Annual “Opening Day Hype” E-dition —

Monday, April 2, 2012 

Not Yet an Official Holiday

  • Opening Day isn’t an official holiday on this year’s calendar, but maybe in Cincinnati it should be, because with all that hype, Thursday will probably be one of the most unproductive local work days of the year. Not only that, some doofus is still collecting signatures to persuade the City to making Opening Day an official holiday. With enough signatures a referendum could be put on the ballot this November.
  • Hurley the Historian says he remembers when Opening Day used to be really important, because the Reds always hosted Major League Baseball’s first game of the season. Now like everything else, MLB’s Opening Day could be imported from China. So much for “America’s Pastime,” baseball fans!
  • It wasn’t so long ago the Reds were even able to get some really dignified important people to throw out the first pitch (Bush 41, Bush 43, and even Vice President Dick Cheney). Five years ago, the best Señor Bob Castellini could get was Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark “Throws Like a Girl” Mallory to become the laughingstock of the entire nation.

Four years ago, instead of honoring Joe Nuxhall with the first pitch, Devious DemocRAT Hamilton County Commissioner Odd Todd Opportune tried to bounce the ball up there.

Three years ago, Jive Records recording artist Nick Lachey threw out the ceremonial first pitch.

Two years ago, retired Reds TV Broadcaster George Grande had the honor.

Last year, newly retired Cincinnati Police Chief Tom Strike-her answered the call from the bullpen.

And this year, Senile Sheriff Si Leis has the honor.

Meanwhile at the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane is still talking about that time in 1980 when Kane volunteered to line up publicity for then-26-year old Lexington native Keen Babbage’s legendary 14-day, 430-mile walk from the Rawlings Sporting Goods Company in St. Louis to bring the Opening Day baseball to Riverfront Stadium, so five-year-old Jason Edwards, the March of Dimes Poster Child, could throw out the first pitch to Johnny Bench.” That was before “Hype” became another four-letter word.

  • And does anybody remember when Obama bounced one up to the plate at the 2009 All Star Game? It caused a media and internet frenzy when Obama Supporters in the Press insisted it was a strike. At least we won’t have that crap to contend with in Cincinnati today.
  • For generations, baseball’s first pitch was on a Monday and in Cincinnati, where the Reds were given that honor for being the sport’s first professional team. Even when ESPN insisted on a marquee Sunday night game to open the season, that was just one game. This year, baseball will begin with six openers Thursday and nine on Friday. So much for that tradition.
  • Senior Scorekeeper Tino Delgato remembers when the Reds used to be the first game of a new baseball season. The Reds should’ve returned to this honor and tradition by starting their first game on Sunday. Several other benefits could be derived from this change. Parking would be plentiful and no one would have to take off work or school. The Findlay Market Parade could be attended by many more people and school kids. Downtown restaurants and bars would pick up an extra day of revenue. Plus most years it seems to be good weather the day before Opening Day. Go Figure!!!
  • We remember when Baseball used to be a game, and it wasn’t just about the money. You’d think Bronson Arroyo and some of those Reds Rastafarians could afford freaking haircuts this year and some of those other scruffy-looking guys could afford to buy new razor blades. Where do these overpaid athletes think they’re playing anyway — in the NFL?
  • That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Chico Esquela’s “Baseball been berry, berry good to me.”
  • Whistleblower Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says, “Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks, because you sure as hell won’t be able to afford $6.50 for a hot dog, $9 for nachos, and $7.50 for beer. Who’s doing the cooking this year— Martha Stewart?”
  • How come whenever Jenell Walton shows you pictures of all that over-priced food at Great American Ballpark, Channel 9’s “Substantially True” News always forgets to tell you how much it’ll cost? Whistleblower Freebie Gourmet Martin UpChuck says you won’t believe this delicious-looking “Hot Dog with Fritos and Baked Beans” will set you back.
  • And the Downtown Clown-cil says, “Don’t forget the cost and hassle of parking.”
  • The 93rd Annual Findlay Market Parade would be a lot shorter if all those politicians and wannabes weren’t permitted. All those DemocRAT, Republican, and Charterite candidates running for office on November 6 in only “217” more days will be there. At least That Lame-Duck Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt probably won’t be there this year. Let’s hope all those other freeloader politicians remember to register and pay their fees this year. And have you ever heard of any politician paying for an Opening Day “ticket,” any more than they’d be willing to accept the same health care program you have to pay for? That would be a first!  But Opening Day is still a great day for a political fund-raiser. How cheesy is that?
  • And how about those special Opening Day sections in The Fishwrap? Maybe Skaggie Maggie just needs to sell a few more ads. Furloughed and Fired Fishwrappers understand Gannett’s stockholders could really use the money.
  • And every year when a guy like Judge Mark Painter tells you how many Opening Days he’s been to, just think of all the work he’s missed. Bobby Leach says a guy calls in sick for Opening Day. His boss asks “How sick are you?” The guy says, “I’m home having sex with my sister. Is that sick enough?”
  • Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather is always optimistic every year before Opening Day and this year is no exception. However, just in time to enjoy the 2012 baseball season, we found this more realistic prophesy in Bunky Tadwell’s “American Pastimes,” sold in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.

          Opening Day is on the way
          And baseball soon will start.
         The Reds will show us promise
          And then will break our heart.

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Opening Day for the Florence Freedom on May 17 at Erpenbeck Stadium is already sold out. Yeah, but who’s going to throw out the first pitch? It probably won’t be Eric “Call Me Crazy,” Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Haven’t I Been Disbarred, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters, with the opportunity to fail at something else. Maybe one of the unemployed Bungals could try out, since they’re being offered tryouts with the Freedom this year. We’d still like to see “BeanBall Jim” Bunning have the first pitch honors. We wonder if Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Rick “The BatBoy” Robinson would be in the stands, dreaming about all those batters his old boss used to plunk.  
  • And all the restaurants and bars in Northern Kentucky will be celebrating Thursday’s Opening Day today in Cincinnati too. There’s not that many places near the stadium to go after the game, unless you count the snack bar at The Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center, since Liz Roger’s Over-Taxed Payer Subsidized Million Dollar Soul Food Bistro isn’t open yet.
  • Once again, Marty Brennaman will be broadcasting the Reds on Radio on Opening Day, and over at Channel 19, Trish the Dish will once again be asking if the Reds have already been mathematically eliminated.
  • 21 years ago in The Original Whistleblower, Charles Foster Kane’s Real Editorial Really Written by the Publisher was “Abner, Forgive Us.” How timely was that?
  • And at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were reminiscing with about The Blower’s coverage of Mallory on the Mound, which we published on April 4, 2007:

It’s really a bitch to be right all the time, but from the moment we heard that Dainty DemoCRAT Cincinnati Mayor Mark “Throws Like a Girl” Mallory had been “chosen” to throw out the first pitch on Opening Day, The Whistleblower told you he was going to “blow it.” Maybe we put so much pressure on our sissy mayor, he just couldn’t perform. Mallory is shown throwing a hissy fit over his wild pitch in Jeff Swinger’s photo in the Fishwrap.

It was the worst first pitch in Opening Day history. Whistleblower Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says not only does our Girly Man Mayor throw like a girl, but his ceremonial first pitch was so wild, even Reds Hall of Famer Eric Davis couldn’t come close to getting a glove on it. The ball bounced pathetically towards the Reds’ dugout and didn’t come anywhere close to home plate. The girly Mayor looked as though he wanted to take another shot, but the Reds staff quickly ushered him off the field before he could embarrass himself any further.

Long-time Cincinnati Reds fan Farley Fairweather remembers when really important people threw out the first pitch on the Reds’ Opening Day, instead of a sissy mayor who should’ve tried to underhand the ball in the general directions of home plate. Farley remembers when Opening Day used to be really important, because the Reds always hosted Major League Baseball’s first game of the season. But those days are gone forever.

Mallory’s pitch seen ‘round the world got big laughs on ESPN. What’s next— Letterman, Leno, and Saturday Night Live? You can see it now on YouTube.

Our Mellow Mt. Carmellian says after Monday’s sorry-ass first-pitch performance at Mediocre American Ball Park, Mr. Mayor will never forget the answer to the question, “Hey, Mr. Mayor, how’s it hangin’?” Answer: a little low and to the left. Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis were really embarrassed. You don’t have to be straight to throw straight, and pitchers on the Lesbian Avengers softball team always get the ball over the plate.

Now The Blower has to apologize to women everywhere. No girl would ever throw a ball like that. The Reds pitching coach said maybe Mallory’s wrist was too limp. The last real man in the Mayor’s office was Roxanne Qualls.

And you thought that “giant swishing sound” only came from the batter’s box? Johnny Bench says maybe Mallory wasn’t used to holding one only ball in his hand. We understand Mallory got a congratulatory phone call from Gayvenor Strickland after the game.

Señor Bob called the sports quack Monday night to whine that it wasn’t fair to rip on the mayor, since it was his birthday. He said he really tried to throw the ball! It wasn’t his fault the ball rolled into the Reds’ dugout. Señor Bob now joins Kneepad Liberals in the Press lowering the bar and making excuses for a Liberal Loser’s lack of performance.

Just imagine if George Bush had made the same throw. You’d have seen that video 1,000 times by now. And if any other Conservative Republican had embarrassed the City throwing out the first pitch, Skaggie Maggie wouldn’t have buried KimBall Perry’s hit piece (“Mallory a little too far to the left”) on page D-5. But KimBall forgot to report how much over-taxed payers’ money Mallory and three assistants wasted warming up all that time under the stands, and at UC where he was practicing for endless hours in secret.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright.
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light.
And, somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout,
But there is no joy in the ‘Natti, Mayor Mallory got punked out.

And in Northern Kentucky, Y’all Ville Mayor Blondie Whalen says there won’t be any gay darkies throwing out the first pitch on the Freedom’s Opening Day, whenever in hell that is.

Meanwhile on Opening Day, were all the Great Americans who showed up for jury duty at the Hamilton County Courthouse sent home at 11 AM because all the courthouse hacks were going to the ballgame? On Tuesday, one-and-a-half hours after the arrival time for the jury pool a tall brother showed up wearing hip hop clothes with an extra t-shirt slung over his shoulder. He was higher than a kite when he asked, “Is dis da place fur jury?” He was escorted out and never seen again. So much for a jury of your peers! Ken “Mad Dawg” Lawson [now in jail] says, “That’s why Semper Si wants a bigger jail.”

          Sometimes The Blower ridicules people who embarrass themselves on the athletic field to show that a lack of manliness is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who throws like a girl.

        This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially Dainty DemocRATS. 


This is Greater Cincinnati’s Official 2012 Opening Day E-dition.

Any other publication claiming to be this year’s Official Opening Day Edition is surely a fake.


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Link of the Day

Obama at the Bat

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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