Special “Avian Absurdity” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obama Campaign Is Really For the Birds

  • DEMOCRAT DEGRADATION: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the scope of Obama’s humiliation at last week’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver is now clear. Mitt Romney’s 52-point debate victory (72%-20%) was the biggest in Gallup poll history. The Blower is now amazed Gallup found the 20% of the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and still undecided voters who actually thought Obama had won.

But with only “26” more days until the Presidential Elections, the Obama campaign says not to worry. The latest polls only show Obama’s losing on such unimportant issues as the Economy and National Security. Maybe that’s why Obama’s new ad features Big Bird and he just sat for an interview with the children’s Nickelodeon Network. The really bad news for the Obama campaign is that Sesame Street doesn’t want any part of the Obama campaign and has already demand that Obama take down his unauthorized Big Bird commercial. Looks like not even the people Obama’s claiming to support want anything to do with him.

BTW, Sesame Street received a $1 million grant from Obama’s Stimulus Bill. Isn’t about time for both Big Bird and Obama to leave the nest?

  • BENGHAZI-GATE UPDATE: In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says the first Congressional hearing to focus on the fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi will be held by the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday morning. Do you think there’s a chance Romney running mate Paul Ryan will bring up the subject at his nationally televised debate with Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden on Thursday?

And when Obama congratulated his good friend Hugo Chavez on winning his big rigged election in Venezuela, the dictator vowed to keep on his “Socialist Path,” while Obama Supporters threatened to riot in the United States if Romney wins.

  • DEAD-MEN VOTING: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the Obama campaign was informing supporters the deadline for living residents to register to vote in Ohio was on Tuesday, October 9. People who forget to register will have to get in line with the Dead DemocRATS.


Last week we told you about devious Cincinnati firefighter Edwinna Lyttle, her various job capers and how Kentucky boy city mangler Dough Boy Honey is improperly interfering to prevent her from being fired. Is Dough Boy sleeping with Do-Little?

Here are some updates on other infamous crime and shame Cincinnati firefighters we’ve previously written about: Captain Paul Garbon, the wealthy supervisor who was clocked in as working shifts with the fire department while he was really working for Fifth Third Bank at the same time, realized he was going to be fired, and instead opted to resign and keep his pension. Garbon now has more time to spend with whichever babe he can find after he dumped his wife and four children. Good riddance.

Fire Lt. James Wright, also known as “Haw Haw” Wright, one of the many fire department scofflaw relatives of former Cheating Chief Robert Wright, finally decided to resign from the fire department last April instead of being fired after it became clear his uncle, the former Cheating Chief, could no longer save his lazy ass. Dance into the sunset, Haw Haw.

Disgraceful Russ Tatum was fired but then reinstated just six months later. He’s now working on Truck Three, Unit Three, so he has plenty of cash for his recreational needs.

That infamous fire chaplain, bankrupt debtor Tyrone Patrick, still hangs around some fire houses, eating the fire fighters’ food and spending the night. Wonder if he still has that private office close to the current Chief.

  • DIALING FOR DOLLARS: Is the local Citizens for Community Values Action Office really paying its phone bank callers? If people knew that, they’d probably be signing up to make calls right away at (513) 652-5035.
  • AND VOLUNTEERISM PAYS: Clermont Tea Party Patriots say first 100 people to register for and attend this Saturday’s Keep America Free Weekend Walk in West Chester will receive a free $10 gas card. [REGISTER HERE]
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: If Determined DemocRAT Candidate for Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil files a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission against Sean Donovan for illegal campaign tactics, will it include the Republican Candidate’s use of a county vehicle and county gas to drive around and attend his campaign activities? Why are over-taxed payers funding Donovan’s campaign? Who does the guy think he is—Obama?

Also, Hamilton County Board of Commissioners President Me, Greg Hartmann says, “Read my lips—no new tax hikes. The Gregster says he’s not prepared to support “revenue enhancement,” once he found out it meant “raising taxes.”

  • HOW ABOUT THEM REDS: Many people are asking why Tuesday’s Playoff Game started at 5:37 PM. Maybe they just wanted to make sure there’d be as few parking places as possible for the big event.
  • ANDERSON UPDATE: The Welcome Wagon is having a problem locating the address for reported new resident Damon Lynchmob III. Can you help?
  • SLUTS ‘R US: That Cabal still out to destroy “Crazy Eric” Deters was discussing how “Crazy Eric” saved Former Bungal Cheerleader Sarah Jones’ reputation Monday when he got her to plead guilty to being a slut in Kenton Circuit Court. Having essentially had her confess to the crime on air, Crazy no longer had a plausible way to defend her if the judge had chosen to reject the plea agreement. Hey, no matter if it hurts his client, it brought him publicity. Caballeros can’t wait to see how he defends her reputation in that big lawsuit where he sued the wrong website defendant. And what did that website allegedly say about Skanky Sarah — that she banged her students, which as it turns out, was absolutely true? A decent lawyer would be figuring out how quick he could dismiss that case now that Eric talked his client into pleading guilty to being the school slut. But for Eric, it was just another advertising opportunity for more circus promotion.

Eric’s strategy seems to have caused a lot of additional harm in this case, too. Skanky Sarah will not even be able to apply for teaching jobs, since she certainly will lose her teaching license now that she’s confessed to screwing one of her students. His comment that she might consider the law was also laughable. Surely Crazy knows more than most Blue Grass barristers that Sarah would have to pass a character and fitness interview — you know, the same folks that didn’t want him restored to practice because he was so unethical. Schtupping one of your students ranks right up there in the unethical department.

Add were Disgraced Former Hamilton County Prosecutor Mike Allen and Mark Krumbein in court lapping at Deters’ heels (or dropping to a knee, whichever you prefer) begging to provide legal analysis in a state they are NOT licensed to practice law in and stuffing themselves in an elevator with all the other talking heads? Come on guys, respect the profession or join Deters’ law firm and sell your souls completely.

Maybe those guys could help us come up with an official Whistleblower Nickname for our “Student Schtupper.” Somehow, “Slutty Sarah” doesn’t seem like slutty enough.

  • OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Sarah Jones’ “I did not have sexual relations with that student.”
  • DEMOCRAT DOOMSDAY IN DANVILLE: Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo is already on his way to Danville, Kentucky (wherever the hell that is) to cover Thursday night’s Historic Vice Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan and Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden. Odds are, you’ll see Blowhard Biden get Blowed Up. Paul Ryan didn’t even need debate tips from Rob “Fighting for Fallacies” Portman.

It’s really ironic: Obama, whose rise to the White House was powered by his sparkling oratory, is now looking to his infamously gaffe-prone deputy to put his campaign back on track this week.

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew became the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. After Thursday night, will Joe Biden become the second?
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about his meeting with Looney Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson last Friday night. “Meeting with a Libertarian Presidential Candidate is a lot different from meeting with a real presidential candidate,” Kane explained. “There are no crowds, no long lines, no security, and nobody in the news media to prevent you from getting your exclusive interview.”


e-mail your amorous aliases today.

Some strumpeting slams in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally strumpeting slamming Subscribers, but we could always use more.

Link of the Day


Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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