Special “News Digest” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Morsels to Digest

  • FIRST AMENDMENT UPDATE: This week, Muslims at the United Nations continue to call for America make it against the law to hurt the feelings of Murdering Terrorists and enact a law throwing out the First Amendment, and Lefty Rags are already telling us Americans overvalue their free speech. Maybe that’s why Obama pardoned himself for his Libya fiasco and said, “The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” Obama then devoted five minutes of his UN speech to that YouTube trailer nobody ever saw but only a mere 32 seconds talking about the threat of Iran obtaining nuclear bombs, all the while slandering our military by claiming putting Marines in front of our embassies wouldn’t make them safe (which also excuses his Pansy Pacifist Administration for not even trying), but The Blower bets our Marines would have taken out every last one of those cowardly bastards, and done it before they raped and killed our Ambassador.
  • NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Ronald Reagan’s “The first amendment was written to protect the American people from government tyranny.” Perhaps the Muslim world should just get used to freedom of expression.
  • UN MEETINGS STRATEGY: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the real reason Obama is parting with that long standing tradition of meeting with world leaders at the United Nations this week is because in an election year, if the president meets with world leaders, his opponent has the right to ask for meetings, too. Do you think Obama would do anything that would allow his Republican Opponent to look presidential? World Leaders will have plenty of time of suck up to Romney after the election.
  • SIZE MATTERS: There was no mention of “crowd size” In Paul E. Kostyu’s (D, Gannett) coverage of Paul Ryan’s speech at the Byer Steel Factory in Carthage. Could it be because Obama Supporters in the Press just got caught last weekend fabricating 18,000 Obama fans inside a partially filled 5,000-seat Milwaukee arena after the DemocRAT Mayor had made up that number, or was it because Sharon Coolidge (D., Fishwrap) had been caught using that bogus “735” audience number for Vice President Joe Biden’s just another Mediscare Stump Speech at the MILF-ord High School cafeteria (downsized from the gym) on his sparsely attended post-convention Lies and Distortion Tour? Or was it because The Fishwrap had been caught publishing an “estimated crowd” at 4,500 for Obama’s Over-Taxed Payer Funded Jewish New Year’s Day Speech at Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park, the exact same number of another Over-Taxed Payer Funded Obama event later in the day in Columbus?

Now you know why Freddie Factchecker always says those Feckless Fishwrappers are too lazy, too stupid, or too dishonest ever to report the truth, even if they could find it.

  • DUMBED DOWN VOTERS: Howard Stern contributors Sal and Richard interviewed some really stupid Obama supporters in Harlem, asking them why they are voting for Obama. They did this in 2008, now let’s see what happens when they do it again in 2012.

Dumbing Down really works and the concept of Universal Suffrage in the U.S. is a total failure after public education ruined the country. Just look at Obama’s Coalition of Morons. It’s too bad we can’t have competency tests before allowing a citizen to vote. Unfortunately, illiteracy, low IQ, and the inability to read or understand English are held by the Courts to be illegal barriers to the Right to Vote.

  • BOGUS POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says this year, the reporting of the polls that makes you think everybody in this whole country’s stupid, or at least a majority of people in it. The reason is, the majority of media polling this election uses such absurd assumptions about turnout this November that not only do they misrepresent the presidential race, they’re actively distorting it. Some even say it’s on purpose.

Ron also says 55% of small business owners and manufacturers would not have started their businesses in today’s economy, and 69% say Obama’s regulatory policies have hurt their businesses. The BlameStream Media are counting these guys as “Leaning Obama.”

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1964, the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was released, and amazingly today, nobody from the Obama Administration has yet blamed Mitt Romney or the Tea Party.
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER reports Jay Leno said, “The president’s re-election campaign slogan is ‘Forward,’ which is also his policy on paying for stuff.”
  • CHABOT CHASTIZED: Steve Chabothead’s DemocRAT opponent Jeff Sinnard didn’t show up for Tuesday night’s so-called debate on Waycross Public Access, so our Ohio First District Republican Congressman had to ignore outrageous attacks from Green Party Candidate Rich Stevenson and Loony Libertarian Jim Berns for the entire time.

More good news for Chabothead: Steve doesn’t appear to be included on that list of endorsed Hamilton County Republican candidates on the “Conservative Voters Guide” being circulated by the Northwest Tea Party. Maybe the reason is, when the Northwest Guys removed “Bronze Star Brad’s” name from our Anderson Tea Partiers’ Second District List, they forgot to insert the First District Candidate’s name instead.

  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES are happy that the misbehavior in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department is costing Hamilton County taxpayers another $110,000. This is what the department has become after years of being led by Senile Sheriff Simon Lies and Streetcar Supporter Sean Donovan.
  • OUR REPULSED REPUBLICAN REPORTS: Just to show how out-of-touch the Romney-Ryan campaign manglers are, they’re now SELLING the things they used to give loyal Republicans for free, like yard signs, bumper stickers, and t-shirts. Here are some comments on the Romney-Ryan Facebook Page, that prove they’re equally skilled at mail-order fulfillment as they are at campaign messaging and media strategy.

Just send me my t-shirt I ordered in August.

Ordered my stuff weeks ago, have not shown up. Happy to pay for them as my contribution to saving the country. (back in the day when they were free, we did not have a Prez bent on bankrupting the country)

Should NOT have to pay for a yard sign! Where is politics going! Pisses me off! Pay for a yard sign… What kind of crap is that…

Still waiting on mine. Got window decals within three days, ordered yard sign two weeks ago and has yet to come.

I ordered our yard signs/bumper stickers 2 weeks ago, and am still waiting…I hope it all gets here before the election is over.

Hi VP Paul Ryan…where is my t shirt

Still waiting for the decals and sign I ordered over 2 weeks ago!!

Ordered mine 8/14 never got it, 🙁

I would like mine to actually be sent to me!!!!

Will you tell the RNC to stop sending me crap, they spend over $20 in postage just on me a month! Give me a sign instead!

Each and every day, it looks like Romney thinks he gets to keep all the money left over when he loses!

  • PISSED OFF PATRIOTS: Libertas and American Majority Action in Cincinnati are complaining that their event in West Chester with Kentucky’s Rand Paul had to be cancelled, because it turned out the Romney campaign just wanted to use the Really Conservative US Senator to attract people into a meeting under other organizational brands, and then recruit them to work for the Romney campaign. The Romney folks were not OK with a meeting of liberty group leaders, grass roots people, and Rand Paul without their presence.
  • COUNTDOWN CALENDARS: Election Day is coming in only “39” more days. “Taxmageddon” will be here in only 96 days (That’s when the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect on January 1, 2013.) In only four more days Feckless Fishwrappers will be raising your subscription rates and you’ll have to start paying for online stories too. GOP Senator Rob “Fighting for Fallacies” Portman says Mitt Romney will be ready for the first Presidential Debate in Denver in only seven more days. Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Early Voting begins in Ohio in only six days. And in Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo doesn’t have the slightest clue when Early Voting begins.
  • NORTHERN KENTUCKY NEWS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo has this advice after it was reported that a woman was accidentally shot and killed with a crossbow in Northern Kentucky: “Do not go for a walk in the woods wearing a deer costume.”
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if it would be “Voter Intimidation” if an elderly woman had called Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP at home and left a voice message asking him not to engage in voter suppression, and then Old BlueFace got so enraged, he called the woman back screaming at her and threatening to have “JayWalking Joe Deters prosecute her, and telling her he was sending the police?

“It could have been worse for the Old the Old Bitch,” Kane explained. “Alex T. could’ve asked Joe’s cousin, Eric ‘Call Me Crazy” Deters to return the call for him.”

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans 

Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our September fund-raising drive from the Superior Sign Company, hoping we’ll share the names of Persons of Consequence besides Pete Wenzel at General Data Co. who might want an “I Built That” sign.


e-mail your Dem-heavy Poll samples today.

Some biased news media exposing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our biased news media exposing subscribers

Link of the Day

Too Many Americans

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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