Saturday, January 5, 2013
Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead!
Thursday evening at the Conservative Agenda, there was sort of a celebration on the final day of That Lame-Duck, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-And-Paid-For, Tax-And-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-In-A-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt’s time in Congress. The Blower had only been on Mean Jean’s case almost daily since 2005.
In 2006, The Blower accurately predicted The Whistleblower’s nickname for “Mean Jean” Schmidt would be used on at least 48,311 occasions by the New York Times and others in the national press, as That Lying Plagiarizing Bitch became the most embarrassing elected official in Southwestern Ohio history (including Jerry Springer), flushing Rob “Fighting for Family Fortunes” Portman’s legacy totally down the crapper for having chosen “Mean Jean” to succeed him. Award-Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception captured that fateful moment.
At the Conservative Agenda Celebration, every one of “Mean Jean’s” transgressions was mentioned, which is probably why that celebration lasted so long. Low-lights included: Non-Partisan Ethics Watchdog naming “Mean Jean” one of the most corrupt members of Congress and “Mean Jean’s” failure to disclose nearly $500,000 of illegal gifts over three years. No wonder she’s one of only a handful of Members of Congress with legal expense funds.
Who will ever forget that time Rachel Dratch ridiculed “Mean Jean” on “Saturday Night Live?”
- Who will ever forget all of “Mean Jean’s” crappy Christmas Parties?
And who will ever forget “Mean Jean” waiting all day at on the State of the Dis-Union Speeches to plant a big wet one on Obama?
- Other “Mean Jean” dishonorable mentions included when she was caught calling attendees at the 1984 Republican Convention “Young Hitlers,” caught lying about her endorsements, caught lying about her education for years, and caught plagiarizing op-eds twice.
- “Mean Jean” claimed to be for the death penalty and against the death penalty while speaking to different groups during the same election campaign.
Some of “Mean Jean’s” so-called Conservative votes during her terms in the Ohio House and U.S. Congress included sponsoring a bill that increased taxes on hotels in Hamilton County, voting multiple times to require union wages on federal projects, voting to raise gasoline taxes, voting to raise sales taxes, and voting to raise the federal debt ceiling by $2.8 Trillion. “Mean Jean” also voted for TARP (her husband Peter’s firm only got $50 Billion from that bailout!)
- “Mean Jean” would’ve no doubt voted for John Boehner to remain as Speaker of the House on Thursday, had she still been in office after the 113th Congress had been sworn in. Not to worry, as our Anderson Tea Party Patriots point out, “Mean Jean’s” replacement cast his first ballot in Congress exactly the way Speaker Boehner had told him to vote. [READ MORE HERE]
- The Blower can hardly wait to read The Fishwrap’s swan song suck-up piece for the woman whose sins they tried to cover-up over the years, especially with their hit pieces against each of Mean Jean’s opponents, right before the elections. Remember when Feckless Fishwrapper Skaggie Maggie’s Hawaiian Hit Woman Maya Ruin (who flew in for “Mean Jean’s” daughter Emily’s wedding to one of the LaRosas) did her $tan Che$ley/ Bill Cunningham hatchet job on Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen to help keep Mean Jean Schmidt in office?
- Something The Fishwrap forgot to report was when $tan bought the entire Hamilton County Republican Party at that infamous fund-raiser at his Indian Hill McMansion for Mean Jean, while at the same time, helping turn Hamilton County Blue.
Finally, one of our Political Insiders asked Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if The Blower would be taking it easy on “Mean Jean,” now that she was out of office.
Kane responded by leading the group with the Whistleblower Motto. Let’s all say it together: “Because wherever there’s corruption, we’ll be there. Wherever there’s injustice, we’ll be there. And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up on a little guy, we’ll be there too…holding the little guy down.” And that goes double for Bitches!
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Groucho Marx’s “Time wounds all heels.”
e-mail your fond farewells today
Some gloating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally gloating subscribers.
Link of the Day
Rock the Boat – Retire Jean Schmidt on March 6th – Republican Primary
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.