Special “Healing for Dollars” E-dition

Thursday, July 26, 2012

More Disunity in the Community

Curiously, yesterday’s Racial Racketeering Road Show featuring Al Sharpton and Trayvon Martin’s Headline-Hunting, Settlement-Seeking, Obama-Supporting, Unmarried Parents showed up at the Duke Energy Convention Center’s Grand Ballroom. Costs to attend were only $250 for adults and $50 for students.

Did Cincinnati’s Girly Mayor Mark Mallory wear his hoodie? Couldn’t you just feel all that Racial Healing going on?

  • Number Four on the Top Ten List was the Olympics, which will be officially under way tomorrow in London, England. Mitt Romney will be there, going for the gold by supporting a minute of silence at the ceremony to honor Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

NBC Sports anchor Bob Costas says he plans his own on-air commemoration this week of the Israelis killed in Munich 40 years ago, despite the refusal of Olympic authorities to do so during Friday’s opening ceremony for the London Games.

Romney can pick up his Gold Medal when he assures the people of Israel they deserve better diplomatic support and fewer defense secrets released than they’ve been receiving from the United States under Obama, when he visits Israel later on his trip. 

What a bummer that was for Obama. Obama Supporters saw the 2016 O-lympics in Chicago as a great kickoff for Obama’s “Historic Third Term.” Do you think Obama’s “Special Olympics Joke” on Jay Leno helped America’s cause?

Obama’s rejection on the world stage because he failed to bring the Olympics to Chicago will be nothing compared to what he feels when the polls close in “102” more days.

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Mitt Romney may be headed overseas, but his campaign is definitely not taking a pause. The Romney campaign is holding 24 events across 12 battleground states Wednesday all trying to remind voters of comments the president made last week and the great economy he’s created. Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says an event in Columbus was included.
  • Tonight is the opening of Anderson Daze, and everybody’s wondering if Disgraced Township Dis Tustee Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien still plans to enter the Anderson’s Got Talent competition with his now famous “Choking the Chicken” Act. Spanky’s Supporters confidently believe that he will be able to beat-off any and all challengers. He considered performing his other act affectionately known as the “Two-finger Tango,” but settled on Choking the Chicken since it was publicized by his enablers at The Forest Hills Urinal. We tried contacting “the old Monkey Spanker, but his lawyer said he was busy in the bathroom rehearsing.
  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1775, the US Postal System was established. Who says bureaucracies don’t last? Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ronald Reagan’s “A government bureau is the closest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.”
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes discovered that State Rep-tile Connie “The Pillager” has accepted a second donation from a known racist. Their blog reported the Pillager’s first racist campaign contribution in May. Will Connie do the right thing and return this dirty money? Don’t count on it.
  • About 50 Tea Party Patriots showed up at the Northwest Tea Party meeting in Colerain Monday night. Sheriff candidate Jim O’Neil attended and passed out a campaign flyer that proudly stated on the front page: “Opposed SB5” and “Opposed to Right to Work laws.” Maybe the geniuses running his campaign should advise him to leave the anti-free market union goon propaganda in the car the next time he tries to win the votes of patriotic right wingers.
  • Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall wonders if when Bungals owner told Paul Daugherty “His team may be the best in the AFC North,” was that written before he found out the Bungals’ first round draft pick might be out for most of the season with a leg injury?
  • Over at The Fishwrap, Radio-TV Columnist John Quichwarmer says another reporter is leaving Channel 9 “Substantially True” News. That makes lots of them who’ve left recently, or as Marty Brennaman would say, “of late.” But what Quich never tells you in any of those stories is why all those people are really leaving.
  • Speaking of Voter Fraud, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo heard drug money has been funding voter fraud in Clay County, Kentucky. The good news is, it’s bi-partisan. According to Fox News, more than $400,000, part of it drug proceeds, was pooled by DemocRAT and Republican politicians over several elections, and spent to buy the votes of more than 8,000 voters, usually at $50 apiece. One voter was even able to bid up the cost of his vote to $800. Meanwhile, Congressman Goof Doofus wonders, “How come Clay County isn’t in my district?”
  • Finally, Political Insiders at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about all those gullible donors who pissed their money away on Nick Vehr’s failed wet dream to bring the 2012 Olympics to Cincinnati.

“It’s hard to believe people could’ve ever been quite that stupid,” Kane replied.

 More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans

Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our July fund-raising drive from the Cincinnati 2024 Olympics Committee, because there are still a few gullible people out there.


e-mail your personal bests today.

Some Olympic Medal Winning items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Olympic Medal Winning subscribers

Link of the Day

Rove On Obama’s Olympic Failure “He Got What He Deserved”

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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