Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Blower’s Week in Review
- OUR NUMBER STORY THIS WEEK after Obama’s Vice President “Smirking Joe” Biden’s last psychotic performance at a Vice Presidential Debate in Danville, Kentucky, when people were comparing Biden’s “Laugh” with Jack Nicholson’s “Chuckle” as The Joker in “Batman,” and The Blower concluded it as more like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining.”
- OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was at the Benghazi-Gate Hearings in Congress.
Are Obama’s Libyan lies worse than Watergate? Let’s face it: Obama lied. Diplomats died. End of Story. Did Ditzy DemocRAT National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz really say just because the Obama Administration “Put out wrong statements about the Libya attacks doesn’t mean they were false.” Is it all a cover-up or is the Obama Administration incompetent? It really doesn’t matter, because the result’s the same.
Next, Republican Congressman Darrell Issa plans on holding hearings on the September employment report released last Friday. The bogus figures from the Labor Department showed a sharp drop in the unemployment rate that many economists don’t really believe.
AND OUR NUMBER STORY THIS WEEK was at Friday’s Meeting of the Conservative Agenda when Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why flags in Greater Cincinnati were flying at half staff on Friday. “In 2010, it only took the Little Red Machine three games to get swept out of the post season playoffs,” Kane explained. “But in 2012, after winning 97-games, the Sodomites from San Francisco spotted Dusty’s Boys two games on the coast before sweeping our overpaid batters in front of the fans at home. Oh, the humanity! You’d think that was some kind of record to win the first two games on the road, and then get swept at home. The Blower wonders if that has ever been done before.
Somewhere the sun is shining, somewhere the children shout. Because there is no joy in Redsville. The mighty Jay Bruce did strike out— with men in scoring position. How in hell can you call yourself a professional baseball team and leave 40 men on base in only five games? We wonder if any other team has ever done that too.
Since 1976, no DemocRAT has won the White House when the Reds won the World Series, and we don’t have to worry about that this year either.
MONDAY in our Special “More Debate Fallout” E-dition, The Blower reported what local undecided voters thought about the First Presidential Debate.
Demoralized DemocRATS, Resuscitated Republicans, and the Mendacious Media were still reacting to the fallout from last Wednesday’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver. Obama’s Obliteration was the most lop-sided loss since Custer rode out to meet the Indians.
Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says we should forget about politicians and the media, because the only people who really matter are those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and still undecided voters will be going to the polls in then only “28” more days to take part in the only poll that really matters.
So the Whistleblower rounded up some of the usual suspects for a focus group to ask these local people who still claim they had not made up their minds what they really thought about the upcoming elections
NOTE: Our Official Columbus Day E-dition was also published on Monday and appears above the “Debate Fallout E-dition” on the same page.
- TUESDAY in our Official “Unconventional Wisdom” E-dition, The Blower said We’d call the Denver Debacle a “Game Changer!” and “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
With then only “27” more days until the Presidential Elections, we’re amazed at what a difference a week makes. Just seven days ago, conventional wisdom said Presidential Debates never change campaigns. —Perplexed Presidential Historians
The only people who looked worse than Obama after the DemocRAT Debate Debacle in Denver were us. —Obama Supporters in the Press
On Sunday, Obama apologized to us for screwing up in the debate. That was the least he could’ve done for all that money we’ve wasted on him. —Obama’s Rich Hollywood Celebrity Donors
Please don’t ask how much of that $181 Million September haul Obama raised was illegal. —Obama Fundraisers
Please don’t ask how many of our churches took part in “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” when our pastors ignored the law and endorsed Romney, just like Black preachers always do for Obama. —Caucasian Clergymen
On Monday, Obama marked Columbus Day by issuing a proclamation that reflects “on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” in the years that followed the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.—Obama Apologists of the Day
WEDNESDAY in our Special “Avian Absurdity” E-dition, The Blower said “Obama’s campaign is for the birds:
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the scope of Obama’s humiliation at last week’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver is now clear. Mitt Romney’s 52-point debate victory (72%-20%) was the biggest in Gallup poll history. The Blower is now amazed Gallup found the 20% of the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and still undecided voters who actually thought Obama had won.
But with then only “26” more days until the Presidential Elections, the Obama campaign says not to worry. The latest polls only show Obama’s losing on such unimportant issues as the Economy and National Security. Maybe that’s why Obama’s new ad features Big Bird and he just sat for an interview with the children’s Nickelodeon Network. The really bad news for the Obama campaign is that Sesame Street doesn’t want any part of the Obama campaign and has already demand that Obama take down his unauthorized Big Bird commercial. Looks like not even the people Obama’s claiming to support want anything to do with him.
BTW, Sesame Street received a $1 million grant from Obama’s Stimulus Bill. Isn’t about time for both Big Bird and Obama to leave the nest?
THURSDAY, in our Special “Veep Debate”E-dition, The Blower said even Obama’s Wedding Gift to the moderator wouldn’t save Biden!:
With then only “25” more days until the Presidential Elections, Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo had already arrived in Danville, Kentucky (wherever the hell that is) to cover Thursday night’s Historic Vice Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan and Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden. The CamBoozler was surprised that Biden wasn’t already there too, just to get used to the altitude.
Once again Obama Supporters in the Press were declaring Joe Biden will be their white knight and have already written their debate reviews that say so, even though when Blowhard Biden steps on the stage Thursday night, it will be the first time the vice president has been on national television airwaves answering questions from a reporter since the May “Meet the Press” interview when he expressed his and Obama’s preference for gay marriage.
Not to worry, VP Debate Moderator ABC’s Martha Raddatz couldn’t be more biased in favor of Biden. Raddatz hosted Obama at her wedding and Raddatz’s second husband was Julius Genachowski, Obama’s Harvard Law School classmate and currently head of the FCC, appointed by Obama.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER said TV Comedians are still making fun of Obama’s Disastrous Debate Debacle in Denver. Jay Leno said, “DemocRATS are accusing Mitt Romney of cheating during the debate. I don’t know who he cheated off of, but I think we can rule out President Obama.” David Letterman said, “Joe Biden is taking no chances for his upcoming vice-presidential debate with Paul Ryan. He’s taking six days off to prepare. Six days off from what?” And Jimmy Fallon said, “The vice-presidential debate is just three days away. Republican candidate Paul Ryan says he expects Joe Biden to come at him ‘like a cannonball.’ In response, Biden was like, ‘There’s gonna be a pool there?’ ”
But would you like to know the biggest joke of all? Obama actually thought he won his debate. No kidding.
- FRIDAY in our Special “Debate Wait” E-dition, The Blower wondered if the Biased Liberal Moderator would be wearing her Obama Button?
Thursday night you saw the ABC News version of an “impartial debate moderator,” especially after the Commission on Presidential Debates tried to dismiss a report by the conservative website “The Daily Caller” that exposes Obama’s ties to Martha Raddatz, the moderator of Thursday night’s VP debate, saying “There’s no conflict of interest, really. We selected Martha Raddatz because she’s a terrific journalist and will be a terrific moderator and we’re thrilled to have her. The notion that that somehow affects her ability is not something we have given a moment’s thought to.” Team Romney and the RNC really must have been asleep at the switch on that one.
- SATURDAY in our Special “Biden’s Bizarre Behavior” E-dition, The Blower said, “Chuckles the Clown Visited the Debate!?”
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Lincoln and Douglas were spinning in their graves Thursday night when Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden tried to dominate the Vice Presidential Debate to make up for Obama’s Debacle in Denver week. Unfortunately Biden only came across as rude, crude, and condescending when he replaced “hope and change” with “interrupt and laugh.” That’s when he wasn’t just making things up, of course.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Biden’s “The president has met with Bibi [Netanyahu] a dozen times….This is a bunch of stuff.”
Hurley the Historian remembers in 2000, when Al Gore bombed one of his presidential debates by groaning every time George W. Bush opened his mouth. Just like then, in 2012 nobody will remember very much about what they heard during the vice presidential debate, but they’ll surely remember what they saw.
Did Paul Ryan take Obama’s advice and “Let Joe Be Joe” so the entire country could see the man a heartbeat away from the presidency turn into a raging lunatic jackass on TV and remind everybody why we don’t want another four years of him and his boss? It was the most bizarre performance in Vice Presidential Debate History.
Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS 2012: This weekend, Obama is hunkered down cramming for Tuesday’s Second Presidential Debate, while the White House has been forced to clarify some of the facts “Smirking Joe” Biden used during his debate.
Meanwhile, the Dissociated Press reports the crowds are telling the story. As Election Day nears, Mitt Romney is drawing large and excited throngs. Mitt Romney, Rob “Fighting for Face Time” Portman, Anthony Munoz, and the Republican Team were scheduled to speak at a 5:15 PM Victory Rally at the Golden Lamb in Lebanon on Saturday, but that’s only if they could get away from his 2:05 PM Victory Rally at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth. “Blue Collar Tour Comedian,” Jeff Foxworthy campaigned for Romney of Friday Bass at the Bass Pro Shop in Cincinnati, and Paul Ryan will appear at a big Victory Rally at Lunken Airport on Monday morning. [GET YOUR FREE TICKET HERE]
THE OHIO RINO PARTY: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to Ohio Republican Party Chairman Boob Bennett, at Thursday night’s debate, Congressman Paul Ryan presented Americans with the clear choice they have about which path to follow for the next four years.
Do you think that press release was written before the debate, or after?
- THOSE LOONY LIBERTARIANS: The closest Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson got to an editorial board during his visit to Cincinnati last week was my meeting with Charles Foster Kane where I told the Beloved Whistleblower Publisher not to worry about his standing in the polls because he didn’t want to peak too early.
DIALING FOR DOLLARS: Frankly, we can’t believe the local Citizens for Community Values Action Office really is still hiring phone bank callers, especially when you hear they’re paying $15-per-hour. So if you know any unemployed conservatives, have them call (513) 652-5035 right away.
- OBAMA SUPPORTERS UPDATE: A bus driver was fired after telling a 12-year-old he should have been aborted because of his family’s Romney Yard Sign. And did somebody really dump a big pile of manure in front of DemocRAT Headquarters in Warren County? Get over it, D-RATS. It was just another “Dump in the Road” during the Obama Administration. The Blower says, it looks like we finally found one of Obama’s “Shovel Ready” jobs.
- SIGN CENSORSHIP: So how much business is the Lamar Outdoor Advertising losing because that Obama-loving billboard company refused run these digital signs paid for by Patriots Action LLC?
STILL UNDECIDED: Just how many times do you think we’ll see pictures of Biden smirking before the 2012 Election? It’s just the sort of thing all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and undecided voters seem to enjoy. And where did Fox TV Pollster Frank Luntz they find those 27 Cretins in Cincinnati to say they still hadn’t made up their minds for his post-debate interview show anyway? Do you think they just said they were undecided just to get on TV? [WATCH THAT HERE]
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo heard Lutntz’s Loony Focus Group taping was actually done at the Airport Hotel in Northern Kentucky. Maybe that’s where they rounded up those 27 morons who still claim they haven’t a clue.
- OHIO ELECTION COMMISSION UPDATE: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the Ohio RINO Party filed a new election complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission this week concerning false statements made by supporters of Issue 2 which changes Ohio’s constitution. The complaint alleges the organization made numerous false statements in campaign materials disseminated on its website.
And if Determined DemocRAT Candidate for Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil ever files his complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission against Sean Donovan for illegal campaign tactics, will it include Donovan’s making people doing “community service” as part of their sentences wear his Donovan for Sheriff t-shirts while out in the community performing these services on the sides of the road.
- DIGITAL DOOFUSES: Our Vanilla Vigilante says when you call The Fishwrap to complain about the size of the mattress ad on the front page, you learn that nobody works on Saturday and you have to call back on Monday. They need to hire some more monkeys and buy a truck load of bananas. It’s no wonder they’re in the crapper.
LAWBREAKERS IN CHURCH: Caucasian Clergymen said please don’t ask how many of their churches took part in “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” when they pastors ignored the law and endorsed Romney, just like Black preachers always do for Obama
- HOW ABOUT DEM REDS: Were all those fans at Great American Ballpark watching the Little Red Machine falter and waving those white towels, actually surrendering?
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the math is pretty simple: The Big Three are Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. It is virtually impossible for Mitt Romney to win the White House without winning at least two of the three, and right now he’s ahead by two in Virginia and has widened his lead in Florida to four.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Kimmel’s “The vice-presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan went on tonight. It seemed like someone spiked Biden’s Ensure with a 5-hour Energy drink or something. He was very fired up” and Jimmy Fallon’s “This week President Obama’s Facebook page received more than a million “Likes” in a single day. All of them from Republicans who watched last week’s debate.”
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1964, African American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. And although some Obama Supporters in the Press might mention that “historic” event today, do you think they’ll also mention that Martin Luther King was a Republican—you know, like that really sexy black movie star Stacy Dash, whom all those Liberal Celebrities now hate because Stacy supports Mitt Romney.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose South Carolina Congressman Tim Scott’s “I feel like I’m the tip of the arrow at times because certainly the national media wants to talk about the fact that I’m a black Republican and some people think of that as zany that a black person would be a conservative but to me what is zany is any person black, white, red, brown or yellow not being a conservative.”
VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Clear Channel, the outdoor advertising giant, said Friday that it was a mistake to sell space on dozens of Cleveland and Columbus billboards warning that “voter fraud is a felony” — many in African American neighborhoods — to an anonymous foundation. But the company also said it has no plans to take the ads down. Civil rights and labor groups have denounced the billboards, which also feature a giant judge’s gavel and a warning of “up to 3 1/2 years and a $10,000 fine,” as an attempt to intimidate minority voters.
- THUGS ‘R US: So why aren’t Labor Unions spending a lot of money to support local DemocRAT Congressional Candidates? Do you think it’s because those guys are such losers?
- MEDIA MENDACITY: This year, Americans are being subjected to another presidential election season of unfair and unbalanced debates. After two debates, the American public has seen liberal Jim Lehrer of PBS exercising no control over the proceedings and liberal Martha Raddatz of ABC allowing Vice President Joe Biden to interrupt Congressman Paul Ryan 82 times.
RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Ann Coulter says if you are tired of seeing politicians and others playing the race card, or just disgusted with the grossly dishonest way racial issues in general are portrayed, then you should read her new book, “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.”
- TEA PARTY PATRIOTS: Suezilla Hardenberg says Local Tea Party Patriots will be waving ROMNEY and MANDEL signs on the sidewalk around 7850 Beechmont Avenue on Sunday afternoon. Supporters driving by can get free yard signs by just mentioning The Whistleblower.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: haven’t had anything new to say since they endorsed Obama on October 5.
- MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY: The Fishwrap had a decent amount of coverage about this week’s Vice Presidential Debate in Danville, Kentucky. So how come they missed a little thing like Biden’s smirk?
- THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Last week we told you about devious Cincinnati firefighter Edwinna Lyttle, her various job capers and how Kentucky boy city mangler Dough Boy Honey is improperly interfering to prevent her from being fired. Is Dough Boy sleeping with Do-Little? This week, we featured some updates on other infamous crime and shame Cincinnati firefighters we’ve previously written about in Wednesday’s E-dition.
CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: Hamilton County Board of Commissioners President Me, Greg Hartmann says, “Read my lips—no new tax hikes. The Gregster says he’s not prepared to support “revenue enhancement,” once he found out it meant “raising taxes.”
- NED FROM NORTHGATE says our Colerain Crusader was only half-right about Bernie Fideldey’s 2013 comeback campaign. Jeff Ritter kicked off his campaign over a month ago, and he did so in his usual campaign fashion, by spreading the rumor across White Oak that Fiscal Officer Heather Harlow is secretly working with Fiedeldey and against him.
- WYOMING (THE CITY, NOT THE STATE): Vivacious Vicki Zwissler says there’ll be an opening on City Clown-cil soon, so if you’re interested in that big paying job, bring your resume to Monday’s Clown-cil Meeting and try to suck up to Mayor Barry Porter and some of the other folks you’ll meet there.
- IN ANDERSON: Anderson’s Welcome Wagon folks have now confirmed that Demon Lynchmob III and Regina Jenkins purchased a house at 675 Hyacinth Rd. in Clermont County. Our neighborhoods are still safe.
- CONFRONTING MUSLIMS ATTACKS: Obama’s VP Smirking Joe Biden said neither he nor Obama knew the consulate in Benghazi had requested more security before our A.mbassador was murdered. Maybe Romney could ask Obama to comment on Tuesday
THIS WEEK IN KENTON COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders lovely and charming e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court features these two child molesting perverts who are both going to the slammer for 15 years for molesting underage boys. Ironically, a certain Bun-gal is conspicuously absent from the Robster’s rag and isn’t going to prison at all for having sex with an underage boy who was also her student back before she lost her teaching job. The Robster says that’s because he didn’t prosecute Sarah Jones and doesn’t want any credit for her sweetheart plea deal.
SLUTS ‘R US: That Cabal still out to destroy “Crazy Eric” Deters heard from our Kenton County Courthouse snitch, Billy Bob the Bluegrass Bailiff, who called and wondered if, now that BOTH of NOKY’s most infamous sex-ed teachers Sarah Jones and Nicole Howell, are working for Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters, is the Crazy One still running a law office, or is he planning on opening a “school for boys” once his law license finally gets suspended for good?! Billy Bob says former Highlands teacher turned registered sex offender Andrea Conners wants to know where she should send her resume.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” 288 is to express profound bafflement over a liberal’s positions on abortion and capital punishment. “So let me get this right: you’re in favor of saving the lives of convicted murderers and terrorists? But you’re in favor of killing kids who haven’t gotten around to doing anything wrong yet and who might turn out nice? Interesting!”
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL: Congress doesn’t seem to be accomplishing anything these days, so we have another timely poem from the Bard of Cleves.
Voters’ Remorse
It will soon be time for you to vote
Not to vote would be a sin.
We can throw the rascals out
And throw new rascals in.
It will soon be time for you to vote
THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what to expect from Obama in Tuesday’s Second Presidential Debate, we’ll all be watching on TV, now that the Reds are once again out of the Playoffs. “He can’t be aggressive, it turns off the independents and undecideds,” Kane explained. “If Obama does what Biden did, he loses. “If Obama repeats his First Debate performance, he loses. It’s all lose-lose for Obama, because he going to lose. Watching this year’s elections is starting to be fun.”
AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “22” days away.
Monday is our Annual Lawyer Hunting Season E-dition.
Tuesday is the 2012 Second Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in New York where CNN’s Biased Moderator Candy Crowley Wearing an Obama/Biden Button will be trying to break ABC’s Martha Raddatz record for interrupting a Republican during a Presidential Debate.
Wednesday checking to see how members of the Obama Administration are spinning and grinning over the latest Benghazi-Gate developments.
Thursday we’ll be guess how many more times we’ll see Romney and Ryan in Cincinnati before Election Day.
And the first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “When the media takes a news poll.”
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Unprecedented’: Watch Joe Biden Interrupt Paul Ryan 85 Times During Debate
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.