“Tax Day Rally” Update

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It’s Almost Tax Day, Everybody!

  • And over-taxed payers who hate paying taxes will no doubt be car-pooling to that big Cincinnati Tea Party Tax Day Rally on Sunday, April 15, between 3-5 PM on Fountain Square.  Other people will be there demanding a Balanced Budget, since even the dumbest among us should realize you can’t spend more than you take in, except the US Government.

For weeks, all those so called “Conservative Organizations” (including the Hamilton County RINO Party) have been e-mailing people on their contact lists, and if all those people show up, Paul Brown Stadium and Mediocre American Ball Park wouldn’t be big enough to hold them all.

All the Usual Suspects will be speaking, but with there’ll be no really big name to draw a crowd. Not even Vice President Portman. There’ll be some music, but don’t expect a rock concert atmosphere. Maybe they could bus in some protesters for a little excitement. A few biased TV reporters could create some media buzz. Sean Hannity should’ve announced he was going to be there. He could always back out at the last minute again. Those things have always helped create a crowd for our local Tea Partiers in the past. This year, they could burn Ohio RINO Party Chairmen Boob Bennett and Kevin O’Brien in effigy. Maybe if they had a rally for people who cheat on their taxes, they’d have more people.

Organizers keep talking about the way they “launched the Cincinnati Tea Party three years ago,” but long-time Persons of Consequence on both sides of the river know it’s not exactly a new idea.

Back in 1993, The Whistleblower even played a small part in putting together an April 15 anti-tax rally on the same Fountain Square and a big July 30 anti-tax rally at Sawyer Park. Bill Clinton was in the White House, and “It’s the Spending, Stupid!” was just being heard for the first time.  

Folks from “Taxed Enough Already” were even then trying to form a coalition of individuals and 30 organizations which were fed up with being overtaxed, and government spending and waste. That was a real Tea Party Rally, as the Commemorative April 15, 1993 Whistleblower Newswire clearly shows. No wonder the High Five’n White Guys at The Enquirer endorsed the event and Howard Wilkinson (before he became “Huggable”) may have even written something about it.

Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says, “Things were really different back then. Whenever there was an anti-tax event in the tri-state, elected officials from Kentucky were also asked to participate.”

At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane what he remembered most about that event. “Our anti-tax coalition made one mistake,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher recalled. “Using Indians to re-create the Boston Tea Party was ‘Politically Incorrect.’ Those revolting over-taxed payers should’ve used illegal immigrants instead.”

      The Cincinnati City Mess You

Will Only Read About Here

  • Cincinnati police participated Thursday in what was called a massive crime sweep, even though those arrested were back on the street a few hours after their arrests.  Useless and ignorant police chief James Craig couldn’t participate since he doesn’t know his way around Cincinnati streets yet, and he doesn’t even have an Ohio’s driver’s license. 

He uses a police officer driver to ferry him around town, taking another police officer off the streets to do so.

If Craig did arrive at one of the arrests, he couldn’t make any arrest himself, since he isn’t certified as a police officer in the state of Ohio and can’t uphold Ohio laws.  Oh, and then there’s the situation of Craig’s not being able to vote in Ohio.

  • Our Garrulous Grammarian says Cincinnati city clown-cil member Cecil Thomas needs a lot of help.  In a letter to fellow clown-cil member SMLP Smithermouth dated April 11, Thomas made one grammatical and spelling mistake after another.

Thomas wrote “in tack” instead of intact. He capitalized the word social as “Social” in the middle of a sentence for no reason. He cited “several criminologist” instead of several criminologists and mentioned a methodology at John Hopkins University instead of Johns Hopkins. This guy is way dumber than we thought.

 And Now The Hamilton County Financial Mess

  • Last week we told you about the firing of Sheila Kyle-Reno, 60, the Hamilton County chief public defender after an entire year of her horrible mismanagement of that department.

The five-member Public Defender Commission, which had hired this incompetent old biddy in the first place, finally couldn’t stand her pathetic performance any longer and somehow found the balls to fired her wrinkly ass, is giving Kyle-Reno a sweet severance gift package for her poor behavior amounting to $59,020 in salary and health insurance even though she will no longer be working for the department.  What a golden parachute!  She doesn’t deserve to get a cent more of county money, in fact–she owes us a refund. 

The Blower says it’s time for a major change with these quasi-independent Hamilton County agency boards which play fast-and-easy with the county and state over-taxed payers’ money that pours into them. The agency boards are appointed by the Hamilton County Common Pleas judges and the three-person Hamilton County Commissioners. Politics and personal financial worth are the deciding factors in appointing a person to these agency boards.  It’s a way for the judges and commissioners to reward their political supporters and cronies; then in turn the unsupervised boards turn around and reward their own supporters and cronies with appointments.  It’s time to be fiscally and morally responsible by changing the rules for the appointment of these county boards.

In case you were wondering, the Hamilton County Common Pleas judges who repeatedly appoint these fools to the various county agencies are:  Nadine Allen, Kim Burke, Ethna Cooper, P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine, Dennis Helmick, Charles Kubicki, Jody Luebbers, Melba Marsh, Steve Martin, Jerry Metz (the worst of all of them, if you don’t count Nadine Allen), Beth Myers, Norbert Nadel, Robert Ruehlman, John West, Ralph Winkler and Robert Winkler.

And three Hamilton County Commissioners who rubber stamp every appointment are Todd Portune, Greg Hartmann and Chris Monzel. 


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Some off-putting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally off-putting subscribers.

Link of the Day

Reagan Vs. Obama – Social Economics 101

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