Special “Rabbit Recipes” E-dition

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Root-Root-Rooting for the Home Team!

  • Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather is back. And he is excited that his beloved Cincinnati Redleg’s magic number has already been whittled down to 161. Farley is also making some bold predictions for professional baseball’s first team as it begins the 2012 season with an impressive 4-0 win over the Miami (nee Florida) Marlins. Johnny Cueto will become major league baseball’s first 30-game winner since Denny McClain did it in 1968 . . . and learn to speak English! Jay Bruce will hit 80 home runs. The boldest prediction? Joey Votto will prove he is worth every penny of the roughly $45,000 per at bat he is earning in 2012!

 Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ted Williams’ “Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.”

 In a related item, Hurley the Historian says on this date in 33 AD the first baseball game was played between the Bethlehem Braves and the Jerusalem Giants with Harry Carey doing the play by play. Eat your hearts out, Brennamans!

  •  In a related story from the Great White North, the McKenzie Brothers report the Western Star says two of Willie’s Sports Cafes got busted by the Board of Health— the one in Mason and the other one in West Chester. Does that mean Willie’s “Hepatitis Free” rating is now in jeopardy?

The Hamilton County Spending Mess

          Exactly a year ago, we wrote about the poor selection of Sheila Kyle-Reno as Hamilton County Public Defender at a salary of $117,000 a year and how she would be nothing but trouble. We were right.  Now, she’s being thrown out after a year of chaos and poor management.

We’re glad to see you go, Sheila.  You never should have been hired in the first place.

While we’re on the subject, the office of the public defender is another one of those quasi-independent groups existing on County money with negligible County Commissioner oversight or decision making.  These groups invariably become rife with cronyism, are run by indolent boards and waste hundreds of millions of dollars in public money at a time when there is no money, let alone any to waste.  But these groups don’t care.  Apparently the Hamilton County Commissioners and the County Administrator don’t care either.

The Hamilton County Commissioners granted employees in the Public Defender’s office a total of $227,094 in annual pay raises.  The top two administrators and three public defenders received raises of more than $10,000 per year.

A prime example of waste, in addition to the Public Defender’s office, is the Hamilton County Board of Retardation, aka Hamilton County Board of Developmental Disabilities, which last year, under the mismanagement of lesbian director Cheryl Phipps gave all its employees huge “merit” raises, including all the janitors.  On her luxurious salary, Phipps bought a palatial mansion in Palm Desert, California for her retirement, where she now sits around her pool, sipping mojitas and laughing at the Commissioners.

The Hamilton County Commissioners say they maintain control over only 1,200 of the 4,600 county workers.  It appears they just rubber-stamp raises and budget recommendations for the remaining 3,400 county workers.

The largest individual raise granted by the Commissioners recently went to one of their own, Assistant County Administrator Jeff Aluotto.  He received a $15,000 annual raise, bringing his salary to $130,000 yearly.  Go figure.

A total of 15 Hamilton County public agencies funded by Hamilton County taxpayers received nearly $1.2 million in raises for the calendar year 2012.  

Body Cavity Searches While You Wait

  • What does Whistleblower Legal Dream Team Chairman Scott Greenwood do when he’s not checking our reports from the Cabal of NoKY Lawyers out to Destroy Eric “Call Me” Deters? According to a story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Scott’s the preeminent authority on cases where civil rights groups file complaints of police abuse with the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. [READ THAT STORY HERE] Who knew when the City of Cincinnati surrendered its police department to Scott Greenwood’s ACLU and Demon Lynchmob’s Black United Front ten years ago this week, that Greenwood and Chief Strike-her would be telling other cities how to get along with Obama’s DOJ?

BTW, in Milwaukee, there are a number of complaints of BODY CAVITY searches by officers ON THE STREET. Streicher remembers: “We stopped doing those around the time of the American Revolution.” Bet those Milwaukee cops really loved the training on this they got at the police academy. Can you imagine if CPD was doing this on every armed youth they stopped in OTR?

  • Speaking of public safety, how do you tell Spring has arrived in Clifton? It’s not Opening Day. It’s not young ladies warming the cockles of young men’s hearts. It’s black yoofs wearing hoodies robbing white people in the UC community during broad daylight.
  • Meanwhile at the City Hall Circus, everybody is enjoying the latest from Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception, who’s wondering how Useless Cincinnati Police Chief James Craig is getting along these days, studying for his police exam.

  • Maybe a relative of a board member of the Cincinnati Recreation Commission owns the only dumpster company in town. There is no other reason why there should be a dumpster at the Kellogg soccer fields! Last night, someone drove up and unloaded a small pickup truck filled with big plastic bags. They weren’t even illegal immigrants playing soccer. Many mornings, people drive up to that dumpster and unload a car full of crap. Why does the City supply this dumpster? State parks have removed large dumpsters and trash bins and have told visitors to take their trash home! It worked and the state has saved thousands of dollars. Guess someone’s relative has a contract!!
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes published a list of some of “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s biggest donors.  Those who know the truth about Schmidt’s record of higher taxes and unethical behavior would call this a “name and shame” campaign, but the way that blog sees it, these are their heroes who earned a spot in the Tax Hike Hall of Fame. 

Meanwhile, Dirt Digging DemocRATS looking for mud to sling at “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup say the Federal Election Commission listed COAST’s Avaricious Attorney Chris Finney for a $2,000 donation, and Finney’s Bag Men Curt Hartman and Brian Shrive (also a Wenstrup campaign lackey) for $500 each.

Hamilton County over-taxed payers received great news on Monday when the County Commissioners unanimously rejected the Museum Center’s request for a $150 million county property tax increase to repair a building owned by the City of Cincinnati.  After interest, it would have cost nearly $300 million to repair a $24 million building.  So just who are these conservative leaders who have done an excellent job opposing the Museum Center’s unjustifiable tax requests?

  • Not surprisingly, the Hamilton County RINO Party sent out a “newsletter” last night with no mention of this victory for over-taxed payers.  No congratulations for the Conservative opposition which helped defeat this bad idea, nothing to thank the Commissioners who did kill it.  So much for the party of lower taxes. One Conservative activist confirms to us, “The Hamilton County Republican Party did NOTHING to assist our efforts to stop this tax increase.  We expected them to be completely useless, and they certainly lived up to expectations.”  
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes, however, had no problem weighing in.  They said the Museum Center is entitled to unlimited taxpayer funds with no questions asked, and sharply criticized all three County Commissioners for their refusal to raise county property taxes to help maintain Cincinnati’s buildings.
  • Did you see that e-mail from Hamilton County RINO Party Finance Director Maggie Wuellner asking for money from Tea Partiers because Tuesday night, an unidentified leader of the Cincinnati Tea Party nominated Alex T., Mall Cop GOP to be re-elected Chairman? This came only a day after Alex T.’s e-mail claimed members of the county central committee confirmed the definition of insanity one more time with their “near-unanimous support” when it came time to stand up and be counted.

Mags is nuts if she thinks a Constant Contact e-mail to a list of people she largely avoids in public is going to be successful.  It takes effort to develop the relationships necessary to raise funds.  The groundwork is nowhere close to being laid and this is little more than a “Look At Me, See How Hard I Am Working” stunt she and Alex dusted off in between tweets, Facebooks, cocktail parties, and shoe-shopping.

  • Ironically in Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says, Resigned-in-Disgrace State RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWhine claimed he was elected unanimously, and these days he’s being run out of town on a rail.
  • Finally, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s next door neighbor Archbishop Dennis Schnurr says tomorrow we’ll celebrate Easter, and just to get everybody in an Eastery mood, let’s all join the guys from Monte Python’s “Life of Brian” singing, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.” 

Bluegrass Bungals

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders flipping e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now!  This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court is dubbed an Easter Edition, even though Ken Camboo thinks the Robster should have called it the “Who-Dey” Edition since it’s got the mug shot of Cincinnati Bungal Jerome Simpson who’s doing 15 days in the slammer followed by three years probation for ordering up two pounds of pot from California.  How many times do you think Simpson’s been asked to show off his front flipping skills while passing time in Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl’s hoosegow?!
  • Goof Doofus says Congress went on Spring Break again this year without making our tax forms easier to understand, so each of his H&R Davis offices will be open every night and on weekends to help his constituents do their income taxes before Tax Day on April 17.
  • That upcoming Fourth District Debate should be interesting, if only to our Trooper Babe and her Six Dwarfs running for Goof Doofus’ Seat in Congress. Boondoggle County Judge Defective Gary Moore has told a forum group that he graduated with honors from Pendleton County High School, wherever the hell that is. One has to wonder when Gary shows people his GED Certificate, if he was the only person who took the GED tests that day.
  • Is it “Collection Time” again? It must be, since your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $2.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower. The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.

This week we’re featuring “Gex” Wanker, a bright little 9-year-old Bluegrass boy at Ridgerunner Elementary School, whose cruel classmates continue to taunt him mercilessly, not just because he’s years older than the other kindergartners, but because his name “Gex” rhymed with “Sex.” For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department. 

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders why so many Christians are upset about Chocolate Jesus candy on sale for Easter. Neither of the two NoKY Jews he knows was upset about Chocolate Moses candy for Passover.
  • Did Trish the Dish really wonder if the bus drivers in Cincinnati were on strike, since she saw all those people walking up those long stairs to Mt. Adams on Friday? Trish also wondered why Easter always seems to come on Sunday, since Christmas comes on a different day each year.
  • Moms and Dads, it’s still not too late to have your kids’ pictures taken with the Evil Easter Bunny at Newport on the Levee. It only costs $5 plus sales tax.
  • And Dads, if Mom’s not around, you can get your picture taken with Bobby Leach’s favorite Easter Bunny for only $437.  

REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it. 


e-mail your child’s fears and frights today.

Some vile-and-disgusting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vile-and-disgusting subscribers, like this other way to scare small children on Easter.

Link of the Day

Jesus Vs. The Easter Bunny (Unrated Version)


Surprise Guest at Bush White House Easter
Happy Easter
Easter Bunny Scares Kids 

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