Another “Mourning in America” E-dition

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Mourning Roundup

  • Is it just us, or does it seem as if Disingenuous DemocRATS and their willing accomplices in the Liberal News Media always exploiting Death, Tragedy, and Crisis for Political Gain?

Their views on religion, global warming, women’s rights, gay rights, minority equality, abortion, gun control, the death penalty, evolution, consumerism, corporate influence, the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, and patriotism are well known, and whenever something bad happens, Liberals can hardly wait to use that event to divide our nation and advance their ideology.

  • Maybe that’s why nobody was really surprised at Saturday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda when Political Insiders asked Political Insiders asked Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how long it would be before Obama would being to exploit the Midnight Movie Massacre in Colorado.

“About three minutes,” Kane replied. “With only ‘105’ more days until the Presidential Elections, anything that diverts voters’ attention from the economy is just what Obama and the DemocRATS want. Obama Supporters in the Press couldn’t wait to attack the Tea Party. Flags at the White House are already flying at half staff to show how much he cares. And our Narcissist-in-Chief referred to himself at least 17 times during his speech on the Colorado movie shooting.”

In Fort Myers, Florida, Obama supporters hooted and hollered through Obama’s so-called “remembrance speech for the victims of the Colorado movie shooting,” chanting “Four More Years!” at what was supposed to be a “non-political event.”

Obama even said, “But what if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater?” Then the entire audience would’ve had Secret Service protection. You can’t get much more non-political than that.

  • The murders in Colorado stunned that political world led to only a momentary pause in Team Obama’s all out campaigning on the presidential trail. Saturday Obama’s Weekly Address was all about “Remembering the Victims of the Aurora Shooting.” Was that a coincidence or what?
  • Sunday afternoon, Obama jetted to Colorado on Air Force One (at over-taxed payers’ expense) for photo opportunities with victims’ families. Then it was off to California on his full-time job of campaigning and fund-raising, while the Jobs Council lays dormant.

According to Keith Koffler at the “White House Dossier,” Obama’s Aurora appearance offered Obama a chance to present himself as a healing unifier, even as he continues waging his slash and burn campaign that has featured unsubstantiated charges against Mitt Romney, elements of class warfare, and suggestions by Vice President Joe Biden and other surrogates that Republicans are practicing racism.

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus recalls wondering if Obama’s photo-op “Together We Thrive” pep rally memorial service after the Atrocity in Arizona in January 2011 was the official kickoff for Obama’s orchestrated, over-taxed payer funded re-election campaign.

What a classy memorial service it was— complete the presidential seal on the podium and T-Shirts that said “Six people died and all I got was this crappy T-Shirt.” We hadn’t seen that much clapping and shouting at a funeral since that oh-so-political funeral for Good DemocRAT Paul Wellstone.

  • Unfortunately, in Obama’s America, tragedies like the Colorado Movie Massacre could happen to any one of us. Now, during Obama’s “historic” presidency, we have the largest mass shooting in U.S. History.

That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Robert Francis Kennedy’s “Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.”


e-mail your thoughts and prayers today.

  Some sympathetic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally sympathetic subscribers.

Link of the Day


Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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