One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Another Five Pinocchio Performance
- After listening to two weeks of highly publicized criticism from the White House Press Corps about Obama’s interviews on such lowly news outlets as “People” magazine and “Entertainment Tonight,” Obama dropped by at the White House Briefing Room on Monday and lost even more credibility when he showed he hadn’t lost his touch, lying with a straight face that his campaign had never accused his Republican opponent of being a felon.
But the truth was: on July 12 Obama’s Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter had laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony.”
Who are you going to believe— Obama or your lying eyes?
The zinger of the day was at the end of the event when Obama was running for cover and ABC’s Jake Tapper yelled out “Don’t be a stranger.”
Edward Cropper’s photo-shopped editorial spoof of current events shows us what Obama’s pathetic performance looked like.
- And why do Disingenuous DemocRATS keep clamoring to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns? Maybe they just want to see what a tax return looks like, since so few DemocRAT voters actually pay any taxes.
- Hurley the Historian says as the Official Voice of the Conservative Agenda, The Blower would indeed be remiss if we forgot to mention the Incident at Ruby Ridge that occurred on this date in 1992, when in the second day of a standoff at Randy Weaver’s remote northern Idaho cabin, FBI sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi wounded Randy Weaver and Kevin Harrison, and killed Weaver’s wife, Vicki.
- No wonder our Quote for Today Committee chose this classic: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” And what a big help the government has been lately.
- Republicans for Higher Taxes commented recently on the selection of Paul Ryan to be Mitt’s VP. They are deeply disappointed that Romney selected a conservative and said this eliminates any chance he had of getting their support.
- Local Tea Party Patriots were high-fiving all over the place on Monday after the Republican Platform Committee actually accepted ten of the twelve Tea Party Issues for this year’s convention. A group of 12 TEA Party Leaders from around the nation included The Blower’s Faux Facebook “Friend” Gena Bell from the Cincinnati based Eastern Hills Community TEA Party.
- And talk about your unannounced appearances, In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Obama planned just to show up on Air Force One for some sort of ill-conceived event at Capital University for Tuesday’s campaigning at over-taxed payer expense. How underwhelming was that?
- Ohio’s Republican Governor John Kasich is scheduled to speak in prime time at GOP Convention next Tuesday night between 8 and 10 p.m. We’re not exactly sure when passed-over Vice Presidential Wannabe Rob “Fighting for “Face Time” Portman is scheduled to speak, but we guarantee that news will be on the front page of The Fishwrap when it’s announced.
- When our Feckless Fishwrappers finally followed up on that Whistleblower Exclusive that Lame-Duck, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-and-paid-For, Tax-and-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt had been unexplainably included as #5 on that photo gallery of “Sexiest U.S Politicians,” assistant editor for government affairs Carl “Bud” Weiser said our Bitch-in-a-Ditch was “soon-to-retire.” And all this time we thought she was defeated six months ago in the GOP Primary. Plus, everybody knows she plans to run again. That’s not retired. Too many people worked damn hard to get her fired to allow herself to say she “retired.” Instead of including “Mean Jean” in a gallery of sexy politicians, maybe they meant to say Old Wrinklepuss is a “Sextignarian.”
- And did you see where Michael Bloomberg said the government should make immigrants live in Detroit, and if they survive for seven years, they could become U.S. Citizens? Thankfully, the New York City Mayor didn’t suggest they try living in Cincinnati.
- Now here’s more bad news for Obama: According to Monday’s federal campaign finance reports, Obama’s Re-Election Campaign spent nearly $59 million last month, while raising only $49 million. That means Obama spent more than he took in, just like the government. Is that a coincidence or what?
- Is the Obama Campaign really wasting more money to open an office in New Richmond today? Excluding those convicted of drugs or prostitution, how many legal voters are could there be in that crappy little town? Maybe Obama doesn’t care if his voters are legal or not.
- In a related item, with only “75” more days until the 2012 Elections, the Romney-Ryan campaign is finally having its long-awaited “Colerain Township Victory Center” GRAND OPENING at 8240 Clara Ave. at 12 NOON on Thursday, August 23. Republican activists will know its location because it’s around the corner from Lou Blessing’s Field Of Dreams.
- And in a WHISTLEBLOWER EXCLUSIVE, our Colerain Crusader discovered why Lou might want to have a park so close to home. According to the Board of Elections, his son, and this year’s Republican nominee for State Representative Louis W. Blessing III, still lives at home with mommy and daddy at 3151 McGill Ave, even though he is a well-paid and certified Professional Engineer. Billy, as he is known, was arrested for being in a public park after dark in 2006, the year before this park was built. Why was a then-25-year-old man in a park notorious for same-sex hookups well after 9:30 PM (when dark, AKA Civil Twilight, arrives in June) and didn’t just leave when asked to do so?
At least our Crusader wasn’t trying to compare these vile-and-disgusting insinuations with that equally vile-and-disgusting YouTube Video asking if “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup has a college secret.
- Failed Cincinnati Public Schools teachers reported to school on Monday August 20, 2012. Many teachers have already spent the last one to two weeks preparing their classrooms and working for free. Teachers are not provided any compensation for working prior to the official start date of school and this has ruffled some feathers of teachers.
On Monday, teachers sat and listened to the same recycled mantras from the school administration…. similar to the past five years. Teachers were provided a minute amount of time to prepare their classrooms…certainly not enough to warrant a successful opening of school. On Tuesday, CPS teachers were scheduled to report to mandatory professional development and will not be permitted any time to work in their classrooms. Students arrive to the 30,000 pupil school district on Wednesday of this week. Teachers are being required to work for free and the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers supports this maneuver from the cash strapped school district.
Teachers are vividly upset at the lack of support the union has provided during the past several years. As one teacher explains, “FCPS school officials expect us to work for free before school resumes in the fall and the union allows the school administration to get away with it.”
FCPS is seeking a fall renewal of a tax levy and this also has teachers up in arms. Teachers Opposed Against School Taxes (TOAST, not to be confused with ETOAST – Educators and Teachers Opposed Against Sellers’ Tactics) has launched a petition and will be spearheaded during Tuesday’s required professional development. At stake: the Common Core State Standards. Currently, less than 1% of Ohio is ready to implement such newly, regurgitated standards. Calls to the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers were not returned Monday nor were emails addressing the union president, Julie Sellers.
“Educators For A Change” contributed to this article.
- Jim Berns says he got a great reception from beautiful black babes at McEvoy Park Monday night. Our Looney Libertarian Congressional served fresh grilled hotdogs, beans, and lemonade, and told everybody his pandering platform included “Driving While Black is not against the law.” Eat you hearts out, Chabothead and Sinnard!
- Today we conclude our series on the Blue Ash City Clowncilmen who voted to help Cincinnati fund its streetcar. We saved the best for last, the most fiscally liberal Republican of them all Rick Bryan. Rick has never met a tax that he didn’t hike. Tax Hikin’ Rick Bryan was proud to endorse the Pepper/ Portune/ Leis $777 million Sales Tax increase for Hamilton County, wouldn’t shut up about how badly Blue Ash needed to raise its Earnings Tax 25%, endorsed the Hotel/Motel tax hike that Mean Jean Schmidt sponsored, and then there’s those property tax increases for the big-spending Sycamore Schools.
Rick’s obsession with growing government goes beyond raising taxes. He was a big donor and strong supporter of Virgil Lovitt, who may be the only politician in Hamilton County who has raised taxes more than Rick. Tax Hikin’ Rick Bryan opposed Pat DeWhine for Judge, as payback for DeWine’s successful opposition to the Pepper/Portune/Lies Sales Tax hike. Imagine that, a Republican against higher taxes! Rick also threw good money after bad when he supported Michelle Glass Slipper’s disastrous big government campaign for State Senate. Bryan even endorsed Bob Bungalhaus for re-election, citing his great work with the stadiums!
For all that and more, Rick Bryan was named the 2011 Tax Hiker of the Year. Now we can add Rick’s support for Cincinnati’s streetcar to his Wall of Shame. There are few politicians of either party who are more destructive and dangerous than Tax Hikin’ Rick Bryan.
- In Anderson Township, due to an unforeseen circumstance, Masturbators Anonymous needed to postpone Tuesday’s Circle Jerk till Tuesday, August 28. If somebody sees our Disgraced Dis-Trustee Kevin O’Brien, would you please let him know.
- Bluegrass Bureau Chef Ken CamBoo says after Obama said on Monday that he wasn’t too worried about groups of military veterans running campaign ads against him, members of the 169th Underground Mess Kit Repair Group headquarters in Boondoggle County again spoke out and criticized formed Obama on national security policy, the Osama bin Laden raid, and intelligence leaks.
The Fighting 169th was none too happy either with Obama’s holding the military hostage, with all his threats to gut the Armed Forces in Congress doesn’t vote to raise taxes.
And if that’s not the way to increase his support among veterans above 34%, we don’t know what is.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the way the White House is choosing the topic about which Obama and the reporter will talk whenever a local news outlet agrees to one of those phony baloney interviews with Obama. “What else do you expect from those media whores?” Kane asked. “Just think of how much publicity they’d get if one of those local media outlets refused?”
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Some Obama Syncophant items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama Syncophant Subscribers, but we could always use more.
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