Embarrassing Expectations E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Size Really Does Matter

  • At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publish Charles Foster Kane what we’ve learned from Obama’s embarrassing rally at The Ohio State University on Saturday. “One thing’s for sure,” Kane explained. “Every campaign event story you see for the next “180” days until the Presidential Election will most likely contain the size of the crowd.”

Everybody knows you’re not supposed to hold an event in a room that isn’t full, or promise the media an overflow crowd only to have a camera show how few people cared to show up.  That’s why Politics 101 says you should always hold events in rooms small enough so the press will note that the venue was “packed” or the event was “standing room only” or that the crowd was “overflow.”

Another good idea is: Never brag about your crowds before an event. Always wait for them to show up and then you can brag all you want. The Obama campaign really got screwed on that one Saturday, especially when the press compared Obama to an aging rock star who could no longer fill an arena on Saturday.

Even Obama’s “composite girlfriend” could tell you “Size Matters.” 

Now This Week in Edward Cropper’s Washington

(Click on Illustration to Enlarge)

“Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Vice President Joe Biden Support Gay Marriage,”  “Charles Barkley Now Doing Political Commentary For TNT,” and “Elizabeth Warren: I Only Said That I Am A Minority So I Could Be Invited To Lunch With Native Americans….” 

(See more of Edward Cropper’s work here.) 

Something Else That Matters is Ethics

  • Those who hope for integrity in the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts office better not hold their breath.  Not only has disgraced, not-yet disbarred attorney Stan Chesley hosted a fundraiser for the appointed Clerk Tracy Winkler, but Tracy even took to Facebook to thank him for his support!  Republicans for Higher Taxes believes it is their shared sense of ethics that brings the two together.  They believe $tan Che$ley is as fit to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court as Winkler is to serve as Clerk of Courts, and they’re probably right.

          We hear that after the fund-raiser, the cleanup crew also swept out all those employees at $tan’s Law Firm, the ones that were just let go.

Sex in the Mason Schools

  • Mason High School principal Melinda (Mindy) McCarty-Stewart wrote a laudatory glowing recommendation letter for George Coates, in April of 2011, enabling him to get that job and certification as a high school assistant principal in Florida, even after his penis pics had already been revealed as well as his subsequent job suspension and resignation.  Is anybody in control in the Mason Schools?  Nope.

McCarty-Stewart was the associate principal at Mason high school from 2004-2009 and has been the principal there since 2009, the time period while now-convicted felon teacher Stacy Schuler was at the high school.  She was a direct supervisor of Stacy Schuler for seven years and students and others say they informed her repeatedly about Schuler’s multiple criminal sexual actions with students and staff members.  Principal Melinda McCarty-Stewart could have stopped the Schuler situation years ago and failed to do so. 

McCarty-Stewart also worked in close contact with George Coates and was his direct supervisor.  Don’t shed any tears for Melinda McCarty-Stewart, she’s just as bad as the others.  Many say she turned a blind eye to Stacy Schuler, George Coates and other staff members’ behavior.  McCarty-Stewart needs to be fired.  Instead, under the lack of leadership of superintendent Gail Kissed-Kline, McCarty-Stewart’s still sitting on her fat ass in her high school principal’s office, pulling in her undeserved bloated salary.

You can count on The Blower to learn more about “Sex in the Mason Schools” in the coming days.

More Mundane Matters

  • Look at this idiocy from the “Save John Williams’ Ass” campaign being run by the lazy bums down at Club 700. Looks like DemocRAT Operative and Republican Errand Boy Ashtray Chloroform has an even bigger idiot to work with. 

Airhead Joey Adams, Wife of our original “Butt Boy” Steve, sent Ashtray all their volunteers’ email addresses in a BLIND-CARBON COPY field. That meant Ashtray could not see the e-mail addresses, since that’s why there’s the BLIND CARBON field in the first place. It also meant all the campaign volunteers, alleged Republican “worker bees,” and patronage cronies who were in the BLIND CARBON field actually received the e-mail that was supposed to stay private between Ashtray and Joey! 

This seems like something out of “Beavis and Butt-Head Get Office Jobs.”  Thanks to Chairman Alex Trebeck, the Republicans’ chances this November are in serious JEOPARDY!

And you wonder why The Blower has such serious doubts about the guy Alex T. chose to run “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Congressional campaign?

  • Now guess who has been BLACKLISTED from the Hamilton County Republican Party, is no longer recognized as a club president, has had his club de-listed by the folks downtown, has had both his e-mail addresses removed from all party mailing lists, and even has his comments about the Reds removed from Alex’s Facebook page?  The reason for all of this is because one candidate for county office got his panties in a bunch over the club’s featured speaker, who was also a Republican office-holder.   Wow, if only Alex and company could move this quickly and aggressively against a DemocRAT.
  • Taxi Targeter Tino Delgato suspects hotel room rates will be raised in time to gouge the choir games’ visitors, so why not cab fees? But none of that cab money will actually be used to improve the cab experience. There will be more cabs parked at free meters and more beggars and panhandlers doing their magic. If the Folly Trolley had gone with rubber tires, like they have on trolleys in Covington, they could have been in service for this convention. They would be making money NOW and for 1/10 the cost of Mallory’s Failed Trolley (MFT). Go Figure!!!  
  • Elect Sean “Done-again” Donovan High Sheriff of Hamilton County, and we can get one stop shopping.  Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies can have their cases picked apart by the defense attorney, who on many occasions is Jill “Mrs. Sean” Done-again.  Is there any conflict of interest or impropriety in having your spouse be the defense attorney for the felons that the deputies you supervise arrest?

She did manage to get former Bungal Nate Webster out of several of the more serious charges that resulted from the investigation by her husband’s deputies? [SEE THAT COURT CASE HERE]

  • Finally, last week The Blower reported that for years, Metro bus drivers have been complaining about some A-hole driving a BMW and cutting through the bus lane at Government Square, endangering passengers and slowing down the buses. Finally Cincinnati’s finest caught the guy and ticketed him for doing just that.  During the rain storm at 6:15 pm last Tuesday they saw him coming. One bus pulled out abruptly forcing the BMW to stop within an inch of the bus bumper and a Metro supervisor pulled his SUV right behind the BMW to sandwich him in for the cops to get there.

Guess who got out of the BMW. Somebody says the guy looked a lot like Bill Moran (pronounced ‘mow-rawn’) of the Public Library Board. “Mow-rawn” is appropriately named for putting pedestrians at risk and thinking that he is owed something and shouldn’t have to wait at the light like everyone else. Perhaps his free parking space at the downtown library isn’t enough.

Bluegrass Boredom

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo is wondering how low turnout will be for those Kentucky Primary Elections in only 13 more days.  Mitt Romney still needs 312 more delegates to win the Republican Presidential Nomination at the Convention in Tampa. But with everybody except Rand Paul’s nutty dad out of the presidential race, it’s all rather anti-climatic. The only real excitement in Kentucky yesterday was waiting to see if that Tea Party backed challenger replaced RINO U.S. Senator Richard Lugar in Indiana.
  • That seven-way scrum for Goof Doofus’ seat in Congress is not all that exciting either. Unless somebody’s dropped out, we still have Thomas Massie, Judge Once Moore, Brian D. Oerther, Alecia Webb-Edgington, Tom Wurtz, Marcus Carey, and Walter C. Schumm. When’s the last time The Fishwrap actually did a story covering this campaign? Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters’ legal suspension and Kendall Hansen’s slow horse get more news coverage than the rest of the pack combined.
  • ’s Political Gadfly Will “The Thrill” Terwort’s doomed quest for the 23rd Senate District in Kenton County. We’re sure there’s something interesting about that race, if only somebody was interested enough to report it.  
  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1960, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the world’s first commercially produced birth control bill–Enovid-10. And Bobby Leach says that’s the last day he ever wore a rubber. Does size really matter? You bet. Especially when you go to Walgreen’s to buy a condom and the clerk asks if you’d like to try it on before you leave the store.
  • Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Joan Rivers’ “My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on.”


e-mail your dashed hopes today.

Some less-than-expected items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally less-than-expected subscribers.  


Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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