Special “Political Exploitation” E-dition

Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Movie Madness

  • As if all that hype about the opening of “The Dark Knight Rises” weren’t enough, some nut job dressed in black and armed to the teeth, killed as many people as he could in Colorado at the midnight movie screening. Who says there’s no such thing as bad publicity? What was that movie’s rating anyway—“AK-47?” Some people even suggest the Batman movie shooting imitated a scene in a 1986 comic. [READ MORE ABOUT THAT HERE]

Liberals immediately identified the shooter as a “White Caucasian” and began to blame Rush Limbaugh.

TIME Magazine says there’s nothing wrong with politicizing the Colorado Movie Tragedy.

On CNN, Piers Morgan blamed U.S. Gun Laws.

On “Good Morning America,” ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos tried to tie the Colorado Movie Shooter to the Tea Party, just like Obama Supporters in the Press attempted to blame the Tea Party for the Tucson shootings in January 2011, shortly after Republicans swept the midterm elections. Now, with only “107” more days until the in the Presidential Elections, the mainstream media seems poised to do the same.

Later, ABC News was forced to retract its claim and apologize for saying the Colorado Movie Shooter was linked to the Tea Party, just because a guy more than twice the age of the shooter had the misfortune to have the same name, and now he has to disconnect his phone before one of those Liberal, peace-loving loons actually follows through on his threat to take out the Tea Party Patriot with the same name as the shooter. PMSNBC even tried to connect the Colorado shooting to Watergate. How desperate was that?

The loudest cries of anguish and despair have come not as might be expected from Colorado, but from Warner Brothers in Hollywood which just saw its largest opening in movie history blown all to hell, and the Obama campaign, which will now have to rethink its Obama and Biden as Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder Campaign Strategy .

Now what if Breitbart News obtained documents showing the shooter was a registered DemocRAT? Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis hope James Holmes isn’t really gay.

  • The killings in Colorado stunned the political world and led to a momentary pause in campaigning on the presidential trail.

The Romney campaign immediately announced it would be pulling all ads in Colorado until further notice and that Governor Romney would be addressing the Colorado shootings at his New Hampshire event later in the day.

In Fort Myers, Florida, Obama supporters hooted and hollered through Obama’s so-called “remembrance speech for the victims of the Colorado movie shooting,” chanting “Four More Years!” at what was supposed to be a “non-political event.” Obama even said, “But what if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater?” Then the entire audience would’ve had Secret Service protection. You can’t get much more non-political than that.

Aboard Air Force One at over-taxed payers’ expense, Obama Campaign spokesman Jen Psaki said Obama’s reelection campaign has asked affiliates to pull down negative ads in the wake of the movie theater shooting in Colorado. It was not clear whether Obama’s negative ads were being pulled across the country, or just in Colorado.

Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard said, “I would say as you know the president believes we need to take common sense measures that protect the Second Amendment rights of Americans while ensuring that those who should not have guns under existing laws do not get them.” What a load of crap that was! The Blower bets not even Jay Cardboard can understand what he just said. 

NYC Mayor Bloomberg wanted to know the size of the soft drinks being served in that Colorado movie theater and if Obama and Romney would crackdown on Second Amendment Rights in wake of the movie massacre.

Obviously, with only “107” more days until the Presidential Elections, politicians will be following Obama’s good friend Rahm Emmanuel’s advice by not letting this crisis go to waste.

  • Meanwhile in Hollywood, according to TMZ, “Best in Show” actor Fred Willard was arrested for lewd conduct last night when police allegedly caught him with his pants down in an adult movie theater.

According to law enforcement sources, LAPD undercover vice officers went into the Tiki Theater in Hollywood and found Anderson Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien’s favorite actor watching the movie with his penis exposed and in his hand, just like the way Kevin likes to ride in your car, ladies!

REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.


e-mail your egregious examples today. 

Some shameless exploitation items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally shamelessly exploiting subscribers.

Link of the Day

Obama also played politics with Virginia Tech tragedy, Arizona shooting

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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