Special “Veep Debate” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  • RYAN-BIDEN DEBATE: With only “25” more days until the Presidential Elections, Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo has already arrived in Danville, Kentucky (wherever the hell that is) to cover Thursday night’s Historic Vice Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan and Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden. The CamBoozler was surprised that Biden wasn’t already there too, just to get used to the altitude.

Once again Obama Supporters in the Press are declaring Joe Biden will be their white knight and have already written their debate reviews that say so, even though when Blowhard Biden steps on the stage Thursday night, it will be the first time the vice president has been on national television airwaves answering questions from a reporter since the May “Meet the Press” interview when he expressed his and Obama’s preference for gay marriage.

Not to worry, VP Debate Moderator ABC’s Martha Raddatz couldn’t be more biased in favor of Biden. Raddatz hosted Obama at her wedding and Raddatz’s second husband was Julius Genachowski, Obama’s Harvard Law School classmate and currently head of the FCC, appointed by Obama.

  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER says TV Comedians are still making fun of Obama’s Disastrous Debate Debacle in Denver. Jay Leno said, “DemocRATS are accusing Mitt Romney of cheating during the debate. I don’t know who he cheated off of, but I think we can rule out President Obama.” David Letterman said, “Joe Biden is taking no chances for his upcoming vice-presidential debate with Paul Ryan. He’s taking six days off to prepare. Six days off from what?” And Jimmy Fallon said, “The vice-presidential debate is just three days away. Republican candidate Paul Ryan says he expects Joe Biden to come at him ‘like a cannonball.’ In response, Biden was like, ‘There’s gonna be a pool there?’ ”

But would you like to know the biggest joke of all? Obama actually thought he won his debate. No kidding.

    • SHAKEUP IN CHICAGO: We haven’t heard much about that shake-up at Obama Campaign Headquarters after Obama’s Debate Debacle in Denver, but let’s face it, you can bring in new clowns to the circus, but it’ll still be a circus. On Tuesday, there had been no White House Press Briefing for the previous 15 days. Obama’s White House Press Dweeb Jay Cardboard said not to worry. Gaff Master Biden was an “excellent spokesman for Obama, and Axeldouche was in Delaware helping Biden cram for his debate.

  • DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Today we’re going to show you the latest O’Keefe Video, the one where that Obama Campaign Staffer got caught helping a woman vote twice.
  • BENGHAZI HEARINGS: In Washington, our DC Newbreaker says that Republican-led House oversight committee opened major hearings Wednesday on the lack of diplomatic security in Benghazi, where a U.S. ambassador and three others were killed by terrorists on September 11, adding fuel to the political debate over the issue in the final weeks before presidential elections. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has accused the State Department of turning aside pleas from its diplomats in Libya to increase security in the months and weeks before that attack in Benghazi.

So in a desperately transparent attempt to get ahead of damaging news, at the very last minute Tuesday night, the State Department finally came clean: In other words, everything we were told by our government (President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice, Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard, and any number of staffers and surrogates — was a lie. There were no protests, no benign crowds exploited by local militias, and nothing had anything to do with a video nobody ever saw.

Now the Obama Campaign is saying “How dare Republicans politicize the Libya Consulate Attack we tried to cover up for Political Reasons.

  • SIGN CENSORSHIP: Is Lamar Outdoor Advertising really rooting for Obama or what? Then why did the billboard company refuse to run this digital sign paid for by Patriots Action LLC?

  • A NEW ROMNEY CHEER IN OHIO: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Mitt Romney unveiled a catchy new cheer for his supporters at a chilly evening rally in Cuyahoga Falls less than a month before Election Day: “Four more weeks.”
  • DIALING FOR DOLLARS: Yes, the local Citizens for Community Values Action Office really is hiring phone bank callers. You won’t believe how much they’re paying. So if you know any unemployed conservatives, have them call (513) 652-5035 right away.
  • BIG BIRD DISTRACTION:  Yelling and screaming about anything except the hideous state of the economy as well as the rampant corruption and chicanery within his cabinet, Obama can’t stop claiming Stormin’ Mormon Mitt Romney is going to “Fire Big Bird” if elected to the presidency. At the same time, Big Bird’s Creator a Huge Obama Backer, has donated more than $200K to Obama and his Super PAC along with the DNC. Please try to act surprised.

Now let’s check out the latest Big Bird Video from Conan O’Brien.

  • DÉJÀ VU ALL OVER AGAIN: TV Tattler Tino Delgato says Jack Atherton was the face of the Fox 19 news for 16 years before moving on to Channel 5. Now, he’s heading to Dayton for a new gig. The grass is always browner. Go Figure!!!
  • FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Failed Cincinnati Public Schools teachers learned this week that not only are they responsible for da youfs during the school day but are also now responsible for da chirren during calamity days using Blackboard online edjumacashun tools. Apparently Superintendent Ronan failed to receive the memo that every day is a calamity day at FCPS.
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: If Determined DemocRAT Candidate for Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil files a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission against Sean Donovan for illegal campaign tactics, will it include Donovan’s using a county cell phone as his official campaign contact number?  Again, why are we supporting his campaigning with over-taxed tax payer funding?

  • OBAMA SUPPORTERS UPDATE: What a nice bunch of vandals and thieves those folks are.
  • SARAH JONES NICKNAME CONTEST: So far The Blower has received 487 entries for the Former Bungal Cheerleader who pled guilty on Monday to being a slut in Kenton Circuit Court, including “Skanky Sarah,” “Slut Bucket Sarah,” “Sarah the Hillbilly Whore,” and “Sarah the Teen Cock Hound,” but we could always use more.
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says you still have time to buy a mattress. Tomorrow the real date in 1492 when Columbus discovered America, which is only a few days later than Monday’s Mattress Sale Holiday Congress gave us, not that uninformed honor students at the Failed Cincinnati Public $kool$ or readers of the Morning Fishwrap would ever know the significance. God must really love dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed people, because he made so many of them.
  • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s: “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what else he learned last Friday during his exclusive local media interview with Loony Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson.

“The most intriguing thing during all this negative advertising you see these days,” Kane said, “was how Johnson explained that both times he ran for Governor of New Mexico and won, he never once mentioned his opponent’s name in his advertising.”

“That’s nothing,” Kane told Johnson. “The last two times ‘TaxKiller Tom’ Brinkman ran for office and lost, he never once mentioned his own name in his advertising. 

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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our October fund-raising drive from Patriots Action LLC for honoring their First Amendment Rights.


e-mail your fearless forecasts today.

Some prophetic prediction items in today’s Blower were sent in by our prophetically predicting subscribers

Link of the Day

The Onion’s Swing State Analysis: Ohio

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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