Whistleblower Week in Review

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Blower’s Week in Review

  • OUR NUMBER ONE OBAMA STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama made that humongous gaffe, saying “The Private Sector is going fine.”

White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard was even forced to admit, “The President was for the private sector doing fine before he was against it.” Obama Supporters at the New York Times claimed “Leaks of secrets to make Obama look like a strong military leader are doing fine.” And Obama’s Chief Political Strategist David Axeldouche said, The Obama Re-election Campaign is doing fine,” as Edward Cropper shows us Obama meeting with a few of the unemployed thousands who are doing fine.

But those twenty-three million Americans who can’t find work weren’t doing fine. Neither were the forty-six million Americans on Food Stamps. Buckeye RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett said more than 431,000 unemployed Ohioans weren’t doing fine.

Union Goons said their plans to recall Republican Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin worked out fine. “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup said that campaign manager Hamilton County RINO Party Boss sent him was doing fine. Rob “Fighting for Finalists” Portman said his VP campaign was doing fine until he only got 2% of the vote in that straw poll at last weekend’s CPAC Convention in Chicago. Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder said his credibility in Congress was doing fine. Craig Lindner said plans for Wednesday’s big Romney fundraiser in Cincinnati at the Netherland Plaza Hotel were coming along fine. City Mangler Dough Boy Honey and Mayor Mark Mallory said their plans to balance Cincinnati’s budget were also coming along fine along with Deranged DemocRAT Hamilton County Commissioner Odd Todd Opportune’s efforts to get help from the private sector to get my Stadium Ticket Tax are doing fine. Meanwhile, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo said, “Did you ever think Obama might not be out of touch? Maybe he’s just wrong.”


  • OUR NUMBER TWO OBAMA STORY THIS WEEK was when Eric Holder was told Congress planned to hold him in contempt, Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General said, “The feeling’s mutual!” And the previous Friday, when Obama claimed “The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive,” Obama didn’t say it wasn’t true. He just said it was “offensive.” It’s hard to disagree with that!

So how many Senators are calling for Eric Holder’s resignation anyway, not just for stonewalling his Gun-Walking Scandal that got a U.S. Border Agent killed, but also for covering up White House leaks of military secrets to the New York Times to promote Obama’s “Warrior Image?” The Obama Regime doesn’t need a Special Counsel. Ronald C. Machen Jr. (shown here with Obama), is one of the two attorneys Holder assigned to cover-up Obama’s Leaking Scandal. Machen has only donated $4,350 to Obama’s campaigns so far. You can’t get any more unbiased than that.

  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE OBAMA STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama announced his Congressional Bypass on Friday to stop deporting illegal immigrants, and our Divider-in-Chief followed up blaming Congress in his Weekly Address.

Did Obama’s politically charged decision come just because Obama faces a tough reelection fight against Republican Mitt Romney, and Hispanic voters in swing states will play a crucial role in the contest? Or did Obama drop his Immigration Bombshell to overshadow Romney’s Bus Tour?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich charged Obama with pulling just another “election-year gimmick,” “asking why he didn’t do it three years ago when he had both Houses of Congress to rubber stamp it. Iowa Republican Steve King threatened to sue the Obama regime to block its Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to children of illegal immigrants.

Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer called it “backdoor amnesty.” Sheriff Joe said, “They will still be arrested.” Rush Limbaugh said it was “Open Borders Friday.” Donald Trump said “The way Obama runs the country is ‘Stupid.’”

But the best part was when Neil Munro, a reporter from the Conservative “Daily Caller,” dared to interrupt Obama’s Rose Garden Proclamation with a question, and every Liberal in America raced to the nearest TV camera to play the Race Card one more time, this time by calling Munro a racist.

The same Liberals cheered when a heckler threw his shoes at George W. Bush’s head in Iraq. Dubya was heckled, interrupted, and even assaulted during his eight years in the White House, and we have never heard any of these Liberal Lunatics claiming that those interruptions were due to the color of his skin. What makes Obama any different?

Now let’s check our Bush’s reaction after the Shoe Assault.

  • MONDAY in our Official “Republican Survey” E-dition, The Blower said, “It made us feel proud to be an American.”

Please forgive our gloating this morning, but something very special just arrived in the mail, and we can’t help feeling just a little proud and patriotic. We knew it had to be official, because inside the envelope was a letter was signed by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus himself. No kidding!

Hurley the Historian said he felt almost as patriotic as he did on this date in 1979, when John Wayne died. Our Quote for Today Committee chose The Duke’s “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway,” but the one The Blower likes best is “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.” Because with then only “147” more days till the 2012 Elections on November 6, the our new best friend Reince said we were among a select group of citizens who’d been especially chosen to take part in an official survey by a major political party.


  • TUESDAY in our Special “Obama’s Private Sector Gaffe” E-dition, The Blower wondered if he was “out of touch” or just “out of his mind” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

Was it a mistake last Friday when I said “The Private Sector was doing fine?” —President Barack Hussein Obama

Actually, the President was for the private sector doing fine before he was against it. —White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard

Leaks of secrets to make Obama look like a strong military leader are doing fine. —Obama Supporters at the New York Times

The Obama Re-election Campaign is doing fine.Obama’s Chief Political Strategist David Axeldouche

We’re doing fine. —Twenty-three Million Americans Who Can’t Find Work

Us too! —Forty-Six Million Americans on Food Stamps


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Obama’s Security Leaks” E-dition, The Blower said, “First you had to take a leak.”

In Washington, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says so far, June has been a real debacle for Obama. Job growth has stalled. DemocRATS and Big Labor were humiliated in Wisconsin. His attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation. Talks with Pakistan have broken down. Bill Clinton is stabling Obama in the back. Mitt Romney is raising more cash. Senators on both sides of the aisle are accusing him of leaking military secrets to burnish his warrior image, and on Friday he went on record saying the “private sector is doing fine.”

So what else could go wrong? Early Monday morning, we learned Obama’s Commerce Secretary had been cited for a felony hit-and-run after allegedly crashing his car three times on Saturday. The Blower assumes Bryson will have to clean up his own wreckage. Obama’s White House has too much other damage to tidy up.

But not to worry, Tuesday our Fundraiser-in-Chief traveled to Baltimore and Philadelphia to tie a record for six campaign fundraisers in one day, officially doubling George W. Bush’s pace as the same point in his presidency, 160 to 79.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Will Rogers’ “Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.


  • THURSDAY, in our “Flag Day” E-dition E-dition, The Blower remembered those who have fought and died to protect it.

Flag Day was first observed in 1877 on the 100th anniversary of the Continental Congress’ adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. In that year, Congress asked that all public buildings fly the flag on June 14. The idea quickly caught on and many people wanted to participate in waving the flag. One early supporter was B. J. Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher who wanted June 14 to be known as “Flag Birthday.”

For our cherished occasion, Our Quote for Today Committee has chosen Adrian Cronauer’s: “Our flag is not just one of many political points of view. Rather, the flag is a symbol of our national unity.”

In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Flag Day as a national celebration. However, the holiday was not officially recognized until 1949 when President Harry Truman signed the National Flag Day Bill.

The Blower says it’s time to dig out your American flag and fly it high this week. Children in school could sing “God Bless the USA,” unless your Obama Supporting School Principal says that would be “too patriotic.”

And maybe if you’re at a ball game, you should even put down your hot dog, take off your hat, and actually sing “God Bless America” during the seventh inning stretch.

And maybe at all public meetings, we could all join in and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In case you’ve forgotten, the current words, adapted over the years from the original written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, are: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


  • FRIDAY in our Special “Heart of It All” E-dition, The Blower reported the “Onslaught in Ohio.”

Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said Obama tried to reset his failing reelection campaign for the 397th time Thursday. The White House said our Campaigner-in-Chief would be impersonating the president in the Cleveland event with an important economic address, but everybody knew it would just be another crappy campaign speech. It’s all George Bush’s fault—blah, blah, blah. The rich should pay your fair share— yada, yada, yada. Not to worry, Obama supporters. Over-Taxed Payers were paying for the campaign trip. Maybe that’s why that Romney campaign bus was driving around and around Obama’s speech site honking its horn. So unhappy was Obama that he claimed that his not his Chicago of politics, which most thought meant he hadn’t thought about it first. Maybe there’s hope yet for our white bread candidate after all.


  • SATURDAY in our Special “Catastrophe in Cleveland” E-dition, The Blower said, maybe Obama could use some “Speech Therapy.”

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says in yesterday’s e-dition, The Blower trashed Obama’s promised “major economic address” in Cleveland even before he gave it. Amazingly, the political press corps panned it too, but only after they actually listened to just-another 54-minute warmed-over campaign speech. Talk about your cruel and unusual punishment! On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh found it amusing. Too bad there are only 20 more weeks to go before the Presidential Elections in November. Debacle

And how ironic was it that all those Obama supporters claiming Voter IDs are racist, had to show their photo IDs to get in?

Later Thursday, rush-hour traffic was tied up in NYC so Obama could lament how much “People Out There are Hurting” to all those Ultra-Elitist Limousine Libtards at Sarah Jessica Parker’s $40,000-Per-Person Fundraiser at her shabby apartment that Anna Wintour had to clean and redecorate before the company arrived.

Hurley the Historian said on this date in 1858, Lincoln warned that America was becoming a “house divided.” And these days, our Divider-in-Chief is really doing his part.

Our Crooks in Congress said, “You should feel sorry for us because so much our net worth has disappeared under the Obama Administration, too.” Unfortunately, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the collapse of everybody else’s net worth isn’t news to We, the Over-Taxed Payers.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for today Committee chose Mark Twain’s “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress.”



Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.


e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.

  • REPUBLICANS IN 2012: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Republicans from all over Southwestern Ohio will be heading to K’s Hamburger Shop this afternoon for a big Romney bus tour event in Troy, wherever the hell that is.
  • OBAMA 2012: Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say Friday night, Obama re-election Campaigners at the White House were spam-gramming their local e-mail list about how Obama had bypassed Congress on his backdoor amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. Curiously, the entire e-mail was in Spanish.
  • OHIO RINO PARTY: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chef Gerry Manders says Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett responded to Ohio DemocRAT Party attacks on Governor Kasich. “They say he’s not fit to eat with the pigs,” Bennett explained, “but I’m here to tell you that he is.”
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says more people trust Romney (50%) than Obama (52%) to handle the Economy. It’s a good thing the Economy is such an important issue.
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Fallon’s “Today President Obama gave a major speech where he defended his handling of the economy. And there were tons of people in the audience, you know, since nobody had to be at work.”
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1972, the Watergate burglars were arrested. Do you think G. Gordon Liddy will remember that on his radio show?
  • OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose Liddy’s “Obviously crime pays, or there’d be no crime.
  • VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Conservative Congressman Allen West is already alleging Obama’s Immigration Policy is part of the DemocRAT Voter Fraud Conspiracy For 2012 Elections. That didn’t take so long.
  • THUGS ‘R US: With 23 million people still unemployed, the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, National Education Association (NEA), and others big labor groups are now trying to organize “unemployed people.” No Kidding!
  • HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY: CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street wonders what Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP will do now that long-time Hamilton County Judge Dennis Helmick, won’t be on the ballot this fall. So how hard should it be for “Old Blueface” to find a local Republican lawyer to fill that $121,350-per-year job?

  • MEDIA MENDACITY: If you thought it was offensive when Joy Behar said she wanted to see Romney’s house burn down on ABC’s “The View,” you should’ve seen what happened when PMSNBC spliced a few bus explosions into its segments on Romney’s bus tour.
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #164, Quote Liberal Hero Karl Marx: “There is only one way to kill capitalism—by taxes, taxes, and more taxes.”
  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: condemns Little Lord John Cranley for opposing higher taxes and the Mayor Mallory’s Trolley Folly. They stand with Our Fabulous Babe and point out her support for the stadium tax, light rail tax, jail tax, and now the streetcar and its associated property tax increase. That’s a record even Obama would be proud to run on.
  • MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY: Did those guys ever get hold of the basic information from companies that put in bids to build Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory’s Trolley Folly? If our Foolish Fishwrappers had blasted the Billion Dollar Boondoggle in the first place, this never would’ve happened.
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Liberals just couldn’t stop playing the Race Card and whining about the way Obama was disrespected at Friday’s Rose Garden Press Conference when a Caucasian Columnist interrupted his political speech. They said the disrespect was unprecedented, because they had never seen anything like it before. Give us a break. The only thing unprecedented Friday afternoon was the amount of amount of phony outrage.
  • THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Did the City really have to cancel this week’s City Clown-cil Meeting just because Mayor Mark Mallory was attending a Dainty DemocRAT Mayor’s Conference in Orlando? Maybe there is some benefit to all of his travel after all.
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel’s weenie wagging Hamilton County elected official does not work at the courthouse. That ought to narrow down the list of suspects just a bit.
  • IN ANDERSON: “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says a letter from Community Press Senior Editor Marc Emral was included in this week’s Forest Hills Urinal informing readers about the big rate increase. “That should help improve circulation their circulation,” the Russler said.
  • OHIO’S SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Wednesday was Flag Day, when The Blower really remembered all those who’d fought and died to protect it, but the rest of the nation should’ve been flying their flags upside down as a distress signal. In Ohio’s Second Congressional District, “Junketing Jean” Schmidt was wondering when it’s Flag Day in Turkey, having only received $582,768 during the past three years from the Turkish Coalition of America.
  • READING THE TEA LEAVES: The Anderson Tea Party has found a website that shows if somebody is registered to vote. Try it on yourself first, and then try it on your friends.
  • NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for Father’s Day, we found this passionate poem by our old friend Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves. Make sure you buy his latest book, “Summer Sex Scandals,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.

Hot Weather Warmup
We’ve given a day for Old Dad
With gifts to make him feel glad.
He made it all happen
When he caught mom a nappin’
And gave her a load with her tad.

  • IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says divorce attorneys all over Northern Kentucky were really upset when they read that story about the online dating service for married seeking affairs which ranked local suburbs to see which bedroom community was the “top cheating neighborhood” in Cincinnati. In order, those adulterous areas included Montgomery, West Chester, Sharonville, Hyde Park, Oakley, Covington, Kenwood, Downtown, Mason, and Mt. Lookout.

“This is outrageous,” said WLW Radio’s Lovely Lady Lawyer Lisa Wells, whose license has not been suspended. “We have more sluts in Northern Kentucky than you can shake a stick at, and since I’m going to be on the air Saturday between 12-3 PM, all you Bluegrass Betrayers call in and tell us where you live.”

  • THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders sweltering summer e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court has got to be one of the ugliest e-ditions in quite some time! Where do they get these scum bags?! We haven’t seen a collection of neck tats, bad hair, missing teeth, black eyes, torn clothing, and, of course, one guy in a Bungals hoodie, since our last trip to the Playpen to check out the Wilder women!

  • FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT UPDATE: First the good news: “Crazy Eric” Deters’ law license is still under suspension in Ohio. And the bad news is, the Suspension’s been lifted in Kentucky, where he will be the source of many more inspired stories in The Blower.
  • THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about the upcoming ObamaCare vote in the Supreme Court, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained that those who know what’s going on aren’t talking about it, and those you see talking about it on TV don’t have the slightest idea about what’s really going on.
  • AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “141” days away.

Monday we’ll be celebrating Deadbeat Dad’s day, in our own inimitable way.

Tuesday is the anniversary of the date says on this date in 1953, Communist spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for passing U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets. These days, Obama would’ve held a lottery for donors to have dinner with them on death row.

Wednesday is the Summer Solstice, and we’ll see if Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General is able to delay that day’s scheduled House Panel vote on his contempt citation.

Thursday is “Go Skate Day,” and we presume that includes skateboards. You might try it a friend’s house, so his insurance can pay for your accident.

The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “When you pay your real estate taxes.”

And Saturday is “National Columnists Day,” so you can expect to see all those Liberals congratulating themselves all over the place.


e-mail your revolutionary recaps today

Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Link of the Day

Looks Like A One-Term Proposition

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this g ood stuff today.

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