Special “Harbinger of Doom” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Whoop-Ass in Wisconsin

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Tuesday night was a really big night for Republicans in Wisconsin, but it might end up being even a bigger night for all America.
  • Noted Wisconsin Political Reporter Cheddarhead Tadwell says it was a good night for Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Scott Walker, who won his recall election by an even larger margin than he won in the first place, especially after daring to ask Public Sector Unions and Liberal Freeloaders to pay a small part of their fair share.

But was a bad night for Big Labor, signaling Republican lawmakers across the nation that challenging government unions could pay political and fiscal dividends.

It was a bad night for the White House. Wisconsin was just another dead canary in Obama’s Coal Mine.

It was a bad night for Obama Supporters on TV. Wednesday’s Washington Post said Walker’s 54%-46% was a close vote and CNN would only say that Walker had “survived.”

It was a bad night for Dispirited DemocRATS. Ignore the spin. Tuesday was a disaster. Not since that the Hindenburg had a little trouble landing in New Jersey has there been such a tragedy. Ogh, the Humanity!

And it was a bad night for Liberals everywhere. The Left had picked another fight and lost, again.

  • Meanwhile, back at Mediocre American Ball Park, Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather says Reds starting pitcher Homer Bailey gave up six runs in only three innings as Dusty’s boys suffered another humiliating loss, this time to the Pittsburg Pirates.
  • Harry the Cable Guy says we know all glory is fleeting. But watching the apoplectic pinheads on PMSNBC try to spin that can of whup ass Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker sprayed all over union puppet Tom Barrett as a win for Barack Hussein Obama was GLORIOUS. Larry O’Delusional went to great lengths to explain his deranged distortions. It was hilarious. And poor Ed Schultz? We hope network executives have him on suicide watch. What a great night!

The Morning Blow show was almost as good. We heard the standard tripe. The GOP and Super PACs bought the election. Grossly inaccurate exit polls still show Obama beating Romney handily in Wisconsin. The best? Lefty loon Howard Dean described last night’s vote as “the beginning of the undermining of American Democracy.” YAAAAAAHHH!

We just have to hope these nitwits keep kidding themselves for another “151” days.

  • In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says yesterday the Obama Campaign was complaining about too much money in politics after Walker’s victory. Then Obama hopped on Air Force One and jetted to California to hit five campaign fundraisers since he had nothing more important to do on this June 6, just like last year.

No wonder Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says voters are much more convinced that taxes and spending will go up if Obama is reelected and Disingenuous DemocRATS regain control of Congress than if Republicans win in November.

Speaking of the California, Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1966, a former actor named Ronald Reagan was elected governor of the Golden State.

The Cincinnati Mess (You’ll only read about in The Blower)

  • Our Sorehead in the Suburb (probably not Steve “Buns” Grote) says when the City of Cincinnati raises the property tax rate on already overtaxed homeowners, will the city administration also be waiving all of those especially generous tax abatements for the new urban homesteaders of all those cheaply built and unsightly, but not inexpensive, Towne property condos and developments along Eastern Avenue whose rooftops can be seen blocking the view of the Ohio River along Columbia Parkway? Since the City Manager and City Council have approved all those tax abatements for those upper income folks with riverfront views, just imagine how much more money the already over-funded Failed Cincinnati Public Schools could be already receiving? After all, it is more money for the children.

At least in the suburbs, where the proper way to incentivize development AND to properly fund schools is to create a TIF which actually allows schools to receive every dime which they are entitled too, But hey! We in the suburbs are just the ungrateful recipients of the only thing that the City of Cincinnati is successful at exporting and that is Subsidized Housing. The City sends its all it excess ner’do-wells to the surrounding donut-suburbs to wreak havoc on those jurisdictions and school systems attempting to drag them down to the level of the FCPS. Soreheads want to know why the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT just doesn’t treat all those citizens that the City is attempting to export like all those frequent refugees from low-lying coastal areas that are adversely affected by Mother Nature?

If all those unfortunate flotsam from the sewer that the City of Cincinnati has become are only looking for a temporary hand-up, there are plenty of vacated industrial and abandoned commercial properties along the existing bus lines where FEMA (you know the FEDERAL AGENCY in charge of temporary housing for victims of severe weather events) could place hundreds of temporary housing units aka mobile homes (which by the way are still also located in many areas of the first/donut suburbs like Springfield Township, Colerain Township and Mt. Healthy but only in Green Township over State Senator and well known Ethnic Cleanser Bill Seitz’s dead body) After all, what is good for the surrounding jurisdictions should be good for the City as well. Or, as Obama’s mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright might opine: “Put those trashy white-folk trailer parks where they will be away from us black folk. Everyone knows those types just ruin the neighborhood! We don’t want any of that kind of trash in the ‘hood!”

  • And it really doesn’t make any difference if the property taxes go up, Mayor Mallory doesn’t pays his taxes. Seems the house at 2533 Fairhill Drive is in his name and his father’s, but the tax bill goes to his dad on Dayton Street. Do you think that’s why he paid his daddy back with a seat on the Sorta Board? (William Mallory Sr. – William Mallory previously served on the SORTA Board from 2006-2011 and as Board Vice Chair from 2008-2010. He was instrumental in creating the Metro public transit system in the early 1970s.)

William and Fannie Mallory won’t care if the property taxes go up on their house at 917 Dayton Street since they only pay $1,464.26 a year, and taxes on the home at 907 Dayton Street are a whopping $979.06 a year. And you thought being “Friends of Joe” (DeCorsey) was a scandal in the Auditor’s office.

The only Mallory paying somewhat close to his fair share is William Mallory, Jr. who pays a whopping $4,498.09 in Blue Ash.

In addition, Our Overstuffed and Overpaid City Mangler doesn’t appear to own any property listed on the Hamilton County Auditor’s website. No wonder he wants to raise taxes on the jerks giving him a free ride.

  • Meanwhile, observed in a Paddock Hills restaurant this week: Our Snitch in Dogtown says when he saw two of Cincinnati’s City Clowncilpersons, eating breakfast, it also appeared as if they had a CPD officer acting as a bodyguard. Were they just following the Mayor’s example?
  • Those of you against sex offenders may be interested to know business is booming for the hugely profitable “non-profit” organization Volunteers of America. The organization has acquired several buildings in Cincinnati in Over-the-Rhine between Central Avenue and Dayton Street across from the old Bloom School and is now in the process of expanding and remodeling those buildings, giving them a 600% increase in space to house even more sex offenders and arsonists. This increase in space will allow the creepy organization to house prison-released sex offenders from all over the state of Ohio as well as sex offenders from several other states.

You will recall the 2009 murder of 13-year old Esme Kenney by Volunteers of America walk-away resident Anthony Kirkland. Violent sex offenders housed at the Volunteers of America facility are permitted to leave the building to roam around the city at any time.

Amid public outrage, CEO Chris Lohrman was eventually relieved of his position after the Kenney murder and another murder in Kentucky committed by a VOA resident, but we have information he’s now back. And his snotty wife Marilyn Lohrman never left the organization. The Lohrmans live in Clermont County on Gentlewind Court in Loveland; they don’t want to live close to their sex offenders in Over-the-Rhine. The local Volunteers of America, under various names, pulls in millions of dollars each year to house sex offenders and arsonists.

  • And did the attorney for Diana Frey, the Former Cincinnati Organized and Dedicated Employees Union president who embezzled all that money from Cincinnati union workers really ask for a more lenient sentence for his client?

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose TV Show Detective Tony Baretta’s “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

  • Finally at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane if Tuesday’s Election in Wisconsin was really an omen for what will happen in November. “Conventional Wisdom holds that the November 6 outcome will be close,” Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained, “unless it isn’t. And then we’ll tell you why it wasn’t.”

Bluegrass Bookings

  • In Northern Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says on April 1, The Blower offered a bogus apology for ridiculing Resigned-in-Disgrace Former Clermont County Commissioner Archie Wilson, just because he traded drugs for sex with a hooker who called herself “Amanda Lay” at a sleazy motel in Northern Kentucky, saying it was unfair to all those sleazy hotels in Ohio.

But now, after Archie got just about the most lenient sentence in history in Judge Ann Ruttle’s Kenton District Courtroom, the Bluegrass Tourist Board is planning a big promotional campaign to bring more out-of-state businessmen and elected officials to Northern Kentucky for sex with skanky hookers in sleazy motels along I-75.

And now they’re having trouble deciding on an advertising slogan for their billboards along interstate highways. The Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau likes “Getting Lucky in Kentucky,” and the Northern Kentucky Sleazy Motel Association prefers “We Can Tuck You In.”

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans

Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our June fund-raising drive from Trixie’s Bed ‘n Breakfast, offering a new concept in Northern Kentucky hospitality, where “We Can Tuck You In” now has a whole new meaning.


e-mail your political prophecies today.

Some prophetic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally prophetic, but let’s face it, we could always use more.

Link of the Day

Scott Walker: Victory Was A “Powerful Message In The Fall Election”

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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