Special “Ryan Speech Coverage” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Top Ten List

          Today it’s the Top Ten Reasons the Hamilton County RINO Party chose the Byer Steel plant location on North Bend Road as the site of Tuesday’s Paul Ryan Victory Town Hall Meeting:

10. It was kept away from the West Side so that Princess Margaret Wuellner didn’t have to deal with any Smelly West Siders.

  9. Proximity to Cincinnati School of Mortuary Science a fitting metaphor for Hamilton County Republican Party’s down-ticket candidates.

  8. Hoping that the Kneepad Liberals in the Press get stopped by a train in Carthage and can’t mis-report another biased story.

  7. This week, Team Romney-Ryan wants to pretend to be tough on China.

  6. Wanted to show out-of-towners sent here to work on the Romney campaign, one of Cincinnati’s more appealing neighborhoods, Carthage.

  5. Catherine Smith Mills’ beautiful rendition of Star-Spangled Banner sounds really patriotic bouncing off industrial machinery.

  4. Jaywalking Joe Deters making sure all those St. X kids can get their service hours watching this clusterfuck unfold.

  3. Giving no-shot Republican candidates in gerrymandered DemocRAT districts something else to do to make themselves feel busy and important   (this means you, Ron Mosby and Tom Bryan).

  2. Like everything else the Hamilton County Republican Party does these days, it was designed to accommodate “Bronze Star” Brad and his Bootlicking Campaign Mangler’s oh-so-packed schedule.

  And the Number One Reason the Hamilton County RINO Party chose the Byer Steel plant on North Bend Road as the site of Tuesday’s Paul Ryan Victory Town Hall Meeting is… Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP thought “steel group” had something to do with opposing the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  •  Photo Filched from the Channel 9 Web Page

The Trouble Is Not In Your Set

  • Many Jewish viewers wonder why Channel 5 didn’t broadcast all of Paul Ryan’s Speech on Yom Kippur like Obama’s Speech in Eden Park on the Jewish New Year. The reason was: Only local Presidential speeches are broadcast in their entirety on WLWT. Vice Presidential speeches are broadcast on www.wlwt.com/
  • And was Obama’s Groveling UN Speech (saying it wasn’t his fault Ambassador Stevens got dead and apologizing for the “Crude and Disgusting Mohammed Movie”) being broadcast at the same time as Monday’s taped “Eye Candy on The View” appearance? Which program do you think got the bigger audience?

 More Breaking News

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1960, the first televised presidential debate was held between Kennedy and Nixon, but it didn’t have 10% of the media hype whatever Obama said today will have on Obama’s cable TV Networks.
  • NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Obama’s “I said very early on, as a Senator and continue to believe, as a presidential candidate and now as president, that we can absorb a terrorist attack.”
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER reports Jimmy Jay Leno said, “The economy is so bad, instead of Secret Service protection, the White House is using replacement refs to guard Obama.”
  • COUNTDOWN CALENDARS: Election Day is coming in only “40” more days. “Taxmageddon” will be here in only 97 days (That’s when the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect on January 1, 2013.) In only five more days Feckless Fishwrappers will be raising your subscription rates and you’ll have to start paying for online stories too. Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Early Voting begins in Ohio in only seven days. And in Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo doesn’t have the slightest clue when Early Voting begins, but you’ll be glad to know Kentucky remains one of the 16 states that doesn’t allow people to vote before Election Day without having to provide a reason, no matter how fictional and crappy it is.
  • POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY UPDATE: Scott Greenwood says police chiefs across the country are going to be embracing some new technology to make departments more accountable, with officers wearing tiny cameras that make audio and video recordings of everything from routine calls to life-or-death incidents. Mounted to eyeglasses, hats or shirt collars, the cameras record what an officer sees and hears, making a complete record of police incidents. Police agencies nationwide view the recordings as a new layer of evidence that could be shown to juries during criminal trials or used to prove or disprove complaints about police conduct. Besides being the local Whistleblower Legal Dream Team Chairman, Greenwood is also a police-accountability expert based in Cincinnati. [READ MORE HERE]
  • OVER-TAXED PAYER UPDATE: Inept leadership from Sean Donovan and Senile Sheriff Simon Leis has cost Hamilton County taxpayers another $110,000. Hamilton County Commissioners had to unanimously approve this settlement due to the unprofessional behavior in the Sheriff’s Department. In a time of significant budget cuts, overtaxed-payers are out $110,000 because Streetcar Supporter Sean Donovan and Senile Si can’t run their department in a competent manner.
  • WE BUILT IT UPDATE: You should see some of the “Hate Mail” Pete Wenzel has received since he put up his “I Built This Business Without Government Help” sign at his General Data international headquarters in Eastgate.

Here’s an anonymous e-mail from “Debbi”: The anti-Obama sign in front of your building is inappropriate, hateful, and completely unprofessional. If a picture of it was distributed on various social media platforms, I’m sure your clients/potential clients would be impressed.

 Here’s Pete’s reply:

Dear Ms. Debbie:

I am very pleased you commented on my signs. Because unlike you, I actually believe in the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it (at least for now) guarantee us citizens. You and your ilk obviously think otherwise. You think you support Free Speech, but in reality you only support it, if the speech agrees with your views! When it does not, then you label it as “hate speech” and you and your ilk seek to ban it.

There is nothing untrue on my signs. Several respected journalists on both the Right & Left have chronicled the many lies of President Obama. His stimulus did not work, the country is deeper in debt, and if you do not think the “economy died”; then why did the Federal Reserve announce QE3 today? I can most assuredly guarantee you that many unemployed American people have “cried” over Obama’s handling of the economy.

As to your claim my signs are “inappropriate”. How dare you? Are you really such an elitist snob that you truly believe you have the right to determine what a fellow American decides to put on a sign on their own private property? Your kind are so tolerant that you try to smear Governor Romney from everything from being a felon to an income tax cheat, to worse. How appropriate is it to portray Paul Ryan as pushing granny over a cliff? Why do you elitist snobs have a double standard?

Your kind are so tolerant and want “diversity” until there is someone or a business who doesn’t agree with your ideas. Then it becomes your duty to shut them down or ruin their business. Case in point is Chick Filet and now to me with your veiled threat of how my clients or prospects may react if you distribute pictures of my signs throughout “social media”. I got news for you, I don’t care if you post it to social media, unsocial media, or your socialist media. You can stop by and I will even pose in the picture for you!

You see our customers buy from us because we have innovative products, great customer service, and fair prices. If someone does not want to buy from my company because they don’t like my politics, that is their prerogative as an American. And if I cared that they don’t, then I wouldn’t have the “brass balls” to put my signs up.

One last suggestion and challenge to you or any one of your socialist, social media friends; if you don’t like my signs:

Borrow Millions of Dollars.

Convince your spouse to risk everything your family owns.

Start and then continuously grow your business by attracting a brilliant team.

Build a building.

…and Have the guts to:


Peter M. Wenzel
General Data Co., Inc.

  • EDITOR’S NOTE: Several Persons of Consequence want to know what the hell General Data sells and where can they buy it!
  • NORTHERN KENTUCKY NEWS: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders tasteful and thought provoking e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now. This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court features a bevy of beauties going to the big house for long periods of time but not a mention of Eric “blah” Deters debacle of a suppression hearing this week during which he talked about everything except why he wants all those text messages between his ex-Ben-gal, ex-teacher client and her student suppressed. Hasn’t the Crazy One told everyone who will listen that his client is completely innocent all along?! If she’s so innocent, then why is there a need to suppress text messages?! Sounds like we’ll be hearing a serious change in Eric’s tune once the messages get made public. He’s already calling them “embarrassing” to his client. Billy Bob the Bluegrass Bailiff says that sounds a lot more like “incriminating” as in evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. But we’ll just have to wait for the Oct 10 trial to see. In the meantime, enjoy these Obama Supporters’ mug shots, courtesy of the Robster…
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why people weren’t more upset about Obama’s Speech at this week’s United Nations Circus Show, where he couldn’t stop trying to find moral equivalency for terrorism.

“How many times can you watch Obama saying the same things on TV,” Kane explained, “Plus, after those replacement referees screwed up Monday night’s game, more people are outraged at the Incompetence in the NFL than the Uselessness at the United Nations.” 

Atone and Groan

This week, everybody who wondered what Jews would be atoning for this Yom Kippur, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is Sammy Schlepper, who says “Ask my wife. She can tell you all the things I need to atone for from the day we first met.”

Since Yom Kippur, apart from being the Day of Atonement, is also the day to give and receive of gifts, Sammy wins an “I Love Yom Kippur” T-Shirt, a “Jesus Was Jewish” bumper sticker, and an invitation to Rick Robinson’s Yom Kippur Lunch at the WOK on Saturday. His winning entry is:

On Yom Kippur Jews always atone
For things God does not condone.
But next year they say
More attention we’ll pay
To politicians we should disown.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who has enough problems going to Confession):

On Yom Kippur Jews always atone
But this year, they’ll REALLY weep and moan
Jews voted for Obama by 79%
Yahweh, please make them repent!
This awful truth chills me to the bone.

He made nice to the Arabs and Hamas
And kissed the behind of Abbas
Though they gave him their trust
He threw Israel under the bus
I hope this year, like Duran, Jews will say “no mas!”


e-mail why you’re outraged at the media today.

Some media bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally media bashing Subscribers, but we could always use more.

Link of the Day

Ryan Compares Obama to an NFL Replacement Ref

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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