Democrat Disasters

Saturday, June 9, 2012

It’s Almost Like He Has the Word “Loser” Tattooed on his Forehead

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says it’s been another really bad week for Obama. Too bad he only has 21 more bad weeks to go before the Presidential Elections in November.

How bad are things? Even though our Fund-Raiser-in-Chief and Michelle have been jetting around the country at Over-Taxed Payers Expense raising money 24/7, our Official Whistleblower Fundraising Scorecard shows Mitt Romney and the RNC are raising many millions more.

Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say on Wednesday, Obama re-election Campaigners at the White House were spam-gramming their local e-mail list. Campaign Manager Jim Messina was trying to raise money because that deeply unpopular Republican Governor Scott Walker barely survived a recall election Tuesday night.” Thursday, Messina couldn’t stop whining in his fund-raising e-mail about the fact that all those little people who donated to Obama’s campaign had only sent in $60 million last month. Friday morning, there was another e-mail. This one purported to be from Ann Marie Habershaw, Chief Operating Officer from Obama for America, begging for another donation “for a friend (the President).” Wait till people find out they really don’t have to donate to enter all of those celebrity dinner lotteries the Obama campaign’s been promoting.

  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a national day of mourning following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
  • Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Bobby Kennedy’s prediction (on May 27, 1968, just a week before he was assassinated): “Things are moving so fast in race relations, a Negro could be President in 40 years. There is no question about it. In the next 40 years, a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother has.” We should’ve only been so lucky.
  • Persons of consequence who have been following the expose on the too frequent use of the first person singular by the POTUS when referring to things that are going good (name just one, please) while using the plural “us” or “you,” or “your” when things are going not so good, should be easily reminded of the 17th Century English play titled “I, I G N O R A M U S.” This story details the exploits of “an unlettered lawyer,” which basically meant that back-in-the-day, he was a loner with, if we may use the term, no gravitas. Today, the word ignoramus carries largely the same definition: simpleton, fool or dunce. A know-nothing.

Now, in our efforts to detail the amazing number of words that have the same number of letters (11) as B A R A C K O B A M A, especially for the students of the FCPS (example former president J A M E S C A R T E R), we offer this trip in the way-back machine to show that not much has changed over the years.

Back in the 17th century, the divine rights of kings and queens to rule was unquestioned by most. You could be a complete dullard and I G N O R A M U S and still rule a kingdom and have your enemies, both domestic and foreign, killed by those willing to do your bidding.

Nowadays, we have POTUS exercising much the same powers of the throne and divine disdain for those who don’t agree with him. Not unlike the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” B A R A C K O B A M A has surrounded himself with a moat of sycophants who will regurgitate his every pronouncement regarding the state of royal affairs. Recently, the Emperor O B A M A deigned to communicate with his adoring minions. It probably went something like this.

“My fellow CheeseHeads, of one of our great 57 states: Wisconsin. I want to take this brief moment to encourage you via text message as I fly-over on my trip to collect more tribute in your fight against one of our despised opponents, Sir Scot Walker. Now, let me be perfectly clear: He is not related to Luke Sky-Walker and does not possess extra ordinary powers other than “The Force.” And my saber is genetically bigger than his, if you get my drift, ladies!

“Your cause is my cause, except to the extent that my pollsters have determined that the millions raised from your fellow workers has not been enough to move the needle to warrant my divine intercession in your cause. Or, perhaps my complete and total I N S O U C I A N C E to this endeavor has only been exceeded by my complete and utter disdain for the Constitution or whatever that thing is they want me to swear allegiance too. As the most I N C O M P E T E N T POTUS since J A M E S C A R T E R, I have much still to do. My knowledge of my own destiny and what is best for my kingdom, is as I R R E F U T A B L E as my allegiance to the preaching of my blessed Muslim brotherhood preacher and main man, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

“So, in closing, keep up the good fight. We are on the right path. Don’t be deterred by those who question your motives or commitment to the cause. After all, we have a country and a citizenry to destroy. Wait, who put THAT on the teleprompter? “D’oh”!

  • Back in the Queen City, The Fishwrap can’t stop ranting about the fact that the City of Cincinnati won’t show them the basic information from companies that put in bids to build Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory’s Trolley Folly. Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception shows us how Mallory is telling everybody to trust him.

  • Meanwhile at City Hall, union members were all singing “Bye Bye, Ms. Diana Frey” after their embezzling former president was sentenced to 51 months in the slammer. Federal Judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley said Diana needed to make restitution of $741,042.77 so the union could donate more money to DemocRAT Clown-cil Candidates who would support their budget busting pension plans.
  • Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin says after reading the latest update on The Cincinnati Mess (You Only Read About in The Blower), he’s telling Mayor Mallory and his Extreme Liberal Rubber Stamp City Clown-cil, if they want to learn how to clean up Cincinnati’s financial mess, maybe they ought to take a trip to Wisconsin.
  • And Concerned in Cincinnati saw where one of our snitches had said our Overstuffed and Overpaid City Mangler didn’t appear to own any property in the City. Concerned says the Hamilton County Auditor’s website lists residential property owned by in part by a Milton R. Dohoney, Jr., at 2604 Streamside in Mount Washington. Could that have been the same fat black guy with his baggy pants pulled down we saw waddling outside the Kroger store on Beechmont Avenue the other night?
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes bemoan the poll results showing that only 33% of area residents support the proposed Arts Sales Tax hike. They ask, what could be more important than over-taxed payer-funded arts and entertainment projects? The last time Hamilton County raised the Sales Tax was for the lovely stadiums and look how well that worked out.
  • From the Great White North, Butler County Commissioner Cindy Carpenter says it’s all politics when her critics accuse her using vile-and-disgusting curse words while yelling at employees in the commissioners’ office. “If you had to work with those stupid fuckers, you’d curse too,” Cindy explained.
  • And wouldn’t it be funny if John Coyne and all the usual suspects were smoking outside the Landing in New Richmond on Friday night, when the lady with a wooden leg said her daughter (one of the original strippers at Deja Vu) never missed a Belmont States and Clem from Clermont asked the daughter if that wasn’t a pretty long drive. “Of course not,” the daughter said, “It’s only about eight miles to River Downs in Anderson Township.”
  • Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about the small space the Washington Post gave on its front page to announce Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s Tuesday night. It was a close vote, because the margin of victory was only a mere seven points.

You should’ve seen the same newspaper’s front page the morning after Obama was elected is 2008,” Kane explained. It was an Election Special Commemorative Edition. It was a decisive victory when Obama was elected America’s first black president, because in that historic election, the margin of victory was a humongous seven points, and liberal pundits were even calling it a “landslide.”

  • That was almost as good as the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart on Wednesday, when he renamed the network “MSNB-Sad,” saying that it “passed through all the stages of grief last night,” denying the decisive outcome of Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker’s historic recall election that he won by a seven points.

Bluegrass Backlash

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says he’s Ron Paul Fanatics in Kentucky were just a little unhappy when Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney Thursday night on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Show.

Kentucky’s Junior Senator tried to explain: “My first choice was always my father, but Romney’s the nominee.” Rand insisted that he had a lot in common with Romney, who signaled to him that he was serious about a number of government reforms.

But the backlash on Rand Paul’s Facebook page was fierce. Activists in Alexandria called it “Selling Out.” Extremists in Erlanger cried “Betrayal!” And Revolutionaries in Ryland Heights were upset too, as the vocal supporters of the Ron Paul Revolution, took to the comments section to denounce Ron Paul’s outrageous offspring. Friday morning, more than two million comments had been posted, all but eleven of them negative. Supporters blasted Rand Paul for abandoning the legacy of his father to the “Republican establishment.”

  • Meanwhile, from Wisconsin, let’s watch this Weasel Zippers report about how upset some liberal whackos were when the Liberal Media CNN bus pulled out of Madison on the day after the recall election. Are fanatics fun to watch or what?


e-mail your harbingers of doom today.

Some evil tidings items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally evil tidings Whistleblower Subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Link of the Day

Hitler finds out that Scott Walker won the Wisconsin recall election

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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