And All The Sirens Went Off At Noon Today
The unthinkable happened in Anderson Township Tuesday night when all those local endorsed Republicans who had foolishly forgotten to contact The Whistleblower Newswire with information about their campaigns were beaten like a bunch of rented mules. Flags have flown at half-staff all day.
No wonder the Blower was forced to use this heading last night for Our “Official Election Results
Will the Conservative Agenda be investigating the problem, defining the problem, and working on ways to fix the problem? You Bet! As the official publication for all that scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the tri-state, our readers have every right to expect nothing less.
Local Voting had become a tad more difficult last year for Real Republicans in Anderson after the Legislature in Columbus changed Chabot’s District and pushed the Queen City Blue Stupidity And Corruption all the way to the Clermont County Border. No wonder Bird Colonel/ Podiatrist Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup only got a paltry 74.5 percent of the vote in Crimson Clermont County last year. Maybe this year he saw just how dumbed-down Ohio Republican Voters had become.
Meanwhile, during our Official Day of Mourning in Anderson, local Political Pragmatist Andrew S. Pappas went on Facebook with the last stanza from Ernest Thayer’s “Casey at the Bat.”
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Anderson — All My RINOs just got voted out.
And the Ohio First District Voters now have a Congressional District they truly deserve. Ohio’s Redrawn First District Voters proved themselves to be just as stupid as they were when they voted for Illegitimate Resident Joke Biden* in 2020. Then again, so is the electorate as a whole. All that Hype about the Republican’s Big Red Wave in 2022 turned out to be nothing more than a Pathetic Purple Splat. Now we’ll all be counting the 359 days until the 2024 Elections.