Republican Outcast O’Brien as pass on increasing his bond during O’Brien’s first scandal after Angry Andersonians first demanded his resignation.
Rucker said the evidence wouldn’t stand up in court when “Jaywalking Joe” Deters’ assistant prosecutors were also caught with their pants down and failed to make the charges stick. “It was not our finest hour,” the Jaywalker sadly admitted, because that Mad Masturbator slipped right through our fingers this time.
It seems Whacky Jackie O’Brien’s Illegitimate Son Kevin was charged under Statute 2909.07(A) that says it’s OK to wag your weenie in front of women, just as long as long as you do it inside an enclosed automobile on private property. The prosecutors never should’ve called it “Public Indecency” because Public indecency must take place where the public is likely to view it. O’Brien’s unwanted exhibitionism took place in a car, on private property, with only one other person present. Indecent proposal, yes! Public indecency, no!
Seediest Kids of All
The Little Eric D Story
As long as we can remember, The Blower has been telling you about Little Eric D, a lonely little troubled farm lad who lived in seclusion with his family in rural Boondoggle County, Kentucky, abusing and tormenting his family’s farm animals in a pitiful subconscious cry for help. No Kidding!
Little Eric D. grew up in the shadow of his family’s favorite, First Cousin Joey. As infants at family event, it was clear Joey was always the favorite. Joey was the first to be changed, the first to be fed, and last to be corrected. Little Eric’s earliest memories are of staring through the bars of his playpen with his diaper overflowing, at the other children playing and having fun.
So as Little Eric got older, the Seediest Kids of All arranged for WLW Hate Radio to offer Little Eric a part-time job where he could promote himself in lieu of a salary. Noted ACLU Attorney Scott Greenwood, Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders, and Judge Patricia Summe imparted valuable legal lessons, and Trash-Talking WLW Hate Radio Talk Show host Willie Cunningham even sold Little Eric a restaurant that would soon go out of business, all to help Little Eric achieve his lifelong dream as a WLW Hate Radio Enabled Trash-Talking Loudmouth Lawyer/ Restaurateur-Wannabe.
Unfortunately, to this day, Little Eric continues to find himself staring at everybody else having fun and never inviting him to play with them. Success for his First Cousin Joey has led to adulation and acclaim as a defender of society and civilization, but for Little Eric, growing up has meant only trying to defend the indefensible, leading to disdain among his peers and the public; sanctions, penalties, and threats of disbarment; failed political and restaurant ventures; as well as an extra large dose of the “Little Man Syndrome.”
Still, the entire Deters family is grateful to the Seediest Kids of All. But they really have you to thank, because it’s your guilt throughout the year which made it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
G-UNCONTROL UPDATE: This week, as Obama was ordering lifetime armed protection for himself, he redoubled his efforts to take away everybody else’s guns, just like a real dictator.
- MEDIA MENDACITY: This week, the News Media’s obsession over Gun Control was out of control.
- DEBT DEBACLE: This week, as Top Senate DemoCRATS who are urging Obama to raise the Debt Ceiling unilaterally all voted against such an increase In 2006, Ohio’s First District Congressman Steve Chabothead did a good job explaining the upcoming Debt Ceiling Debate on his blog, and why its likely to be even a bigger battle than the recently concluded Fiscal Cliff Skirmish. [READ MORE HERE]
- DISHONEST DEMOCRATS: Indicted businessman links Harry Reid to bribery scheme to derail federal investigation.
- BOEHNER’S BROWN NOSE: Did House Speaker John Boehner really invite Obama to deliver the State of the Union speech on Lincoln’s Birthday? And you thought Boehner was through sucking-up!
- HAS THE TEA PARTY PEAKED? The number of Americans who call themselves members of the Tea Party is down to just 8 percent. This is just one-third of the number of Americans who claimed membership in April 2010, shortly after the passage of the Affordable Care Act.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Obama’s “The best is yet to come.”
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says 68% say cutting Government Spending would be the solution to America’s economic problems. Weren’t these the same Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span voters who wanted four more years of higher taxes and spending during Obama’s Second Term?
- WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says the Economy may still be going to hell in a hand basket, but Stocks were still up after the Fiscal Cliff for the second week in a row.
LAYOFFS LOOMING: Still more businesses are cutting employees’ hours in response to Obamacare. Remember when Dysfunctional DemocRAT House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said of “We have to pass the ObamaCare bill so that you can find out what’s in it?” Now nearly three years later, many other low-wage workers (and their relatives) are beginning to discover what’s in it. And still, they voted for Obama.
- OBAMANOMICS: Is Government helping themselves to what’s yours, to help you help others who won’t help themselves.
- THUGS ‘R US: According to the Washington Times, there can be riches in standing up for the working class: The Boilermakers union president earned $506,000, plus hundreds of thousands of dollars more for travel expenses, while the Laborers union president made $441,000. The Transportation Communications Union leader made $300,000, bumped up to $750,000 with business expenses.
RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Are there any Liberals not calling Republicans “Racists” for daring to challenge Obama on raising the Debt Ceiling?
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1864, Stephen Foster died at the age of 37. Foster wrote many famous songs, including “Camptown Races” and “My Old Kentucky Home,” where the darkies are always happy and gay.
Kind of reminds us of “the Camp Town Ladies” from “Blazing Saddles.”
- VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Joe Vardon at the Columbus Dispatch says Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted will order local boards of elections to craft a way to investigate “substantiated” claims of voter fraud or intimidation. In a speech to the Ohio Association of Elections Officials yesterday, Husted both questioned the validity of such accusations and said a more-defined process for investigating them would restore confidence in Ohio’s elections.
SPEAKING OF FRAUDS: Republican State Rep-tile Peter Beck from McMason (representing Ohio’s 54th House District) may be accused of participating in a fraud that cheated investors out of more than $1.2 million, but that didn’t stop House Speaker William G. Backstabber from appointing Beck to be Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee for the next two years.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES discuss the fraud lawsuit against State Representative Peter Beck, who supported State Rep for Sale Peter Stautberg in his 2012 primary. They say they will continue to support Beck even if he is found guilty, just like they continued to support Boob Taft and Mean Jean Schmidt after their crimes.
- FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: That Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) is still wondering why our Forgetful Fishwrappers never followed up on that “threatening letter” Crazy Eric wrote demanding $1 million and implying he’d expose embarrassing information unless he was paid. [READ MOE HERE] Did they decline to follow-up, just because Crazy Eric had filed another frivolous SLAPP lawsuit, this one against Skaggie Maggie, Wedgie Washburn, Jim Hannah, and Terry DeMio at The Fishwrap?
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “Today was a big day in Hollywood. The Oscar nominations were announced. “Lincoln” leads the list with 12 nominations. This is a first — not the most nominations, but the first time Hollywood has ever voted for a Republican president. That is amazing.”
FIRST AMENDMENT UPDATE: If Whistleblower Dream Team Chairman Scott Greenwood used his landmark Deters v The Blower Defense settling that Steubenville SLAPP suit, why aren’t our Forgetful Fishwrappers using the same strategy against “Crazy Eric” in his suit against him?
- WHISTLEBLOWER FOCUS GROUP: analyzing what went wrong with the Republican message in 2012, The Blower finally might have an idea about what the GOP Message should’ve been and we’ll be attempting to explain some of it in Monday’s e-dition.
- IN HAMILTON COUNTY: This time last yearSemper Si Leis was promising Sean Donovan there’d be no problem getting his chief deputy elected to replace him as Sheriff when he retired, especially since the Hamilton County RINO Party Chairman Alex T. Mall Cop GOP would be pulling out all the stops to hold on to that vital Republican county office.
- IN COLUMBUS: This time last yearBuckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said Ohio’s very public GOP power struggle was still cause for concern. Governor Kasich’s push to replace Ohio RINO Party (ORP) chairman Kevin DeWhine had serious national implications: the Issue 2 campaign proved just how low DemocRATS, Progressives, and Big Labor were willing to go to ruin the Buckeye State, and Sherrod Brown (not to mention Obama) couldn’t have been happier.
ROMNEY SUPPORTERS ANONYMOUS were really depressed this week when they remembered only a year ago during the campaign in South Carolina when they were really happy looking forward with hope and optimism because the GOP had all those great presidential candidates. Any one of them could’ve beaten Obama. We heard that every day.
- CLOWNS IN CONGRESS: Congress has been in session for more than a week, and on Wednesday the location of “Mean Jean” Schmidt offices in Kenwood, Portsmouth, and Washington DC were still listed in the Forest Hills Urinal’s “Official Directory.” And you thought “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s top two overpaid staffers (Chief of Staff Derek Harley and District Representative John Stanton) didn’t have everything under control
- GOING GALT means recognizing that you have a moral right to your own life, the pursuit of your own happiness, and thus to the rewards you’ve earned with your labor.
THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Liz Rogers, who owns that Million Dollar Over-Taxed Payer Funded Soul Food Bistro at The Banks,can’t run two restaurants at once! That surely comes as a surprise, doesn’t it? Didn’t she use the collateral on the Hamilton restaurant for the one she opened downtown? Now she’s closed the one in Hamilton and hoping some poor sucker takes it off her hands.
- FOOLS IN SCHOOLS:Parents for Public Schools have taken three steps backwards by joining forces with the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers in hopes to improve the failed CPS system. For CFT “president” SellYourSoul, being clueless is still her only excuse.
- SENIOR SPOILED SPORTS EDITOR ANDY FURBALL says nobody was elected to Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame this year, not even Pete Rose.
- COUNTDOWN TO TAX DAY: Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering says “Your Jacked Up Tax Bill is in the mail and you have until midnight on January 31 to get the money in, or our Disingenuous DemocRAT County Auditor will publish your name in The Fishwrap, along with all those other deadbeats.”
- REAL GOSSIP BY LINDA LIBEL says many people in Anderson are still wondering how Masturbating Anderson Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien “got off” on a technicality for trying to “get off” in front of a Wellborn woman last May. Perhaps a better identification could’ve been made if the JayWalking Joe Deters’ prosecutors had asked the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Investigators to conduct a “Penis Lineup.”
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET reports Courthouse Hacks want to know more about that story (uncovered by a debt collector) involving the slow payment history of a relative to a well-known local elected official, whose name you might know. On November 21, the guy was the recipient of his third certificate of judgment filed against him in 2012 by the Great State of Ohio, after earning such judgments on March 22 and April 26.
- INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST FEARLESS FERRETT says many people when some people learn more about that woman with six felonies in Ohio who’s been active in Hamilton County RINO Party politics for several years, they’ll wish they’d known about her sooner.
- LOONY LIBERTARIANS: While on last week’s trade mission to Costa Rica, Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns pledges not to become “Junketing Jim” at over-taxed payers’ expense after he’s elected. “Building jobs in Cincinnati is much more about working with Cincinnati businesses to get government off our backs than traveling to Sister Cities or receiving awards for doing things the City should not be doing in the first place,” Berns explained.
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL remembers a poem entitled “Winter” that simply said, “Jesus H. Christ, it’s cold out there! (The end)?” Well today, the Bard of Cleves has another fast four-liner about our climate:
They say there is Global Warming,
But if I may be so crass;
This friggin’ Global Warming,
Is really freezing my ass!
LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” tell them you don’t give a damn about the polar bears. And it’s not because you don’t like cute, fluffy, white carnivores; it’s because you find it hard to accept that a species whose population has increased five fold—from 5,000 to 25,000—in the last five decades can actually be in any kind of trouble.
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY:If the Union Township Board of Trustees can dedicate Election Day to honor “Mean Jean” Schmidt and declare New Year’s Eve as a tribute to Don White in Union Township, Our Good Friend Archie Wilson wonders when his day is coming. But how about Amanda Lay Day?
- IN ANDERSON: How hard is the Forest Gump School Board trying to support its new tax hike? They haven’t yet made Kevin O’Brien their spokesman.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says this time last year, Tea Party favorite Thomas Massie of Vanceburg was then seeking to replace Goof Doofus as Congressman in Kentucky’s Fourth District and Ryan Hogan of Bowling Green (one of Senator Rand Paul’s top aides) would be Massie’s campaign manager. The Blower predicted that guy might just have a chance.
- ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY:The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders super sized and sexified e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court contains a cornucopia of criminals like the bums pictured below but the most noteworthy news was the grand opening of his totally remodeled office website You can use it to keep read up on the Robster and his office’s goings on but most of the internet traffic seems to be directed at the photos of his pitbull prosecutors. Word is applications to work in the office have been flooding in. We wonder why!?!
AT MONDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking if Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s “significant” birthday was supposed to be a surprise. Miss Vicki sent him an e-card, our Presidential Scholar said “Happy Birthday on his iPhone, and our Virtual Redhead Vivacious Vicky left birthday greetings on Kane’s Faux Facebook Page. and Our Belligerent Black Blogger Nate “Rhymes with Hate” Livingston said, “Happy Birthday, You Rotten Bastard.” Mrs. Kane even invited her wonderful husband to lunch. The missus must’ve had a cancellation. And those text messages from Obama and Beechmont Toyota were really special. Kane’s former assistant “Cratchit” sent gold, frankincense, and myrrh. How appropriate was that? But the bad news is: now our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher is no longer a “sextegenarian.” We guess that now makes him an over-sexed-tegenearian. He can only wish.
MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Maurice Chevalier’s “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.”
Monday will be introducing “A New Political Party for 2013.”
Tuesday we’ll publish Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers on the Real MLK Birthday and most over-taxed payers will have to work that day too.
Wednesday, we’ll be checking to see if why our Hamilton County Property Taxes have increased.
Thursday is Bunky Tadwell’s Birthday, that is if the old geezer can hold on until then.
And the first line of Friday’s limerick is: “In Anderson, our Disgraceful Trustee.”
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political score keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Asylum Street Spankers Video
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.